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Messages - Alternative Facts

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Serious / Re: Pass the cockroach milk please
« on: July 25, 2016, 08:18:57 AM »
I'll stick with coconut milk

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:19:01 PM »
Way to go, you posted in depth post primary break downs and a guy saying that if you include the super delegates they're less than 70 apart.

That doesn't change the fact that the day to day reporting on the delegate counts had no mention of super delegates anywhere in them and only consisted of the normal delegates.

You keep saying this, yet have nothing to back it up. And yet every single example you can find includes superdelegates to the total. It doesn't matter what organization you go to, that is how it is. Just because it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't make it true.

While I don't have pictures of news broadcasts from 8 years ago (because I don't have the ability to see 8 years into the future)

Images and reports from 8 years ago exist, I found them. If you are right about this, find something to show that superdelegates weren't included in news reports then. The web pages and stories are still out there. Because until you do, it's just your word.

Or keep spinning what I've showed you as wrong. That's up to you.

I do have the chair of the DNC going on to MSNBC and putting them ( and the rest of the media) on blast for their inaccurate reporting on the primary this cycle and how they may have skewed the results by including the super delegates in their totals this time.

Because there surely wasn't an alternative reason to act upset with the media. None at all  ::)

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 09:35:11 PM »
The biggest issue here is voter disenfranchisement. Bernie and Trump get the support they do because too many Americans feel the system is rigged. Stuff like this proves them right. It's hard to say what the fallout will be. Some may go and vote against Hillary just to show their displeasure. They may give up on the system entirely. Who knows?

Voter disenfranchisement isn't the right word - that implies people are being prevented from voting. Voter dilution is a better choice; certain groups of people are discouraged, but not prevented.

But yes, this isn't a shock

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 08:44:21 PM »
Including the super delegates in the count for this election cycle

Except as far as I've seen, it's always been factored in. Below is an image from the in-depth New York Time's 2008 delegate tracker

There is also here at Politico:

The running totals for the two, which includes previous contests and the party officials known as “superdelegates,” are only about 70 delegates apart, Russert said.

And Here at RealClearPolitics

Superdelegates were factored in, the same way they are now. That didn't change this cycle because of corruption. So let's not pretend that it was, unless you have images to prove otherwise.

I get the sentiment, but it's not like using his name is what got him killed.

Neither did the person they're using him to attack.

So says every investigation done into it.

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 08:25:48 PM »
Super Delegates don't matter. Without them Hillary still didn't have the numbers required for the nomination. It was a ploy to disenfranchise voters plain and simple.

Again, it's not like superdelegates are a new concept to 2016. They were around in 2008, 2004, 2000, 96...

Just because a chunk of the voting base is now annoyed with them does not mean it was a ploy to disenfranchise voters. If people are that uneducated as to the electoral process, then I can't help that. And if we get rid of them? Great, it makes no difference to me.

I know you don't like talking about how corrupt Hillary and the DNC are, but you're going to have to get over it. There's going to be a lot of talk about it during this election cycle and over the next 4 years regardless of who wins.

Oh, there's corruption. But the folks that are going "They're calling the primaries with 0% in!" is not corruption, and the idiots that say it is are just that - idiots with a lack of understanding on how it works.

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:38:09 PM »
but they didn't do foolish things like call states early.

If you're gonna make some conspiracy, don't look stupid when doing it.

It's not a conspiracy. MSNBC flat out said they were going to call it for Hillary in CA before the polls even closed.

I'm going to assume that you're talking about the Chris Matthews statement?

You know, when it was known that Clinton would have the number of delegates (pledged and super) once New Jersey and the other states voting that day were announced?

News agencies have never waited to declare a presumed winner of anything, whether it's Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or the New York Times. If they have the numbers to back up their claim (be they exit polls, private statements from supporters, etc), they will run with it. It's happened for decades, and everyone knew that Clinton would have hit the magic number with or without California.

Serious / Re: Trump: 42%, Clinton: 40%
« on: July 23, 2016, 06:53:39 PM »
If Clinton picked Sanders as her VP would that be an automatic win for her?


Do I need to elaborate?


The mother of the U.S. ambassador killed in the 2012 Benghazi attacks called on Republicans to stop invoking her son on Friday, blasting their references to his death as “opportunistic and cynical.”

“As Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens’s mother, I am writing to object to any mention of his name and death in Benghazi, Libya, by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party,” Mary F. Commanday wrote in a letter to the editor published in the New York Times Friday.

“I know for certain that Chris would not have wanted his name or memory used in that connection,” she continued. “I hope that there will be an immediate and permanent stop to this opportunistic and cynical use by the campaign.”

The GOP made the attacks one of the major themes of its convention last week, pointing to the tragedy as evidence against Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Clinton was secretary of State at the time.

Another victim’s mother, Patricia Smith, spoke before the crowd of delegates on Monday, saying she blamed Democratic presumptive nominee for the death of her son, Sean Smith.

inb4 bias

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 06:07:18 PM »
but they didn't do foolish things like call states early.

If you're gonna make some conspiracy, don't look stupid when doing it.

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 23, 2016, 03:41:19 PM »
Not going to defend the DNC here, but is anyone surprised that they were against Sanders from the start? Do they somehow think the RNC doesn't have similar emails against Trump?

I'd say it's a loaded statement. Not an accurate one.

Gaming / Spoiler Halo Wars 2 Vidoc
« on: July 22, 2016, 11:21:29 PM »

At least one new character was shown, so spoilers.

Serious / Re: Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 09:47:45 PM »

"Tim Kaine would increase Clinton's chance of winning the Electoral College by ... 0.7%"

VP's don't win a campaign - the primary rule is to do no harm.
ill take "no shit" for $500 alex

"This user posted a link, knowing it had little purpose towards the conversation"
of all the shit that gets posted in this board you choose this to whine about


I mean, I could care less. It was an interesting article

Serious / Re: Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 09:46:02 PM »

"Tim Kaine would increase Clinton's chance of winning the Electoral College by ... 0.7%"

VP's don't win a campaign - the primary rule is to do no harm.
ill take "no shit" for $500 alex

"This user posted a link, knowing it had little purpose towards the conversation"

Serious / Re: Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 09:34:47 PM »

"Tim Kaine would increase Clinton's chance of winning the Electoral College by ... 0.7%"

VP's don't win a campaign - the primary rule is to do no harm.

Serious / Re: Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 08:59:11 PM »
How boring. Some boring moderate pick for a moderate Democrat who's completely tone deaf to the new outcry for the corrupt Democratic party to change.

I would actually put Kaine to the left of Clinton, in terms of his political spectrum.

Serious / Re: 2016 Septagon General Election Poll
« on: July 22, 2016, 08:55:41 PM »
for curiosity's sake, are there any other noteworthy third parties, or no

There's plenty of third parties. Depends on your definition of noteworthy.

Serious / Re: Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:31:20 PM »
Scared she's gonna lose Virgina. Only reason, otherwise it would have been Cory Bookers lame ass.

Unlikely. NJ was never a worry (Unless Trump went Christie), and Clinton doesn't need to shore up support among the African American community. Plus, he's too unexperienced for the job.

Kaine offers more to the campaign than Booker.

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:27:53 PM »
I was going to post it when I got home.

Not much to share

Serious / Clinton Selects Kaine as VP
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:26:55 PM »

Hillary Clinton named Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate Friday, selecting a battleground state politician with working-class roots and a fluency in Spanish, traits that she believes can bolster her chances to defeat Donald J. Trump in November.

Mrs. Clinton’s choice, which she announced via text message to supporters, came after her advisers spent months poring over potential vice-presidential candidates who could lift the Democratic ticket in an unpredictable race against Mr. Trump.

In the end, Mrs. Clinton decided Mr. Kaine, 58, a former governor of Virginia who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and speaks fluent Spanish, had the qualifications and background and the personal chemistry with her to make the ticket a success.

Mrs. Clinton had entertained more daring choices. She considered Thomas E. Perez, the secretary of labor, who would have been the first Hispanic on a major party ticket; Senator Cory Booker, of New Jersey, who would have been the first African-American to seek the vice presidency; and Adm. James G. Stavridis, a retired four-star Navy admiral who served as the supreme allied commander at NATO, but had never held elected office.

In the end, Mrs. Clinton, who told PBS she is “afflicted with the responsibility gene,” avoided taking a chance with a less experienced vice-presidential candidate and felt no political need to push the historic nature of her candidacy by adding another woman or a minority to the ticket.

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Kaine have similar centrist positions on foreign policy, education and criminal justice and they are said to share an easy rapport and a love of granular policy-making. “I do have a fondness for wonks,” Mrs. Clinton said in the PBS interview.

Asked whether Mr. Kaine was boring, Mrs. Clinton said “I love that about him.” She added, “He’s never lost an election.”

At a campaign stop with Mrs. Clinton in Annandale, Va., last week, Mr. Kaine tried out for the role. “Do you want a ‘You’re fired’ president or a ‘You’re hired’ president?” he asked the crowd. “Do you want a trash-talking president or a bridge-building president?” He compared Mrs. Clinton’s record of public service to that of his wife, Anne Holton, Virginia’s secretary of education. In recent days, President Bill Clinton and the White House had expressed support for Mr. Kaine.

Known as a pragmatic governor and senator, Mr. Kaine could help Mrs. Clinton appeal to independent voters and moderate Republicans displeased with Mr. Trump. But he could also turn off some liberal Democrats with his support of free trade agreements, which Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont criticized to great effect in his nominating fight against Mrs. Clinton.

The son of a welder who owned a small metalworking shop, Mr. Kaine, a Roman Catholic, grew up in the Kansas City area. He attended a Jesuit boarding school and took a break from law school at Harvard to spend time as a Catholic missionary in Honduras, an experience that his family has said shaped him and helped him become fluent in Spanish.

Mrs. Clinton is expected to formally introduce Mr. Kaine as her running mate during a campaign swing through Florida, either at a rally at the state fairgrounds in Tampa on Friday or on Saturday at Florida International University in Miami, which has a large number of Hispanic students.

Mr. Kaine worked on fair housing and civil right issues as a lawyer. He was elected to the city council in Richmond, Va., in 1994, then proceeded to climb the ranks of elected office in the state. He became city’s mayor in 1998, the state’s lieutenant governor in 2002 and its governor in 2006. He also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

As governor, Mr. Kaine drew some support from rural parts of the state as well strong backing in the state’s Democratic-leaning suburban areas. He led the state through one of its darkest times, the shooting at Virginia Tech that killed 32 people in 2007. In 2013, Mr. Kaine implored the United States Senate to find a “small measure of courage” to fight the gun lobby and impose tougher background checks on gun ownership.

Mr. Kaine was an early endorser of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential bid in the 2008 nominating fight against Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Kaine was also considered on Mr. Obama’s short list of vice-presidential candidates before Mr,. Obama selected Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware. In 2012, Mr. Kaine defeated George Allen, a Republican, to take the Senate seat being vacated by the Democrat Jim Webb.

Mrs. Clinton’s choice of Mr. Kaine underscores the changing demographics of Virginia, with its growing urban and minority populations.

Mr. Obama defeated John McCain in the state by more than six percentage points, the first time since Lyndon B. Johnson’s victory in 1964 that the state had voted for a Democratic presidential nominee. An NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll from July 15 shows Mrs. Clinton ahead of Mr. Trump for the state’s 13 electoral votes by nine percentage points.

With just days remaining before her announcement of a running mate, Mrs. Clinton had not yet made up her mind as her advisers debated what attributes voters might want in a vice president. She told Mr. Kaine and the other candidates of her decision in a round of phone calls on Friday. Mrs. Clinton came to the process with a unique vantage point, having been closely involved in her husband’s selection of then-Senator Al Gore of Tennessee in 1992, a choice that brought youth and Southern charm to a ticket already overflowing with it.

Mr. Trump, in contrast, had different needs. He selected Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate, selecting a man with whom he has had little prior relationship. Mr. Pence, however, was chosen to help the New York businessman win the support of far-right conservatives who are skeptical of Mr. Trump’s social positions.

Mrs. Clinton has called Mr. Pence the “most extreme pick in a generation,” highlighting his positions against same-sex marriage and abortion rights and his support for prayer in the schools.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 12:00:54 PM »
As I said in my last portion, this was likely not the guy's first offense or warning. If you get slapped for the same thing a dozen times and do it again, I have no qualms about you getting banned. You deserve it at that point.
And as I have said in my last portion, twitter's parameters for offences have never clarified. Bans are handed out on a seemingly serendipitous whim. I honestly can't tell you if this is a repeat offence because his first """offences""" were never actually elaborated on.

Can't tell you anything there. Considering he's been reported as posting offensive things before, I can imagine he's received warnings prior to the other day. I don't have that information though.


total summation of both users' tweets.

Jones actually seemed more aggressive, and the frequency of her tweets are palpable.

If that's the extent of the tweets, then I can't say which tweet was the cause of the ban, or under which portion of the harassment clause.

In terms of Jones, it doesn't look at though she was replying to the guy directly, but to other users who had him mentioned in their tweets. So, I don't have an opinion there.

I mean, I'm not the one who seems upset over this. So I'm not exactly sure why you are.
And I'm not the one who initiated an argument over twitter drama, so idk if you're in any position to be labelling me.

I corrected you on being wrong, because you are. It shouldn't be reinstated because there is no grounds for them to. They are a private company, they can host who they want - and ban who they don't. It's the same for this website, and any other internet forum/social media account.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 11:37:40 AM »
The second difference is in terms of scale - Milo had hundreds of thousand of followers (and likely as many people who simply viewed his Twitter) daily. When he would inevitably post shit that people found offensive, it was likely reported rapidly in a short amount of time. This is in comparison to accounts by random users who tweet similar things, and fly under the umbrella due to little to no reports.
So mob mentality dictates the rules of who gets banned and who doesn't? Doesn't seem like a very rationale way of moderating inappropriate content.

As I said in my last portion, this was likely not the guy's first offense or warning. If you get slapped for the same thing a dozen times and do it again, I have no qualms about you getting banned. You deserve it at that point.

So I implore you to elucidate how this:

falls under any of these categories.

That tweet? Nothing about it falls under those categories. However I am sure that this isn't the only tweet he made - so find some of the others for me. Thanks.

I'm sick to the back teeth of hearing this. I'm well aware twitter has full autonomy over who gets to engage in their site and who doesn't. I'm well aware they are under no obligation to submit to people's grievances over the internet. If twitter wants to implode their site with partisan politics and inconsistent moderation that's their problem, not mine.

I mean, I'm not the one who seems upset over this. So I'm not exactly sure why you are.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 11:10:40 AM »
An ISIS account can exist but a mildly rude comment can't?

Ah yes - the "These accounts exist, but mine got banned!" argument.

The argument that Twitter hasn't cracked down on ISIS/terrorist related accounts is false. Let's begin with the fact that, yes, Twitter and other social media sites have struggled to tread the line between allowing free speech and curbing users that routinely post threats, terroristic ties, etc. That hasn't stopped them from working to ban users in the latter category - Numerous users were removed to praising the attacks in Nice, France.

The second difference is in terms of scale - Milo had hundreds of thousand of followers (and likely as many people who simply viewed his Twitter) daily. When he would inevitably post shit that people found offensive, it was likely reported rapidly in a short amount of time. This is in comparison to accounts by random users who tweet similar things, and fly under the umbrella due to little to no reports. 

Sure, they can ban who they like, doesn't mean everyone else has to agree with their verdict.

Very true. The company still doesn't have to capitulate to the people who have a problem with their verdict.

I was watching the drama when it went down, I'm well aware of what he said first hand. It was something along the lines of "your movie's shit and you look masculine." Categorising that as racial abuse or harassment is really stretching it.

Like I said, I'm not aware of what he tweeted that led to the account being banned. I don't follow him, I don't care what he thinks. I can imagine it was not his first warning or offense though.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 10:48:41 AM »

His twitter should be reinstated though. It's obvious they've had it in for him since day one.

No. No it shouldn't.
Please elaborate what twitter rules he violated then.

If I had direct knowledge of Twitter's decision making, I would. Based on what I've read, it was over a violation of a harassment clause in the terms and conditions. I don't pretend to know who Milo is, because Breitbart is the literal bottom of the barrel when it comes to political reporting.

The reason I said that he shouldn't be unbanned is because Twitter has no reason to. They aren't obligated to host users who make what are arguably racist, hateful statements. He's welcome to continue said posts on his own site or blog, no one is stopping him there.

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 10:00:34 AM »

His twitter should be reinstated though. It's obvious they've had it in for him since day one.

No. No it shouldn't.

Serious / Re: 2016 Septagon General Election Poll
« on: July 22, 2016, 09:56:15 AM »
Until we adopt an alternative voting system, I'm forced to vote for Hillary to keep Supreme Emperor Trump out of power.
*God-Emperor Trump

Brits needs to leave

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Thread (New Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!)
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:51:48 AM »
Ok I have them all

Fc is 3282-6443-3606

K. I'll send you a message in a bit when I'm off work.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Thread (New Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!)
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:41:33 AM »
I know one of you wants to help me record the last ten Pokemon I need for the national dex.
what do you need?

Porygon 2 and Porygon Z

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Thread (New Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!)
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:17:37 AM »
I know one of you wants to help me record the last ten Pokemon I need for the national dex.

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