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Serious / Joe Biden Eyes Weekend Decision on Presidential Run
« on: October 06, 2015, 07:11:58 PM »

He’s finally close. Confidants of Vice President Joe Biden expect him to make a decision next weekend, or shortly thereafter, on whether to launch an epic battle with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Several people who have visited Biden recently said he seems to be leaning “yes.”

“Nothing he has heard in the past couple of months has deterred him,” said one Democrat close to the process.
A former Senate colleague of Biden’s said, after visiting the vice president, “He loves what he does, and he has a great deal of confidence that he could contribute in a meaningful way. He’s willing to face, ultimately, having his final political expedition be a defeat.”

It’s just that possibility that has some friends telling POLITICO that they hope he’ll ultimately decide to take a pass.

One person who’s in the “bearish” camp said he thinks that testing the waters has been its own therapy after Biden’s loss of his son. The vice president has been showered with love and attention, and should declare victory and avoid a likely political debacle.

One longtime friend said the long windup — and the fact that no staff has been hired — tells its own story.

“If you’re going to run, you run,” the friend said. “Every time he pushes back a decision, that’s the ultimate tell.”

A third recent Biden visitor said: “I can’t see how he can wake up one morning and think some big tidal wave sweeps him in. The raw politics just aren’t there.”

After describing their hunches, friends and advisers almost universally added that they remain unsure which way he’ll go.

“That’s Joe Biden,” one of them said. “He could talk to someone on a rope line tomorrow, and decide to do it. His emotional state just increases his unpredictability.”

The confidants say the most likely scenario for a decision is a family council next weekend. But these sources note that the timing will be driven completely by Biden, and he has proved to be ever-unpredictable as he contemplated a race.

Under that scenario, Biden would begin calling friends with his decision next Monday, the day before the first Democratic debate on Oct. 13, which he had already decided to forgo. If the decision is a “go,” the announcement could be delayed as advisers begin assembling a campaign.

Assuming Biden does get in, this primary is going to get extremely personal, extremely fast.

Serious / You Know Your Presidential Campaign is Done For When....
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:10:42 PM »
You Attack Doritos

It’s not unusual in an election cycle for national candidates to pick some fights. Usually, though, candidates are strategic about the confrontations, taking on primary rivals, the other party, occasionally a critical news outlet, etc.
Leave it to Mike Huckabee, however, to start a feud with a bag of chips. Time magazine reported yesterday:
At 3% in national polls, Mike Huckabee faces an uphill fight against more than dozen Republican candidates for the presidential nomination. But that hasn’t stopped him from adding another opponent in recent weeks: a bag of rainbow-colored chips.
They’re not just any chips. They’re a limited edition Doritos product called “Rainbow Doritos,” presented as a partnership between Doritos’ parent company Frito-Lay and the It Gets Better project. Donate $10 or more to the It Gets Better Project, an organization dedicated to fighting anti-LGBT bullying, and you get mailed a bag of Rainbow Doritos. The campaign was so popular that Frito-Lay is already out of Rainbow Doritos.
The Republican presidential hopeful, however, isn’t happy. Huckabee has urged Frito-Lay to distance itself from the It Gets Better Project – the former governor is particularly outraged by sex columnist Dan Savage’s role in the project – and according to Time’s article, he also “called on Christians to boycott all snacks made by the company.”
Just at face value, Huckabee’s priorities seem odd. When a candidate for the nation’s highest office is outraged by bags of snacks, it’s probably time for a shift in focus.
But just below the surface, there’s an even more striking problem.
Right Wing Watch noted yesterday that when Chick-fil-A faced criticism from the left, and some LGBT groups and their allies organized boycotts, Huckabee condemned the moves as “economic terrorism.”
He added that there are many companies that are led by executives with whom he disagrees, but Huckabee said he’d never call for a boycott of those businesses.
Evidently, the GOP candidate saw multi-colored Doritos and had a change of heart.

GG Huckabee. You can leave anytime now.

The Flood / What is Something You Fear?
« on: October 03, 2015, 12:03:44 AM »
Thread title says it all.

Flying for me

The Flood / Answer
« on: October 01, 2015, 03:06:25 PM »

Should be simple.

McCarthy is Believed to be the Next Speaker of the House

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday evening linked the House Select Committee on Benghazi with Hillary Clinton's dropping poll numbers.

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee," McCarthy said on Fox News's "Hannity."
"What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable," McCarthy continued.
"But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen," McCarthy said on Fox while making his pitch to become the next Speaker.

Democrats on the committee have said the panel has run its course and have accused Republicans of making it a partisan vehicle to attack the former secretary of State.
The ranking Democrat on the Benghazi panel responded to McCarthy's "stunning concession," saying it showed "the core Republican goal" in creating the panel was to hurt Clinton politically.
"It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain," Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said in a statement Wednesday, noting that Congress has spent $4.5 million on the committee.
"In boasting of how the Select Committee had driven down the poll numbers of Secretary Hillary Clinton, McCarthy laid bare the abusive purpose of this taxpayer funded committee," another Democrat on the panel, Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), said in a statement Wednesday.
Schiff said that after 16 months and millions of dollars, the committee "has gained no new insights into the attacks in Benghazi" and reiterated calls for the panel to end.
Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has maintained that the committee is nonpartisan and essential for a "definitive accounting" of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.

So, question - has this panel found anything of relevance on Benghazi? At all?

Serious / New Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:31:46 AM »
Oh! Ah! Science

NASA on Monday announced new evidence that could confirm the presence of liquid water on the red planet, increasing the possibility that astronauts journeying to Mars could rely on the planet's own water for their drinking needs.

"Liquid water is a sexy topic, and we’re like the thousandth time someone has discovered water on Mars," Lujendra Ojha, the Georgia Tech Ph.D. candidate who led the research announced Monday, told The Post. And there's a good reason that liquid water is so "sexy": Mars is now the only planet in our solar system to show evidence of the stuff on its surface, other than our own. Other worlds have it in subsurface oceans, or scattered around as vapor in the atmosphere. But Mars is the only place where we have solid evidence for liquid that sits right there in the open air.

While it would be a major leap to suggest that Mars might harbor life -- even microbial life -- liquid water at least makes it possible that parts of the planet are habitable.

The study builds on research from last April, when scientists using data from the Curiosity rover noted that the planet had the seasonal potential for liquid water. We know that because of the extremely low pressure on Mars, water has a boiling point of just a few degrees Celsius, after which it evaporates. The April study noted the presence of perchlorates -- a kind of salt -- which could make the boiling point of Mars's water much higher, theoretically allowing it to remain liquid. They posited that the planet's temperature would be right for liquid, perchlorate-filled water to form every day during winter and spring.

In theory, water that periodically turned liquid before evaporating could form geographic features often spotted on the planet that look like the slow crawl and retreat of dark, damp sand, which are called recurring slope lineae (RSL).

In the new study, published Monday in Nature Geoscience, a different group of researchers took the search for perchlorates one step further: They went looking for them in the very RSL features thought to be formed by salty liquid. They found perchlorates in abundance -- and it seems like they've been getting hydrated.

Ojha and his colleagues used the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to check out the chemical composition of the wet looking streaks. They used a technique called spectroscopy, which keeps track of what spectra of light an object absorbs in order to make conclusions about its composition. With this technique, scientists can identify glass, ice, and other substances from miles above the surface.

"We’re going to places where we thought we were seeing the presence of water and finding chemical evidence of perchlorates," Ojha said. And the correlation goes further than that: The hydrated salts seem to disappear in areas where RSL weren't forming anymore, or were shrinking.

"We're observing the leftover molecules of water in the salt," Ojha said. "We're finding evidence that they're getting hydrated."

Morten Bo Madsen of the University of Copenhagen -- who co-authored the April study, but wasn't involved in the latest work -- said the new results were significant.

"[The] flow of liquid salty water is no longer just a possibility; it does actually occur," he told The Post. "The results shows that liquid does indeed flow on Mars today."

Ojha's work confirms that hydrated salts seem very likely to have something to do with the formation of the wet looking streaks on Mars. But there's more work to do to confirm the presence of liquid water itself. Ojha pointed out that the MRO's resolution is too low to pick up many of the smaller "wet" features on Mars, and that a new orbiter could get even more information -- especially since the MRO only allows us to examine Mars's surface at what Ojha believes is the driest point in the day. Eventually, the hope is that a rover can take a closer look at the streaks themselves.

If liquid is truly forming on the surface because of these salts, it's still extremely volatile -- it should evaporate at just 20 degrees Celsius or so. But it could create pockets of the planet where microbes can survive, even today.

And in theory, it could be extracted and used by astronauts on a Mars mission. Perchlorates could be helpful in their own right, too -- they can be used to make rocket propellant.

"If we ever go there, we could probably utilize this. We wouldn't have to bring tons of water," Ojha said. "This stuff seems like science fiction, but in 100 years or so it could be fact."

The Flood / You Can Go Back in Time to Change 1 Event in History
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:09:40 PM »
1.) What would you change
2.) Why
3.) What do you think would change in modern day

The Flood / I Have a Confession to Make
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:45:30 PM »
I identify as Otherkin, as I am the reincarnation of a dragon.

Please respect my wishes.

The Flood / Spoiler For those Star Wars Fans
« on: September 22, 2015, 06:57:04 PM »
Hayden Christensen May Grace your Screens Again

According to the latest rumor, Darth Vader could very well be making an appearance in a pair of upcoming Star Wars films.

According to Making Star Wars, not only is Darth Vader rumored to possibly be appearing in Rogue One, but in Episode VIII as well. "A team in the U.K. are soon heading to the U.S. to begin training Hayden Christensen for a Star Wars: Episode VIII appearance of some sort," the outlet has heard.

A "fully operational" chest piece for the villain as well as his iconic helmet are apparently being developed for Rogue One. As for Christensen's potential appearance in Episode VIII, speculation ranges from an Anakin-centric flashback to a full-blown resurrection of Vader.

Filming for Episode VIII is currently underway in Ireland and will reportedly feature Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker.

I'm still waiting for Jar Jar's return.

The Flood / Return the Slab
« on: September 21, 2015, 09:40:59 PM »
Or Suffer my Curse

The Flood / It's Almost That Time of Year
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:19:22 PM »

Discuss your love for autumn.

Serious / Scott Walker to Drop Out of GOP Primary
« on: September 21, 2015, 03:19:44 PM »
News Conference Slated at 6PM EST

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has concluded he no longer has a path to the Republican presidential nomination and plans to drop out of the 2016 campaign, according to three Republicans familiar with his decision, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Mr. Walker called a news conference in Madison at 6 p.m. Eastern time.

“The short answer is money,” said a supporter of Mr. Walker’s who was briefed on the decision. “He’s made a decision not to limp into Iowa.”

Mr. Walker’s intended withdrawal is a humiliating climb down for a Republican governor once seen as all but politically invincible. He started the year at the top of the polls but has seen his position gradually deteriorate, amid the rise of Donald J. Trump’s populist campaign and repeated missteps by Mr. Walker himself.

In the most recent CNN survey, Mr. Walker drew support nationally from less than one-half of one percent of Republican primary voters. He faced growing pressure to shake up his campaign staff, a step he was loath to take, according to Republicans briefed on his deliberations.

Serious / -5 Points for You, Carson
« on: September 20, 2015, 10:55:03 AM »
Le Sign

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson says the United States should not elect a Muslim president.

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Carson's comment comes on the heels of GOP front-runner Donald Trump taking a question from an campaign rally attendee who said, "We have a problem in this country; it's called Muslims."

Trump has since said he has many Muslim friends, but Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" he added that the problem is "radical Muslims."

Carson, meanwhile, was asked Sunday whether a president's faith should matter to voters.

"I guess it depends on what that faith is," he said. "If it's inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem."

Asked whether Islam is consistent with the Constitution, Carson said: "No, I don't -- I do not."

He said he is open, though, to voting for a Muslim for Congress.

"Congress is a different story, but it depends on who that Muslim is and what their policies are, just like it depends on what anybody else is," Carson said. "If there's somebody who is of any faith but they say things and their life has been consistent with things that will elevate this nation and make it possible for everybody to succeed and bring peace and harmony, then I'm with them."

Carson said he has no reason to believe President Barack Obama isn't a Christian. The man at Trump's rally had falsely claimed that Obama is a Muslim.

Protestants only, I suppose.

The Hill Article

Actual Poll

Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is leading the GOP field in New Hampshire, a new poll finds.

A Voter Gravity poll released Friday shows Fiorina with 22 percent support among Granite State GOP primary voters. She has a 4-point edge over her nearest competitor, billionaire Donald Trump, who has 18 percent support.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson nets 10 percent support, with the poll finding no other Republican White House hopeful cracking double digits in the first-in-the-nation primary state.

The poll found Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) and former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) tied with 9 percent each.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) follows with 7 percent while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) trail him with 6 percent each.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) nabs 3 percent in New Hampshire, while Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) and former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.) tie at 2 percent.

All other GOP presidential candidates, Voter Gravity added, got 6 percent overall.

Voter Gravity’s poll surveyed 2,839 New Hampshire Republican primary voters via touchtone phones on Thursday.

The poll was conducted after Fiorina’s strong performance in the second televised GOP presidential debate Wednesday night.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO emerged from Wednesday evening’s contest, in Simi Valley, Calif., with glowing reviews and rising interest across social media platforms.

A Morning Consult poll released Friday also found her to be the winner of the debate. Twenty-nine percent of viewers thought Fiorina emerged victorious.

Trump currently leads the race for next year’s GOP presidential nomination with an average of 28.3 percent support, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of national polls.

Fiorina, meanwhile, ranks sixth with 4.7 percent support.

This amuses me.

Serious / New Poll Shows Carson Gaining Steam on Trump
« on: September 15, 2015, 07:05:39 PM »

Republicans increasingly think that Donald J. Trump has the best chance of winning the 2016 presidential election as their nominee as confidence fades in traditional politicians like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Although many Republicans have reservations about Mr. Trump and, as in past election years, could switch preferred candidates before voting begins this winter, the billionaire businessman appears to be gaining acceptance as a possible nominee.

The poll found that 39 percent of Republican primary and caucus voters viewed Mr. Trump as their best shot at winning the presidency, compared with 26 percent in a CBS survey in August. Only 15 percent said they would not back him as the party’s standard-bearer.

Ben Carson, another Republican with no history in the political establishment, is also gaining notable new support and is now running nearly even with Mr. Trump. Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who delivers his socially conservative message and outsider views in more measured tones than Mr. Trump, rose to 23 percent; he had 6 percent early last month before a widely praised performance in the first Republican debate. Mr. Trump draws 27 percent support in the new poll, compared with 24 percent last month.

The second Republican debate will take place Wednesday evening at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif.

Among Democrats, uneasiness with Hillary Rodham Clinton is growing and creating a possible opening for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., as he considers making a late entry to seek the party’s nomination. Mrs. Clinton has lost the support of a majority of male Democratic voters and has also had a 7-point drop in support from Democratic women. Her lead over Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has shrunk from 41 percentage points to 20 points. Nearly six in 10 Democrats said they want to see Mr. Biden join the race, although it is not unusual for voters to seek additional choices early in a campaign.

The presidential race at this moment — a personality-driven free-for-all among 16 insiders and outsiders on the Republican side, an endless political therapy session about angst over Mrs. Clinton on the Democratic side — is so unsettled that national polls can be unreliable predictors this far out from actual voting for party nominees, which begins in February. At this stage of the presidential race eight years ago, Rudolph W. Giuliani and Fred D. Thompson led the Republican field, and Mrs. Clinton held an 18-point lead over then-Senator Barack Obama in a Times/CBS News poll.

The current New York Times/CBS News poll was conducted from Sept. 9 to 13 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus six percentage points for Republican and Democratic primary voters.

Gaming / AMA Destiny: The Taken King
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:32:51 PM »
Yeah, I got it, and finished it (Well, what's available). And while I'm too tired at the moment to do a proper review of the expansion, I figure you all can ask questions (if you have them) about the DLC, and I shall try to answer them.

And before you ask, yes. There is a story in the expansion, and yes - it's actually decent.

Gaming / Nope - Still Not Kingdom Hearts 3
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:17:30 PM »
But Square Enix did Announce a New Kingdom Hearts Game

Square Enix has announced Kingdom Hearts II.8: Final Chapter Prologue for PlayStation 4.

The title follows the company's model of releasing three titles in the Kingdom Hearts franchise in one compilation.

Kingdom Hearts II.8 will contain a HD remaster of Dream Drop Distance, along with scenes from Unchained X called Back Cover, set to tell the tale of the Foretellers and revealing new parts of the series' history. The final part of the collection is Birth by Sleep 0.2 - A Fragmentary Passage -, which is a completely new part of the story taking place after the events of the original Birth by Sleep, told from the perspective of Aqua.

The first official trailer for the game will arrive on September 17.

Such an announcement was teased last week when something called Kingdom Hearts 2.9 seemed to leak. Apparently we were wrong about the name, but as speculated this newly-announced game will indeed directly lead right into the events of Kingdom Hearts III. Sadly we're still waiting on a version of first games for PS4 - such a thing has certainly been teased before.

During Disney's recent D23 Expo in North America, we learned Kingdom Hearts 3 will feature a world based on the 2014 film Big Hero 6.

Some Images:

And for those interested, this was the original trailer for BBSv2 when it was the secret trailer, and rumored to have been a stand-alone game


Serious / Is Society Afraid of Sexuality?
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:13:29 PM »
Question in the title is pretty straight forward: Is society generally afraid of sexuality/sex/etc?

Disclosure: The topic and examples for this thread came from this video, and I'm curious as to what you all think:


Going to use Miley Cyrus as an example (Cause who doesn't love a celebrity as a debate example) - throughout her recent remolding of her image, plenty of people have screamed about how her image is not friendly for children, how she is no longer a decent role model, blah blah blah.

At the same time, we have Taylor Swift winning awards for videos featuring weaponry and fights, and almost everyone enjoys a movie about violence - to the point that we seem to glorify that, over a movie where there may be nudity (Heaven forbid...)

I dunno, I'm tired and probably rambling, but just curious as to your thoughts?

The Flood / AMA I Have a Girlfriend
« on: September 14, 2015, 03:33:26 PM »
AMA for shits and giggles.

Serious / New Poll has Sanders Up 20pts in New Hampshire, 10 in Iowa
« on: September 14, 2015, 03:18:01 PM »

Hillary Clinton’s deficit among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire has grown to more than 20 points, while her lead over Bernie Sanders among likely caucus voters in Iowa has been reversed, according to the first wave of the YouGov/CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker. Clinton remains ahead in South Carolina, where Joe Biden also makes a strong showing.

The new poll finds Sen. Sanders with 52% support among Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, while former Secretary of State Clinton, long considered the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic nomination, receives 30%. Recent polls have shown Sanders’ lead growing in the Granite State, but this would be the first to show the Vermont Senator over 50%.

Possibly more worrying for the Clinton campaign is her performance in Iowa, where Sanders now leads by 10 points, with 43% to Clinton’s 33%.

Until recently Clinton had retained an edge in Iowa, the other first-in-the-nation voting state along with New Hampshire. A recent CNN/ORC poll found the pair tied among likely Iowa caucus voters.

Vice President Joe Biden, who is rumored to be considering a run for the White House in 2016, receives only 10% support from Democrats in Iowa and 9% in New Hampshire placing him third in both states. Biden’s best performance is in South Carolina, where he has the backing of 22% of Democratic primary voters, matching Sanders’ 23%. Yet Clinton remains firmly in the lead there with 46% support.

While Democrats Iowa and New Hampshire are overwhelmingly white, South Carolina is the first early state with a significant minority population – over half of likely Democratic primary voters in the Palmetto State are African-American, a group with whom Clinton retains strong support. Indeed Sanders has a narrow lead over Clinton among white South Carolina Democrats (46%-39%), but trails Clinton by 48 points among blacks.

Another demographic with whom Clinton has received disproportionate support is with women, and that mostly remains the case here. Clinton's support is 7 points higher among Iowa women than men. The gender gap is larger in New Hampshire (12 points) and insignificant in South Carolina (4 points). By contrast, Bernie Sanders performs particularly well with Democratic men – though Clinton trails by only 11 points among women in New Hampshire she trails by a mammoth 38 points among men.

The YouGov/CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker is based on surveys of registered voters who had previously voted in primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. The poll was conducted online but included registered voters who were contacted by phone. The sample includes 548 likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, 528 in South Carolina, and 646 likely caucus voters in Iowa. See a more detailed description of the methodology used here.

The poll also has stats on the GOP, which is still being led by Trump, followed by Carson.

The rise of Sanders is....moronic, to be quite honest.

The Flood / If You Had the Chance...
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:13:50 PM »
Hypothetical Situation: You are given the opportunity to move to any country that you'd like.

Where would you go?

The Flood / Tell Me What to Get for Dinner
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:47:24 PM »
It's raining, cold, and I don't want to cook. So takeout it is.

What should I get?

The Flood / Petition to Unban All Members for Anarchy
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:03:52 PM »
This would be a delightful surprise for the event.

The Flood / I Nominate This as Our Anthem
« on: September 08, 2015, 01:56:01 PM »

I feel it describes us perfectly.

The Flood / Someone buy me a Dorkie
« on: September 06, 2015, 08:32:40 PM »

Look how cute he is

The Flood / Chris Evans
« on: September 06, 2015, 12:04:49 AM »
Discuss this beauty of a man.

The Flood / ChallengerX
« on: September 05, 2015, 10:05:32 PM »
1 v 1 me

The Flood / Please Stop
« on: September 05, 2015, 01:46:18 PM »
I'm dying of laughter over here.

The Flood / Can Someone Translate?
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:15:26 PM »
[9/3/15, 10:07:11 PM] Eto: yesh
[9/3/15, 10:07:17 PM] Eto: i was taunting him saying i'd mulch gil
[9/3/15, 10:07:24 PM] Eto: then i roled
[9/3/15, 10:07:27 PM] Eto: and got jeanne
[9/3/15, 10:07:32 PM] Eto: so
[9/3/15, 10:07:39 PM] Eto: tnunta lesie
[9/3/15, 10:07:40 PM] Eto: and roll
[9/3/15, 10:07:41 PM] Eto: it work
[9/3/15, 10:09:27 PM] Eto: i do needt or emember to wake up ealryt so i can do the xp grinsing
[9/3/15, 10:09:39 PM] Eto: cause jgena
[9/3/15, 10:10:23 PM] Eto: oh boy her e sdcomes the dizzy

Our resident Britbong is drunk >.>

The Flood / What's Your Opinion on EDM
« on: September 02, 2015, 02:32:56 PM »

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 16