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Messages - Super Irish

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The Flood / Re: ITT: Describe your dumps with movie titles.
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:53:32 PM »
The Thing.

The Flood / Re: Most recognizable users on the Flood?
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:52:07 PM »
Here? I practically know everyone by the avatar picture. And then Spook for his stance on Israel/Palestine atm.

As for Bungie, I recognise:
Binman59 (Used to play Halo 3 with him, but he's not online nor on the site anymore)
Mr Psycho(logist)
Zizou (Your avatar is just memorable for some reason, I don't know why)
Raptor X7 (for his war/military threads)
Declined A1 (For reasons unknown)
Onion Beetle
Lukeantr (Had some stupidly interesting threads)
Lonepaul (because at the time he was the only regular who used Jorge's face as an avatar)

Everyone else (previous to being here) I did not recognise.



If you would kindly.

Serious / Re: Who should you vote for? (the iSideWith test)
« on: August 10, 2014, 12:59:28 PM »
For the UK:

For the US:

I'm rather surprised I'm siding with the Lib Dems, as currently in this coalition government I have seen them do fuck all. I guess this quiz assumes the party I side with does stuff...

The Flood / Re: Favorite Type of Beer
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:35:09 AM »
Guinness is a stout, I believe (though correct me if I'm wrong)

Yes, I know it's stereotype-y.

Serious / Re: BNP Youth - fight back
« on: August 10, 2014, 07:59:58 AM »
I have heard BNP is pretty terrible.

It certainly attracts the far-right extremists. (Just think 'Merica, but 'Nglund instead) Same for UKIP who are a slightly lesser-BNP, but still attract nutters, like an MP who got dismissed recently after calling someone a slut on TV (His defence was he was using it in older terms...) and publicly saying Africans should return to "Bongo-Bongo Land".

Need I say anymore about how retarded they are. It's fine to be moderately nationalistic, but the extremists take the piss.

Gaming / Re: Gears of War 3
« on: August 10, 2014, 07:50:21 AM »
Why did you stop at 100? All of the experience you get after level 100 is a waste. If you go to the "Stats/Awards" screen, you can press "X" to Re-up, which will set you back to level 1 but it will be colored green, and you get an achievement for it and unlock some things in the game. You can re-up three times and level 400 is the max level. I am Level 163 right now.

To re-up, you need to have the DLC (of which I have none).

The Flood / Re: Interesting Stories
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:35:51 PM »
My earliest memory is of me putting my finger in a mysterious flickering orange thing. I learned the hard way that fire is hot, and painful.

I fractured my wrist after being pushed down a driveway on those little kiddie-cars and hit the pavement when I was 8. The guy who pushed the car was a cousin of my friend, and he never said sorry so as you can I guess I wasn't (and still aren't) pleased.

I used to have a stream in my garden (I say was more of a field) that led to the ocean where I lived in Ireland, and one day me and my friend who stayed over for the day decided to walk along it to hang out at the beach. When we came back in near-darkness, my friend's parents had been waiting for over an hour and weren't exactly happy. Despite that, I don't remember getting into trouble for it myself with my parents, but I assume they were pissed off with me.

The Flood / Re: How many alts do you have?
« on: August 08, 2014, 08:39:49 AM »
None. Still Pale Irish is my only bungie account, as I've never really needed another one.

Serious / Re: What would you kill for? Die for?
« on: August 08, 2014, 08:34:33 AM »
I'd kill if it meant my continued existence, or for revenge of the death of a family member.

As for sacrificing my life? It would have to be pretty worthy, I get no advantage from dying in this situation.

The Flood / Re: Are you happier single, or in a relationship?
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:53:36 AM »
Once you get into a relationship, it is like a drug. I felt content. It's also a nice confidence boost (at least for me, anyway). I was happy that I made them happy.

Before I made no effort to try to be in a relationship, mostly tried to avoid it. Now, I least feel I'd be more inclined to act on if I had a crush or whatever.

And by acting on it, I don't mean running around, getting off with people willy-nilly. I value a serious thing rather than the physical aspect.

The Flood / Re: Fictional character you identify with most
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:24:05 AM »
Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind version)

Silent and largely neurotic.

Gaming / Re: Gears of War 3
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:14:14 AM »
How often do you play?

I used to play almost daily until I got to 100, now I play when I'm bored, but I'm happy to play "on request". Kinda depends on the timings though, what with UK and US being vastly out of sync.

The Flood / Re: We have Ninjas, now we need Mentors.
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:20:40 PM »
Mentors? No way.

I doubt anyone is qualified to teach.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:44:36 PM »
I couldn't agree more.

I at no stage said to forgive either side for what has occurred. My role has always been devil's advocate. To show the other side of the coin/story. The truths and realities that people ignore because it simply doesn't suit their opinion.

You may be playing devil's advocate, but it comes across as very pro-Israel.

I think we can agree, both are bastards.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:13:22 PM »

They had good intentions and it's created this.

Yet at the beginning of this entire thread people were saying the bloodthirsty Jews did all this on their own, invading, raping, pillaging and destroying.

Common sense is beginning to prevail!

Just because they weren't bad then doesn't absolve them of their sins now. (Neither does it for Hamas either)

Gaming / Re: Gears of War 3
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:27:07 PM »
Just a quick note, I'm playing GoW 3 right now so message me there if you wanna play for a while.


Gaming / Re: Official Xbox Live Free Pass Bank
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:24:43 PM »
A good idea! I think I have a few lying around...

The Flood / Re: Interesting hypothetical situation.
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:22:50 PM »
It would be total chance. Say if Cheat, the mods, and the top 10 most profound posters were banned, the forum might last 2 weeks minimum with maybe an extra 3-4 weeks depending.

However, if all the Rose alts went, then users who were already banned we might have an extra week or two.

But the Plug.DJ site would stand the test of time.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:45:49 PM »
I'm not sure how relations between Jews and the Ottomans were, so I'm not sure about the social climate in the territories years after the empire's fall. Considering that many Jews fled to the holy lands and the Palestine area, it couldn't have been as bad as Europe.

From what I gather from my father, Jews and Muslims were generally peaceful before the flood of refugees came in before and after the war. I guess tensions rose in the Arab community when the Mandate gave them a slight majority of the land, despite Arabs being the population majority.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:28:26 PM »
What were the bloody Jews thinking though... >.>

"Great! We get a country for ourselves! A refuge from the horrors of war and anti-semitism!


Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:23:47 PM »

[size=78%]EDIT: Sorry for double post.[/size]

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:18:34 PM »

Um, why the fuck did they pick Uganda then? That's a horrible location. It's densely populated (along with having a large population), small, and it's pretty much an island of (relative) stability in a sea of chaotic countries.
At this point I think Uganda was still a colony of some empirical country (might've been France or Britain, just guessing at this point), and the mindset of the Allies was "fuck the natives, just give these Jews some land (regardless of it's shitty-ness)", as shown by the current location of Israel.Obviously the Jews (or representatives of them) chose the creation of Israel in Palestine for religious reasons, being their SHARED holy land with Muslims and Christians.

I like you, you know your shit.

Thank you, I had to do an essay on Intentionalism VS Structuralism for History A Level coursework. I wouldn't be getting (hopefully) an A in it if I didn't.

The Flood / Re: Wat do? Friend is blaming me for a ruined painting
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:59:00 PM »
Done that. She insists she doesn't care who it was, and just wants something to be done about it.

I insist on not doing anything.

Quite rightly so.

"I didn't cause it, so I shouldn't be fucking cleaning up. It's your house, your party, your parent's painting. Either own up and take the responsibility for having a party that wrecked something and pay for the damage caused, or find out who did it and get them to pay for it."

^Something along the lines of that should sort it out. That, or suggest hiding the painting if it isn't huge and is barely noticed...

The Flood / Re: Your favorite books?
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:42:03 PM »
1984 - George Orwell
Dark Matter - Michelle Paver
Finn Family Moomintroll - Tove Jansson (A childhood favourite)
Several fiction series done by Clive Cussler

Mostly I read factual books, so Max Arthur's Forgotten Voices of WWI & II, Steven Ambrose's historical accounts of D-Day and Pegasus bridge and Michael Herr's Dispatches about the Vietnam War I find interesting to read.

Currently reading a few books at once, I've got Citizen Soldiers to finish (Steven Ambrose), Clive Cussler's "Arctic Drift", and a collection of Sir Ian Fleming's Sherlock to go through.

The Flood / Re: Has 2014 been a good year for you?
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:58:05 PM »
Good, I'd say.

So far...
-Had my first girlfriend
-Went to another country outside Europe (Turkey)
-Went on my first "proper" holiday ^
-Finished Secondary school, hopefully on my way to University (should find out in a week)
-LOTS of drinking throughout (Who doesn't enjoy a party? - or several...)
-Won an award at my end of school Prom

But on the other hand...
-Lost my first girlfriend, which really sucks
-EXTREMELY worried about my place at University
-Have been poor throughout (not a great outlook when you have things you want to do)

So I'd say it's been better than previous years, but I'd rather a better year.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I ask you anything
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:17:38 PM »

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:56:52 PM »
I think that may be Madagascar you're thinking of. Hitler's original plan was to move all of the Jews in Europe to Madagascar, but then the war happened and that became impractical. Hence the Final Solution.

No, no, no... this was after the events of WWII. Though you are correct, Hitler did have some idea of sending Jews to Madagascar (even sent an ambassador to scope the place out), but later after invading Poland it was impossible, so then he decided to send them all (Polish Jews included) to Lublin/Nisko as a super-scaled up version of the ghettos. But then in late 1941 he just gave up trying to keep them alive*, and decided to kill them along with the disabled, eastern Europeans and gypsys.

*This is the Structuralist viewpoint of the events leading to the Holocaust, that he didn't intend to kill them, just migrate them somewhere else. Various historians argue that Hitler planned it from the start which is the Intentionalist viewpoint, but factually that is what happened before the Final Solution.

Serious / Re: Here's a solution to Israel and Palestine
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:57:55 PM »
I don't get why they didn't just let them A) return to their homes in Europe or B) give them a little patch of land in America, the Americas literally worship the Jews and it would have kept the middle east calm and not lead to a genocide of a people who have never harmed anyone, the Palestinians never even had an army for fucks sake.

Plan A would be a terrible idea. Europe didn't want them. Germany definitely couldn't have any back (and they had the largest refugees as they had been kicked out since 1934 onwards) as the population would be still brainwashed under Hitler (the rare few war veterans who grew up in Hitler's Germany still are today in some cases), half of it was under control of the Russians, and much of it was bombed out.

Plan B at the time was also a bad idea. The US had already accepted a few thousand refugees in the years leading up to WW2, and were largely as anti-Semitic as every other country ('cept Germany, obviously). Also, as many were German as mentioned earlier, they would be seen as "the enemy" by many, regardless of them being a victim throughout and before the war. A historian's term for this would be "Present-ism" i.e. people back then thought like we do now, which unfortunately is wrong to think.

While today we can say the idea of giving them a Jewish state in their ancient holy lands was probably the worst thing Britain and the UN did, we have the advantage of hindsight to see what happened as a result. I suppose the idea was to give a plot of land for them where they would be out of everyone's way (Everyone = Allies/Superpowers), and who gives a fuck about the natives, especially seeing as Britain owned Palestine at the time.

My personal suggestion for the present day's situation (as Israelis aren't going to just pack up and leave to America) would be to

A: Return the lost lands to the surrounding Arab countries, that means returning the Sinai Desert buffer zone in the south, Golan Heights in the north, and the other parts Lebanon and Jordan are owed, say pre 1967 borders.

B: Would be to merge Gaza, West Bank and Israel into one state, rename the new state a completely new name (No Palestine or Israel, with new name to be discussed by representatives of the 3 involved parties).

...aaaaand finally C: Re-distribution of people across the new state, and vote in a new democratic government under similar methods as Lebanon has (where seats and roles are given by proportionality of the religions in the state, e.g. ~47% seats would be Jewish, ~25% would be Sunni muslims, ~25% would be Shia muslims, 3% would be Allawhites and/or other minority religions in the region).(Those percentages were made up, but you get the point)

The Flood / Re: Honest opinion of Noelle
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:44:01 PM »
Meh. I'm indifferent.

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