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Messages - Super Irish

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The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:29:53 AM »

President Dave wakes up after an unusually long sleep to see his jewel of a city. After receiving note of Chairman Class' proposition, he politely declines for any more military help. After all, the city at the moment is practically an army base with 35 men inside doing intensive training and live-fire routines. Dave kindly requests to get scientific aid from his Institution techies, as Dave has plans to construct a shield fence around his state, envious of the Enclaves far superior tech.

Meanwhile in Denver, Bob had gone quiet for a strangely long time, but really Bob was biding his time and gathering his men to make the liberation process faster and easier for all. With his 60 men, he begins annexation of the east half of Denver, and a small band to the west to build up defenses and a buffer wall for later. Annexation expected to be complete by page 56. Bob sits in the Embassy, drawing up more plans for the liberation of Colorado.

Ambassador Bob is happy to report to President Dave that Denver has been liberated from the various savages "living" there, but at cost of a few men and a slightly longer conquest time. Regardless, President Dave is pleased, and gives Bob 2 pages off, which he decides to visit New Vegas (diverting around Legion territory and avoiding the rioting and looting inside NCR territory since their collapse).

President Dave sends his request again to Second Class to borrow some Institute scientists, bashing his phone repeatedly on his desk to see if the problem is on his end.

As for the Republic of Dave's military wing, his armies are becoming vast. At Dave Central, his armies have grown to 50 men, the extra 5 coming from more of Dave's efforts to increase the population. At the Embassy, Bob's Battalion consists of 77 men (13 men lost due to the annexation process of Denver). Before leaving to New Vegas, he orders them to begin a rough construction of a wall on to the far West of Denver territory, and prepare for further annexation of East Colorado...

Total Population: 133 (78/55)
Army Population: 127 (77/50) [Combat Armour + Assault & Hunting Rifles]
Areas Controlled*: Denver, Republic Of Dave.
*as an extension of Talon, though still will be labelled as "Republic of Dave"

-Asks Chairmen Class to borrow 10 Institute Nerds...I mean Techies for a planned shield wall.
-Bob goes on vacation to New Vegas. Expected to last 2 pages. Army left to continue any progress.
-Bob's recruitment drive: +50 mercs every page due to annexation of Denver.
-Wall construction (facing the Legion, up to Enclave's walls with permission from TBlocks) west of Denver begins next page, expected to be complete on page 65.

-Dave tries to attract scientists from the Wastes while waiting for Class' response. +2 scientists every 2 pages.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 Game Night Sept. 6
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:37:14 PM »
Unless he said something else after I left or something privately to you, I don't see what the great offence was. All he asked was a single question for clarity which tbh I would have asked myself if it wasn't for the chance of this exact thing happening.

I do not appreciate being called "it" multiple times either. Sometimes I can ignore it, and sometimes it gets to me. I have dealt with this shit a lot though in real life, so I see no reason to expose myself to it online. I do not see why it would be a big deal that I am open about my gender, it should not matter. I am just me, people need to get over it.

Fair enough. I only heard him ask one question and then get a vulgar reply so I only got a part of what was going on. My bad.

The Flood / Re: Oh fuck, this isn't blocked at my school
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:02:55 PM »
I remember watching the endless war between pupils and IT staff over blocking sites.

The filter was so heavy handed that trying to do your history homework was futile.


Then they blocked game sites, so people used proxies. Then they blocked proxies so people used proxies for their proxies and it all ended up ridiculously convoluted so they'd just turn on the screen monitor and watch what people were doing on their PCs all day.

1984 level shit ._.
Ugh, trying to do research on the Marian reforms was completely impossible on my school's computers.

Same here, A Level History coursework became impossible at school because my essay revolved around The Holocaust and Anti-semitism...

Blocked.Reason: Racial Hatred & Discrimination Content. GAH!

The Flood / Re: Coffee.
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:36:53 AM »
brb making coffee and a sandwich.

Get my fix of the day.
what kinda sandwich

Cheese and Peppered Salami (you know, the one with a rim of pepper corns around it). Mhmm.

Also, I may have put too much coffee grains in the strainer. I feel like I drank two mugs of liquefied cocaine just now.

The Flood / Re: Coffee.
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:05:07 AM »
brb making coffee and a sandwich.

Get my fix of the day.

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:18:28 AM »
I'm sure there's plenty of nice eateries in the UK where you don't order at a counter.

There is. Britain isn't fast food central...

But at most places, you have a choice how you pay (except most chippies, cash only). You sit your arse down, order the food, then when you're finished you either ask for the bill and pay by cash, or go up the front desk/bar and pay for your food by card (debit, it's easy as fuck).

The Flood / Re: Oh fuck, this isn't blocked at my school
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:52:32 AM »
Make the most of it. I would say go on Anarchy, but...

In my school if you figured out a way to get to a site, the IT guy would wait until you're on it, block it and then ban you from the system. Bastard.

Gaming / Re: Gears of War 3
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:11:30 AM »
I could play tonight. I'll be on from now until 6pm 'merica time.

Serious / Re: Alright bitches, let's have a good ol' God debate
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:09:37 AM »
Better question: if God loves everyone unconditionally, why even invent a place like Hell?

Perhaps he loves the Devil too, and Devil wanted Hell...?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:05:23 AM »
President Dave is glad to report to his subjects that the barracks for the new men have been complete! 10 new mercenaries have taken bunks, with the 4 child soldiers putting dibs on top bunks.

President Dave commends Chairman Cheng - er... Class... for building them. In the meantime, Ambassador Bob has been rather busy up in Denver. With 20 men recruited so far to follow Dave's cause, he's drawing up plans to annex half of the state (to have some empty buffer zone from the Legion, Bob doesn't know much about them... better safe than sorry). Plans and men necessary to begin takeov- *ahem* liberation of Denver expected page 51, with liberation time TBA.

Republic Of Dave Stats:
Population: 18 (+ 50 Talon Construction Workers), with 15 of those in the Army of Dave.
+10 every 2 pages

Embassy of the Rep. Of Dave Stats
Population (all Military): 21
+10 every page

President Dave wakes up after an unusually long sleep to see his jewel of a city. After receiving note of Chairman Class' proposition, he politely declines for any more military help. After all, the city at the moment is practically an army base with 35 men inside doing intensive training and live-fire routines. Dave kindly request to get scientific aid from his Institution techies, as Dave has plans to construct a shield fence around his state, envious of the Enclaves far superior tech.

Meanwhile in Denver, Bob had gone quiet for a strangely long time, but really Bob was biding his time and gathering his men to make the liberation process faster and easier for all. With his 60 men, he begins annexation of the east half of Denver, and a small band to the west to build up defenses and a buffer wall for later. Annexation expected to be complete by page 56. Bob sits in the Embassy, drawing up more plans for the liberation of further states.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 07, 2014, 05:18:58 PM »
President Dave is glad to report to his subjects that the barracks for the new men have been complete! 10 new mercenaries have taken bunks, with the 4 child soldiers putting dibs on top bunks.

President Dave commends Chairman Cheng - er... Class... for building them. In the meantime, Ambassador Bob has been rather busy up in Denver. With 20 men recruited so far to follow Dave's cause, he's drawing up plans to annex half of the state (to have some empty buffer zone from the Legion, Bob doesn't know much about them... better safe than sorry). Plans and men necessary to begin takeov- *ahem* liberation of Denver expected page 51, with liberation time TBA.

Republic Of Dave Stats:
Population: 18 (+ 50 Talon Construction Workers), with 15 of those in the Army of Dave.
+10 every 2 pages

Embassy of the Rep. Of Dave Stats
Population (all Military): 21
+10 every page

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 Game Night Sept. 6
« on: September 07, 2014, 07:29:20 AM »
Ryke was pretty fucking rude about it, especially after referring to her as "she-he" and asking the question over and over the way he did. I'd like to think that most people would get the hint after receiving a message that says "fuck off"

Huh. Suppose I did miss something then. Ah well, there's no use discussing how to address such things here.

The Flood / Re: Post The Most Retarded Thing You Have Ever Done
« on: September 07, 2014, 06:19:04 AM »
Let's see, shall we:

-Ran over bees when I a kid (sadistic fucker I was), picked one up, got stung.

-Attempted to break a piece of wood in half when I was a kid, ended up headbutting a concrete windowsill full force.

-Got drunk (waaay later from ^), broke a thick plank of wood off my knee for a campfire, didn't feel the pain until the next morning -_-.

-Put a spoon in a microwave with my soup, fried the microwave.

-Worst of all, nearly killed me...turned a soaking wet light-switch on. That was shocking. They say it's the Amps that'll kill you, but 240 Volts really fucking hurts.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 Game Night Sept. 6
« on: September 07, 2014, 06:02:20 AM »
A few of them I did not know.

Ryle was the biggest one. I am not going to attend any future game nights that he will be at.

Unless he said something else after I left or something privately to you, I don't see what the great offence was. All he asked was a single question for clarity which tbh I would have asked myself if it wasn't for the chance of this exact thing happening.

Obviously if it was something else, then by all means ignore this. I hate offending people by accident.

Anywho, that gamenight was fun once we got onto Reach (cursed Halo 3 and your silly monopolistic American internet providers...). When's the next one?

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 Game Night Sept. 6
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:11:34 PM »
I shall be able to join at the stated time, but I probably won't be able to talk much after an hour (being 1AM and all that).

The Flood / Re: describe your last breakup/rejection
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:08:41 PM »
We met up, hung out for a while and then she told me she wanted to break up. She apologized (I said it was fine behind a straight face glazed eyes), and I waited with her to get the bus home and talked a bit.

We're still friends, and we talk and hang out occasionally. Possibly the best it could have ended, but it still sucked regardless. This has been for... 2 months now.

The Flood / Re: How many people were in your graduating high school class?
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:47:31 PM »
Say... 15? At best.

My whole year group totaled around 35-40. 6th form parties were great because you knew everyone.
Wow, so not even half of the people in your grade graduated?


No, no. Everyone (apart from 3) finished A-Levels, it's just there were only ~15 people in my class. In my entire year (my class and another, 13A and 13B) there were about 40 people.

The Flood / Re: How many people were in your graduating high school class?
« on: September 06, 2014, 02:58:18 PM »
Say... 15? At best.

My whole year group totaled around 35-40. 6th form parties were great because you knew everyone.

Gaming / Re: Underrated games
« on: September 06, 2014, 02:34:12 PM »
Does Metro 2033 count?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:11:25 PM »
Rep. Of Dave Military grows by 10 every 2 pages (President Dave will figure out rooms for them later...)
Talon Company offers to build a barracks in the Republic of Dave to house troops.

President Dave accepts, and orders his men to aid the Talon Company construction men.
Meanwhile, President Dave figures out who to replace Bob with Second in Command, what with him being an Ambassador now several states away...

Gaming / Re: Need Suggestions for a New Name
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:07:38 PM »
Clearly Opaque

Solved Obfuscation

EDIT: Conflicting Descriptor

Got any preference for a theme or game? Otherwise all I got is conflicting descriptors...hey, that's a good one too!

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:56:55 PM »
After much deliberation with Talon Company, President Dave has decided to ally with them and welcome them into his fair being their state!

President Dave maintains his title, and elections have been suspended.Again. This time indefinitely. Bob will maintain the Embassy of the Republic of Dave in Denver as a subsidiary of Talon Company, and will begin recruiting and annexing the rest of . Population growth and trading continue, with recruits being hired every 2 pages.

Republic of Dave under Talon control (while remaining as a state...kinda)
Embassy of The Rep. Of Dave grows by 5 every page
Rep. Of Dave Military grows by 10 every 2 pages (President Dave will figure out rooms for them later...)
Elections cancelled. (President Dave is secretly happy)

The Flood / Re: Favorite TV show you are currently watching?
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:17:57 PM »
Ugly Americans.

No seriously, that's what it's called.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather be addicted to cigarettes or fat?
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:13:12 PM »

I can work it off, if my fast metabolism doesn't burn it anyways. But an addictive substance? Nah, I've seen my Dad try (and fail) to kick 'em several times and I've already got lung problems as it is.

Serious / Re: How Would the World Be Different....
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:00:10 AM »

You're complete forgetting the fact that France, Russia, and Mexico all had territory in what is today the United States. The US purchased France and Russia's land and won Mexico's land from the Mexican-American war.

I never said I was educated in American history pre 1940's...

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:43:54 AM »
I can't really tip because as a student I need the money  ::)

But if it's really good service (the local Indian restaurants' servers strike up conversations which is nice) then I give what I can (but atm it's never over £5). If it's standard "heres yer food, enjoy", then I know they get paid enough to not rely on tips for a wage.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:36:28 AM »
Very well. Behold my ugly mug.


(It's the most recent photo I have where I'm not drunk at a party, but unfortunately it's a photo for some ID stuff)

The Flood / Re: What grade are you in high school?
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:22:10 AM »
In about two weeks, an undergraduate.

The Flood / Re: Do You Own Any Weapons?
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:50:18 PM »

This is all I have ._.

Post pictures too

Hey, that's my Swiss army knife!

OT: My swiss army knife.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:37:58 PM »

Bob sent word to President Dave that the Communist asian threat was eliminated, and that he will be returning with the Enclave to Denver, to found an embassy. President Dave appoints him Ambassador and awards Bob the highest medal of honor; Dave's Star.

Meanwhile at the Republic of Dave, the population has risen to 15, with a 5 strong army of highly trained, vicious, er...child soldiers, the spawn of President Dave and his First and Second Ladies. The training regime mishap was only a small bump in the road to ultimate expansion of the Republic!

Trading has also increased with outsiders after President Dave decided to waiver his "unwanted immigrant tax", but at the minor cost of money inflow (very,very,very minor cost...). After the battle for the America and the Republic, the population decided to keep President Dave on an extended term, with elections not being held until page 55.

Bob sets up the Embassy of The Republic of Dave in Denver city, somewhere.
Republic of Dave Population: 11, with a 6-man/child strong army.
Republic of Dave's Economy has been stimulus-ed, out of recession, whatever. Faction coffers up 20%, enough to soon begin recruiting outsiders for the army.



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