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Messages - Onyx Sentinel

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Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 06:47:33 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
did you just stat check someone for a forum argument in the year of our lord 2010+3x2

Problem? He's bad and I can prove it with math. It's relevant to OP, too, since it's quite obvious that he doesn't really understand the game. Bad player, bad review.
1v1 Bro

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 05:42:01 PM »
What's the point of reviewing a 6 year old game on a forum where 99% of the posters have already played it?
The point of every review that's ever existed? To give your organized opinion on something.
that's definitely not the reason for most reviews tbh and you know this
It's one of the reasons for my review, and to get better at writing.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 05:40:29 PM »
Reach was worse than Halo 4, and that's saying something
Got an argument to back that up?

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 05:39:01 PM »
I really do feel bad for the people that say Reach was their first Halo
Online Halo.

The Flood / Re: if you could take a trip whare would you go?
« on: May 09, 2016, 05:11:42 PM »
Hong Kong.

Gaming / Re: Sep7agon Game Reviews
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:57:42 PM »
Tsukuyomi Blade's Halo: Reach review added.
Wow, I did not even know about this. You have a great archive.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:34:09 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
Gotta love how you can't name any of these "other playlists" with loadouts. Stats don't mean shit. Boost grifball all you want. I am better than you.
Super slayer, fiesta, for two. Idk why you're so latched onto this. Having loadouts period, even "just" the armor abilities, was a huge step away from classic Halo arena-style gameplay. Stats do mean something. In my experience, the people who say they don't tend to be very bad. I never played Grifball. If you actually bothered to look you'd see that my winrates in Team Objective, Big Team Battle, Squad/Team/Super slayer are all above 85%. I've got a high skill 50 on HTR and you're not even high skill 40. Your KDA is garbage and mine is good. AND you have 10 more days played than me. What's that say? I earned my stats by roflstomping people like you all day err day for years.
Fiesta wasn't even an online playlist... being given free equipment/armor ability at the start of the game is a big step away. This was my first online fps - you assuming I can fix those stats.... lol. Having 10 more days than you shows I enjoyed the game. I am better than you, just accept it.
I started playing Halo online in 2009. One year before Reach came out. That's a piss poor excuse for being bad. You're delusional and retarded, like every other Reach shill I've ever met.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:33:04 PM »
this is getting embarrassing
He's the one who wrote a shitty shill review for one of the worst FPS games in recent memory.
Lol, just because you lack at the game, doesn't mean it's shit.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:31:23 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
Gotta love how you can't name any of these "other playlists" with loadouts. Stats don't mean shit. Boost grifball all you want. I am better than you.
Super slayer, fiesta, for two. Idk why you're so latched onto this. Having loadouts period, even "just" the armor abilities, was a huge step away from classic Halo arena-style gameplay. Stats do mean something. In my experience, the people who say they don't tend to be very bad. I never played Grifball. If you actually bothered to look you'd see that my winrates in Team Objective, Big Team Battle, Squad/Team/Super slayer are all above 85%. I've got a high skill 50 on HTR and you're not even high skill 40. Your KDA is garbage and mine is good. AND you have 10 more days played than me. What's that say? I earned my stats by roflstomping people like you all day err day for years.
Fiesta wasn't even an online playlist... being given free equipment/armor ability at the start of the game is a big step away. This was my first online fps - you assuming I can fix those stats.... lol. Having 10 more days than you shows I enjoyed the game. I am better than you, just accept it.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:22:49 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
Gotta love how you can't name any of these "other playlists" with loadouts. Stats don't mean shit. Boost grifball all you want. I am better than you.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:21:24 PM »
still disagree
Your loss.
loss of what

it wasnt a bad game

it just didnt feel like the halos that came before it
It clearly feels like classic halo. One of the reasons it's population was the biggest of any halo.
just because cod has a million players doesnt make it the best game in the world

it was also a lot of peoples first halo
also, reach didnt beat halo 3 in population. i think OP is genuinely misinformed. poor guy.

I was going of legit sources.
Halo 3 had an average of 221 million games played per month, Reach had an average of 263 million games played per month. Get your facts straight.
did you miss the part where they only measured reach for 15 months and had a 77 month sample size for halo 3?

halo 3 was doing better a year after its release than reach did. and even going by that stat you clearly misunderstood, its quite hilarious that reach lost that much of the halo playerbase to h3 during its heyday.
You're only looking at the immediate population, I would say Reach held a stronger population over the years then 3 did. And that is the point I'm making.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:19:30 PM »
still disagree
Your loss.
loss of what

it wasnt a bad game

it just didnt feel like the halos that came before it
It clearly feels like classic halo. One of the reasons it's population was the biggest of any halo.
just because cod has a million players doesnt make it the best game in the world

it was also a lot of peoples first halo
also, reach didnt beat halo 3 in population. i think OP is genuinely misinformed. poor guy.

I was going of legit sources.
Halo 3 had an average of 221 million games played per month, Reach had an average of 263 million games played per month. Get your facts straight.
h3 still beats reach in almost every other metric
I do know Halo 3 is probably the best Halo, in terms of competition, but humor me, in these other metrics.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:18:04 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:13:21 PM »
reach mp didnt do it for me

i had 6 times the amount of games played on h3 than reach
Completely understandable, some people have different interests. I know Reach failed a lot of competitive mp fans.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:11:46 PM »
still disagree
Your loss.
loss of what

it wasnt a bad game

it just didnt feel like the halos that came before it
It clearly feels like classic halo. One of the reasons it's population was the biggest of any halo.
just because cod has a million players doesnt make it the best game in the world

it was also a lot of peoples first halo
also, reach didnt beat halo 3 in population. i think OP is genuinely misinformed. poor guy.

I was going of legit sources.
Halo 3 had an average of 221 million games played per month, Reach had an average of 263 million games played per month. Get your facts straight.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:08:43 PM »
reach was a p good game tbh 

last halo with a non homosexual aesthetic
343's artstyle and super shiny aesthetic is so annoying.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:06:53 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics.

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games, or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded, but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them.

well they said this too

Reach introduced me to Halo multiplayer, to FPS multiplayer

which kinda invalidates their idea of "classic" halo gameplay
they could have played CE/2/3 at some point afterwards, which i'd have no way of knowing, hence the disclaimers.
I have played all the halos, since their release. On Xbox Live is another thing, I had played quite a bit of Halo 3 Online during 2008, just couldn't get into the competitive multiplayer, it was to difficult, then I stuck with customs. Reach was far easier for people new to Online to get into the multiplayer. - I played Halo 2 Online with the MCC.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:03:31 PM »
i'm assuming "Tsukuyomi Blade" is the handle you'd prefer to go by instead of "Ghost of Reach"

or is there something else
Tsukuyomi Blade is my definite handle now, I won't be changing it anymore.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:02:18 PM »
still disagree
Your loss.
loss of what

it wasnt a bad game

it just didnt feel like the halos that came before it
It clearly feels like classic halo. One of the reasons it's population was the biggest of any halo.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:01:18 PM »
i'll throw this in the archive
Oh good.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:58:04 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:55:47 AM »

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:41:45 AM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.

Gaming / Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:04:44 AM »
Halo: Reach is a first-person shooter video game set in the Halo universe and direct prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved, depicting the Fall of Reach

The Graphics were quite stunning, and still hold up fine to this day. There is lots of detail, parallels with it's unique and enthralling art style. I still don't get all the praise for Halo 4, considering how good Reach's graphics were, the only difference in 4* was the blue and orange neon lights everywhere.

Reach is a well polished FPS, that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities. You can still noob combo, but while Jetpacking or evading like a bitch. There is a skill gap, which players can overcome if they put some effort in. Learning when to engage in a firefight, or what weapon to use.
Controls are tight, really. There are multiple control options for all types of players. Having played clunky games like R6 Vegas 2, Reach is a refreshing sight.

Reach takes place on the UNSC fortress world, just weeks prior to Halo: Combat Evolved. Noble Team, a squad of Spartan III supersoldiers, is ordered by Colonel Urban Holland to investigate the sudden loss of transmission from the Visegrád Relay Outpost. Expecting Rebels, the team is shocked to discover that it is the work of the Covenant, and an invasion becomes apparent. As the Covenant begin their assault on the planet, the UNSC begin their heroic yet hopeless attempt to halt the Covenant onslaught.

There is also a super awesome space mission, where the Player gets to control a Longswo*sniped*, the player gets to pilot a Sabre, which is pretty damn awesome, taking down space banshees, seraphs, phantoms, disabling a Covie Corevette is an experience I'l never forget.

Multiplayer is all the rage these days, Reach certainly is. It's matchmaking system is simple and works great. - Having faster mm than modern games like Destiny, MCC. The Ranking system has also been redesigned from Halo 3; instead of having experience Rank and Skill Rank as two separate features, Halo: Reach combines these two into a credit system where the player is scored on how well they play in each individual performance, instead of a win/loss system - unfortunately this has been flawed since release, as Credit for player effort is not rewarded. As players gain credits, they are able to buy armor pieces to customize their Spartans and Elites character model. A new matchmaking system called the Arena is introduced for hardcore/competitive players - Which is just a petty substitution for the ranked play in Halo 3. - Where players will take part in month-long seasons and be put into divisions ranging from Onyx to Iron, depending on how well they play. Along with this, Players can now search Online for campaign missions.

- The multiplayer mode features standard multiplayer gametypes such as Slayer, Capture the Flag and King of the Hill, as well as introducing the ultimate mode - Rocket Race.  Firefight mode, a cooperative hordemode that was made present in Halo 3: ODST, is featured in Halo: Reach with much more customizable features, from the skulls that turn on every round to the very enemies the player will face every wave, as well as having Matchmaking support. Halo: Reach also introduces new gametypes to multiplayer such as Invasion, Stockpile, and Headhunter. Since we are Spartan III's in Reach, the character models differs significantly than their previous architecture in Halo 3. The Elite character models are formidably larger, and physically superior, having faster shield regeneration and has advantages over Spartans such as faster shield regen and Health regen. as a result of this, only specific gametypes in matchmaking allow Spartans and Elites to face each other in team-based games.

- Armor Abilities make Reach a lot funner than previous entries because of the bizarre, new experiences players can have when engaging each other now. Tricking a scumbag sniper with your hologram, then taking him out silently, reigning terror from above, spamming dat armor lock if anyone tries to splatter you, and the bubble shield had some improvements; such as health regen and is no longer pickup-able. The Designated Marksman Rifle *DMR* replaces the legendary Battle Rifle, and it can be said that the DMR is far more deadly due to the range implications, yet not overpowered in close/mid quarters like the BR was. Assassinations were also introduced, which provide new gruesome ways to take players down! The Revenant was some nice fan service for fans of the long gone Spectre, which was more team based, but I guess a semi-Wraith isn't that bad. Unfortunately bloom was introduced with reach, which pisses a lot of people of, while reasonable people can deal with it, many veterans were put of by this. Another strike was that Armor Abilities are given to the player at the start of the game, rather than fighting an enemy for it, which only hurts their reputation.

Ah, yes. Achievements... Reach has quite a few difficult ones, like jumping off the cliff to assassinate an Elite, without dying, or doing Solo Legendary - especially with scum Elites who hide after being shot once. And if you magically lose all your progress, and have to start from scratch again.
There are some really nice and fun multiplayer cheevos to get, however the DLC ones can only be attained through boosting because the maps will only load up if everyone has the DLC.

Reach introduced me to Halo multiplayer, to FPS multiplayer and I have a lot to thank this amazing game for, while I had tried Halo 3, if you were new - you were blown back miles away. While it may have it's drawbacks, it's awesomeness overcomes them.

The Flood / Re: Changing Passwords advised!
« on: May 08, 2016, 11:12:38 PM »
knew this was a hoax when I read the op
If you read the Article dismissing this incident, Passwords were actually compromised.
Just to a lesser extent.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 08, 2016, 10:41:32 PM »
Overwatch searches on Pornhub jumped 817% on May 5

I have no words
Someone's been using N4G.
it's not like this was posted on Reddit and like every other game site
Reddit is for shills.
says the fag on septagon
Says the one with Marty - on sep...
what the fuck is a Marty
"Elite Four Invincible!"
how is that a marty
Maybe I'm mistaken, but you get a custom Rank when you reach Marty, which is what you have.
No, he won a tournament a while back. He doesn't have half the post count to reach Marty.
Oh... Thanks for the explanation.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 08, 2016, 10:31:11 PM »
Overwatch searches on Pornhub jumped 817% on May 5

I have no words
Someone's been using N4G.
it's not like this was posted on Reddit and like every other game site
Reddit is for shills.
says the fag on septagon
Says the one with Marty - on sep...
what the fuck is a Marty
"Elite Four Invincible!"
how is that a marty
Maybe I'm mistaken, but you get a custom Rank when you reach Marty, which is what you have.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 08, 2016, 10:19:19 PM »
Overwatch searches on Pornhub jumped 817% on May 5

I have no words
Someone's been using N4G.
it's not like this was posted on Reddit and like every other game site
Reddit is for shills.
says the fag on septagon
Says the one with Marty - on sep...
what the fuck is a Marty
"Elite Four Invincible!"

The Flood / Re: Why Are People With AIDS Not Branded?
« on: May 08, 2016, 10:05:04 PM »

Oh... wait... those are jews.

But one is detriment to our health
...and the other is AIDS.

Kidding, but there is a point here. Sure, people suffering from AIDS shouldn't be given any less respect than anyone else, but the same applies vice versa, and they should be making any potential sexual partners know of their illness beforehand and allowing them the fair choice of informed consent (or take the risk with condoms or whatever else). Unfortunately that isn't always the case (people with STD's not disclosing to partners and then going bareback) and so healthy people are at risk.

Yes and at that point I feel like it's a form of rape if they don't disclose that kind of information.

It's not rape at all
It's literally going around and stabbing someone with a terminal disease
Or if you're a chick, spraying someone with a terminal disease
Worse than rape.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 08, 2016, 10:02:16 PM »
Overwatch searches on Pornhub jumped 817% on May 5

I have no words
Someone's been using N4G.
it's not like this was posted on Reddit and like every other game site
Reddit is for shills.
says the fag on septagon
Says the one with Marty - on sep...

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