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Messages - Mike

Pages: 12 3
I've found frogs in a swimming pool. That's chlorinated, and there were no super frogs there.

Serious / Re: College professors strike back
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:21:21 AM »
What kind of stupid ass person votes for someone who they know is unqualified to annoy other people? Why would you let other people's opinions influence your vote? Isn't that letting them control you? If your reason for voting for someone begins with "I want them to suffer...", you're doing it wrong.

The Flood / Re: Do you judge people who are highly sexually active?
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:03:05 PM »
What planet are you living on?

Men are not adulated for promiscuity here.

The only people who adulate sluts are other sluts.

Do you live under some sort of rock? Or in some remote, isolated area?

I seriously want to know where men are treated the same as women, because I've never seen this before. I've always seen men who sleep around called cool, player, etc. while women who do the exact same thing are sluts and whores. 

Do you follow pop culture? Watch TV? Do you watch movies?

The Flood / Re: Do you judge people who are highly sexually active?
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:19:00 PM »
Seems like something pretty petty to judge over

especially since the double standard between women and men being sexually active is so annoying to me
I've literally never met a single guy who was "congratulated" or treated as a "stud" for fucking too many women. They're generally treated with the same amount of malice that women get for their promiscuity, or people just don't care.

This is like the inverse of the wage gap myth or something. The men-are-treated-as-studs!!! myth. Sick of hearing it.

What planet are you living on?






Serious / Re: Do you feel like you owe YouTube vloggers anything?
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:12:06 PM »
I've never donated to any YouTubers, but I understand why they ask and I don't hold anything against them for asking.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson dropped out
« on: March 04, 2016, 05:14:49 PM »
Ben Carson is the dumbest genius ever.

Serious / Re: Romney on Trump "Trump is a phoney and a fraud"
« on: March 04, 2016, 01:48:37 AM »
I don't know. Nothing Trump has said so far really has echoed as loudly as "Half of America is a bunch of leeches." Everything Trump has said ruffles one group a little bit here and there but nothing that attacks half the US population all at once.

I'd be pissed too. Trump has said so many things that Romney would have been skewered for. As much as I disliked Romney, his anger is totally justified on this one.

He's made fun of pretty much every group in America at one point. He's insulted everyone who's disagreed with him regardless of party. If Mitt Romney had acted at all like Donald Trump acts, he wouldn't have received even 47% of the vote. None of his statements have echoed because before one has the chance to, he says something even stupider.

Serious / Re: Romney on Trump "Trump is a phoney and a fraud"
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:13:18 PM »
Romney's just upset Trump isn't even trying to build momentum, it's snowballing on its own. Romney had to bust his ass for his campaign and then he just let it fall apart with his 47% comment.

I'd be pissed too. Trump has said so many things that Romney would have been skewered for. As much as I disliked Romney, his anger is totally justified on this one.

Serious / Re: Super Tuesday Thread: March 1st, 2016
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:08:58 PM »

Clinton to win Georgia and Virginia, Sanders to win Vermont.

Trump to win Georgia, too close between Rubio and Trump for Virginia

*in British accent* Vermont: A state you think about so little you didn't notice that that's not Vermont, that's Maryland.

Serious / Re: Super Tuesday Thread: March 1st, 2016
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:54:18 PM »
I wonder if there's anything short of his sudden death that could stop Trump at this point. It's like, what could he say or do that would make people stop voting for him?

The Flood / Re: I just drove lights and sirens to the hospital
« on: February 26, 2016, 08:37:41 PM »

I took my Phantom 3 flying around a dam.

The Flood / Re: I got a drone
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:32:39 PM »
Did you fly FPV?

A little bit. I'm not comfortable letting it get too far, and I was getting some weird wifi interference today also.

The Flood / Re: I got a drone
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:49:21 PM »
Drones are awesome, but just FYI, be aware of any FAA rules and regulations about where you can fly it and such. That's some serious trouble you can get in.

I live within the 15 mile circle around D.C., but I drove outside of the circle to fly today. And DJI's software won't let you fly inside of certain areas anyways.

What, you've never had a tree your house before?

The Flood / I got a drone
« on: February 23, 2016, 06:34:04 PM »

I've been wanting one of these for a while now. It's tax refund season, so I finally got my chance a few days ago. I took it to a park today and got some nice footage and a few photos.

I would love to fly over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (a huge suspension bridge in Maryland) sometime within the next few months, that would be awesome.

Serious / Re: Jeb Bush Drops Out of Race
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:46:05 AM »
The Bush is down, now lets hope to god the Clinton is next. Please.
yeah, it would sure make a lot of sense if the front-running democratic candidate were to just drop out randomly, right in the midst of her dominating campaign where she has no real competition

let's waste our time and energy hoping for that

I hope a giant wrench gets thrown in Clinton's campaign. Maybe some real fallout from the email thing, or a past scandal blowing up again.

The Flood / Re: Donald Trump Cucked By The Pope
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:00:15 PM »
Pope just spent the last 2 weeks in one of the most drug filled violent cities in Mexico. Hes lying.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Any normal person who just spent their time in a city filled with violence and drugs would WANT that wall. Pope is lying to save some face with the Mexicans.

To be honest, anyone who approves of ILLEGAL immigrants is a fucking moron.

Turns out, there's a reason why "any normal person" can't be the Pope, though.

Maybe the Pope actually believes what his church teaches, that countries should use their power to help people, even if those people didn't have the years and money available to fill out paperwork while running from drug cartels.

Serious / Re: Justice Scalia Found Dead in Texas
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:13:35 PM »
Prepare for the shitstorm, boys
It's honestly sad that his death just oh no conservatism vs oh yes progressive

But if we don't retreat to our corners and yell at each other what are we going to do? Agree and get something done quickly? That's not the American way.

The Flood / Re: Did We Ever Find Out What Happened To Flight MH370?
« on: February 15, 2016, 06:15:44 PM »
A wing flap from the plane was found, but nothing besides that.

The search may end soon, and what happened to MH370 might be a mystery forever.

The Flood / Re: Does My Cat Judge Me For My Porn?
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:59:59 AM »
We had his balls cut off tho

Well there's your problem. He thinks you're making fun of him. To him, you're saying "Hey cat! Look at these sperm you wish you still had, bitch! AND YOU WISH YOU HAS THUMBS YOU LITTLE TURD!"

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:59:29 PM »
Yes, this really is Mike. What up, Turkey?

Anyway, what I want to say is that a man could totally pull this off, if he was a good writer. If he just presented himself as a "white guy in a dry spell looking for a hot ethnic woman" then yeah, he would get shit on. But if he wrote a thoughtful article about how he and an escort fooled his family, then I can't see there being a problem.

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:30:31 PM »
Just to preface, I really have no problem with services like these; if someone wants to pay hundreds of dollars per hour to hang out with an attractive person, it's their business. What really gets me about this article is how this story would be vilified in today's society if the roles were switched; if some white guy in a dry spell hired a hot ethnic woman to look good in front of family and wrote an article like this, sites just like this would be shitting all over him for objectifying women and being a sexist. But when a woman does it, it's a heartwarming story of validation and romance.

Men hire escorts all the time.

The Flood / Re: Putting my dog down on Wednesday
« on: February 08, 2016, 12:14:27 AM »
Give him a plate of bacon and chocolate before you go to the vet.

Serious / Re: You guys ready for the GOP debate
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:57:06 PM »
When fighting for what you believe in involves going home and drinking beer, Chris Christie is all in.

Serious / Re: You guys ready for the GOP debate
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:52:06 PM »
Rubio just got spanked.

The Flood / Re: Just started watching American Sniper AMA me anything
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:28:00 AM »


Gaming / Re: Current go to game?
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:30:43 AM »
GTA V. It's an amazing game that still holds up well (lobbies notwithstanding.)

I just really, really hate the social left. A lot.

Unfortunately she's on that side of the political spectrum, whereas I am the complete opposite. I'll get over it in a few days, but right now my mind is dwelling on the stupidity of SJW's, and the fact that someone I suppose I could even consider a friend is somewhat in ideological alignment with them irritates me.

Well, that's not very mature. Maybe your views are closer than you think.

Instead of hating people, try listening to them.

The Flood / Re: A fucking balloon next to my window exploded
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:38:44 AM »
This sounds like the times that trees have fallen on our house when I was inside.

It's a sound you don't forget.

Pages: 12 3