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Messages - Girl of Mystery

Pages: 1 ... 606162 6364 ... 778
Gaming / Re: What Star Wars game would you like to get made?
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:26:34 AM »
Droid Assembly Sim 2016

The Flood / Re: Caught a girl taking a picture of me at the gym
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:56:36 AM »
Snapchat you killing yourself.
snapchat yourself crying like a depressed pussy while you drop outta college loooooooooool
Lol. Snapchat your small dick.
snapchat your disappointed parents


The Flood / Re: You guys have ridiculous standards
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:54:06 AM »
Batch's husband is pretty hot tbh fam

The Flood / Re: Britain's 'loneliest schoolboy' forced to befriend ducks.
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:52:24 AM »
lol tru has no friends

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:08:45 AM »
ITT: Plebs who cant even program in a language designed for 10 year olds
lol shut up

nobody cares about nxt

there's a reason why it wasn't popular

because it's shit

The Flood / Re: Lets say Geralt was making some sandwiches one day.
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:06:06 AM »
Wind's howling
Huh, looks like rain

The Flood / Re: Shame on you, Septagon!
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:03:21 AM »
Shit personality, easily provoked, didn't understand the concept of banter, wouldn't shut the fuck up about himself and his mute list.

Being a furry had nothing to do with it. No one hates on ryle  for it.

He was pretty fucking dim.

He was like a child.

The Flood / Re: Shame on you, Septagon!
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:02:00 AM »
I took a moment to savour the OP, to let myself drift into a fantasy where it was real and serious, before falling through the comments. This place... somehow the lowest of the low took charge of it, and turned even some of the best among you to cancer, nevermind the average schmuck who never stood a chance. Lines have been crossed and characters revealed. We really need to take the Flood banner down, the Flood was never this bad.
lol just stop

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:59:32 AM »
Because not replying instead of trying to speak for everybody else is just so hard, right?

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:57:27 AM »

lmao who even is this turd burglar?

The Flood / Re: You guys have ridiculous standards
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:35:09 AM »
Let's be real

Anyone that fully-seriously uses an X/10 rating to gauge women by probably doesn't get laid very often unless they're in college
Nah, that's when you've gotten it down to a Y/N system...
and you're so desperate that Batch's wife is a Y.
Batch's wife is p hot I'd cuck Batch in a heartbeat
hot isn't the word i'd use
What is?
you tell me

The Flood / Re: if you don't have Christmas avatars then you should leave
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:32:00 AM »
The only reason I'm looking forward to Christmas is because the new Tarantino movie comes out then.

The Flood / Re: You guys have ridiculous standards
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:28:21 AM »
Let's be real

Anyone that fully-seriously uses an X/10 rating to gauge women by probably doesn't get laid very often unless they're in college
Nah, that's when you've gotten it down to a Y/N system...
and you're so desperate that Batch's wife is a Y.
Batch's wife is p hot I'd cuck Batch in a heartbeat
hot isn't the word i'd use

The Flood / Re: Christmas: The Yearly Total Victory to Christianity
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:25:01 AM »
Christmas is about as Christian as a bacon sandwich is vegetarian

The Flood / Re: Christmas: The Yearly Total Victory to Christianity
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:20:41 AM »
I think that Christmas has both a secular consumerist and spiritual religious form.

Both are legitimate, but non-Christian revelers should recognize the context behind the holiday and its historical significance, as well as its spiritual significance to Christians.

Non-christians treating Christmas like it has "evolved" and no is no longer a Christian tradition are like white rappers using "nigga".
Christmas has lost pretty much what little Christian meaning and relevance it had, though.

It's a hallmark holiday at this point.

Gaming / Re: Am I the only one who liked Skyrim's story
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:09:54 AM »
Skyrim's writing is pretty good
the main quest was really shit though. Lore nut or not.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:02:23 AM »
"Kolhii head. You could've been lava boes"
Still got the first 3 movies.
You haven't watched The Legend Reborn?

It's about Mata Nui's shenanigans on Bara Magna

Gaming / Re: BlOps 3 Story... I think it might be brilliant
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:55:07 PM »
>tfw last-gen version

but TBH I might finally get back into cawadoody, Blops 3 looks kinda neat
last gen can't into tanks

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:52:25 PM »
"Kolhii head. You could've been lava boes"

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:49:11 PM »
lol shut up nobody cares about NXT

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:45:18 PM »

Titan Takanuva was beast as fuck though

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:41:38 PM »
Fuck me that's dope.
That's not even all of it. There's a shit load of connecting stories and characters.

It's pretty fucking crazy and mega in depth.
I know just by reading wikipedia summaries.

I'm like "Wait, who the fuck are half of these guys?"
Almost everything is connected.
You can get lost for hours just from reading a small page on BionicleSector01.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:37:44 PM »
Fuck me that's dope.
That's not even all of it. There's a shit load of connecting stories and characters.

It's pretty fucking crazy and mega in depth.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:32:08 PM »
I'm reading about the history of Mata Nui

My mind is being fucked

Like Jesus Christ this is crazy huge in terms of scale.
If you get through all of it can you give a summary, because I spent hours reading the lore and eventually gave up.
He's a giant being that was created by the Great Beings.
His body contained the entire Matoran Universe.

Bionicle as a franchise, from the Toa Metru, up until the end of the Toa Phantoka lines, took place inside Mata Nui's body.

The Toa Mata/Nuva lines took place on the Island of Mata Nui. An island that was created after Makuta Teridax betrayed Mata Nui and put him into an eternal slumber.
Mata Nui's slumber means he literally fell over on a planet, in the sea, and an island formed over his face.

Note: The Toa Metru line is a prequel line to the Toa Mata/Nuva. It takes place before the Great Cataclysm.

Him falling over because of Teridax's betrayal was known as the Great Cataclysm.

After years of shenanigans within the Matoran Universe, the Toa Nuva travel to Karda Nui (the centre of the Matoran Universe, which is basically Mata Nui's heart). Karda Nui is also where the Toa Nuva (Toa Mata at the time) were created.

Anyway. They travel there to wake Mata Nui up using the Kanohi Ignika (The Mask of Life), which was retrieved by the Toa Mahri, at the sacrifice of Toa Matoro.

They succeed, but not really.
The woke his body up, but Teridax took over Mata Nui's body before they woke him up.
Teridax had kicked Mata Nui out of his body and transferred Mata Nui's consciousness into the Mask of Life.

Teridax, now in control of Mata Nui's body, and in turn, the Matoran Universe, ejected the Mask of Life into space, with Mata Nui trapped inside of it.

The mask lands on Bara Magna, where the Mask of Life forms a body out of sand for Mata Nui.
A bunch of stuff happens on Bara Magna.
Mata Nui discovers an old body that was the prototype of his body/the Matoran Universe.
He uses this body to fight Teridax, who had tracked the Mask of Life to Bara Magna.
He defeats Teridax in a big robot dude on robot dude fight, and reforms Spherus Magna in the process (Spherus Magna was one huge planet that broke apart. The biggest chunk being Bara Magna).

The Matoran Universe/his body is heavily damaged, and so the Matoran Universe inhabitants leave the Matoran Universe, and make their new home on Spherus Magna, and integrate with the inhabitants of Spherus Magna, the Agori and Glatorians.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:09:08 PM »
this guy
trained the Toa Mata (later called the Toa Nuva after being  transformed by Energized Protodermis)

Hydraxon was badly injured by the Great Cataclysm, and killed by Takadox

1000 years later, the Kanohi Ignika/Mask of Life
transformed Dekar
into a replica Hydraxon. Memories and everything. He believed he was the original Hydraxon.
lol he was even called dekar-hydraxon

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 11:05:37 PM »
this guy
trained the Toa Mata (later called the Toa Nuva after being  transformed by Energized Protodermis)

Hydraxon was badly injured by the Great Cataclysm, and killed by Takadox

1000 years later, the Kanohi Ignika/Mask of Life
transformed Dekar
into a replica Hydraxon. Memories and everything. He believed he was the original Hydraxon.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:55:03 PM »
Yeah the reboot is pretty disappointing.

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:48:05 PM »

Man, I never appreciated this as much as I should have as a kid.

This was really well-made.
is the bionicle lore something worth looking into

it seems surprisingly rich
It was extremely rich.

There's movies and a shit load of comics and stuff

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:43:16 PM »
God the Toa Mahri were so fucking cool

One of the best trailers in the entire franchise

The Flood / Re: Name a toy better than Bionicle
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:38:24 PM »

Nocturn was the shit

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