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Messages - Ginger

Pages: 123 45 ... 11
The UN's measures conducted under Chapter VII are only legally binding to a certain extent, and they certainly cannot make a declaration of war. The UN does not have the power to do so, although they may have the "power" to deem a declaration of war a legal actions under international law.

Get in touch with your federal government and see if they are willing to declare war on a company.

Serious / Re: What do you guys honestly believe happened on 9/11?
« on: June 09, 2016, 04:32:34 AM »
Deci, do you think that the organization that took responsibility for the attacks was just lying? Do you think they were being paid off by the US government? Do you also think the rest of the world was in on it?

As I stated in the OP what I believe doesn't matter. That doesn't mean I'm going to change what I believe however.
Actually, what you believe does matter if your belief is based off of incorrect information. You should be willing to change your belief if you are given evidence to the contrary. Refusing to answer my question leads me to think that you haven't thought about it that much, as the events of 9/11 had a GLOBAL backlash. Governments from all over the world imposed restrictive sanctioning measures against the guilty party. Intelligence agencies independent of the US confirmed these things as well. As a young boy who knew and still knows nothing about engineering and physics, your assumption that the buildings should not have fallen as quickly or in the way they did is just false. The planes didn't crash into them and then they immediately collapsed: the south tower took nearly an hour to collapse, and the north tower took over 1.5 hours to collapse.

So, if you are telling me that you think a large majority of the world also participated in this US conspiracy, then you are severely misguided. The fact that there were previous attempts on that target mean NOTHING. It was a symbol of American idealism, no shit they were targets. Refusing to believe evidence does not make you a free thinker, it makes you wrong. If you really reviewed the actual evidence, I think you would feel differently.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 09, 2016, 04:15:23 AM »
America is practically the only country that cares about human rights.
America has more freedom than other countries. That's just a fact.
Human rights and freedom are not the same thing.
They are. I'm not speaking legally. Get off your alt, Flee.
I am not speaking legally either. Your statement is incorrect. The US does not protect, what is considered to be, the fundamental right to privacy nearly as high as other developed countries. They also do not uphold such privacy advocacy in the case of data protection. You must understand that the definition of fundamental rights or human rights or freedoms that you hold are not universal, and that the US is actually trailing behind other developed countries.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:51:08 PM »
America is practically the only country that cares about human rights.
America has more freedom than other countries. That's just a fact.
Human rights and freedom are not the same thing.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:45:24 PM »
America is practically the only country that cares about human rights.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:44:06 PM »
Is this for real? Like, this whole thread?

The Flood / Re: Today I ate a salad without dressing
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:34:40 PM »
Dietri, you are killing my salad buzz. I usually do not have dressing on mine. :D

Serious / Re: What do you guys honestly believe happened on 9/11?
« on: June 08, 2016, 03:29:49 PM »
Deci, do you think that the organization that took responsibility for the attacks was just lying? Do you think they were being paid off by the US government? Do you also think the rest of the world was in on it?

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:49:45 PM »
Son get onboard the rocketship immediately.
You're not my real dad! D:
So jokes aside how hard was it to immigrate to the EU? I assume you're on a student visa?
Well, I went to Belgium. The EU doesn't really have anything to do with it. I am currently on a student visa. The process was a little difficult because of silly stipulations regarding medical waivers, and the FBI background check takes forever, but other than that, it was not too difficult.
And going from a student visa to permanent residence and eventually citizenship, what does that entail?
I'm not entirely sure. I will be looking for a job soon. There are many different types of visa, some of which can earn me a type of permanent residence status. To gain citizenship, I think you have to live here for five years though.
Yeah I think after 5 then you can apply for citizenship. Do you plan to live in Belgium permanently with Flee? Didn't you leave behind family in America.
I hope to live in Belgium permanently. I did leave family behind, but that isn't a big deal. It is actually easier for them to visit me in Belgium than it was for them to visit me in Montana.

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:43:36 PM »
Son get onboard the rocketship immediately.
You're not my real dad! D:
So jokes aside how hard was it to immigrate to the EU? I assume you're on a student visa?
Well, I went to Belgium. The EU doesn't really have anything to do with it. I am currently on a student visa. The process was a little difficult because of silly stipulations regarding medical waivers, and the FBI background check takes forever, but other than that, it was not too difficult.
And going from a student visa to permanent residence and eventually citizenship, what does that entail?
I'm not entirely sure. I will be looking for a job soon. There are many different types of visa, some of which can earn me a type of permanent residence status. To gain citizenship, I think you have to live here for five years though.

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:30:32 PM »
Son get onboard the rocketship immediately.
You're not my real dad! D:
So jokes aside how hard was it to immigrate to the EU? I assume you're on a student visa?
Well, I went to Belgium. The EU doesn't really have anything to do with it. I am currently on a student visa. The process was a little difficult because of silly stipulations regarding medical waivers, and the FBI background check takes forever, but other than that, it was not too difficult.

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:20:50 PM »
Son get onboard the rocketship immediately.
You're not my real dad! D:

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:13:57 PM »
Ver-buh-tim. Always has, always will be.



Still don't like the way it sounds.
I feel that way with the word "manga" and the heavy A you're supposed to use.
For me it's just a matter of habit. I know that it's supposed to be Ver-bae-tim, but it's pronounced differently in just about every language I speak. In Dutch, French, Latin and German it is all pronounced like "ver-bah-tim", so the English pronunciation just sounds silly to me. I say it correctly when actually speaking English, but for the purposes of this forum and to identify one of our users? It'll always be "ver-buh-tim" when I read it.
He is lying. He doesn't always say it correctly in English.
I don't think I've ever used it around you to describe anything other than the forum user. He's an original creation. ;)
Wrong is wrong, sugar nymph.
Flee get off your alt
Awwwww, c'mon dad!! Can't I play on my alt for 5 more minutes?

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:06:57 PM »
Ver-buh-tim. Always has, always will be.



Still don't like the way it sounds.
I feel that way with the word "manga" and the heavy A you're supposed to use.
For me it's just a matter of habit. I know that it's supposed to be Ver-bae-tim, but it's pronounced differently in just about every language I speak. In Dutch, French, Latin and German it is all pronounced like "ver-bah-tim", so the English pronunciation just sounds silly to me. I say it correctly when actually speaking English, but for the purposes of this forum and to identify one of our users? It'll always be "ver-buh-tim" when I read it.
He is lying. He doesn't always say it correctly in English.
I don't think I've ever used it around you to describe anything other than the forum user. He's an original creation. ;)
Wrong is wrong, sugar nymph.

The Flood / Re: Having sex with lots of women has ruined me
« on: May 23, 2016, 02:31:23 PM »
Me too, brev

The problem with the feminism example is that there are so many different forms of it. I do not consider myself a feminist, but I do believe in equality and equal pay for equal work. Some would say that makes me a feminist. I disagree with the a lot of the views of mainstream feminists, and have been berated by feminists for not sharing their views.

Regardless, someone's gender does not make their opinion on a gendered subject better or worse.

The Flood / Re: "Ver-bae-tum" or "Ver-buh-tim"?
« on: May 23, 2016, 02:04:43 PM »
Ver-buh-tim. Always has, always will be.



Still don't like the way it sounds.
I feel that way with the word "manga" and the heavy A you're supposed to use.
For me it's just a matter of habit. I know that it's supposed to be Ver-bae-tim, but it's pronounced differently in just about every language I speak. In Dutch, French, Latin and German it is all pronounced like "ver-bah-tim", so the English pronunciation just sounds silly to me. I say it correctly when actually speaking English, but for the purposes of this forum and to identify one of our users? It'll always be "ver-buh-tim" when I read it.
He is lying. He doesn't always say it correctly in English.

Don't women have a higher threshold of pain tolerance?

So yeah, it kind of is objectively more painful to be hit in the balls.
I'm not sure that is entirely correct. I think it varies significantly from person to person. I have a very low threshold for pain, but a very high tolerance for pain medication. So like...super sucky since I would like to have children.

To kind of answer the "insanity" of wanting to have a child, I can tell you that there truly is a biological drive that is urging me to produce little parasites that eat, cry, shit, completely ruin my downstairs, and use up all my money.

Facebook has backed down from their stance, and is, apparently, now allowing the image to be used.

SOMEONE didn't explain how to do a plunge attack

It's written literally right outside the boss door.
It says 'RB to plunge', but I wasn't sure if I could just walk off or if I had to run. So I asked, and was told to "just go" after he took his time actually coming to an answer, which resulted in the above scenario.

Just played my first hour of Dark Souls ever. Died to the first boss because SOMEONE didn't explain how to do a plunge attack, so I just stood over Bowser-on-steroids until he did his flying tushy-smash attack which made me fall. Completely lost on how the controls worked, I was trying to swing my mace with A rather than RB, and could not get the timing down for rolling. I did much better on the second go. This probably had to do with achieving the proper plunge attack.

I tend to wander around and look at stuff, not realizing the undead skeleton creatures climbing over the wall, or the ledge that awaits nothing for me but death.

I do not know if I have enough patience to really give Dark Souls a good go, but we will see.

The Flood / Re: how tall are you
« on: May 12, 2016, 01:47:43 PM »
I think I am 5'7"

The Flood / Re: WHO motivates you to change?
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:40:10 AM »
I have a lot of self-motivation, but when that fails, I have my honeydew.

And some of you friendly folk as well. <3

The Flood / Re: TV series you can watch over and over
« on: April 02, 2016, 08:53:45 AM »
Any and all Law & Order series

The Flood / Re: Asshole Professors
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:06:37 AM »
I had a professor accuse me of cheating and subsequently sent me in front of the disciplinary board. Another student, who was failing the course, apparently cheated off of me, but instead of accusing them, she accused the person with a near perfect score in the class.

I was not punished and the board told the professor she was mistaken. She took it out on me the rest of the semester and made me sit in the front of the room in a row by myself and would constantly call me out and hassle me if I happened to make a minor mistake.

The Flood / Re: Real Flee Hours
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:29:35 AM »
waffles are not intended to be a breakfast food

What kinda of backwards nation do you guys have over there?
Traditional Belgian waffles are very sugary and if eaten in large quantities like done during an American breakfast, you would probably vomit.
Suddenly I get the feeling that Europoors have never eaten an entire box of doughnuts for breakfast and washed it down with half a gallon of chocolate milk.
I've never seen a European ingest such a meal.

The Flood / Re: Real Flee Hours
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:25:59 AM »
waffles are not intended to be a breakfast food

What kinda of backwards nation do you guys have over there?
Traditional Belgian waffles are very sugary and if eaten in large quantities like done during an American breakfast, you would probably vomit.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Trading Center + Discussion
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:28:45 PM »
Some day soon I will have a shiny Shaymin, and I will be quite happy.

The Flood / Re: No mods online
« on: March 04, 2016, 03:32:47 PM »
They see you when you're sleeping. They know when you're awake.
Wow, calling the FBI.
I do not know how Santa got away with it for so long either.
He's NSA.
I see. Either way, the FBI has no jurisdiction over Flee or Mr. Psy. Beware!
No, they are just under the EU which is worse.
The EU also doesn't have jurisdiction, but nice try anyway. <3

The Flood / Re: No mods online
« on: March 04, 2016, 03:28:40 PM »
They see you when you're sleeping. They know when you're awake.
Wow, calling the FBI.
I do not know how Santa got away with it for so long either.
He's NSA.
I see. Either way, the FBI has no jurisdiction over Flee or Mr. Psy. Beware!

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