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Messages - Assassin 11D7

Pages: 1 ... 328329330 331332 ... 336
The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:15:26 PM »
There was Kotor 2, TCW, the prequel movies, TFU, and other shit that does not qualify as good.

kotor 2
not good

Okay I'll let the prequel one slide but I really hope you aren't serious about Kotor 2.
Give me one reason why Kotor 2 was good or playable.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:14:34 PM »
Good Star Wars stuff







All Star Wars is good Star Wars...
There was Kotor 2, TCW, the prequel movies, TFU, and other shit that does not qualify as good.

While all subjective, why is TCW not good in your eyes? One of the best additions to Star Wars IMO and is what the prequels should have been. Hoping to say the same about Rebels.
Well, to start off it fucked up my personal favorite storyline in the entire EU with it's Mandalorians are peace-loving hippies BS, that caused the writer to say f*** it b/c the dick weeds that wrote TCW have no clue what the Star Wars lore is in the least. The series has also caused countless canon inconsistencies, the story of the series is also ridiculous, has Battle Droids that act as comic relief for some reason, idiotically designed space ships, an annoying character that should've died well before the 1st season ended, re-writing an established EU character b/c they didn't want to change a NEW character's name so they changed the established one's name, creating inane plot points, for some reason all the Clone Troopers look like they're suffering from malnutrition, Grievous is a weak little bitch that's always coughing for no reason(in Ep3 there was a reason for it), wtf is wrong with Count Dooku's head?, and even still more lore contradictions.

I would gladly rip everything out of that series except them giving the Clone Troopers personality and emotions, because that's the one thing the Prequels and CW didn't show much of that they could've.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:00:20 PM »
Good Star Wars stuff







All Star Wars is good Star Wars...
There was Kotor 2, TCW, the prequel movies, TFU, and other shit that does not qualify as good.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:58:47 PM »
Star Wars sucks.

Assassin, literally everyone who claims to have an opinion on Star Wars on the Internet knows about the stupid fucking RedLetterMedia review.
fite me

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:56:33 PM »
Good Star Wars stuff







The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:49:52 PM »
Prequels > original trilogy

*zips up flame suit*

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:48:55 PM »
All EU is now noncannon. Anything released past April 2014 is canon, except for stuff referenced. Like Darth Bane was in The Clone Wars, so he's canon.
Nope. It does not matter what Disney or George Fuckedus say, they cannot simply destroy thirty years of established canon. The EU is canon, The Clone Wars is not canon, it is as simple as that.
This. If only Disney weren't so damn lazy and actually went through the EU deciding what could be ditched, instead of looking at the huge pile of decades of work and going "Nope, didn't read".

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Thread? Star Wars Thread.
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:30:33 PM »
Tht moment when some1 makes a star wars thread & only posts 1 thing thts not shit

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:24:54 PM »
If it were up to me I'd have him perma'd because it's well known what he's done. Before you guys try to pull the excuse that he shouldn't be because he hasn't done anything here yet, Rose never did much on the forums and was instantly perma'd along with the legion of alts.
Except BB is cool and has situationally appropriate Joker .gifs
He is Blackbox.
I don't care who Karen Traviss says you're allowed to call BB, that moniker is reserved for Berserker Barrage.

Resquiescat en pace, BB.
that moment when I don't know wtf you're talking about.

The Flood / Re: Favorite kind of rock?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:06:12 PM »

Don't care, looks cool, is heavy.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:04:43 PM »
If it were up to me I'd have him perma'd because it's well known what he's done. Before you guys try to pull the excuse that he shouldn't be because he hasn't done anything here yet, Rose never did much on the forums and was instantly perma'd along with the legion of alts.
Except BB is cool and has situationally appropriate Joker .gifs
That definitely doesn't make it excusable by any means.
It does for me.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:59:52 PM »
If it were up to me I'd have him perma'd because it's well known what he's done. Before you guys try to pull the excuse that he shouldn't be because he hasn't done anything here yet, Rose never did much on the forums and was instantly perma'd along with the legion of alts.
Except BB is cool and has situationally appropriate Joker .gifs

The Flood / Re: I propose an enhancement to the site
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:55:34 PM »
da fuq is dis shit?

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:45:43 PM »
The results you're searching for may be, but are not limited to:
On 8/29/14 a user known as Blackbox (which was an alt of Blackbox Rob) sends a horrific picture of a German shepherd being tortured and raped. It's penis is burnt via lighter, anal beads inserted into it's anus, tied down with duck tape and being raped by a male. It's unknown if the male in the picture is Blackbox. The flood was completely disgusted, perhaps one of the worse things ever posted on
What a cool guy
I offered help, but the fgt wouldn't send me the image.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:40:44 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.
There's a chance that some haven't.
BS, we had the Anarchy board.
And I know of a few people who purposely avoided it because of such things. Even then, illegal content is still against the rules. A lot of what this guy sends around is incredibly illegal.
What'd he send?
The results you're searching for may be, but are not limited to:
On 8/29/14 a user known as Blackbox (which was an alt of Blackbox Rob) sends a horrific picture of a German shepherd being tortured and raped. It's penis is burnt via lighter, anal beads inserted into it's anus, tied down with duck tape and being raped by a male. It's unknown if the male in the picture is Blackbox. The flood was completely disgusted, perhaps one of the worse things ever posted on

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:26:29 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.
There's a chance that some haven't.
BS, we had the Anarchy board.
And I know of a few people who purposely avoided it because of such things. Even then, illegal content is still against the rules. A lot of what this guy sends around is incredibly illegal.
That entirely depends on what evidence you have, if he gets caught, and what country you live in.
A lot of the stuff he sent around contained illegal content. There is no disputing that.
Is it breaking the law if he didn't get caught?

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:25:54 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.
There's a chance that some haven't.
BS, we had the Anarchy board.
...and you understand that the whole premise of the Anarchy forum was to facilitate rule-breaking that was otherwise not allowed?
And that the stuff there (which I'm not even sure was as bad) was against the rules?
And that not everyone used Anarchy?
Everyone should see the majesty of God's creation sometime in their life.

It just so happens that it may, or may not, include dead babies or such images.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:24:21 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.
There's a chance that some haven't.
BS, we had the Anarchy board.
And I know of a few people who purposely avoided it because of such things. Even then, illegal content is still against the rules. A lot of what this guy sends around is incredibly illegal.
That entirely depends on what evidence you have, if he gets caught, and what country you live in.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:21:37 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.
There's a chance that some haven't.
BS, we had the Anarchy board.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:14:40 PM »
Just know that if you try any of that funny shit you pull on bnet you'll be banhammered into oblivion.
Not like anyone on this board hasn't seen things like he sent before.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:54:18 PM »
inb4 dog rape and abuse

« on: September 16, 2014, 06:53:15 PM »
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

The Flood / Re: Someone wants to fight me (semi-IRL)
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:17:14 PM »

Here, OP. You'll be invulnerable and everyone will think you got a big dick.

Serious / Re: Atheists...
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:12:29 PM »
Highest case scenario: Consciousness is retained, but the physical form is lost. In essence, you're part of something greater, the mesh of the universe, another level of consciousness.

Lowest case scenario: Consciousness is lost, physical form is lost, but your atoms are still scattered to the winds and what you were blends into the grand clockwork of things.

Either way, it's best if we do our best while we're here. Make damn sure your loved ones know they're loved.
Why can't there be more replies like this in this forum, instead of "You become dirt,
He literally fucking said you become dirt.

If you simplify what he said and take out the romanticism of his word usage, this is what it says:

Best case scenario: You become a spooky ghost or integrate into some kind of universal spirit thing

Worst case scenario: You become dirt
He didn't say outright, "this is how something is, disagree with me then you're wrong". Which is what I got from plenty of comments in this thread.

I'm not asking for perfect neutrality, but there's a difference between stating your beliefs and stating your beliefs as eternal truths. I believe in God, but I don't go around saying, "You're going to Heaven when you die, God is going to love you, you piece of shit, so accept it already.".
Nobody in this thread was saying that.

I mean, shit, I'll say it, because it's true, but fuck, everyone here isn't me.
Good to know.

Serious / Re: Atheists...
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:02:28 PM »
Highest case scenario: Consciousness is retained, but the physical form is lost. In essence, you're part of something greater, the mesh of the universe, another level of consciousness.

Lowest case scenario: Consciousness is lost, physical form is lost, but your atoms are still scattered to the winds and what you were blends into the grand clockwork of things.

Either way, it's best if we do our best while we're here. Make damn sure your loved ones know they're loved.
Why can't there be more replies like this in this forum, instead of "You become dirt,
He literally fucking said you become dirt.

If you simplify what he said and take out the romanticism of his word usage, this is what it says:

Best case scenario: You become a spooky ghost or integrate into some kind of universal spirit thing

Worst case scenario: You become dirt
He didn't say outright, "this is how something is, disagree with me then you're wrong". Which is what I got from plenty of comments in this thread.

I'm not asking for perfect neutrality, but there's a difference between stating your beliefs and stating your beliefs as eternal truths. I believe in God, but I don't go around saying, "You're going to Heaven when you die, God is going to love you, you piece of shit, so accept it already.".

The Flood / Re: Someone wants to fight me (semi-IRL)
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:50:29 PM »
Place your bets, place your bets.

Dustin to be graped in under 10 seconds, or Dustin to win and end up in jail being graped anyway.

10:1 odds.

Place yo' bets.
I would allow myself to get beat up if it meant avoiding jail. Like I said, I would only attempt to restrain them, I wouldn't even fight back.
>Tell a guy to fight you
>actually go to fight him
>no your honor I was only trying to restrain him

This is the guy who wants to become a doctor.
It's not illegal to provoke someone to fight you. Anyway, you've admitted to being in fights, so I don't see what your point is.

>It's not illegal to start fights
>It's illegal to draw animu kids

This should be on the next installment of Shit Dustin Says e.e
Do you always feel the need to twist my words? Both of the things you said are wrong.

Not always, but when I'm needling you to try to burst that Ego bubble - yep.
I already explicitly stated that I don't care about my reputation here. If it's negative, that's even better because then I'm more likely to spend my time doing something productive.

>mfw you think this is over reputation still
>mfw you still don't realise that your pointless and flawed one man crusade is simply pissing everyone off because it's fundamentally incorrect.

Fight the good fight over CP by all means, but you are making enemies up in your head here.
Nobody on this forum is pro-cp, but you are making a mountain out of a molehill by making the assumption that loli drawings = CP and that viewing them is going to turn everyone into avid consumers of that disgusting filth and then this whole forum will go on some sort of bubba rampage in a preschool.
Why are we mentioning CP? I thought we were giving Dustin advice on how to not get #rekt?

Anyways, here's instructions on how to make ballistic armor, for some reason.

Because dustin seems to have a magnet for this sort of thing attached to all of his posts ._.
You can have the medieval Batman armor instead if that makes you feel better.

I give up on searching for this stuff though. All I keep getting is dumbfags posting their skyrim characters in steel plate armor and people that haven't found porn yet making skimpy versions of it.

The Flood / Re: Someone wants to fight me (semi-IRL)
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:43:37 PM »
Place your bets, place your bets.

Dustin to be graped in under 10 seconds, or Dustin to win and end up in jail being graped anyway.

10:1 odds.

Place yo' bets.
I would allow myself to get beat up if it meant avoiding jail. Like I said, I would only attempt to restrain them, I wouldn't even fight back.
>Tell a guy to fight you
>actually go to fight him
>no your honor I was only trying to restrain him

This is the guy who wants to become a doctor.
It's not illegal to provoke someone to fight you. Anyway, you've admitted to being in fights, so I don't see what your point is.

>It's not illegal to start fights
>It's illegal to draw animu kids

This should be on the next installment of Shit Dustin Says e.e
Do you always feel the need to twist my words? Both of the things you said are wrong.

Not always, but when I'm needling you to try to burst that Ego bubble - yep.
I already explicitly stated that I don't care about my reputation here. If it's negative, that's even better because then I'm more likely to spend my time doing something productive.

>mfw you think this is over reputation still
>mfw you still don't realise that your pointless and flawed one man crusade is simply pissing everyone off because it's fundamentally incorrect.

Fight the good fight over CP by all means, but you are making enemies up in your head here.
Nobody on this forum is pro-cp, but you are making a mountain out of a molehill by making the assumption that loli drawings = CP and that viewing them is going to turn everyone into avid consumers of that disgusting filth and then this whole forum will go on some sort of bubba rampage in a preschool.
Why are we mentioning CP? I thought we were giving Dustin advice on how to not get #rekt?

Anyways, here's instructions on how to make ballistic armor, for some reason.

The Flood / Re: Someone wants to fight me (semi-IRL)
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:32:12 PM »
The only reasonable option is to show up to the fight wearing this.

The Flood / Re: Someone wants to fight me (semi-IRL)
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:25:18 PM »
Rent a suit of steel plate armor.

Laugh at their attempts to hurt you.

Serious / Re: Atheists...
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:53:08 PM »
Highest case scenario: Consciousness is retained, but the physical form is lost. In essence, you're part of something greater, the mesh of the universe, another level of consciousness.

Lowest case scenario: Consciousness is lost, physical form is lost, but your atoms are still scattered to the winds and what you were blends into the grand clockwork of things.

Either way, it's best if we do our best while we're here. Make damn sure your loved ones know they're loved.
Why can't there be more replies like this in this forum, instead of "You become dirt, lol religion iz wrong, I no consider other viewpnts cuz science".

That would make this place, much, much more bearable.

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