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Messages - GAMERG0D

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314
Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:22:14 PM »
Then you've missed pretty much nothing, to be honest. Bloodborne is pretty much the only thing of note IMO.
Yeah, Bloodborne is actually fun. That said, I'll look into exclusives and all that as they come out. There are a few good titles, especially JRPGs that I've been meaning to play.
>World of FF
>FF7 (PC though)
>Persona 5
>Star Ocean 5

literally GOAT

Umm, Star Ocean 5, Persona 5, and the new Nier game are the only PS4 exclusives you listed. Just pointing that out. Dissidia is on an arcade cabinet not the PS4, WoFF is a ps vita port, and Dragon Quest is an HD retexture of a 3DS game. KH 3 and FF 15 have been confirmed multiplat since they were first announced.

Just sayin you listed a bunch of multiplats, hand held ports, and an arcade cabinet as the reasons as to why the PS4 is "GOAT" is all.
Uh dissidia has a ps4 version too if you actually knew what you were talking about. If anything DQ XI on 3DS is a downgraded PS4 version.


>playing inferior versions of FF XV and KH III

they'll be on PC anyway since FF XV's engine is able to run on Windows 10 PCs and I shouldn't have to explain KH III's unreal engine 4.


them putting Type-0 HD on steam also gives XV more of a chance
are you dumb?
You don't understand.

Square Enix has published a video showing Dissidia running on an arcade machine and a PS4. And they also said when they do release it on PS4 it will be a year after arcade. After months of an information drought where they showed Bartz and Squall, there have been rumors the arcade version releases next month. Which I hope is the case.

Regarding FF XV, you know that it is formerly Versus XIII, a PS3 exclusive. Development has shifted to PS4 and XB1. Except PS4 is the lead platform. The res on XB1 is sub 720p while PS4 is 900p, and the 2.0 update improves the framerate to be more stable. The framerate compared to PS4 is atrocious.
However, Xbox One turns in a more concerning level of performance. This version already operates at a lower resolution as it is but despite that, the frame-rate falls pretty far below the PS4 version. On average we're looking at a 5fps deficit in comparison, with precious few scenes ever reaching 30fps. The game immediately feels slower and less refined on Microsoft's platform leaving some of the scenarios feeling downright unplayable. Add in minor screen-tearing that rears its head across the top of the screen and you're looking at a rather poor experience. As it stands, this particular demo produces perhaps the lowest level of performance we've seen in an Xbox One game to date.

XB1 is an afterthought for SE with FF XV because Versus was a PS3 game, and the abysmal sales of Type-0 on XB1 (and in general, it wasn't very good sales-wise) don't really give them an incentive.

I expect the same for KH III. FF and KH have, for a while now (referring to FF), have been Playstation titles. If you have an option between PS4 and XB1 you should pick PS4 to play these on.

As for the PC version of XV, I already linked the Luminous thing on Win 10 (which you probably didn't know about btw) , regarding it this is what we know:

Speaking of PC, Tabata-san mentioned that there’s no current solid plan for a PC version, and that’s because the tuning for a PC game is different from a console game.

At the moment the team is focusing on getting the final game out and tuning it for a TV screen in the living room. The team feels that people have been waiting for the game for a long time, so it’s important to release it as soon as possible.

That said, once the console version will be out, they will want to think about the next step, and they’ll consider a PC version too.

Tabata-san is also very interested in Steam, because it allows to reach a very different demographic from the one offered by consoles, so he’ll be looking at creating opportunities to use the platform in the future.

I also have to remind you that Tabata was also the director for Type-0 HD and in a reddit AMA he stated he would like to release Type-0 HD on Steam. And what happened? It did.

I need to mention that Dead or Alive 5 and the recent releases of FFV and Type-0, along with TPP coerces SE to release FF XV on Steam. TPP sold a lot on PC, XV could do similar if not more.

Now I know that WoFF is a vita game, I get that. And DQ XI is absolutely not a touched up 3DS version. The PS4 version (and potentially NX) is running UE4, the 3DS is not capable of this feat. They are entirely seperate games.

The PS4 also has Shenmue III (also on PC), FF VII HD (also on PC, most likely a SFV situation where Sony is helping development so no XB1), Horizon, TLG, and Star Ocean V and Persona 5.

It is worth buying.

Gaming / Re: Game(s) you loved at first, but grew to hate
« on: October 17, 2015, 08:52:57 PM »
Wind Waker

I'm mainly referring to the original.

The issues are that the game is easy, shorter, and more boring than the other Zelda games.

Sailing was monotonous, the Triforce quest is even more monotonous.

The HD release fixes all these issues.

Gaming / Re: Game(s) you loved at first, but grew to hate
« on: October 17, 2015, 08:43:37 PM »
Fallout 3
Wind Waker

Gaming / Re: halo 5 leaked final mission gameplay
« on: October 17, 2015, 07:47:01 PM »
People are already posting early lets plays
They're allowed to.


Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess may be getting a high-definition release on the Wii U, according to some user discoveries. As reported by Eurogamer, a fan had discovered a shop icon for Twilight Princess in the backend of the Wii U eShop. According to Eurogamer, an entry for "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Twilight Princess HD" has also allegedly been found in the Nintendo eShop servers, although the source listing is unofficial and claims it may be inaccurate.

At this stage it's only rumors, so I'm inclined to take this with a grain of salt, but still a little bit excited. The original aesthetics were sublime, so I'd be interested to see how much they've been improved if this is true.
"only rumors"

This is not true, the icon associated with "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Twilight Princess HD" does not have the Wii label attatched to it, like the Wii games on the eShop. It's also on the Japanese eShop servers. These updates are only pushed to the servers if the games are close to releasing.

Also, other games listed on the servers were announced shortly after their discovery.

There is nothing to suggest that it is fake.

"But they're releasing Zelda Wii U, they can't do 2 Zelda games at once!"

Not necessarily

Wind Waker HD was developed in 6 months.

Do you remember the Zelda Wii U tech demo? That was Twilight Princess. They already have a base for a TP HD.

Now I know what you're thinking "Triforce Heroes is releasing soon, they can't release 2 games side-by-side!"

Oh yes they can.

TLOZ: WW HD Release Date - September 20, 2013
TLOZ: ALBW Release Date - November 22, 2013

There is nothing against the notion that TP HD can release this year or even by March 2016.

As I said, the eShop server only adds games when they are close to release.

Just wait for the direct next week.

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 07:30:48 PM »
Then you've missed pretty much nothing, to be honest. Bloodborne is pretty much the only thing of note IMO.
Yeah, Bloodborne is actually fun. That said, I'll look into exclusives and all that as they come out. There are a few good titles, especially JRPGs that I've been meaning to play.
>World of FF
>FF7 (PC though)
>Persona 5
>Star Ocean 5

literally GOAT

Umm, Star Ocean 5, Persona 5, and the new Nier game are the only PS4 exclusives you listed. Just pointing that out. Dissidia is on an arcade cabinet not the PS4, WoFF is a ps vita port, and Dragon Quest is an HD retexture of a 3DS game. KH 3 and FF 15 have been confirmed multiplat since they were first announced.

Just sayin you listed a bunch of multiplats, hand held ports, and an arcade cabinet as the reasons as to why the PS4 is "GOAT" is all.
Uh dissidia has a ps4 version too if you actually knew what you were talking about. If anything DQ XI on 3DS is a downgraded PS4 version.


>playing inferior versions of FF XV and KH III

they'll be on PC anyway since FF XV's engine is able to run on Windows 10 PCs and I shouldn't have to explain KH III's unreal engine 4.


them putting Type-0 HD on steam also gives XV more of a chance

Gaming / Re: I've got a PS4 1TB and Bloodborne
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:00:43 PM »
Then you've missed pretty much nothing, to be honest. Bloodborne is pretty much the only thing of note IMO.
Yeah, Bloodborne is actually fun. That said, I'll look into exclusives and all that as they come out. There are a few good titles, especially JRPGs that I've been meaning to play.
>World of FF
>FF7 (PC though)
>Persona 5
>Star Ocean 5

literally GOAT

Do a lot of sidequests, the game is really really huge. You can do the main quest but I find an early aspect of it difficult at first when you go in this one building with these guys to get a dish.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread
« on: October 16, 2015, 11:06:17 PM »
Oh I guess it's worth using it to throw grenades, since it's basically broken and you get a perfect throw almost every time
Most of the time I forget I have like 30 grenades on me then I just use them at once.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:37:59 PM »
I don't know if it's apparent to you yet but you can literally do anything.*

*that the devs restrict you to

Gaming / Re: I caved
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:09:39 PM »
I don't think you understand

Gaming / Re: I caved
« on: October 16, 2015, 09:53:32 PM »
Should've gotten a Wii-U tbh lad
for the one good game that's coming out?

Now I don't think you should get a Wii U because most of the popular games will most likely be on NX such as Splatoon, Smash, and MK8

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread
« on: October 16, 2015, 09:33:38 PM »
I mean, you can "abuse" saving to get a preferred outcome but when you do 10-30 mins of stuff you generally want to save.

Gaming / Re: Game(s) you hated at first, but grew to love
« on: October 16, 2015, 09:32:16 PM »

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread
« on: October 16, 2015, 09:29:01 PM »

I know it's a mod, but like, Fallout 3 has this UGLY green filter for god knows whatever freaking reason (and NV with an orange one. Needless to say, it makes the sun non existent too...). So if you don't want it to look worse than it already is, I'd highly recommend that.
I assumed it was to make the landscape seem more, uh, irradiated? I dunno. It doesn't bother me, really. Thanks, though.

I'm playing on PS3 anyway.
I know you don't want advice but you should save every chance you get

like I'm not even joking

the game can crash randomly or it freezes

also you mentioned customization, yeah it's not the greatest thing

Gaming / Re: I caved
« on: October 16, 2015, 09:07:46 PM »
Black Ops III

Gaming / Re: I caved
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:48:10 PM »
Why not the elite bundle?

Trailer for the next Fallout Shelter update. Includes a clip of a Fallout 4 cutscene.


Gaming / Re: I finally gave in and bought Fire Emblem: Awakening
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:34:30 PM »
ruined the franchise

Gaming / Re: Top Villains in games?
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:54:15 PM »
I played Twilight on Gamecube so idk about motion controls.

If you have a good enough computer, you can just emulate Wind Waker. In my opinion it's the best 3D Zelda game.
The Wii U version maybe

the game without hero mode is for babies and the tedious sailing and triforce quest don't help it

Kefka from FFIV.
You mean VI.

Hated that character, btw. Easily one of the worst Final Fantasy games, too.
I get that
let's just destroy everything because insanity, but he actually accomplished his goal.
And worst lmao wtf is this?

Gaming / Re: Bought LBX bor 3DS AMA me anything
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:48:37 PM »
Is it worth the price tag?

Gaming / Re: Destiny now has micro transactions UPDATE
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:57:40 AM »
I had around 50 days of gametime on MW2 so that's nothing
I have 62.

remaster next year pls

90 hours on Destiny.

Gaming / Re: Waypoint was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:53:07 AM »
21 maps is quite a few, isn't that like the most a Halo game's ever come out with at launch?
Except most of the maps are duplicates.

Gaming / Re: Wii U virtual console input lag.
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:05:16 AM »
Don't play NES or N64 games, the former is blurry and the latter is darker than the original games because MUH MOTION SICKNESS.

I have an i7 4790K but I really think the CPU spec is bullshit.

Gaming / Re: Weapon Sights
« on: October 13, 2015, 03:32:32 AM »

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 06:21:23 PM »
Expansions for video games used to offer much more for less

now CoD has $15 per pack with 5 maps, 4 of which are multiplayer. That's rather fair. 4 of those * 15 = $60. Season pass is $50, so $10 discount.

All CoD DLC is usually really really good, even Ghosts the maps were better than the ones on the disc.

The value of a full game versus all DLC is usually never an equivalent value

Just have to deal with it

Gaming / Re: EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Season's Pass ~ $50
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:49:20 PM »
Battlefront II in 3 years lol


Don't believe anything til a webm is posted on /v/

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