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Messages - GAMERG0D

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Gaming / Re: Metal Gear Solid Discussion Thread
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:58:18 PM »

slowly but surely

Gaming / Re: I have Halo 5. Screw this thread :^) | Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:47:38 PM »
it's the weekend, why would you worry about being tired for college tomorrow?
For Monday I might stay up all night to sleep when I get home at 6 PM. I don't want to miss the pre-launch antics though. I already have the game preloaded.

Deactivated the nuke. Holden (Lucas Simms's son) awarded me with the key to that empty house that I kept walking by, and now I get to use it as my living quarters. Fucking YES. It's great, because now I actually have a place to store all of my items, and a place to sleep at consistently. But more importantly a place to store my items.

I reported back to Moira after visiting the Super-Duper mart, and she gave me a food purifier. Very, very nice. But now she wants me to irradiate myself with 200-600 rads for her research... <_< Kinda crazy, but not something I'm unwilling to do. I'm standing next to the nuke, now, waiting to get sufficiently irradiated. I might get bored and stop, though.
Now you can get a lot more shit. You should only carry what you need. I said before that I'd carry around 20 grenades in my pocket and I'd never use them.

Gaming / Re: I have Halo 5. Screw this thread :^) | Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:28:25 PM »
Same but with college.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 just confirmed for PC
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:23:12 PM »
I don't think so. We know that they tried in mid-late 2013.
Among these are La-Mulana, Fez, Dyad, Cut the Rope, Quantum Conundrum 2, Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, Shadow Warrior Complete, Halo 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, Angry Birds Space, Angry Birds Seasons and Second Life.

Also let me tell you

all those games listed except the Halo games were later announced for steam after being found in the database. They were not known to be releasing beforehand. We know this thing is accurate.

I infer that they started making MCC and were on track to release Windows 10 so that delayed their efforts.

Mainly because "get every Halo game in one package"

doesn't really encourage people to buy an Xbox if they released them on PC prior to this.

Halo Wars 2 is only the beginning. Hell even just 3, we don't need 4-6.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 just confirmed for PC
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:03:18 PM »


"a chance" =/= confirmed
Do you honestly believe that within the next century or even decade that Halo 5 won't be on PC?
man halo 3 on pc is amazing
Why would they put Halo 3 on PC when Halo 4 was releasing?

Also it hasn't been 10 years since Halo 3's release.

If a game's minimum is 8 (like Fallout 4) you have to factor in your OS and other programs running. It's not advisable to have the minimum.

Gaming / Re: I have Halo 5. Screw this thread :^) | Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:17:44 PM »
The one time I buy digital >: (

American retailers almost never break street dates so you wouldn't get it early anyway.
Not necessarily, the mom and pop stores do. It happens every single year.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 just confirmed for PC
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:39:58 PM »

Gaming / Re: I finally finished WindWaker HD
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:20:10 PM »
I'll be the one to say it.

I think Majora's Mask is vastly overrated, and while I beat it, I didn't nearly enjoy it as much as its predecessor.
Yeah but it had the exact same gameplay.

I don't get what you mean with "shows its age" if they're literally on the same engine and made only 2 years apart. The graphics are bad.
No they're not bad. You might say that compared to today's graphics (which you shouldn't do btw, that's not viewing the game objectively). The graphics are fine.

If they're a deal breaker for you, mod it on PC or play the 3DS version.
TP was totes my fave guys. I know it wasn't obvious already but you guys deserve to know :^)
And rightfully so.
Yeah but it had the exact same gameplay.

I don't get what you mean with "shows its age" if they're literally on the same engine and made only 2 years apart. The graphics are bad.
The masks spiced up the gameplay a lot. The zora mask was at least ten times better than the iron boots. When I think about it, I didn't really like the idea having to change between adult and child Link during the gameplay.
This except the last sentence.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 just confirmed for PC
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:17:41 PM »

Gaming / Re: Damn you microsoft
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:16:13 PM »
Also if you get a new XB1 and you're in the preview program and you factory reset your old console, it's still in preview. You have to go in the app and remove preview before factory resetting or on the new Xbox and "manage other consoles" then wait a few days for MS to deactivate the old XB1. I moved to an XB1 that was already in the preview program. Naturally I wanted control over this (I couldn't open app because it said "this console is already registered to another account").

tl;dr MS is a cunt to those who leave the program.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 just confirmed for PC
« on: October 24, 2015, 12:13:03 PM »

MS reminding us that this is the real world
you should see what he said about Tomb Raider


>tfw frankie said halo 5 might go to pc
I've been saying for centuries MS will eventually, eventually being the key word here, put them on PC. MCC and Windows 8/10 delayed this effort and they want people buying an XB1 for Halo 5 ATM. HW2 is next year so idk what they'll do.

Gaming / Re: "Hello Black Box" | 4 day hype | Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 23, 2015, 10:49:29 PM »
Eh, you can disable all of the abilities like sprint and ground pound if you want in custom games. Meaning that you can basically turn it into a pretty Halo 3.

Which has me excited because that means they may do a matchmaking hopper based around that in the future.
Or you could just play Halo 3.

Or I can play Halo 5 with Halo 3 settings on dedicated servers, netcode that isn't shit, more customization, a better forge, and better graphics.
>worse maps

I'm gonna need to buy some ram sometime next year to get to 16 GB. You need 8 for Fallout 4, so I know modding I'll want some leeway so it doesn't constantly crash on me. Still, I plan on doing a full playthrough without mods, so I'm not worried just yet.

literally my advice


Gaming / Re: What games have the best water effects?
« on: October 23, 2015, 09:28:41 PM »
I don't have any footage but MGSV TPP.

Gaming / Re: ITT LC shills for digital
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:37:36 PM »
my rationale being that there will come a time when I won't be able to just download the game anymore, and I like the security of having a physical copy. B
There is nothing rationale about that.
It's the same deal with Steam in that regard. If/when Steam ever ceases to exist, even if there's an offline mode, there won't be a way to download any games I lose from some sort of hardware failure, for example. I'll need a physical copy if I ever want a particular game again, and years down the line, obtaining one might be difficult to accomplish.
Internet speeds in the future will allow you to torrent them

You'll find scrap metal pretty much anywhere. It's good early on.

Gaming / Re: I finally finished WindWaker HD
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:33:03 PM »
WW is my favorite Zelda. A lot of people hated the sailing but I actually loved it.
Some people have no taste for adventure.

WW was my favorite in the series before I played MM. I still really like WW, but MM resonates with me more personally.
Haven't actually played MM, thinking of picking up 3d though.
Do eet

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Spoilers (With Images)
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:11:28 PM »

Gaming / Re: I finally finished WindWaker HD
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:10:31 PM »
I should talk about Zelda since that's what the OP is.

I haven't beaten WW I'll admit, I've been in every dungeon but the last one though.

I have an irrational fear of Seahats and water in games in general. I couldn't beat Metroid Prime until 3 years ago because I was scared of the aquatic creatures. In Fallout 3 and NV I still can't go near bodies of water because of Mirelurks and Lakelurks.

Anyway I prefer the other 3D Zeldas because of the easy difficulty and long sailing. And again with the Seahats.

OOT and MM are just masterpieces, if I said this about TP I'd be laughed at. I like TP the most, not because OW THE EDGE, because of the dungeons and the story in general. It's a more story heavy game (except if you count all the MM sidequests). I shouldn't really say story heavy at all because the story in Zelda games isn't exactly a huge feature. I like the items in TP, I liked being a wolf.

I enjoy SS too but it's really monotonous, the dungeon design is grand and the music is great too but it's so repetitive.

Gaming / Re: I finally finished WindWaker HD
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:05:08 PM »
Now you just need to finish/play Super Mario World, and you will have finished my three favorite games of all time.
What's the other one besides that and Wind Waker?
Super Metroid. The holy trinity.

Yeah, all my favorite games are Nintendo. Fuck me, right?
Why SMW over SMB3?

Anyway OP you should play the other 3D games.
I confess to being a Metroid Prime fan. I really enjoy that game. I recently went back to Prime 2 and enjoyed it, maybe even more then the first in some ways.
I haven't played Super Metroid though, unfortunately. But I've played Fusion...
I enjoy the MP games too, but I have this thing in the back of my head that tells me that 2D games are superior so I can't decide between preferring MP or Super Metroid.

Super Metroid is a fantastic game though.

Prime 2 was more of a different game compared to Prime and Metroid design in general. You have these ammo types and these suits that protect you from this atmosphere. It feels like a different game.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Spoilers (With Images)
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:00:25 PM »
I may or may not have just watched Halo 5's ending, and it's actually alright.
It probably was the same thing I saw.

I don't get how people are going to understand this game at all without reading the novels.

Gaming / Re: I finally finished WindWaker HD
« on: October 23, 2015, 06:59:43 PM »
Now you just need to finish/play Super Mario World, and you will have finished my three favorite games of all time.
What's the other one besides that and Wind Waker?
Super Metroid. The holy trinity.

Yeah, all my favorite games are Nintendo. Fuck me, right?
Why SMW over SMB3?

Anyway OP you should play the other 3D games.

You ever thought of writing, Verb?

The vaults are secretly social experiments designed to test certain scenarios on a contained populace. Some were succesful, most weren't. Only Vault 101 was never intended to open, as to study the effects of long term isolation on a small group.

So that's why there were hallucinations; Vault experiment.
i'm assuming that you're only telling me this because there is no in-game lore explaining it
otherwise i wouldn't have appreciated you telling me

You'll never be told about vault experiments as far as I can remember. They were i troduced in Fallout 2 so have been a staple of the franchise since, to find out the purpose wluld involve inferring it from not so obvious computer entries.

There's only a handful of vaults that survived - be it 'control' vaults (worked as advertised) or succesful experiments (Like V101)

I can link a page with all the vault experiments of you like. Personally I find them the most intriguing aspect of Fallout and I get the impression you would.
Despite that fact that I think Bethesda Fallout games are garbage, I'm rather intrigued as to the vaults that will be in Fallout 4.

area spoiler
you can go to vault-tec headquarters in DC but idk if they tell you this

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Story Spoilers (With Images)
« on: October 23, 2015, 09:55:15 AM »
Do you guys really think those who have already pre-orderd are going to do anything but defend this game to the death?
I'm not.

Gaming / Re: what are your thoughts on QTE in vidya gaymes?
« on: October 23, 2015, 09:54:36 AM »
It is lazy game design, if you look at Halo 4 and other games with "final bosses", western devs can't make final bosses for shit.

When you actually know anything about the Didact's abilities or what happened after he fell (He survived), Halo 4 is justfied. There was no way John could ever have beat tge Didact, even after taking six conposers and the gravity well of a gas giant to the face he's been merely "contained". What is a crappy ballistic weapin going to do to a warrior with the capability to blow up continents on his own? Not fucking much.
That last part of Halo 4 was still dumb as fuck though. It should have just been a cutscene instead of a lame ass QTE "boss" fight.

They did it because having gameplay wouldn't accurately reflect the Didact's power and a lot of people would want some semblence of gameplay rather than a cutscene. They chose a compromise.

I'm not saying it was succesful - I would prefer a cutscene - but they made the decision to balance gameplay and story.
You ever notice in FPS games when you get to the last room in the entire campaign and you lose control?

Literally trying to make vidya like film.

Stop this cinematic meme.

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