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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 322323324 325326 ... 393
The Flood / Re: I wipe my ass really hard
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:57:19 AM »
Wet wipes are the way to go, it'll change your life man.

The Flood / Re: Do any of you introverts know how to fix speech issues?
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:28:20 PM »
Stretch your mouth nightly with a cock shaped object, a cock works nicely.

The Flood / Re: Need birthday gift for a grill
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:16:23 PM »
Get her a cute top, duh

The Flood / Re: Muhammad Ali is a fucking dumbass
« on: February 19, 2016, 04:43:15 PM »
Desty, you're on the scale bud.

Get checked, for your health.

The Flood / Re: It's 4.53 AM and I'm supposed to be up at half 8
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:55:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: oh baby look what just came in the mail
« on: February 19, 2016, 01:54:59 PM »
Daily reminder that balisongs are for 80s New York muggers. Early 90s also work, can not be white.

The Flood / Re: Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
« on: February 19, 2016, 11:11:55 AM »
Quality post

The Flood / Re: Headphones
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:36:00 AM »

I've had these for years. I generally buy headphones that are pretty cheap.

Most I've paid were $100 Bose ear buds that I lost three months later.

The Flood / Re: New JJBA part 4 character designs
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:21:08 AM »
Looks like yu yu hakusho

The Flood / Re: I think I'm incapable of asking for help.
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:12:52 PM »
I've only ever talked to one person about my depression, and it's because she approached me first with her issues.

The Flood / Re: AMAs are going out of style, AMA.
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:07:39 PM »
When are you going to post that pic of your mom? I remember in the anarchy that was before the last one you said you would.
I don't think I ever said I'd post a pic of my mom on here, and if I did I was lying. A few people have seen pics of my mama tho.
Can you post those pics then? I want to see her.

I've seen her and she is wonderful.

The Flood / Re: Fucking niggers and their pronounciations
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:03:07 PM »
I knew a girl named La-a.

One time a substitute teacher called her Laaahh ahhh. She cursed this poor dude out. Because her name was pronounced Lah DASH Ah. Stupid fucking niggers.

Lol the ladasha meme, oldy but a goody

The Flood / Re: I hate humanity
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:01:49 PM »
Mr loaf, tear down this wall.

The Flood / Re: Death Grips proved to me blacks had value as a race.
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:01:04 PM »
why do so many people like them? they're awful

They are spectacularly bad

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:50:54 PM »
Street fighter is for spics. Tekken all day.

Gaming / Re: Tetris
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:44:53 PM »
Mother of God

The Flood / Re: Let's do this
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:23:27 PM »

I'm ok with this

The Flood / Re: What doth life?
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:20:23 PM »
That isn't even a complete sentence.

Look at the big brain on max

Those are super neat

The Flood / Re: Wait, so why was Kupo blacklisted?
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:20:51 PM »
This is some sucker shit how much trash you guys talk about a motherfucker behind his back.
Square up fam I'll shit talk all over your face bruv


The Flood / Re: What doth life?
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:52:10 PM »
I'm going to stick my hard disk in that filthy puter's floppy slot

The Flood / What doth life?
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:00:16 AM »

The Flood / Re: anyone else here listen to Elliot Smith
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:20:04 AM »
Not since I last cut myself for my girlfriend leaving me.

The Flood / Re: sep7agon members you could beat in a flight
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:13:59 AM »
Yeah, I haven't flown anything in real life, I get the concept though...

The Flood / Re: sep7agon members you could beat in a fight
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:12:30 AM »
Pretty much anyone, might have a problem with psu. Jive a bitch.

The Flood / Re: Challenger and verb's avatars need to go
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:02:01 PM »
I'm just going to go now, you guys wanted to hurt my feelings and it worked. Goodbye.

The Flood / Re: Challenger and verb's avatars need to go
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:57:47 PM »
Chally's avatar is no different to someone saying

We don't stop anyone from posting FUCK ANIME so why would we stop someone from having it in an avatar?

Swearing is a non-issue.

I don't see people supersizing the f word as much as I see his avatar floating around, especially when he's spamming an otherwise cordial discussion with his crazy frog memes.

Swearing is clearly an issue in public areas, work for example.
Eh it happens a fair bit, really browsing sep7 at work carries it's own risks.

We clean up the NSFW pictures, gifs and the like but swearing isn't something we gank. Chally's avatar might be obnoxious to some, but it's not breaking any rules.

Why have the nsfw tag at all if no one is going to use it? Why have moderation at all if you're going to allow swear words to be used frequently? Why do anything that I don't like?
1) Albeit rarely, people are using it to post content that is otherwise not allowed to be posted like gore or porn.
2) Because there's a fucking distinction between getting a goddamned point across  with swear words and personally insulting someone, you cunt.
3) Because not everyone cares about what you like and they are going to do things regardless of your opinion.

I know this was supposed to be rhetorical but I still wanted to argue these points.

I've been personally insulted this entire thread and mods haven't done anything about it.
No, you've been called names. Direct but impersonal insults that attack you on a superficial level. They are just harsher words than those you're used to from the playground.

I haven't been insulted, they've just used insults to hurt my feelings... Ok, got it.

The Flood / Re: Challenger and verb's avatars need to go
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:50:46 PM »
Chally's avatar is no different to someone saying

We don't stop anyone from posting FUCK ANIME so why would we stop someone from having it in an avatar?

Swearing is a non-issue.

I don't see people supersizing the f word as much as I see his avatar floating around, especially when he's spamming an otherwise cordial discussion with his crazy frog memes.

Swearing is clearly an issue in public areas, work for example.
Eh it happens a fair bit, really browsing sep7 at work carries it's own risks.

We clean up the NSFW pictures, gifs and the like but swearing isn't something we gank. Chally's avatar might be obnoxious to some, but it's not breaking any rules.

Why have the nsfw tag at all if no one is going to use it? Why have moderation at all if you're going to allow swear words to be used frequently? Why do anything that I don't like?
1) Albeit rarely, people are using it to post content that is otherwise not allowed to be posted like gore or porn.
2) Because there's a fucking distinction between getting a goddamned point across  with swear words and personally insulting someone, you cunt.
3) Because not everyone cares about what you like and they are going to do things regardless of your opinion.

I know this was supposed to be rhetorical but I still wanted to argue these points.

I've been personally insulted this entire thread and mods haven't done anything about it.
Because this website isn't a hugbox

His second point doesn't make much sense then, huh?

The Flood / Re: Challenger and verb's avatars need to go
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:49:52 PM »
Chally's avatar is no different to someone saying

We don't stop anyone from posting FUCK ANIME so why would we stop someone from having it in an avatar?

Swearing is a non-issue.

I don't see people supersizing the f word as much as I see his avatar floating around, especially when he's spamming an otherwise cordial discussion with his crazy frog memes.

Swearing is clearly an issue in public areas, work for example.
Eh it happens a fair bit, really browsing sep7 at work carries it's own risks.

We clean up the NSFW pictures, gifs and the like but swearing isn't something we gank. Chally's avatar might be obnoxious to some, but it's not breaking any rules.

Why have the nsfw tag at all if no one is going to use it? Why have moderation at all if you're going to allow swear words to be used frequently? Why do anything that I don't like?
People do use it though, for threads about NSFW content.

I.e a discussion about bodily functions in lurid detail would have the NSFW tag, someone just saying 'fuck shit gooks yeehaw' isn't considered to be a problem. Swearing is a perfectly normal part of language, within appropriate settings. Sep7 isn't a formal discussion group, it's not your grandma or your employer so people are able to swear as freely as they please.

Censoring swearwords is silly, but naru will always be a fracking mondayman.

There is a difference between discussion and a three inch avatar with the f word emblazoned on it.
Yes, it's the size but that's about it.

Otherwise it's not different from posting FUCK ANIME in 72pt size.


I can scroll right past that tho, and when chally posts walls of text (which he is known for, also that stupid frog meme) his avatar is on the screen for a longer time. I could just ignore challenger's posts but he's one of my favorite users.

The Flood / Re: Challenger and verb's avatars need to go
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:46:57 PM »
...why would you be on here in a public place?

Either browse this place in private, tell the nosey fuckers to FUCK OFF AND STOP READING MY SHIT, or get headphones for your damn text-to-speech and stop expecting it to be fixed on this side solely for you.


You see why the nsfw tag is useless tho.

Make a porn/gore tag if that's all it is intended for.

Also I have a lot of down time at work and I don't have a lot of friends, you guys are it.

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