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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 311312313 314315 ... 393
The Flood / Re: What are you good at?
« on: March 12, 2016, 12:44:47 PM »
I'm with goots, I love to eat and I'm pretty fantastic at it.

The Flood / Re: every day we move further from god's light
« on: March 12, 2016, 12:42:53 PM »

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 12, 2016, 11:28:15 AM »
what do y'all think is the best way to collect humanities? ornstein & smough decided to fuck my day up a number of times and ended up making me use all my humanities for solaire. it didn't help that the caped tower guards in the mausoleum would bully solaire and take half of his health before he even passed the white light to help me...

Rats and rats and rats for candy

The Flood / The distinction is that you don't want to be alone
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:40:06 AM »
You just don't want to be with me anymore.

Time to vague post about personal issues. Get it off your chest friends.

The Flood / Re: Hey muscleheads, get your ass in here and help me.
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:06:49 AM »

This fits nicely. Also, tell your family you need to gain mass, cardio is why you're skinny.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon yearly meet up.
« on: March 11, 2016, 07:31:17 PM »
We love all our brown brethren.

The Flood / Sep7agon yearly meet up.
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:57:30 PM »
When and where fam?

The Flood / Re: Team Cap or Team Ironman?
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:06:11 PM »

Cap, for obvious reasons

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:01:30 PM »
Lol CMD sucks at Dark Souls.

Pretty good at fashion souls tho

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:00:23 PM »


The Flood / Re: I literally took like 3 huge shits yesterday
« on: March 11, 2016, 02:48:14 PM »
You are a very weird person

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 11, 2016, 02:43:07 PM »
So I just found out about this fucking Looking Glass Knight. I haven't even fought the thing yet, and already the people who designed it, everyone who approved of it, and everybody part of any of those people's bloodlines need to be lined up and shot.

Excellent pvp

The Flood / Re: What does this say about 90's kids?
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:22:46 AM »
What the hell am I looking at

"Punk rock"

The Flood / First leg day in 6 months
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:17:40 AM »
I'm fucking dying

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:14:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 04:53:21 PM »
tfw East Coast and don't know what the fuck the last page was about

East coast, beast coast.

The Flood / Re: new knife came in the mail 20 minutes ago
« on: March 10, 2016, 01:33:36 PM »
It's beautiful

The Flood / Re: I've decided what I want to do with my life.
« on: March 10, 2016, 01:29:42 PM »
a strawberry except they'll call me gootsberry


The Flood / I've decided what I want to do with my life.
« on: March 10, 2016, 01:25:19 PM »
I'm going to be a professional hype man.

What are you nerds going to be?

The Flood / Re: Think I have binge eating disorder
« on: March 10, 2016, 01:24:06 PM »
Fucking got em

Challenger is too good at emulating thirteen year old shitposters

The Flood / Re: I Got a Tattoo Today
« on: March 10, 2016, 11:58:27 AM »
Am in a tattoo studio rn. Watching my friend get a too.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 10, 2016, 11:53:07 AM »
What the actual fuck is wrong with this game? I'm trying to fight this damn Spider boss but this is pure bullshit.
I was watching the heads to make sure it wasnt facing me. I ran to a side of the room where I should have been safe and that shit fired a beam 97 degrees out of the side of it's mouth strait at me. And it dosnt help that the spider's attack animations are terrible and they deal damage the when you'd think the attack is just starting up.

How do you people tolerate this shit?

Also that spider has two heads

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: March 10, 2016, 11:40:19 AM »
What the actual fuck is wrong with this game? I'm trying to fight this damn Spider boss but this is pure bullshit.
I was watching the heads to make sure it wasnt facing me. I ran to a side of the room where I should have been safe and that shit fired a beam 97 degrees out of the side of it's mouth strait at me. And it dosnt help that the spider's attack animations are terrible and they deal damage the when you'd think the attack is just starting up.

How do you people tolerate this shit?


The Flood / Re: Hate 4 your state
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:34:30 PM »
Hi XSean
Because you always type "Me:" when making opinion threads.

Stop giving him the answers, he may learn from them.

The Flood / Re: I got a new pic for yall
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:33:17 PM »
Do you even lift?

The Flood / Re: Wesley Snipes Blade vs Christian Bale's Batman
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:29:28 PM »
Bruh, Batman's armor couldn't stop a three inch knife, blade would rek his shit.

The Flood / Re: WHO HERE /biscuit/??????
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:25:49 PM »
Septy looks like a less gay version of secondclass tbh.
Septy is one pair of Uggs away from being a straight up white girl

And yet he manages to be more manly than class. Interesting.

The Flood / Re: WHO HERE /biscuit/??????
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:16:55 PM »
Septy looks like a less gay version of secondclass tbh.

The Flood / Re: Couldn't vote today
« on: March 09, 2016, 11:54:05 AM »
Haven't registered to vote in years. Feels like a waste is time given the options.

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