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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 281282283 284285 ... 393
Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:01:51 PM »
Just got my first hatemail :)

That cannot be your real name.

The Flood / Re: I'm under the influence
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:58:57 PM »
Lol math is theoretical. Numbers don't exist.

The Flood / Re: Is It Wrong
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:55:09 PM »
I think verb got played by a dude. Feels bad man.

The Flood / Re: Just applied for a job for the first time
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:52:31 PM »
I've gotten the job for every application I've filed. Every job I've ever had was a first and only choice.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Movies more offensive than Dragonball Evolution
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:46:00 PM »
World War Z. Literally has no right to be called that.

But at least it was a decent movie
"Brad Pitt travels the globe and discovers literally the most retarded way to combat a global pandemic" - the movie

If by decent you mean a hilariously shocking attempt to adapt the source material whilst following a cookie cutter formula, then yes, it was decent.

DBE literally killed me, I've been dead since 2009.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Movies more offensive than Dragonball Evolution
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:35:43 PM »
World War Z. Literally has no right to be called that.

But at least it was a decent movie

The Flood / Re: Best anime/manga lists ITT
« on: April 25, 2016, 08:34:32 PM »
Thinking Hunter x Hunter is bad is like thinking one piece is good.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:25:30 PM »
Need suggestions.

I've got a bunch of different things I could try, need suggestions on what works.

Currently I'm level 83, here's my stats


My current main weapons are a Sharp Estoc+8 and a Carthus Curved Sword +8

I have access to the Lightning Blade and Sacred Oath miracles.

What could I do to get the most out of this? If I change my weapon's infusion to Lightning, will it get even more buffed by Lightning Blade? I mainly only use the Faith for healing and buffs.

i would try the infusion route. i know in dark souls 2 a lightning weapon could get extra damage when buffed with sunlight blade, so it may be the same for the lightning.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 25, 2016, 10:51:15 AM »
guys it's ok. Pepsi clearly has eyes for me and you two are woefully unprepared.

The Flood / Re: Post Here And I Will Roll For You.
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:19:01 PM »

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:06:34 PM »
Just started ng+. Got to do the side characters right this time.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:05:46 PM »
Is the boss REALLY that difficult that it requires FOUR people to beat?


Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:05:07 PM »
Finally got the Nameless King

Bitch of a fight to solo. So glad I got it. From now on I don't ever have to solo that piece of shit.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:02:46 PM »

The Flood / Re: It's Always Sunny in Sep7agon
« on: April 24, 2016, 04:22:20 PM »
I don't wanna be Mac i wanna be DENNIS

The way you talk about Chad tho...

I rest my case your honor.

Also when the medic dies in saving private Ryan I ball like a child. Every fucking time.

The Flood / Re: It's Always Sunny in Sep7agon
« on: April 24, 2016, 02:58:51 PM »
Are there any spics in the show


The Flood / Re: I support female circumcision.
« on: April 24, 2016, 02:53:13 PM »

fuck islam

Type three is literal Barbie. I can't believe that's a thing.

1. People who are recovering drug addicts don't jump at every chance to do drugs. She knew who he was, she knew what he was doing, she allowed him to stay anyway. If you're real concerned with your sobriety you don't risk it by allowing a drug dealer to stay next door.

2. Again, she knew he was a drug dealer and that he made decent money. IIRC one is the reasons he's allowed to stay is because she charges him more. I'm not saying that her only motivation was drugs and money. She probably cared for him, it just want her primary concern.

3. Never said she only wanted the drugs and money. Jumping from junkie to murderer is a pretty big stretch hoss. She could have took off with the money I suppose. Like I said previously she cares for him, but it's not her primary concern.

Drug addicts are always addicted, you don't stop addictive behavior on a whim. She had one year sobriety and allowed a drug dealer to move in next door. Either she's a complete fucking moron or she wanted to be tempted.

Lol I watched the same scenes, everything you think about her is conjecture too.

This was one of many "clean" periods in her life. Her father says as much when he's talking to Walt.

She's not a bad person, she's flawed, but she didn't have Jesse's well-being in mind when she encouraged him to do drugs.

When she talks about running away together and getting clean she clearly doesn't mean it. They chose to get high instead and that's the night she dies.

She manipulated Jesse to get all of his money and run away to be druggies. If you really think she loved Jesse you're blind. Once the money ran out you think she would stay with Jesse? Or would she run back to daddy and "get sober again"?

I'm not saying she was a bad person, she just didn't care for Jesse like he did for her. The death was still super impact tho.
Jesse didn't have any money, Walt was holding it from him. They had to leave the next morning or she was getting the cops called on her; that was why she borderline blackmailed Walt into giving Jesse his money. Not out of "manipulation". If they managed to tear through all of it, her father would be the last place she'd turn.

I don't know why you think she didn't care about Jesse. She was clean before he came into the picture, and only started using with him out of sympathy after Combo died. If she only wanted the money, she would've done exactly what Walt did, but with Jesse. She reminded Jesse to sleep on his side, even after Walt already gave Jesse his cash. At that point, she could've let him die if she didn't care about him.

They obviously loved each other. Say what you want about Jane as a person. She may have been weak and irresponsible, but she pretty much threw away all she had (stable job, clean of drugs, support group) because of Jesse.

The only thing she threw away was what her father wanted for her. She didn't start using again because she felt bad for Jesse, she started using again because that's what she wanted.

She found out about the money and did a complete turn around.
I have no idea where you get that leap of logic from. She didn't even know about the money until the second to last episode she was alive, and wanted it to secure a future for her and Jesse.

Literally nothing indicated it was some scheme to get the money from Jesse. Almost every scene she's in, except for those where she's logically angry with Jesse, has her oozing affection for him. It wasn't a long con to get at money she didn't even know existed. And if she was so eager to use as you're trying to say, she would've done it from the start, when Jesse offered it to her on multiple occasions. It wasn't until Jesse needed someone to console him after Combo's death (and he was smoking crystal even more heavily) that Jane finally gave in and did it for him.

She knew he was a drug dealer and knew he had money. The very first conversation they have is about money. When she finds our just how much he has her attitude changes completely and all of a sudden she wants to leave with him and start a life together.

You don't console people by getting them to do heroin with you. Crystal is bad enough.
You still haven't addressed the fact that he offered her meth on numerous occasions before Combo died and she refused every time. Jane wasn't using drugs to console Jesse, Jesse was doing drugs but Jane wanted to console him. It wasn't until that moment that she gave in and started using again.

This attitude change you're talking about never happened. She wanted to run off with Jesse because she had to leave town anyway. Her father was going to call the cops on her if she wasn't ready for him in the morning.

Jesse was the one who got her using again, she didn't have some selfish master plot to manipulate Jesse into giving her his money. Look at the way she acted around him even before she knew he had money.

You're making out a tragic, needlessly sacrificial character into a villain for no reason. She was an antagonist to Walt, but he's the actual villain here.

The entire point of the show us that no one is in the right. You want to hang on to her being a decent person that cares about Jesse then fine. She was a drug addict who did nothing to help Jesse, and turned him on to heroin.

She's a fucking plot point.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 11:10:31 AM »
Any chance someone got a second Symbol of Avarice during their playthrough and would be willing to drop one? I've gone through all the mimics in my game and had no luck.
I got a spare. They both dropped in NG+.

I'm on ps4.

What do they drop if not the symbol? I've gotten two on ng.

I'm on PC. It's a rare drop, otherwise they only drop whatever was in the chest. Supposedly it was guaranteed to drop from the last mimic in your playthrough, but I've killed all of them and had no luck.

Yeah I've heard people going through the whole game without one. I got my first one on the second or third mimic.

She manipulated Jesse to get all of his money and run away to be druggies. If you really think she loved Jesse you're blind. Once the money ran out you think she would stay with Jesse? Or would she run back to daddy and "get sober again"?

I'm not saying she was a bad person, she just didn't care for Jesse like he did for her. The death was still super impact tho.
Jesse didn't have any money, Walt was holding it from him. They had to leave the next morning or she was getting the cops called on her; that was why she borderline blackmailed Walt into giving Jesse his money. Not out of "manipulation". If they managed to tear through all of it, her father would be the last place she'd turn.

I don't know why you think she didn't care about Jesse. She was clean before he came into the picture, and only started using with him out of sympathy after Combo died. If she only wanted the money, she would've done exactly what Walt did, but with Jesse. She reminded Jesse to sleep on his side, even after Walt already gave Jesse his cash. At that point, she could've let him die if she didn't care about him.

They obviously loved each other. Say what you want about Jane as a person. She may have been weak and irresponsible, but she pretty much threw away all she had (stable job, clean of drugs, support group) because of Jesse.

The only thing she threw away was what her father wanted for her. She didn't start using again because she felt bad for Jesse, she started using again because that's what she wanted.

She found out about the money and did a complete turn around.
I have no idea where you get that leap of logic from. She didn't even know about the money until the second to last episode she was alive, and wanted it to secure a future for her and Jesse.

Literally nothing indicated it was some scheme to get the money from Jesse. Almost every scene she's in, except for those where she's logically angry with Jesse, has her oozing affection for him. It wasn't a long con to get at money she didn't even know existed. And if she was so eager to use as you're trying to say, she would've done it from the start, when Jesse offered it to her on multiple occasions. It wasn't until Jesse needed someone to console him after Combo's death (and he was smoking crystal even more heavily) that Jane finally gave in and did it for him.

She knew he was a drug dealer and knew he had money. The very first conversation they have is about money. When she finds our just how much he has her attitude changes completely and all of a sudden she wants to leave with him and start a life together.

You don't console people by getting them to do heroin with you. Crystal is bad enough.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:40:34 AM »
Any chance someone got a second Symbol of Avarice during their playthrough and would be willing to drop one? I've gone through all the mimics in my game and had no luck.
I got a spare. They both dropped in NG+.

I'm on ps4.

What do they drop if not the symbol? I've gotten two on ng.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:34:44 AM »

Lol I love that ring. Used it while invading and got tked by another red phantom. Poor shmuck thought he won that day.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: April 24, 2016, 09:43:53 AM »
Forgiv for por english
Wen was u wen melee build was kill?

It are resurrect in 3. 2 was always shit.

She manipulated Jesse to get all of his money and run away to be druggies. If you really think she loved Jesse you're blind. Once the money ran out you think she would stay with Jesse? Or would she run back to daddy and "get sober again"?

I'm not saying she was a bad person, she just didn't care for Jesse like he did for her. The death was still super impact tho.
Jesse didn't have any money, Walt was holding it from him. They had to leave the next morning or she was getting the cops called on her; that was why she borderline blackmailed Walt into giving Jesse his money. Not out of "manipulation". If they managed to tear through all of it, her father would be the last place she'd turn.

I don't know why you think she didn't care about Jesse. She was clean before he came into the picture, and only started using with him out of sympathy after Combo died. If she only wanted the money, she would've done exactly what Walt did, but with Jesse. She reminded Jesse to sleep on his side, even after Walt already gave Jesse his cash. At that point, she could've let him die if she didn't care about him.

They obviously loved each other. Say what you want about Jane as a person. She may have been weak and irresponsible, but she pretty much threw away all she had (stable job, clean of drugs, support group) because of Jesse.

The only thing she threw away was what her father wanted for her. She didn't start using again because she felt bad for Jesse, she started using again because that's what she wanted.

She found out about the money and did a complete turn around.

The Flood / Re: finally got my tax refund check today
« on: April 24, 2016, 09:32:03 AM »
I bought clothing and a mp3 player. Gunna get a sick queen sized bed when I get out of here.

You're totally Mac.

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