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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 220221222 223224 ... 393
The Flood / Re: Kissing is so weird
« on: August 03, 2016, 03:32:50 PM »
Oh, well that was easy to think of.

Now I just need to be with someone worth trying with.

how would you want to be kissed

kiss like that

Das is single

The Flood / Re: Kissing is so weird
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:38:15 PM »
Like, your mouth has so much crap in it.
You only kiss BEFORE you eat the booty so this doesn't happen

I've been fucking this up my whole life. Damn.

The Flood / Re: I pity Verbatim
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:36:41 PM »
aw challenger writes fanfiction about us <3
You're barely a factor in the novel I'm writing about Sep7agon

Just like in real life
no way I'm writing a book about sep7agon call A Tale of Too Shitty

I better have significant parts in both.

The Flood / Re: Kissing is so weird
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:35:42 PM »
It's just something I've never quite figured out.

I can show you bb
how about you kiss deez nuts

Nah fam, I'm into receiving ball play, not giving.

The Flood / Re: Kissing is so weird
« on: August 03, 2016, 02:33:36 PM »
It's just something I've never quite figured out.

I can show you bb

The Flood / Re: I pity Verbatim
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:44:55 PM »
Can you two just fuck already

I'd pay to watch this
who'd you think would be the top, and who would be the bottom?

I think they'd fight for the submissive role but class is more of a bitch tbh.

Verb would be pitching.
Yeah but he wouldn't know what to do and it would be that messy virgin sex so then Second would reluctantly take the top, apathetically rubbing his limp dick against Verbatim while sobbing and Verbatim lying there deep in contemplation, because even in an act like sex there is still suffering and so all sentient life must be destroyed.

There is no release from this.

The Flood / Re: I pity Verbatim
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:36:39 PM »
I think they'd fight for the submissive role but class is more of a bitch tbh.

Case in point.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:35:39 PM »
The fact that movie reviewers with the exception of RedLetterMedia being scared to shit on the movie concerned me.


The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:34:45 PM »

I've told you before, calm down with the whole exclusive relationship thing. Just let it happen. You do pretty good in attracting women you like. They see something there in you. It's happened a few times now where you get clingy and spook them off. Just have fun and see where things go.
That's what I was doing with this one...taking it slow.

From what you responded to others, it sounds like you were pushing for more actual dates. That means spending an increased amount of time. Women notice that. She did.

Tell her that you've been burned too, and you didn't think they were dates. Just hanging out. You run the risk of the friend zone, but you have little to lose at this point.

Then have a few events where your friends are there too. Tell her she's welcome to invite hers too. Now the risk is that she'll like a friend more than you.

Then build on that. Or walk away and find another. That may be easier
All I said is I wanted to see her again, and we vaguely made plans. I don't know what to say to her now. She just said she's not ready to date, and all I can think about is trying to figure out what I did wrong.

You tried to date a woman who just got out of a four year relationship.

Just hang around, once she gets enough dick thrown off in her she'll be looking for a guy to spend time with exclusively.
I was aware of her situation, I just fell for her. So what do you suggest? Completely avoiding her for a few weeks than reaching out? I want this woman, it was just bad timing.

Kinda what I already said, hang around. Continue talking to her and seeing her on occasion but don't put any pressure on the relationship aspect. Be her friend.

If she wants to pursue a relationship afterwards she'll let you know.
I asked her if she wanted to see a movie this weekend, I really didn't get a definite answer.

And I just got an email saying I didn't get that teaching job...I'm really frustrated today. Should I tell her I didn't get the job?

You don't know each other like that yet. Just keep cool, wait for her to text you.

Go do something else to take your mind off of it.
I've got the perfect thing, seeing my urologist for the third time this summer. And I went to the library to get a new Stephen King book...I want at least one thing to work out for me in my life, but it seems like it never does. If I can't get the job I at least want the girl, and vice versa.

You'll be fine bruh, just take it easy.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:31:17 PM »

I've told you before, calm down with the whole exclusive relationship thing. Just let it happen. You do pretty good in attracting women you like. They see something there in you. It's happened a few times now where you get clingy and spook them off. Just have fun and see where things go.
That's what I was doing with this one...taking it slow.

From what you responded to others, it sounds like you were pushing for more actual dates. That means spending an increased amount of time. Women notice that. She did.

Tell her that you've been burned too, and you didn't think they were dates. Just hanging out. You run the risk of the friend zone, but you have little to lose at this point.

Then have a few events where your friends are there too. Tell her she's welcome to invite hers too. Now the risk is that she'll like a friend more than you.

Then build on that. Or walk away and find another. That may be easier
All I said is I wanted to see her again, and we vaguely made plans. I don't know what to say to her now. She just said she's not ready to date, and all I can think about is trying to figure out what I did wrong.

You tried to date a woman who just got out of a four year relationship.

Just hang around, once she gets enough dick thrown off in her she'll be looking for a guy to spend time with exclusively.
I was aware of her situation, I just fell for her. So what do you suggest? Completely avoiding her for a few weeks than reaching out? I want this woman, it was just bad timing.

Kinda what I already said, hang around. Continue talking to her and seeing her on occasion but don't put any pressure on the relationship aspect. Be her friend.

If she wants to pursue a relationship afterwards she'll let you know.
I asked her if she wanted to see a movie this weekend, I really didn't get a definite answer.

And I just got an email saying I didn't get that teaching job...I'm really frustrated today. Should I tell her I didn't get the job?

You don't know each other like that yet. Just keep cool, wait for her to text you.

Go do something else to take your mind off of it.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:29:31 PM »
I've learned to take Rotten Tomatoes with a grain of salt after both BvS and GB2016. With BvS making almost a billion fucking dollars and GB2016 flopping harder than Das's dick at a swimsuit convention, there's just no way "legitimate" reviewers don't have some sort of agenda they're trying to push. I reckon Suicide Squad will make a good amount of money with a strong positive view from the public with the "Critics" continuing to shit all over it.

Suicide squad is going to tank harder I suspect.

Bvs was shit tho. Can't say for any other movie but theatrical release bvs was shit and the uncut edition moved it from shit to "eh, alright".

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:22:09 PM »
Suicide squad is going to tank harder I suspect.

The Flood / Re: I pity Verbatim
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:15:51 PM »
Can you two just fuck already

I'd pay to watch this
who'd you think would be the top, and who would be the bottom?

I think they'd fight for the submissive role but class is more of a bitch tbh.

Verb would be pitching.

The Flood / Re: I pity Verbatim
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:11:09 PM »
Can you two just fuck already

I'd pay to watch this

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:07:58 PM »
Literally any movie that came out from May through August would be a better summer movie than GB2016. Finding Dory is my #1 followed extremely closely by Star Trek.

I forgot about finding dory.

Forgot about star trek too. This summer has been disappointing.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:06:22 PM »

I've told you before, calm down with the whole exclusive relationship thing. Just let it happen. You do pretty good in attracting women you like. They see something there in you. It's happened a few times now where you get clingy and spook them off. Just have fun and see where things go.
That's what I was doing with this one...taking it slow.

From what you responded to others, it sounds like you were pushing for more actual dates. That means spending an increased amount of time. Women notice that. She did.

Tell her that you've been burned too, and you didn't think they were dates. Just hanging out. You run the risk of the friend zone, but you have little to lose at this point.

Then have a few events where your friends are there too. Tell her she's welcome to invite hers too. Now the risk is that she'll like a friend more than you.

Then build on that. Or walk away and find another. That may be easier
All I said is I wanted to see her again, and we vaguely made plans. I don't know what to say to her now. She just said she's not ready to date, and all I can think about is trying to figure out what I did wrong.

You tried to date a woman who just got out of a four year relationship.

Just hang around, once she gets enough dick thrown off in her she'll be looking for a guy to spend time with exclusively.
I was aware of her situation, I just fell for her. So what do you suggest? Completely avoiding her for a few weeks than reaching out? I want this woman, it was just bad timing.

Kinda what I already said, hang around. Continue talking to her and seeing her on occasion but don't put any pressure on the relationship aspect. Be her friend.

If she wants to pursue a relationship afterwards she'll let you know.

I will occassionally drink a Mountain Dew, but it's not that often. I do enjoy energy drinks, but I've been on a V8 +energy drink kick recently.

The orange and red ones or the ones that come in six packs?

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:00:24 PM »
I think I might go see it. Probably movie of the summer.

I forgot about finding dory.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Chipotle
« on: August 03, 2016, 12:59:20 PM »
I don't doubt that. Unfortunately here in FL that doesn't exist. Even the Mexico pavilion at EPCOT sells the standard Tex Mex stuff of burritos and nachos that you can get anywhere else.

I rarely go to chipotle.
It's okay but I live in Texas and there are son many quality and authentic Mexican places that its cheaper, better, and more convenient to eat at those little taquerias.

We have the best Mexican food in the world here, even better than in Mexico.

I'm sure you can find some authentic Mexican in Orlando. There's plenty of restaurants down here.

The Flood / Re: GB2016 BTFO
« on: August 03, 2016, 12:24:22 PM »
I think I might go see it. Probably movie of the summer.

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 12:18:30 PM »
Height shaming is a thing. Poor little manlets...
No I literally get height shamed passive aggressively because nothing is ever made to suit tall people

Same boat here. Having to duck under ceiling fans and breaking my back to wash my hands is getting old.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:24:54 AM »

I've told you before, calm down with the whole exclusive relationship thing. Just let it happen. You do pretty good in attracting women you like. They see something there in you. It's happened a few times now where you get clingy and spook them off. Just have fun and see where things go.
That's what I was doing with this one...taking it slow.

From what you responded to others, it sounds like you were pushing for more actual dates. That means spending an increased amount of time. Women notice that. She did.

Tell her that you've been burned too, and you didn't think they were dates. Just hanging out. You run the risk of the friend zone, but you have little to lose at this point.

Then have a few events where your friends are there too. Tell her she's welcome to invite hers too. Now the risk is that she'll like a friend more than you.

Then build on that. Or walk away and find another. That may be easier
All I said is I wanted to see her again, and we vaguely made plans. I don't know what to say to her now. She just said she's not ready to date, and all I can think about is trying to figure out what I did wrong.

You tried to date a woman who just got out of a four year relationship.

Just hang around, once she gets enough dick thrown off in her she'll be looking for a guy to spend time with exclusively.

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:22:48 AM »
Height shaming is a thing. Poor little manlets...

This happens to me all the time like when I....

Same. I'm not sure..

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:53:00 AM »
A guy cracked a sexist joke about women having directional challenges and then got mad at me for calling his comment sexist. GG

It was just a joke, gosh.

Why do you have to take things so seriously all the time?

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:25:56 AM »
My body is reggae

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:22:08 AM »
I wasn't aware that anyone thought "fat shaming" was done exclusively to women.

Not that it's a bad thing to shame. Obesity is a very serious health issue that shouldn't be encouraged.

I am beautiful in every single way, your words won't being me down, oooh nooo.

The Flood / Re: I put pepper on my popcorn
« on: August 03, 2016, 09:44:09 AM »
Crystal hot sauce.

Cheerwine op.

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