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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 575859 6061 ... 393
Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:15:25 AM »

Nothing is impossible if you're verb, least of all abstaining from your competitive urges.

You jerk off?

Abstaining from "competitive urges" would be a bigger negative than it would be a positive. Abstaining from masturbation has only been a good thing.

So you chastise people for doing something you do. Either way, stress from competitive gaming can be alleviated by jerking that meat.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:00:47 AM »

Sounds like an excuse, you're better than that verb.

The thing about impossible things is that they are not possible.


Nothing is impossible if you're verb, least of all abstaining from your competitive urges.

You jerk off?

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:56:07 AM »
You listed it as a positive that you got from playing Street fighter, it isn't.
No, I didn't. The positive was "a place where I can dump this objectively bad thing that otherwise cannot be destroyed."
Not in your original post, and you're weak if you can't rise above your animal instincts.
Yes in my original post.

You ARE weak, but sometimes that's literally unavoidable.


Sounds like an excuse, you're better than that verb.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:53:02 AM »
You listed it as a positive that you got from playing Street fighter, it isn't.
No, I didn't. The positive was "a place where I can dump this objectively bad thing that otherwise cannot be destroyed."

Not in your original post, and you're weak if you can't rise above your animal instincts.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:49:50 AM »
Point is stress is bad for you, competition isn't healthy.
Neither are points that I have argued against; you have no point.
I'd post the definition but "dictionaries lie, lol"
Good boy.
Nah, just too lazy to look them up.

You listed it as a positive that you got from playing Street fighter, it isn't.

Anything for you babe.

Thanks for the clip my dude.

The Flood / Re: HAHA
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:45:12 AM »

The Flood / Re: If i was a villain in a movie
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:43:29 AM »
I would try to make a bunch of movie references and just end up being all over the place, unfunny, and derivative

This tbh.

The Flood / Re: My name is Jester
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:42:47 AM »
Welcome back babe

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:41:04 AM »
Again, handling stress is different from not experiencing it. Your body doesn't handle stress well even if your mind does.
You still have no point.
Regardless of how you think doing five different things to get the same benefit of masturbation, that's not debunking it and there's literally no reason beyond we should be fighting our animalistic urges.
It's debunking it.
There are plenty of articles on it, just none that I can find with statistics.
So you lose?

Point is stress is bad for you, competition isn't healthy.

I'd post the definition but "dictionaries lie, lol"

Nah, just too lazy to look them up.

Bruh, you lost an argument on the internet, it's not that bad.

The Flood / Re: what are you thankful for this thanksgiπŸ…±οΈing
« on: November 23, 2017, 10:58:20 PM »
Alive, relatively healthy, got me a 4k tv. Not too bad.

The Flood / Re: Becoming an art student was a mistake
« on: November 23, 2017, 12:40:36 AM »
The game cases are digital butterflies, obv it's about our ever increasing reliance on the digital world and turning our back on the natural world.

The Flood / If you have to ask for help, you have failed.
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:41:02 PM »
Agree or disagree?

Like, subscribe, comment and as always have a gooooooood day, Dietrich out.

The Flood / Re: >it's winter rn
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:38:01 PM »
What an Arab
take your deci tier posting elsewhere, christ it's like posting on a forum of fucking babies.

Pls be patient

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you killed yourself?
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:36:40 PM »
Waiting for verb to go first.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 08:26:54 AM »
That's cool but what does this have to do with Zelda?

shut the FUCK up

Gaming / Re: Lootboxes = Gambling
« on: November 22, 2017, 08:25:46 AM »

a history of cancer

funny how people shat on the concept of "horse armor" back in the day
Did you just link a boogie video

Damn son

The Flood / Re: writing
« on: November 22, 2017, 06:43:29 AM »
I'm sure you can tell it's sometimes difficult for me to express myself through writing.

It's funny, I actually wrote this thinking you would see it. Funny, that.

The Flood / Re: Objective proof that rape isn't wrong.
« on: November 22, 2017, 06:40:06 AM »
It's subjectively morally wrong.
It is subjective morality wrong? That's not a coherently written sentence.

Forgot a comma

The Flood / Re: writing
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:07:34 AM »
Started a few novels that never really went anywhere. I often find myself asking why someone hasn't made a movie/game/written a book about something that pops in my head but I never have the motivation to create something.

I'm sure you can tell it's sometimes difficult for me to express myself through writing.

Plus my highschool poetry was pretty ass.

Bjork is actually my great uncle

I believe it

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:40:47 AM »
You seem to think that competitive gaming doesn't cause distress.
Because it doesn't if you know how to handle yourself. It's pretty fucking easy.
They aren't easy replacements and that is in no way debunking the benefits. You argued from a subjective position and only you think you won that argument.
They're the easiest replacements ever.
Can't find any statistics on the matter but one in three hundred billion seems a bit on the low end.
Because it doesn't happen.

Again, handling stress is different from not experiencing it. Your body doesn't handle stress well even if your mind does.

Regardless of how you think doing five different things to get the same benefit of masturbation, that's not debunking it and there's literally no reason beyond we should be fighting our animalistic urges.

There are plenty of articles on it, just none that I can find with statistics.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:26:21 AM »
Now you're just being silly.
Eustress and distress are fairly basic concepts that most people learn about in high school.
You didn't debunk them, you offered alternatives because we should fight our animalistic urges, something you just admitted you don't always do.
Pretty much the same as debunking, because I obliterated every reason there is to masturbate. If your reasons for masturbating can be easily replaced by better activities, then there's no reason to masturbate at all. Destroyed.
I believe a member of this community got carpal tunnel, could be mistaken.
So 1 in 300 billion people get carpal tunnel for playing video games too hard. Big whoop.

You seem to think that competitive gaming doesn't cause distress. It's the concept is so easy why are you having difficulty with it?

They aren't easy replacements and that is in no way debunking the benefits. You argued from a subjective position and only you think you won that argument.

Can't find any statistics on the matter but one in three hundred billion seems a bit on the low end.

Man these soundcloud rapper junkies are so weird

Is soundcloud rapper a thing?
Ya it's basically a sub-genre of trap that's become a mutated cancerous genre in and of itself. They might delineate slightly or dip their toes into other genres but they pretty much all rap about the same shit, like popping Xans, feeling sad and being 'aesthetically edgy'.

XXXTentacion is like the prime example. Listen to him once and you never need to hear another artist again because he basically encapsulates the entire """genre"".

X is sick

Literally EVERYTHING XXXTentacion makes is meme-tier.

he's creatively honest and that's all that matters

Bjork is creatively honest.

whats your point

It's not all that matters. Bjork is fucking awful.

its just not for you, but its better than being a fucking soulless sellout and not trying anything new

if everyone created what they felt compelled to create there'd be something for everyone

x is both creatively honest and talented. you can say hes edgy and hes a meme and all that bullshit all you want but its no different from the shit we used to listen to from the 90s. soundcloud rap is todays goth.

I honestly haven't heard any of his stuff and I don't care much for what others think. Just trying to get a jab in at bjork.

oh alright

yeah i dont care for her music much either

My friend loved her and would play that shit all the time. I think I may be traumatized.

Man these soundcloud rapper junkies are so weird

Is soundcloud rapper a thing?
Ya it's basically a sub-genre of trap that's become a mutated cancerous genre in and of itself. They might delineate slightly or dip their toes into other genres but they pretty much all rap about the same shit, like popping Xans, feeling sad and being 'aesthetically edgy'.

XXXTentacion is like the prime example. Listen to him once and you never need to hear another artist again because he basically encapsulates the entire """genre"".

X is sick

Literally EVERYTHING XXXTentacion makes is meme-tier.

he's creatively honest and that's all that matters

Bjork is creatively honest.

whats your point

It's not all that matters. Bjork is fucking awful.

its just not for you, but its better than being a fucking soulless sellout and not trying anything new

if everyone created what they felt compelled to create there'd be something for everyone

x is both creatively honest and talented. you can say hes edgy and hes a meme and all that bullshit all you want but its no different from the shit we used to listen to from the 90s. soundcloud rap is todays goth.

I honestly haven't heard any of his stuff and I don't care much for what others think. Just trying to get a jab in at bjork.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:13:50 AM »
Your physical health is important verb, shouldn't you want to do everything in your power to preserve it?
I could not give the slightest fuck about my health. It is more useful to be stressed every once in awhile.
Flee outlined several benefits to masturbation that you wrote off, it's not difficult verb.
And I debunked every single one of them effortlessly.
Also, carpal tunnel exists.
Nobody fucking gets carpal tunnel playing video games. Get real.

Now you're just being silly.

You didn't debunk them, you offered alternatives because we should fight our animalistic urges, something you just admitted you don't always do.

I believe a member of this community got carpal tunnel, could be mistaken.

Man these soundcloud rapper junkies are so weird

Is soundcloud rapper a thing?
Ya it's basically a sub-genre of trap that's become a mutated cancerous genre in and of itself. They might delineate slightly or dip their toes into other genres but they pretty much all rap about the same shit, like popping Xans, feeling sad and being 'aesthetically edgy'.

XXXTentacion is like the prime example. Listen to him once and you never need to hear another artist again because he basically encapsulates the entire """genre"".

X is sick

Literally EVERYTHING XXXTentacion makes is meme-tier.

he's creatively honest and that's all that matters

Bjork is creatively honest.

whats your point

It's not all that matters. Bjork is fucking awful.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:07:49 AM »
Minimizing stress is beneficial to everyone, not just for people who deal with chronic stress.
But it's not necessary for everyone. Doing things just because they're "beneficial" is retarded. What is it worth? Sometimes it's GOOD to be stressed the fuck out. I want to be stressed. It motivates me.

How is jerking off any different?
Because the ONLY THING that it gives you is pleasure, making it a colossal waste of time.

I'd rather suffer a broken arm than a heart attack or aneurism.
You might be retarded.

Your physical health is important verb, shouldn't you want to do everything in your power to preserve it?

Flee outlined several benefits to masturbation that you wrote off, it's not difficult verb.

Also, carpal tunnel exists.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 12:58:05 AM »
Stress can definitely cause physical injury.
It does it less to an extremely obvious degree, making it better than physical sports.

I'd rather suffer a broken arm than a heart attack or aneurism.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 12:56:43 AM »
Shouldn't we be challenging our animalistic urges, or am I just more intelligent than you?
No, because I already do that. But if your animalistic urges don't hurt anybody, and has value in other senses, then perhaps it's worth keeping around.

How is jerking off any different?

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