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Messages - Solonoid

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Gaming / Re: Donkey Kong Country: Gameboy Color or SNES?
« on: August 17, 2016, 08:40:41 PM »

This was a fairly difficult game growing up, and you'll want the more precise controls and more responsive movements the console version offers.
I really only had trouble during the ice levels.
That's why I said "growing up"

I can ace it like no shit now, but the game is still more difficult than titles like Super Mario World, or Sonic 2 that I played around the same time.

I can't imagine you would prefer to take it on with worse control over the player character, not to mention two fewer movements.

Gaming / Re: Donkey Kong Country: Gameboy Color or SNES?
« on: August 17, 2016, 08:33:20 PM »

This was a fairly difficult game growing up, and you'll want the more precise controls and more responsive movements the console version offers.

The Flood / Re: Don't Take Weed
« on: August 17, 2016, 08:31:18 PM »
I'm smoking weed right now and I'm beginning to crave cock.

The Flood / Re: Sup.
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:43:03 PM »
We need to build a wall to keep all bnet fags out our forum
You're a fag.

The Flood / Re: Star Trek objective truths
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:25:29 PM »
tbh I like all of them, even Enterprise. I actually liked Enterprise's theme, because I'm a piece of shit.

Voyager is good shit, and tried hard to not be TNG 2.0, which is where it gets most of its hate. DS9 is safe and kind of boring to me, but it's all about characters and drama, which was a good focus for the series. TOS is classic and was revolutionary at the time, without feeling like tokenism.
When was Kirk ever a good captain? It seems like every episode he was loosing people and then there's his stupidity in the Khan movie. All he needed to do was raise his ships shields and the movie would have ended right then and there.   
The worst part is it was standard protocol to raise shields anytime an encroaching ship fails to respond to hails.
Except that was never done in any Trek show or movie to date. They were at a Federation space station being protected by a Federation ship whose leadership Kirk new personally. And then the obvious response is that it was it was a necessary plot device, and they could have written it however they needed to.
Failure to respond to repeated hails is grounds to exercise extreme caution, if not to consider the ship hostile.

The Federation has contingencies for this stuff you know, that's not the first time a ship has been hijacked.

The whole point of that, and many other exchanges in the film is Kirk ignores protocol. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

They also didn't have to have Khan challenge Kirk in that way, considering Kirk was going to pick up Chekhov later anyway, and could've received the threat from Khan on the station.

In fact, if Khan had attacked a ship without a Captain it would have been an even more apt demonstration of his tactical prowess, and then Khan could blow up the asteroid and have his moment of triumph.

But of course Kirk would thwart him somehow.

There was no reason for him to be stupid, they just wanted to make Kirk look like a rebel and Khan look like a seriously bad dude.

Oh and blow up the Enterprise, gotta do that in every Star trek movie.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here ever played the WH40k tabletop game?
« on: August 17, 2016, 11:11:55 AM »

But those who do pass have every right to fight on the battlefield.
Given that your entire moral philosophy is basically based on consent and the NAP, why are you so eager to expand the amount of people who could potentially go to war?
It's actually more like forced equality and a perversion of the NAP.
That's why.
But really, why would the gender of a combatant matter if they prove that they are capable of performing the tasks that their fellow combatants are?

We're not saying the bar should be lowered.

Also NAP is adverse to human nature.
Turkey covered the costs bit.
Then there's data from the IDF that shows that co-ed units are statistically less effective in the field.
How are property rights adverse to human nature?
NAP as in Non-Aggression Principle, I thought.

But those who do pass have every right to fight on the battlefield.
Given that your entire moral philosophy is basically based on consent and the NAP, why are you so eager to expand the amount of people who could potentially go to war?
It's actually more like forced equality and a perversion of the NAP.
That's why.
But really, why would the gender of a combatant matter if they prove that they are capable of performing the tasks that their fellow combatants are?

We're not saying the bar should be lowered.

Also NAP is adverse to human nature.

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 17, 2016, 09:46:38 AM »
How am I a massive weeb?

I just watch a bit of anime now and then. I watch less than 2 hours of anime a week.
I've never seen any anime in my entire life.

My mother loved me.

The Flood / Re: Reminder
« on: August 17, 2016, 09:42:13 AM »
b-b-but the nuclear family is an archaic concept and has no place in the current year
Got news friendo, the current year ended eight months ago.
then what year is it

The current year is 2013+2
so you be saying

it's still 2015
201 what?
2013 is the highest number we've discovered.
Incredible to think America is older than that.

2013+2 is the current year, therefore, the current year was last year

The Flood / Re: Reminder
« on: August 17, 2016, 09:29:15 AM »
b-b-but the nuclear family is an archaic concept and has no place in the current year
Got news friendo, the current year ended eight months ago.
then what year is it

The current year is 2013+2

The Flood / Re: Reminder
« on: August 17, 2016, 09:26:49 AM »
b-b-but the nuclear family is an archaic concept and has no place in the current year
Got news friendo, the current year ended eight months ago.

isn't a Philly cheesesteak basically a cheese burger made to fit in a hotdog bun?
not at all, burgers are made with ground beef while cheesesteaks are thinly sliced beef with cheese and sautéed onions

So, it's a fancy cheeseburger in a hotdog bun.
steak roll
hot dog buns are insults.
Stop pretending Pennsylvania has culture.

Halo Wars.

Best enjoyed with Nugtella.

The Flood / Re: some questions about superman
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:56:14 AM »
•Krypton's Golden Age is long over. They have been incapable and ill equipped for interstellar travel for some time, therefore Jor El had to improvise.

What caused this?
They consumed all of the planet's natural resources, and most of their colonies were doomed because they could no longer get support from Krypton and were not well enough established to sustain themselves.

That being said, there are more than likely many Kryptonian civilizations still out there, though they're likely no more advanced than mankind.

Huh, that makes sense. Were they unable to get resources from space, I assume?

I'm probably trying to think too much about this.
Colonies in near proximity to Krypton were nearly 100% dependent on the mother planet for all resources, there were minor benefits like mining operations and the like, but mostly military outposts and science ops.

Others were accessed only via sleeper ship, because Krypton did not have hyper drives until Non invented the Phantom Drive as a means of doing exactly that, but by then the council did not want to because that would mean admitting Krypton was on its last leg.

If they did attempt to reach out for help, the message wouldnt arrive for centuries, and no response would have come by the events of MoS.

They were utterly fucked.

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:50:24 AM »
Sol, I know you're exaggerating, but what do you have on me?
You live in some Nordic country and don't have the best English, plus you're a massive weeb.

Not much else to tell.
Can't be certain if you're autistic or not, but there are signs.


But those (women) who do pass have every right to fight on the battlefield.

But as shown, none have.
Marine Officer corps training is much more rigorous than average combat training, even then, there are women who could pass it, they merely have not expressed an interest.

The Flood / Re: some questions about superman
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:41:07 AM »
•Krypton's Golden Age is long over. They have been incapable and ill equipped for interstellar travel for some time, therefore Jor El had to improvise.

What caused this?
They consumed all of the planet's natural resources, and most of their colonies were doomed because they could no longer get support from Krypton and were not well enough established to sustain themselves.

That being said, there are more than likely many Kryptonian civilizations still out there, though they're likely no more advanced than mankind.

Gaming / Re: Sign This.
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:36:41 AM »
I wonder what the world would be like if Harambe was still alive. It's a great shame that he was murdered all because some irresponsible black family was too busy looking at the chickens rather than their child who will must likely grow up to be a thug or a welfare queen.
No one would know about Harambe.
What are you talking about, I've listened to Harambe's music since I was in third grade.

He was a huge influence on modern hip hop, and a great leader for our generation.

He was going to run for mayor of Detroit in the next election cycle and try to make the city great again.

How can you say nobody would know about him if he hadn't died?

That's racist, black lives matter too.

The Flood / Re: Reminder
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:31:48 AM »
Lolmad because your dad pussied out of his suicide bombing.

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:19:57 AM »

Apparently I'm a debater.

but tbh I'm not 100% sure about you since you're not your everyday ENFP.

But I am sure you're not an ENTP
the fuck do you know about me sans a couple convos on you nobjockey?
I know that last time you took the test you got ENFP

and it made sense to me, and since then nothing that would disprove of that has popped up.
i don't even remember getting that or even posting it

you some finna autist with rain man memory or something?
Yeah  :-[
no  :P
I have data on people. That's all. I won't remember unimportant details like that you got ENTP, but I will remember that you've been mistaken, and I will remember your type. I'll also remember like two things in Plug. You said that you prefer smaller "parties", and when I said that Meta was just here you said "good for him".

It's not on purpose, I'm just decent at picking up information that could be useful. I've also a "profile" of you as a user.

I do this with every person. Other people do it too, but they don't see it as clearly as I do.
that's creepy as fuck
My files have stuff like where people live in them.

I keep photographs posted in image threads, and have satellite pictures of some people's houses.

I read some people's bank statements and can tell you what BC had for lunch yesterday.

Cheat sells me IP addresses and I do the rest from there.

I also keep tabs on ex-users.

Did you know Kinder is serving consecutive life sentences for cutting off a transvestite prostitute's penis and choking her to death with it?

Gaming / Playing TES Arena
« on: August 17, 2016, 07:11:16 AM »
I decided I was bored of Skyrim, so I loaded up Arena for the first time.

The opening dungeon is unforgiving. You're likely to die the first time you see an enemy, because the game doesn't explain how to perform combat, and its not as easy as clicking the mouse. This is made worse by the fact that you have very little health.

If you don't save immediately after creating your character, and you die, you have to go back to character creation.

After getting through the dungeon, and dying more times than I care to recount, I finally got to the exit, a portal that will send you to a random city in Tamriel.

This portal will ask you a question before you can proceed, to answer which, you will need the game's manual. At first it asked me how much mana 'Wizard's Flame' costs, stating it was listed in the Known Spellbook, a section of the manual covering magic.

Hoping it might be the same as Skyrim, I said '6'. Then it asked me about another spell, upon answering this one incorrectly too, the game crashed, and I had to go back to my last save.

I found an online copy of the Known Spellbook and managed to escape the dungeon this time, and the port dropped me in, you guessed it, Amol.

Don't know about Amol? You may remember raiding Fort Amol better.

Yes, that's right, for all my effort, I was still in Skyrim in the end.

Amol is just a little ways, west of Windhelm, maybe two, three minutes walk in Skyrim distance.

So I set out from the northern end of the city to the southern. I think I walked further just to get to the south gate than I would've to get to Windhelm in Skyrim.

After going due east for about half an hour, I was still nowhere near Windhelm, and I needed to rest badly.

So I made camp, and was interrupted after a few hours by a burly Nord, who killed me in a single stroke.

A save loaded me back in Amol.

Fuck this game, and fuck Bethesda.

The Flood / Re: glad to see Donald Trump reinvigorating local businesses
« on: August 17, 2016, 06:53:14 AM »
What do you drive?
A better question "What does your mom drive?", because he's in the passenger seat.
That mirror belongs to a Ford truck, I believe.

The Flood / Re: some questions about superman
« on: August 17, 2016, 06:52:04 AM »
•The council refuses to acknowledge Krypton is ending, and further they have nowhere to go.
•Zod n Friends aren't banished with armor, they find it later.
•Krypton's Golden Age is long over. They have been incapable and ill equipped for interstellar travel for some time, therefore Jor El had to improvise.

The Flood / Re: lol verbatim still posts here 24/7
« on: August 17, 2016, 05:12:02 AM »
Hey buddo

The Flood / Re: Anyone here ever played the WH40k tabletop game?
« on: August 17, 2016, 04:43:35 AM »
40k is shit

The Flood / Re: Star Trek objective truths
« on: August 17, 2016, 04:41:32 AM »
>Better than Enterprise

People are finally waking up and realizing Kirk wasn't that great of a captain in comparison but we still have purists....


When was Kirk ever a good captain? It seems like every episode he was loosing people and then there's his stupidity in the Khan movie. All he needed to do was raise his ships shields and the movie would have ended right then and there.   
The worst part is it was standard protocol to raise shields anytime an encroaching ship fails to respond to hails.

Kirk was often a moron for the sake of being a moron.

Septagon / Re: New Banners Proposition
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:39:08 PM »
i didn't feel like putting too much effort into figuring out how to get the images you sent me to work on so i just made a concept banner. obviously more effort coulda been made to make it look legit but we'll cross that bridge later.

XCF is the standard format for use in Gimp.

If you're a fan of Paint.NET I reccomend downloading plugins for these popular file formats.

.PSD (Photoshop)

The Flood / Re: man I love Stephen Colbert
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:27:44 PM »
A god among men tbh

The Flood / Re: if i buy a suit will i become chad?
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:14:29 PM »
I own a lot, and can say that it doesn't automatically make you chad.

Suit shopping is a lot of fun, but I recommend during the winter.

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