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Messages - Dustin

Pages: 1 ... 152153154 155156 ... 194
Or maybe the Internet doesn't represent official intents and motivations of those movements?

Nah, I'm sure equality advocates are all just internet trolls who want men to go extinct.

Serious / Re: Dad Forces Son to Drink Alcohol until Unconcious with No Pulse
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:13:54 AM »

Serious / Re: Imagine the Universe is 13 years old
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:13:14 AM »
I don't get the point of this.

Serious / Re: Fun fact on child porn [moved from The Flood]
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:09:26 AM »
Sorry Dustin,  but if you're going to say that then nobody will take you seriously.
"76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a child."

>Dustin getting BTFO by the guy that went full retard

fukin lel
You seriously need to stop joining yourself into discussions. You're too young and idiotic to be in Serious anyway.

It seems to be that you've never heard of the concept of memetics.
Well, first of all

Second of all, don't be cryptic and just say what you mean.
Point being Door is pointing out corruption in government but misses the fact that people are manipulable anyway.
And you think the solution is to just go with the system that's more susceptible to corruption, because the other option isn't infallible?
How is it more susceptible to corruption? The only reason there's corruption in the first place is because we vote in politicians.
If you have any understanding of meritocracy and similar systems you should already know what makes them more susceptible.

And yes, the only source of corruption is voting. Because the Soviet Union, which lacked free elections, was such a squeaky clean operation.
Meritocracies or technocracies don't exist in the sense that I'm advocating so to say I'm supposed to have knowledge on why they're full of corruption is moot. Moreover, the Soviet Union was NOT technocratic and they were NOT the only country with corruption—clearly.

Why would a technocracy be immune, or at least better immune, to corruption? Because charismatic lawmakers don't exist. Imagine a large government committee of scientists that are tasked to lay out policies to combat global warming. They were hired not just because they're highly skilled but because they're committed to their task. If a corporation says they'll pay them if they make a policy change, they're less likely to deal with them and become corrupt. Unlike lawmakers, they're not expected to be skilled in all subjects of politics (foreign policy, science, security, economics, transportation, health, etc), but rather just the one they're highly proficient in. If they're truly committed to their cause, the likelihood they'll abandon it for selfish reasons is much less. A lawmaker isn't going to be committed to everything they're elected to make decisions upon (because it's such a broad area for them to care about it all) so they're much more easily convinced by corporations who have them vote for a certain policy in a certain area of politics they may not care for.

Serious / Re: Fun fact on child porn [moved from The Flood]
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:07:45 AM »
And empirically speaking, watching child porn makes it much more likely for someone to commit rape
Is this supposed to be a refutation? This does not prove any kind of causal link between child pornography and child molestation, like at all. Literally, like the the first sentence already establishes that it's a controversial and widely debated issue amongst experts. Stop trying to construct a false narrative.
Actually the statistics speak for themselves.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Moot. 4chan is dead.
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:05:38 AM »
ITT: crying, bitching, and moaning about the right to free speech on a private forum

It seems to be that you've never heard of the concept of memetics.
Well, first of all

Second of all, don't be cryptic and just say what you mean.
Point being Door is pointing out corruption in government but misses the fact that people are manipulable anyway.
And you think the solution is to just go with the system that's more susceptible to corruption, because the other option isn't infallible?
How is it more susceptible to corruption? The only reason there's corruption in the first place is because we vote in politicians.

It seems to be that you've never heard of the concept of memetics.
Well, first of all

Second of all, don't be cryptic and just say what you mean.
Point being Door is pointing out corruption in government but misses the fact that people are manipulable anyway.

I no longer believe in democracy,
This fucking guy.

Don't even fucking talk about human rights or any issues regarding ethics or morality, anymore.

If you don't believe humans have an inherent right to self-governance, you're fucking slime.
Your rhetoric really doesn't mean much to me. What would you rather do: send your car to a mechanic to properly fix your brakes or do it yourself and only be semi-satisfied?
What the fuck does that have to do with a government run by the people?

Under a non-democratic system, there is no guarantee that the officials put into power will be any good, either. I know some statist idiots like to dream up some ideal meritocracy or the like, but any system like that will be rife with manipulation and corruption.
The difference is, under democracy, elected officials can be removed at the end of their term. Under any other system, the regime can operate unchecked.
It seems to be that you've never heard of the concept of memetics.

The Flood / Re: List of Users Who Require Hugs.
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:12:36 PM »
I'm surprised no one mentioned me.

I no longer believe in democracy,
This fucking guy.

Don't even fucking talk about human rights or any issues regarding ethics or morality, anymore.

If you don't believe humans have an inherent right to self-governance, you're fucking slime.
Your rhetoric really doesn't mean much to me. What would you rather do: send your car to a mechanic to properly fix your brakes or do it yourself and only be semi-satisfied?
And if I can properly fix my own brakes?
If people were educated enough to make all the right decisions that would be great, but it's not realistic.

I no longer believe in democracy,
This fucking guy.

Don't even fucking talk about human rights or any issues regarding ethics or morality, anymore.

If you don't believe humans have an inherent right to self-governance, you're fucking slime.
Your rhetoric really doesn't mean much to me. What would you rather do: send your car to a mechanic to properly fix your brakes or do it yourself and only be semi-satisfied?

Proves nothing.

Raising total factor productivity by subsidising industry and then throwing away the manufactures will raise GDP, but nobody's better off for it.
My point was that Kinder saying that politicians make up the majority of the economy was silly.

The Flood / Weirdest things to look up on Rule 34
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:57:45 PM »
This isn't anarchy so no images.

Me first: Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia

inb4 furries don't understand what's weird about this stuff

The Flood / Re: did i tell you guys about the time ian hit on me
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:31:11 PM »
He once told me in a PM (for an anonymous PM thread I made on an alt) about how he found vaginas absolutely repulsive.

Serious / Re: I need to have a talk with my fellow Christians
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:27:45 PM »


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
China's GDP figures aren't necessarily reliable, even disregarding the fact that GDP figures aren't great in the first place.

China's miraculous growth, while admirable, masks a lot of internal debt and the social pressures exerted by the growing middle class.
Don't forget the intense pollution in rural areas and urban areas making Watts look like a miracle wonderland.
Pollution allows hospitals to create profit off asthma patients. I see no problem.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
China's GDP figures aren't necessarily reliable, even disregarding the fact that GDP figures aren't great in the first place.

China's miraculous growth, while admirable, masks a lot of internal debt and the social pressures exerted by the growing middle class.
Either way, Kinder's attempt to say China's economy is bad is a bit foolish.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.

Serious / I need to have a talk with my fellow Christians
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:19:00 PM »
The end is nearing.

I was in my philosophy class again and today the professor asked who in the class was a Christian. Now keep in mind we're a good four weeks into the course and we've been under heavy bombardment from the atheist professor's rhetoric. As I slowly look behind at the rest of the class I am stunned to find only four other God-loving Christians raising their hand --  out of 35 people in the class!!! If the devil has managed to manipulate so many people so fast, I can't possibly imagine what's happening in the rest of the country.

I need you to do something, not for me, but for all of us. I need you to go out and talk to someone, anyone, about the gift of God's blessed being. We must do something before we all lose our faith in God.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.

Fucking slow down.

There's no such thing as profit under socialism.

Wages =/= profits.
I'm speaking intuitively. Not that I agree with socialism anymore because I no longer believe in democracy, but the point is that in a theoretical socialism the whole of society works to create technology; works to mine new resources; collects energy; and create arts all of which expand upon the collective wealth of society creating a profit -- without taking it from other people.


Seeing as the Jews rewrite history constantly, it's not anything I'd take seriously. Hence why I think this thread should be moved to The Flood.

Tell me, where in between the genocide and fleeing of the Jews did they have time to rewrite history?
>not believing in a jewish conspiracy to bring about a new world order.

People are simply jealous of their history of wealth. I believe the reason why they have a huge financial history is because Christians had them attend banks, businesses, etc as Christian beliefs forbid the idea of profiting so  an easy way around is to hire people who share the same God but not the exact same beliefs.

Even more going back is the differences of their monotheistic beliefs against the polytheistic beliefs of many ancient civilizations centuries ago like Egypt and I believe, if they were around, Phoenicia and maybe Babylon
Does that mean you controverted to socialism or authoritarianism?

And profiting still happens under socialism
Sure but everyone profits equally.

Serious / Re: Opinions on laissez faire economics
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:52:53 PM »
So, do you support any laws that aim to regulate hours, wages, and who can work?

Who can work? Nope

So, you don't believe there should be child labor laws?
No one is forcing those children to work
Are you mentally retarded?
You should become a technocrat, only then can you stop the uneducated from speaking up.

People are simply jealous of their history of wealth. I believe the reason why they have a huge financial history is because Christians had them attend banks, businesses, etc as Christian beliefs forbid the idea of profiting so  an easy way around is to hire people who share the same God but not the exact same beliefs.
Even more going back is the differences of their monotheistic beliefs against the polytheistic beliefs of
many ancient civilizations centuries ago like Egypt and I believe, if they were around, Phoenicia and maybe Babylon
Does that mean you controverted to socialism or authoritarianism?
Implying the two are mutually exclusive?
Socialism is usually democratic.

People are simply jealous of their history of wealth. I believe the reason why they have a huge financial history is because Christians had them attend banks, businesses, etc as Christian beliefs forbid the idea of profiting so  an easy way around is to hire people who share the same God but not the exact same beliefs.

Even more going back is the differences of their monotheistic beliefs against the polytheistic beliefs of many ancient civilizations centuries ago like Egypt and I believe, if they were around, Phoenicia and maybe Babylon
Does that mean you controverted to socialism or authoritarianism?

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