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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: Halo 5 should aspire to be Halo Reach
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:57:16 PM »


please no, pls.
>this guy was shit at Reach
>le buttmad

I'm ashamed to admit I have the most skill in Reach and 4 actually :(

I don't do good in older Halos, but I enjoy it more. I'm fine with how Halo 5 is going I just don't want another Reach, I didn't like the art style.

Ya shouldn't worry about skill chump. Especially with buds and friends to play with. That's what Halo's been about. Playing with friends.

Way back when I used to play Halo 3 religiously, I wasn't the best. I was the middle man of the team. While my friends did all the slaughterhouse meat grinder work, I was the driver. I took power weapons so the other team wouldn't get them. I'd drive the warthog, the mongoose, the ghost when they where needed.

I took the banshee, and made myself a target and constant pester. I took the tank, and rolled into the mess as a free shield. I walked into the meat grinder to move the flag an inch, over and over.

Find your spot and your niche, and with some good friends, no matter how skilled or unskilled you are, you'll always have a blast.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever pulled a dine-and-dash?
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:51:27 PM »
Considering that I work at a cafe/restaurant, I understand their plight.

So, no. I get up, push all my chairs in, collect all the dishes into one pile, and then go up and pay.

The Flood / Re: So uh I've been gone for a while
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:16:26 PM »
Welcome compatriot! Stay as long as you like! Doors are always open.

The Flood / Re: The kind of shit that makes me depressed
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:11:12 PM »


Gaming / Re: Halo 5 should aspire to be Halo Reach
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:07:45 PM »
To be honest, if I got another Reach I'd just give up.

The Flood / Re: ITT: show off your nameplate
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:11:24 AM »
Bask in the mundane earthlyness of mine!

The Flood / Re: Man buys 99 iPhone 6s to confess his love to colleague
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:10:11 AM »
What a dumbass. He could have spent way less money just buying a bunch of bricks, and it would have the same effect.

His mistake to make.

Got one chance to take.

Should'a baked a cake.

Gaming / Re: Anyone played Lords of the Fallen?
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:09:00 AM »
Come my peasant brother!

One day. One day we will rise.

The Flood / Re: Man buys 99 iPhone 6s to confess his love to colleague
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:07:05 AM »

"I've got 99 Iphones and the bitch took none."

I'll be here all week.

Gaming / Re: Anyone else having MCC matchmaking issues?
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:02:37 AM »
Honest to god I've been trying all week. I haven't gotten into a single match yet.

The Flood / Re: Man buys 99 iPhone 6s to confess his love to colleague
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:54:58 AM »
"I've got 99 Iphones and the bitch took none."

The Flood / Re: Another morning
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:43:26 AM »
I chug burning hot coffee to keep the ice at bay.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:42:00 AM »
If anything, I think it'd be curious. Curious to learn more. Learn the reason behind all of it.
No wall of text?

I hate you too.

I've been over these talks one too many times. This is a road well traveled by me. So I'm just passing through here for the sake of simplicity.

We're intelligent to some degree, and look how curious we are. Other intelligent animals, Elephants, Dolphins, Apes, are just as curious.

An AI would likely follow the same path, albeit farther along than we are.
Why would it? Can AI develop curiosity? That's what I'm asking. If it would find existence pointless, because it hasn't evolved like us and doesn't have that will to survive.

Follow the dotted lines here. With intelligence comes a little more, even if the intelligence is alien to our own. Our will to survive has nothing to do with our curiosity.

In fact, our curiosity is so great, because of our minds, that it overrides our will to survive. Constantly, we perform acts that go agaisnt our very survival, sometimes all in the name of fun and entertainment.
True, but the question is can it develop curiosity?

And my point with the phrase "will to survive", was that we don't find existence pointless, but a machine that doesn't have what we and animals have might find existence pointless. I'm just wondering.

I can't give a rightful answer because we have nothing to compare it with. However, if we look at things logically, it's safe to assume that anything intelligent, especially sentient, would develop traits of it's own.

Look at animals for instance. Elephants, dogs, cats. They all have personalities. And it's irrefutable. They have distinct personalities, actions, likings, dislikes. And supposedly, they're below us on the scale of intelligence.

Therefore, something like an advanced AI would likely develop something to call its own as well. Untill it actually happens, I can't say for sure. But looking at what we currently have as examples says yes to me.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:09:14 AM »
If anything, I think it'd be curious. Curious to learn more. Learn the reason behind all of it.
No wall of text?

I hate you too.

I've been over these talks one too many times. This is a road well traveled by me. So I'm just passing through here for the sake of simplicity.

We're intelligent to some degree, and look how curious we are. Other intelligent animals, Elephants, Dolphins, Apes, are just as curious.

An AI would likely follow the same path, albeit farther along than we are.
Why would it? Can AI develop curiosity? That's what I'm asking. If it would find existence pointless, because it hasn't evolved like us and doesn't have that will to survive.

Follow the dotted lines here. With intelligence comes a little more, even if the intelligence is alien to our own. Our will to survive has nothing to do with our curiosity.

In fact, our curiosity is so great, because of our minds, that it overrides our will to survive. Constantly, we perform acts that go agaisnt our very survival, sometimes all in the name of fun and entertainment.

The Flood / Re: So, all of these new people...
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:03:54 AM »
I got sick and dropped into a coma!

I came out of it a little different. You could call me a brand new person!

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:59:20 AM »
If anything, I think it'd be curious. Curious to learn more. Learn the reason behind all of it.
No wall of text?

I hate you too.

I've been over these talks one too many times. This is a road well traveled by me. So I'm just passing through here for the sake of simplicity.

We're intelligent to some degree, and look how curious we are. Other intelligent animals, Elephants, Dolphins, Apes, are just as curious.

An AI would likely follow the same path, albeit farther along than we are.

Serious / Re: Would extremely advanced AI find existence pointless?
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:46:17 AM »
If anything, I think it'd be curious. Curious to learn more. Learn the reason behind all of it.

The Flood / Re: Cereal is objectively the best breakfast
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:28:56 AM »
You ever wake up with a dry mouth?

Cereal makes it worse. Nothing a little bit of ice, orange juice, milk, and vanilla won't fix.

The Flood / Re: Wait, we have our own subreddit?
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:26:28 AM »
It's a clubhouse for the mods.

Serious / Re: Why do people continue to give their children the flu shot?
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:49:37 AM »
Ask yourself.

How fun is being sick? Do you really have a party when you're sitting over a toilet horking your guts out? When you're burning up and you open up a fucking window and it doesn't help even if it's cold as shit outside?

Folks these days are too keen on accepting bullshit. Colds are part of that. It's fucking shitty to be sick.

So, you do what you can. You try to avoid being sick. Whether it be through vaccine or taking a lot of care.

The Flood / Re: Your opinion
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:02:20 AM »
Is going to be a good police dog in the future.

Gaming / Re: I smell a PC port coming.
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:48:48 PM »
I'd be fucking fine with this. At least I'd have the MCC in some form.

Not to mention, mods would finally be a reality in Halo 3 on the PC.

Don't forget the Gmod/Source Filmmaker community ports. It'd be a new age for machinima.

Gaming / Re: I smell a PC port coming.
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:38:33 PM »
I'd be fucking fine with this. At least I'd have the MCC in some form.

The Flood / You folks wanna know why I'm such a homey kind of guy?
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:14:25 PM »
Today I'm an ambulance driver. Something's up with my brother in law, and it's bad enough that he can't drive himself to the hospital.

He got set on fire last year and still had it in him to go driving himself to the hospital. So whatever got dumped on him at the moment, ain't good.

So, off I go. It's -15 outside, the wind knocks it down to -23, the roads are closed in snow and ice, and I have no snow tires because I'm poor as fuck.

Have fun with your day folks. Imma going ice skating.

The Flood / Re: Smiggles.
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:07:41 PM »
And the day gets uglier.

I'm no mod in any capacity here, but can you folks, well, drop it at this point? This is just an ugly bomb waiting to go off now.

We've got no part in this fight or argument, so let's leave things where they settle.

The Flood / Re: Remembrance Day
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:44:31 PM »
People never fail to prove to me that they're sacks of old sacks.

Keep up the good work guys. Really. I'm impressed.

Gaming / Re: So in the MCC... You can have the Bungie Chest....
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:04:05 PM »
Weren't you, say, I don't know, stating that you had no fucks to give when pigs fly last night?

You weren't particularily happy with 343's direction so you decided not to give a fuck and a half? What's this then?

I always liked the mongoose chestpiece on default armour, but then again, I won't ever lay my hands on the game anyway. And as far as I know, you won't either. No point in complainin' against what you don't have. And if you do have it, well then fuck, if you hate it so much, just pass your Xbox Juan down to me and I'll gladly take the spoopy game off your hands.

True, I didn't give a fuck, but I honestly never thought that they'd reduce Halo 3 and 4 this low in a million years.

Yes, it's just in game armor, but if that's what EVERYONE is saying now, then the community is one big hypocrite.

Remember how "Flaming Recon" was a big fucking deal?

All I'm saying is they could have left 3 and 4 untouched but nope.

Now the 360 version is gonna die out for good as far as Halo 3 goes.

Yeah well join the club. We've all gotta go sometimes right? Nothing lasts forever.

The Halo community's gotten a bit older these past years.

That's what comes with time. Change. Doesn't always mean it's for the better though.

So sit back, take it easy, and go fishing with your fucks.

Gaming / Re: So in the MCC... You can have the Bungie Chest....
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:52:18 AM »
Weren't you, say, I don't know, stating that you had no fucks to give when pigs fly last night?

You weren't particularily happy with 343's direction so you decided not to give a fuck and a half? What's this then?

I always liked the mongoose chestpiece on default armour, but then again, I won't ever lay my hands on the game anyway. And as far as I know, you won't either. No point in complainin' against what you don't have. And if you do have it, well then fuck, if you hate it so much, just pass your Xbox Juan down to me and I'll gladly take the spoopy game off your hands.

The Flood / Re: Remembrance Day
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:10:02 AM »
Fuck 'em, the scum deserve to come back in body bags and I can't wait until tomorrow when all this butcher praising is over.

Stole a poppy and lit that bastard up.

That's your inheritance talkin'

Both sides were in the wrong. Both sides did wrong. But we're here today because of it. It may not be perfect, but what we have would have likely been better than the alternative.
No that's what the British Armed Forces did to my people talkin'

If remembrance day was just to remember the somme then fair enough, but it's to remember soldiers who died in all wars and to hold them up as heroes, but their is nothing heroic about gunning innocent civilians down in the streets and sending loyalist hit squads to the houses of catholics to be burned alive.

Fuck remembrance day, every dead soldier and those who hold the butchers as heroes.

I won't hold it against ya. We've all got our own set of views on the way things work. But you don't have to neccessarily conform to what the day is about. I myself see it as an appreciation and a wake up call to things we have to lose. Of that we have a lot of.
Well I don't see how it ca still be about "those who defend our freedom", yeah they DID defend freedom when Hitler had his European tour but the west hasn't been threatened as severely since, sure there was the russian/american dick sizing and the bands of cave dwellers who like to blow themselves up but theres not been another big bad guy... well a big bad threat (there are plenty of scummy countries *cough* Israel). Then again there is America....

Anyway point is, the Nazis our gone, the Allies won, lets stop pretending all the wars since WW2 are about "our freedom" and the soldiers who invade other countries are "defending".

There's a reason why I said WWII was essentially the last great conflict. All wars since then have had strings in the background. Motivations beyond simply defending.

But, that's the way things are. I can't change that. But I can choose who I pay my respects to and why.

The Flood / Re: Remembrance Day
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:54:48 AM »
Fuck 'em, the scum deserve to come back in body bags and I can't wait until tomorrow when all this butcher praising is over.

Stole a poppy and lit that bastard up.

That's your inheritance talkin'

Both sides were in the wrong. Both sides did wrong. But we're here today because of it. It may not be perfect, but what we have would have likely been better than the alternative.
No that's what the British Armed Forces did to my people talkin'

If remembrance day was just to remember the somme then fair enough, but it's to remember soldiers who died in all wars and to hold them up as heroes, but their is nothing heroic about gunning innocent civilians down in the streets and sending loyalist hit squads to the houses of catholics to be burned alive.

Fuck remembrance day, every dead soldier and those who hold the butchers as heroes.

I won't hold it against ya. We've all got our own set of views on the way things work. But you don't have to neccessarily conform to what the day is about. I myself see it as an appreciation and a wake up call to things we have to lose. Of that we have a lot of.

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