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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:10:56 PM »
That sucks man. Always hard to lose a pet. Even harder to lose one the way you're describing.

There's only one single upside to this. I took care of that cat for 16 years. That's a long time for a stray cat. Especially up here, where people don't give a shit.

She was 16. Didn't even hint at her age. But something was going to come sooner or later. I just.......really would have preferred anything over anti-freeze.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:39:19 PM »
If you knew their was someone doing that, why didn't you try to keep your cat inside the house?

That's the thing. The incidents are all spaced out years apart. Whoever the fuck is doing this shit doesn't do it every week or even month.

They do it in gaps of years, randomly. Not that it fucking matters now.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:28:27 PM »
Read my edit made 4 seconds before your post.

Not sure what you're arguing about. Activated charcoal is supposed to be given when the cat is done vomiting, and the cat didn't ingest any acid or alkali.

If you have no idea what you are talking about, then I am going to correct you. You obviously do not know much about either activated charcoal or antifreeze. Antifreeze is not some universal chemical, there are different kinds, which can be acidic, alkaline, or neither. Sandtrap said antifreeze, he did not say what kind, whether it was pure or diluted, whether it had been in a vehicle, because he has no way of knowing those things, and all of those would factor into whether activated charcoal is the right drug to give. Before you give any drug, you have to do investigative work to find out whether it is the right thing to give or not.
I told him to go to the vet and if necessary get activated charcoal. Calm your nonexistent tits.

Hey. It don't matter now. Sent the cat out last night. She came back in at midnight. I went to sleep, woke up at 6. Noticed she was unresponsive. Went down to work, checked back up on her every hour when I could trying to pin down what it was.

Anyway. I tried driving off to the vets. Cat died on the way there.

I appreciate the attempted help though.

Thanks folks.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:16:22 AM »
Fuck it. Shouldn't bring this shit up here. I'm either going to go watch this shit go on for a day or so or I'm going to have to put my cat out of her misery.

Cheers. Enjoy your fucking day people.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:13:58 AM »
Bits of fucking meat doused in anti-freeze.
Since you live in Canada maybe the person just doesn't want your cat to freeze.

You know, I can understand humor. I'll just say this. Not now. Are you aware of what anti-freeze does to your insides? It eat and burns through them. Slowly.

That cat is drinking water non stop to try and "fix" what's wrong with her insides.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:10:46 AM »
Alright I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt this one time and say I'm sorry. Can't imagine some fuck doing that to any of my pets.

But second of all, where the fuck do you live? Twin Peaks or some shit?

Backwater town. For some reason it's got a habit of attracting assholes in bits and pieces. This fucking person's been doing this shit for like 6 years now.

My friend lost her cat that way.

A mechanic lost his dog that way, just out of town. And a bunch of other people too.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:07:23 AM »
Wow what the fuck is wrong with the place you live.

There's dumb fucks. Singular, dumb fucks. Rest are all so so average. I get to watch this shit. Anti-freeze is a slow fucking burn. Eats through your stomach.

And they never caught the fuck who's been doing it either.

The Flood / Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:01:22 AM »
Excessively lethargic. Uncoordinated. Drinking water non stop. Slow, and not chatty like she normally is. Not eating food and just drinking water.

Fucks sakes.

There's some fucker around town that does that shit. It's happened a few years back. Bits of fucking meat doused in anti-freeze.

Great fucking morning. How about yours.

The Flood / Re: Flood, it's time for an AMA, ask me anything
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:26:52 AM »
Are you in any way worried about the current state of affairs of your home country, considering all that's been going around in the news as of late?

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 08:01:40 PM »
80% of your posts are superfluous. That's what I'm saying. You can get your point across without all the extra words and ramblings.

Or I can do something truly simple. Weigh my options. The amount of effort required for me to focus my head, and keep it not scattered about, and go through every single piece that I write, and gut it to shorten it and have people potentially misenterprate it because I removed some key points over the actual benefit of me posting anything constructive here.

Because, really, why should I even bother? Do I do anything? Do I help anything? Do I even do anything remotely decent here, at all? Provide anything funny or humorous? Interesting discussion? Do I gain something from attempting to make a point to another human being so far across the world from me when in all likely hood no matter what I say, it's just empty words to people?

No. I don't.

Point taken. I should stop. It's time wasted here, that I spend, no matter what I do. And it's wasted breath, no matter how short I make it.

Right. Problem solved. Go back to quiet old me. Superflous or no I realize that I actually have no reason to even talk here anymore. I do nothing in general. And I gain nothing by conversing. Nor do I give anything worthwhile. I should focus where it counts.

Right. That settles it nice and easy. Just go back to being a lurker. I've no point to make and people wouldn't particularily care anyway in either way that I said it.

Cheers. Silence is golden.
That really wasn't what I was saying at all.

I said I wished you made your posts shorter because you make good posts, but making them so incredibly long people just don't really read them.

No. Doesn't matter what your point was because it made me think about what I'm doing here. Why? Why put effort into anything here? Why bother putting time, or effort, int saying anything here, at all, short or long?

Can you give me one solid reason, why I should bother posting when in actuality I do nothing here? Nothing is accomplished, nothing is gained, and it's a waste of time. I'm a rambler.

On and on I go. And for what point? For what purpose? I can think of none. It's just better to be quiet, and in the background. If I can remember something correctly here, I remember hearing something.

It's better to be quiet and be thought of as an idiot than to speak and actually prove it.

Similar concept here. I am better off, just avoiding all of this. Then to actually bother with nothing accomplished but wasted time. There is no point in me trying to fight things any longer.

I'm not going to post anything constructive. Not bother saying or giving input. One's opinion is only ever best received if asked for.

And I know that I'm not going to bother fooling myself anymore into thinking that I should bother talking to people. Not going to fool myself into thinking that I feel like talking. Or that I should.

Because I shouldn't. I should, just piss off back to peace and quiet. Or at the very least, emmulate what I did before. Never get involved.

And that's what I'm going to do. I should just phase out. Or maintain minimal presence. Everything else is just a bother.

And I derailed a thread. See? It's not worth the bother and it's not worth the trouble that comes with being me. There's good things too. But my head's a right mess now. Full of bullshit and broken parts and I'm doing a piss poor job of keeping myself in working order that isn't a fucking laughingstock shard of its former self.

Better if I keep to myself. That's it.

Sorry bout the derail mods.

Deci. Do constructive shit with yourself.


Read your kids some fucking bedtime stories.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:22:56 PM »
80% of your posts are superfluous. That's what I'm saying. You can get your point across without all the extra words and ramblings.

Or I can do something truly simple. Weigh my options. The amount of effort required for me to focus my head, and keep it not scattered about, and go through every single piece that I write, and gut it to shorten it and have people potentially misenterprate it because I removed some key points over the actual benefit of me posting anything constructive here.

Because, really, why should I even bother? Do I do anything? Do I help anything? Do I even do anything remotely decent here, at all? Provide anything funny or humorous? Interesting discussion? Do I gain something from attempting to make a point to another human being so far across the world from me when in all likely hood no matter what I say, it's just empty words to people?

No. I don't.

Point taken. I should stop. It's time wasted here, that I spend, no matter what I do. And it's wasted breath, no matter how short I make it.

Right. Problem solved. Go back to quiet old me. Superflous or no I realize that I actually have no reason to even talk here anymore. I do nothing in general. And I gain nothing by conversing. Nor do I give anything worthwhile. I should focus where it counts.

Right. That settles it nice and easy. Just go back to being a lurker. I've no point to make and people wouldn't particularily care anyway in either way that I said it.

Cheers. Silence is golden.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:53:20 PM »
I'm just saying, you can shorten things down.
Holy shit why do your posts have be THIS long?

I just don't even read them anymore. And it's a shame because you have shit to say, but fuck, man. They're too long.
Deci. Figure I should talk about more things here. But I'm going to break them down into segments for you as they show up for me. My head's delayed like that. Anywho.

Environmental stagnation.

Environmental stagnation is exactly what it sounds like. You grow tired of your environment around you. You grow fed up. Here's the important thing here Deci, to understand.

There is no avoiding environmental stagnation, unless you're a nomad. Unless, when you grow tired, you move. But here's why you can never outrun it.

You live in an urban area no doubt. Lots of people. City architecture. You're tired of it. I live in relative isolation. Small town life, a fundamental polar opposite to you.

And I'm just as tired of it.

So. Let's just say, that I packed my shit up. Let's say I rolled off down to my home province of birth, British Columbia, and started a new home there. What would I have?

When it was winter in Saskatchewan, there'd be flowers and green in BC. But there would be rain. Weeks and weeks of rainfall, grey skies. And it would be cold. BC has cold rainfall and damp weather because it's on the coastline. Spending even two weeks under nothing but cold rain every day, quickly evaporates your appreciation for the green and flowers.

Let's say I moved far down south. Somewhere warm and tropical in the states. While the radical climate change would be appealing, interesting, after a while, it would grow tiresome.

And now, we factor cities into things. Cities can accelerate environmental stagnation because cities are all founded on a singular, uniform basis. People, and money.

Every single city has a business center. Every city has suburbs, slums, shopping districts. The only mildly different variable are people. Culture, customs, ethinicity, and old architecture.

Compare my town, to another town here called Xenon. Xenon is a french community. Their buildings are completely different from the prarie buildings found here in my town and across the province.

One could say more enjoyable. Different. But if I lived there, eventually I would grow tired of it.

So, here's the point. No matter where you move, no matter where you go, environmental stagnation will eventually happen. Whether you live in a city, in a small town environment, or out in the woods.

So how do you deal with that?

Two things.

The first, is appreciation. Remember what you have. For example. My province is buried under ice and snow for about 6 months of the year. Our springs, and summers are incredibly short, and depending on the weather, usually rainy. Fall is the last warm period, before the climate goes truly ugly. I get incredibly down in Fall. And then winter rolls in.

This province is bare. It's been mowed down like a lawn for farmland. It's flat. And the people, most people, are stupid. Some tolerable, others not.

But what do I have? I'm 22. I have a base of income that I can always return to. The restaurant my mother owns, which I will inherit when she can't do it anymore.

I have the beginnings of a house, and land. And I live in close proximity to the only remaining family of mine that are alive.

And most of all, up here, nothing happens. There is no war. No high crime rates. Isolation. Peace and quiet. Compared to other parts of the planet, other parts of the world, even though it is challenging to live up here, and for 6-7 months of the year the environment is ugly, crushing, and depressing, in reality, all things considered, where I live is nice. And it, to some degree, is safe.

Count what you have around you, the good things.

And second. Focus.

A strong focus, a task to do will always help. Did you know, that actually, human beings for the most part are terrible at relaxing? If you drop us in a perfectly warm environment, nice and temperate, not too hot, not too cold, and give somebody a beach to rest on all day, every day they'll go fucking nuts.

Knock knock, our old partner stagnation again. He's got depression in the back seat too.

People are meant to move. They are supposed to move.

So when you have work, any kind of work. A task, something that needs to be done, or something you want to do, your head focuses on that task and the environment becomes a background.

As such, hobbies are an excellent focus. For me, my hobbies are helpful. But I need to work, physically, to move and think and occupy my hands to really not take notice of the ugly environment around me.

The more hobbies you have and take, and the more....little projects you start, the more you will focus away from your environment.

Raining outside? Snow and ice?

Work on making the floor of your house pretty, the way you want it to look. Sunny and dry outside? Cut and haul firewood. Paint your house.

Occupy yourself.

And third, which I didn't mention, is of course, a partner. Somebody close, or even just a friend in close proximity. Another head and person you enjoy your time around. Not only will their company put you at ease, but they'll do those little projects with you. Together.

So, key points here to fight environmental stagnation, since you can never outrun it.

Focus on what you have. The good that you have access to compared to others.
Focus on hobbies, or work. Little tasks to occupy your thoughts.
Do both of that with a friend or somebody more.

And, on last note.

There are three words that I'll come down to a lot.


All three of these words are different and it is important that you understand them.

A job, is not work. A job can be work. But a job is called as such because, plain and simple, usually, it is a task that is not liked. It's a thing that most people believe is essential, and that it has to be done, even if they don't like it.

"It's my job to clean up horse shit in the stables."

"It's my job to go down in the sewers."

"It's my job to serve customers in retail."

A job is a state of mind. Usually an unpleasant task, that you only really do because you want what the job offers.


Now then. What is work? Work is a natural part of life. Everything in life requires work. However, while work can be hard, work can be not so enjoyable, work has a payoff.

For example. You want to grow your own food. Tilling, and upkeeping a garden is work. It is not easy, and it is not too enjoyable. But if you stick with it, you have your own damn food. And when you're eating your own damn food, you gain a sense of satisfaction because you put that work in to do it.

Something in your house breaks. You've gotta fix it. That's work. But the end result is the repairing of what was broken, maybe even making said broken thing better than it was before it broke. Work is hard, work shows up and is a neccesity in life. But work, has a better end result than a job.

And a hobby, is something you can do for enjoyment. Hobbies can still take work to do, but overall, a hobby doesn't feel so much like work if somebody truly enjoys it. The feeling of it being "work" is absent.

And, because I've rambled here, I'll leave off today on this.

If somebody is doing a job that they enjoy thoroughly, and making money from it, then what are they doing?

Not a job. They're doing a hobby. From job to work, to a hobby, it's like a scale.

A job is the low end, negative of the scale. Work is the middle ground. A hobby is the up end, positive side.

That's all I can say for today.
Right. Let my try and set this straight here, if I can.

1. I'm a writer. Expressiveness is key to telling stories. Over time you just learn to write. It's not an off switch.

2. My head, is scatter brained. It isn't helped by meds. I have to really focus on something, to stay on track.

3. I think in thought trains. I type as I think. That's how I focus, or, in this case, make long rambles like this because I'm trying my best to get the point across while giving a thorough explanation of the how's and whys. Answering questions before they happen.

4. To me, a visible path of my thoughts is the best way to try and show where I'm coming from. Because otherwise I'm a fucking jumpy, scattered mess. Even in writing, even focusing, I still can't pin it down.

5. From now on I am trying to remember to add TL:DRs.

6. These number points are here for semantics because in reality what I just wrote was a train of thought from start to finish.

Apologies for me being, essentially me.

And I just gave you every reason why I don't. In fact, the very fucking reason why you're telling me that I can indeed shorten things down, is because I fucking shortened that post. I left details out.

I left bits and pieces out, and put the brakes on those thoughts completely. And then I left it at that.

Do you see? I either shorten it down and people make mistakes, like you just did right there and they miss things or I give them a complete ride through my head so that I can communicate the points I'm trying to make as best as I am able.

Yes, I could shorten things. But then I get sloppy. I miss things and people misenterpret things and then it's a fucking mess.

Do you not understand that I type as I think? I can keep up to my head with my hands. Do you know how hard it is to just stop, right in the middle of both a thought and physically typing as I am thinking, and say, "Oh well shit cut that bit out it's not incredibly neccessary."

Even right fucking now I just probably added a paragraph that wasn't deemed neccessary for you to read but it all makes sense to me and it flows correctly.


I'll stop.

The Flood / Re: In 500 years what will change?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:36:23 PM »
It's too uncertain to tell frankly.

Can you even imagine the next 60 years? With how fast technology is moving today, we've no idea where things will lead. 500 years conjures up a picture of an average sci-fi scene. Superstructures for cities, cybernetics, culture clash and mesh, crowds on the ground, and crowds in the air as small scale hover based tech is refined to produce new forms of locomotion.

And the funny thing is, guessing at the speed of which technology is moving today, the rate and acceleration, that picture I described would probably be obsolete in 500 years.

This is, assuming that there is not a second dark age.

Gaming / Re: Game market crash when?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:31:30 PM »
the games suck but faggots keep buying them

It seriously, couldn't be any more fucking simple than this. A market has no fucking power if nobody buys its shit.

The Flood / Re: Hands down the funniest vine
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:27:28 PM »

This one seriously makes my day every time.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:21:54 PM »
Holy shit why do your posts have be THIS long?

I just don't even read them anymore. And it's a shame because you have shit to say, but fuck, man. They're too long.
Deci. Figure I should talk about more things here. But I'm going to break them down into segments for you as they show up for me. My head's delayed like that. Anywho.

Environmental stagnation.

Environmental stagnation is exactly what it sounds like. You grow tired of your environment around you. You grow fed up. Here's the important thing here Deci, to understand.

There is no avoiding environmental stagnation, unless you're a nomad. Unless, when you grow tired, you move. But here's why you can never outrun it.

You live in an urban area no doubt. Lots of people. City architecture. You're tired of it. I live in relative isolation. Small town life, a fundamental polar opposite to you.

And I'm just as tired of it.

So. Let's just say, that I packed my shit up. Let's say I rolled off down to my home province of birth, British Columbia, and started a new home there. What would I have?

When it was winter in Saskatchewan, there'd be flowers and green in BC. But there would be rain. Weeks and weeks of rainfall, grey skies. And it would be cold. BC has cold rainfall and damp weather because it's on the coastline. Spending even two weeks under nothing but cold rain every day, quickly evaporates your appreciation for the green and flowers.

Let's say I moved far down south. Somewhere warm and tropical in the states. While the radical climate change would be appealing, interesting, after a while, it would grow tiresome.

And now, we factor cities into things. Cities can accelerate environmental stagnation because cities are all founded on a singular, uniform basis. People, and money.

Every single city has a business center. Every city has suburbs, slums, shopping districts. The only mildly different variable are people. Culture, customs, ethinicity, and old architecture.

Compare my town, to another town here called Xenon. Xenon is a french community. Their buildings are completely different from the prarie buildings found here in my town and across the province.

One could say more enjoyable. Different. But if I lived there, eventually I would grow tired of it.

So, here's the point. No matter where you move, no matter where you go, environmental stagnation will eventually happen. Whether you live in a city, in a small town environment, or out in the woods.

So how do you deal with that?

Two things.

The first, is appreciation. Remember what you have. For example. My province is buried under ice and snow for about 6 months of the year. Our springs, and summers are incredibly short, and depending on the weather, usually rainy. Fall is the last warm period, before the climate goes truly ugly. I get incredibly down in Fall. And then winter rolls in.

This province is bare. It's been mowed down like a lawn for farmland. It's flat. And the people, most people, are stupid. Some tolerable, others not.

But what do I have? I'm 22. I have a base of income that I can always return to. The restaurant my mother owns, which I will inherit when she can't do it anymore.

I have the beginnings of a house, and land. And I live in close proximity to the only remaining family of mine that are alive.

And most of all, up here, nothing happens. There is no war. No high crime rates. Isolation. Peace and quiet. Compared to other parts of the planet, other parts of the world, even though it is challenging to live up here, and for 6-7 months of the year the environment is ugly, crushing, and depressing, in reality, all things considered, where I live is nice. And it, to some degree, is safe.

Count what you have around you, the good things.

And second. Focus.

A strong focus, a task to do will always help. Did you know, that actually, human beings for the most part are terrible at relaxing? If you drop us in a perfectly warm environment, nice and temperate, not too hot, not too cold, and give somebody a beach to rest on all day, every day they'll go fucking nuts.

Knock knock, our old partner stagnation again. He's got depression in the back seat too.

People are meant to move. They are supposed to move.

So when you have work, any kind of work. A task, something that needs to be done, or something you want to do, your head focuses on that task and the environment becomes a background.

As such, hobbies are an excellent focus. For me, my hobbies are helpful. But I need to work, physically, to move and think and occupy my hands to really not take notice of the ugly environment around me.

The more hobbies you have and take, and the more....little projects you start, the more you will focus away from your environment.

Raining outside? Snow and ice?

Work on making the floor of your house pretty, the way you want it to look. Sunny and dry outside? Cut and haul firewood. Paint your house.

Occupy yourself.

And third, which I didn't mention, is of course, a partner. Somebody close, or even just a friend in close proximity. Another head and person you enjoy your time around. Not only will their company put you at ease, but they'll do those little projects with you. Together.

So, key points here to fight environmental stagnation, since you can never outrun it.

Focus on what you have. The good that you have access to compared to others.
Focus on hobbies, or work. Little tasks to occupy your thoughts.
Do both of that with a friend or somebody more.

And, on last note.

There are three words that I'll come down to a lot.


All three of these words are different and it is important that you understand them.

A job, is not work. A job can be work. But a job is called as such because, plain and simple, usually, it is a task that is not liked. It's a thing that most people believe is essential, and that it has to be done, even if they don't like it.

"It's my job to clean up horse shit in the stables."

"It's my job to go down in the sewers."

"It's my job to serve customers in retail."

A job is a state of mind. Usually an unpleasant task, that you only really do because you want what the job offers.


Now then. What is work? Work is a natural part of life. Everything in life requires work. However, while work can be hard, work can be not so enjoyable, work has a payoff.

For example. You want to grow your own food. Tilling, and upkeeping a garden is work. It is not easy, and it is not too enjoyable. But if you stick with it, you have your own damn food. And when you're eating your own damn food, you gain a sense of satisfaction because you put that work in to do it.

Something in your house breaks. You've gotta fix it. That's work. But the end result is the repairing of what was broken, maybe even making said broken thing better than it was before it broke. Work is hard, work shows up and is a neccesity in life. But work, has a better end result than a job.

And a hobby, is something you can do for enjoyment. Hobbies can still take work to do, but overall, a hobby doesn't feel so much like work if somebody truly enjoys it. The feeling of it being "work" is absent.

And, because I've rambled here, I'll leave off today on this.

If somebody is doing a job that they enjoy thoroughly, and making money from it, then what are they doing?

Not a job. They're doing a hobby. From job to work, to a hobby, it's like a scale.

A job is the low end, negative of the scale. Work is the middle ground. A hobby is the up end, positive side.

That's all I can say for today.
Right. Let my try and set this straight here, if I can.

1. I'm a writer. Expressiveness is key to telling stories. Over time you just learn to write. It's not an off switch.

2. My head, is scatter brained. It isn't helped by meds. I have to really focus on something, to stay on track.

3. I think in thought trains. I type as I think. That's how I focus, or, in this case, make long rambles like this because I'm trying my best to get the point across while giving a thorough explanation of the how's and whys. Answering questions before they happen.

4. To me, a visible path of my thoughts is the best way to try and show where I'm coming from. Because otherwise I'm a fucking jumpy, scattered mess. Even in writing, even focusing, I still can't pin it down.

5. From now on I am trying to remember to add TL:DRs.

6. These number points are here for semantics because in reality what I just wrote was a train of thought from start to finish.

Apologies for me being, essentially me.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:49:19 PM »

In life we stand, our gun in hand
In death we walk, beyond our clock
Soldiers we are, and soldiers we'll be
Beyond our death, for eternity
We continue the fight, even unto this endless night

The Flood / Mods be like
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:32:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: if you had to adopt one user, who would it be?
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:13:30 PM »
what the fuck vien

Vein is in the wrong. I know it.

In fact, I can list about 15 people here that are completely wrong.

Do everybody here a favor and don't pick a side in this.

Here's the facts. Two people don't get along. Mistakes happen on both sides. It's a mess. End of story. You never jump into an argument or pick a side and believe that one is 100% correct or wrong without looking at both sides.

Both have valid points, both have wrong points.

Just let this shit slide over. This affair is none of our business.

The Flood / Re: if you had to adopt one user, who would it be?
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:10:59 PM »
And ya, they are a joke. I had no prior experience with them though, nor with a physical relationship. I could not have picked a worse person to try it with, either.

Wouldn't say so much that they're a joke. But they don't exactly have the highest success rate. Then again, technically, a lot of relationships in person don't either.

Apparently, that's the way shit rolls.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 01:39:40 PM »
Deci. Figure I should talk about more things here. But I'm going to break them down into segments for you as they show up for me. My head's delayed like that. Anywho.

Environmental stagnation.

Environmental stagnation is exactly what it sounds like. You grow tired of your environment around you. You grow fed up. Here's the important thing here Deci, to understand.

There is no avoiding environmental stagnation, unless you're a nomad. Unless, when you grow tired, you move. But here's why you can never outrun it.

You live in an urban area no doubt. Lots of people. City architecture. You're tired of it. I live in relative isolation. Small town life, a fundamental polar opposite to you.

And I'm just as tired of it.

So. Let's just say, that I packed my shit up. Let's say I rolled off down to my home province of birth, British Columbia, and started a new home there. What would I have?

When it was winter in Saskatchewan, there'd be flowers and green in BC. But there would be rain. Weeks and weeks of rainfall, grey skies. And it would be cold. BC has cold rainfall and damp weather because it's on the coastline. Spending even two weeks under nothing but cold rain every day, quickly evaporates your appreciation for the green and flowers.

Let's say I moved far down south. Somewhere warm and tropical in the states. While the radical climate change would be appealing, interesting, after a while, it would grow tiresome.

And now, we factor cities into things. Cities can accelerate environmental stagnation because cities are all founded on a singular, uniform basis. People, and money.

Every single city has a business center. Every city has suburbs, slums, shopping districts. The only mildly different variable are people. Culture, customs, ethinicity, and old architecture.

Compare my town, to another town here called Xenon. Xenon is a french community. Their buildings are completely different from the prarie buildings found here in my town and across the province.

One could say more enjoyable. Different. But if I lived there, eventually I would grow tired of it.

So, here's the point. No matter where you move, no matter where you go, environmental stagnation will eventually happen. Whether you live in a city, in a small town environment, or out in the woods.

So how do you deal with that?

Two things.

The first, is appreciation. Remember what you have. For example. My province is buried under ice and snow for about 6 months of the year. Our springs, and summers are incredibly short, and depending on the weather, usually rainy. Fall is the last warm period, before the climate goes truly ugly. I get incredibly down in Fall. And then winter rolls in.

This province is bare. It's been mowed down like a lawn for farmland. It's flat. And the people, most people, are stupid. Some tolerable, others not.

But what do I have? I'm 22. I have a base of income that I can always return to. The restaurant my mother owns, which I will inherit when she can't do it anymore.

I have the beginnings of a house, and land. And I live in close proximity to the only remaining family of mine that are alive.

And most of all, up here, nothing happens. There is no war. No high crime rates. Isolation. Peace and quiet. Compared to other parts of the planet, other parts of the world, even though it is challenging to live up here, and for 6-7 months of the year the environment is ugly, crushing, and depressing, in reality, all things considered, where I live is nice. And it, to some degree, is safe.

Count what you have around you, the good things.

And second. Focus.

A strong focus, a task to do will always help. Did you know, that actually, human beings for the most part are terrible at relaxing? If you drop us in a perfectly warm environment, nice and temperate, not too hot, not too cold, and give somebody a beach to rest on all day, every day they'll go fucking nuts.

Knock knock, our old partner stagnation again. He's got depression in the back seat too.

People are meant to move. They are supposed to move.

So when you have work, any kind of work. A task, something that needs to be done, or something you want to do, your head focuses on that task and the environment becomes a background.

As such, hobbies are an excellent focus. For me, my hobbies are helpful. But I need to work, physically, to move and think and occupy my hands to really not take notice of the ugly environment around me.

The more hobbies you have and take, and the more....little projects you start, the more you will focus away from your environment.

Raining outside? Snow and ice?

Work on making the floor of your house pretty, the way you want it to look. Sunny and dry outside? Cut and haul firewood. Paint your house.

Occupy yourself.

And third, which I didn't mention, is of course, a partner. Somebody close, or even just a friend in close proximity. Another head and person you enjoy your time around. Not only will their company put you at ease, but they'll do those little projects with you. Together.

So, key points here to fight environmental stagnation, since you can never outrun it.

Focus on what you have. The good that you have access to compared to others.
Focus on hobbies, or work. Little tasks to occupy your thoughts.
Do both of that with a friend or somebody more.

And, on last note.

There are three words that I'll come down to a lot.


All three of these words are different and it is important that you understand them.

A job, is not work. A job can be work. But a job is called as such because, plain and simple, usually, it is a task that is not liked. It's a thing that most people believe is essential, and that it has to be done, even if they don't like it.

"It's my job to clean up horse shit in the stables."

"It's my job to go down in the sewers."

"It's my job to serve customers in retail."

A job is a state of mind. Usually an unpleasant task, that you only really do because you want what the job offers.


Now then. What is work? Work is a natural part of life. Everything in life requires work. However, while work can be hard, work can be not so enjoyable, work has a payoff.

For example. You want to grow your own food. Tilling, and upkeeping a garden is work. It is not easy, and it is not too enjoyable. But if you stick with it, you have your own damn food. And when you're eating your own damn food, you gain a sense of satisfaction because you put that work in to do it.

Something in your house breaks. You've gotta fix it. That's work. But the end result is the repairing of what was broken, maybe even making said broken thing better than it was before it broke. Work is hard, work shows up and is a neccesity in life. But work, has a better end result than a job.

And a hobby, is something you can do for enjoyment. Hobbies can still take work to do, but overall, a hobby doesn't feel so much like work if somebody truly enjoys it. The feeling of it being "work" is absent.

And, because I've rambled here, I'll leave off today on this.

If somebody is doing a job that they enjoy thoroughly, and making money from it, then what are they doing?

Not a job. They're doing a hobby. From job to work, to a hobby, it's like a scale.

A job is the low end, negative of the scale. Work is the middle ground. A hobby is the up end, positive side.

That's all I can say for today.

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:28:15 AM »
As a recent Iron Banner Veteran:

Literally every single thing in Destiny.
There are so many one shot kill bullshit things in Destiny multiplayer it's ridiculous.

It's by far the most unfair, frustrating, unbalanced competitive mode I've played in my life.

How about dem damage sponge-insta kill bosses? Don't ya love how they didn't give you a movement system to avoid their shit so that you just go down over and over again and go, "Oh jeez, this guy sure is tough!"

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:24:42 AM »
Metas eventually happen in their own right. Eventually, a player will come to realize the best way to do things if they take the game a little more seriously.

Take Halo 3 on legendary. Arguably, your best friend was a plasma pistol or rifle for shields, and a headshot weapon, prefferably a rifle. But I understand your point.

What excessively irks me is when devs make shit weapons. You're always going to have the players who play to meta gameplay. And then the crowd of players that don't really care or are actually skilled and challenge themselves with less common weapons.

And then you have the weapon teir that is so shit, there's no fucking point. Nobody, no matter how skilled, or wanting of a challenge, would use that equipment.

What the fuck is the point? Why waste time making a weapon that's clearly shit?

Or, or! God forbid something is called OP in number and it goes from being a meta to having Thor drop his hammer on it so that it falls into the useless category.

Any game with a tier of weapons will have metas, always. But I really can't fathom how everybody and their grandmother using, and doing the exact same fucking thing is fun, to anybody.

I play dark souls a fair bit. And the DS community is known for metas.

At least, in dark souls, most weapons are balanced well enough so that a smart player can overcome a higher tier weapon. But it seriously gets old when you jump into a match, and you see somebody buffing twice, once for a defense imuunity buff, and once for a weapon buff, while stacking the same armour, same weapon, and same spells over and over again so that every match becomes a dull experience, even if you win.

Then again though, gaming is an escape. And we all know, that most people can be rather simple. They don't challenge themselves or anything. They go from point A, to point B in a straight line.

Metas will always be around but I agree that when too many people use it for the sake of ease, simplicity, and the devs cater to that, it gets old really fucking quick.

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:02:16 AM »
Something I superbly disliked about Dark Souls II. Whenever a boss was using a buff on themselves, even just a weapon buff, they became fucking god teir damage resistant. Or, if they were casting a spell, or doing a special attack, same thing.

For example. Vestaldt. That golden sheened mother fucker would summon the church for sunday with his fucking bell, get down on one knee, and pray to jesus for a total timespan of about 6-7 seconds.

That's a weakness. That's a fucking opening. That's your golden chance to hit him where it really hurts with all your megawatt spells or your power attacks.

Or so you would think.

But nope.

He's 90% resistant to all damage.

And any boss that does that, is like that. Fuck that. The game teaches you that when you use a buff, you are vulnerable because of the time taken to cast it. And even more insulting is that the weaker vestaldt grows, the more powerful his buff is.

So he calls the sunday church session in, becomes 90% immune to all fucking damage as he holds his choir, and then finally stands back up into the fight, boasting a buff that gives him fucking damage resitance.

Okay From, fuck that guys, that was a mistake.

Gaming / Re: Only an hour left
« on: March 23, 2015, 01:52:38 AM »
Here's the wager. Chief's doin' some work and getting pulled in deeper with forerunner activities, hence, deep space "anomalies."

Head honchos of the UNSC *cough ONI* aren't fans.

Slander campaign ahoy for chief.

Journalist makes us think so far that Chief's a mysterious douche.

Turns around his case in the end on finding some more information.

"Chief's actually still a cool guy, he shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything, but don't let ONI hear that."

Proceed to Halo 5 in Locke's boots.

For like the one or two people here who read that old article of mine, regarding John Locke and that uncanny merging of MC's name and Locke's to find the philospher John Locke and his theory regarding tabula rasa.

Look at that shit come together.

Last note. This series will leave more questions than answers, obviously.

Chief's fuckin' around with forerunner birds.

« on: March 22, 2015, 11:52:55 PM »
ITT: Class got fucking shit on.

You know, there's always an up and a down to everything. A lot of good technology came out of the space race. And, on the actual budget list, NASA has almost no money compared to other institutions. They hardly make a dent on money terms countrywise, really.

And sure, while they're firing rockets up into space, sending all of that toxic pollutants up on an express ticket to our atmosphere, spending all that money just to send something, or somebody into orbit, and clouding our own orbit with junk and debris, they're trying.

I can think of things more harmful than what people at NASA study, and pursue.

And I can think of organizations that actually are, and could be in a position to help said other problems round the world.

But of course, they're not doing anything about it, or they're not making a dent, or have enough traction.

Exactly like NASA. Because they're ignored for funding for the most part. Slapped aside like a lesser problem. Like all those starving people. Like the issue of a destabilizing climate. The issue of a society that's malfunctioning.

Personally, I can agree with class. I can see the points and the reasoning. But, at the same time, a lot of people, a lot of inventors, were shunned in their time.

Laughed at, paid no mind or serious attention, and mocked. Because nobody could imagine that invention, ever doing what it did. Or the consequences it might have, down the road.

Personally, launching a guy up into space for a year?

It won't effect my life. Not yet. We can never tell where our choices and actions can take things, or lead things. Maybe, something will come of it. Maybe nothing will. Nothing grand or revealing.

But at the very least, NASA, people like them, are willing to try. They try, study, and most of all, are curious. It's a better pursuit than endless stagnation of war machine spending, trends and fashion pushing, and consumption for the sake of consumption.

I am not too overly fond of the downsides of NASA and their activities. But I can respect that maybe in all of their searching, something good will come of it down the line. Not neccessarily to abandon ship. But to help take care of what we already have.

Then again, I'm not out there helping the poor or going on human rights crusades. Nor am I actively changing the world either. I'm just some dude in a field. Class is some dude on a forum. Like everybody here.

In summary.


God fucking damn Class you really did get shit on here you clever ruseman.

Now I know where you live.

That's okay. You'll have to go through my province's shitty roads, bad directions from farmerfolk, and hostile weather to find me.


His name is Quilly Willy.

The Flood / I summon all the BritBongers of this domain
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:52:39 AM »
To tell you all a little story.

About two/three years ago, a little town called Bjorkdale won a contest or competition of sorts. So Bjorkdale's little school, of oh, say 50 something kids, went to our capital city, Regina, and presented themselves to The Queen in person while she was visiting here for some apparent reason.

Your bonger faces when backwater flatlanders got closer to touching crocodile handbag than you ever will.

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