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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:04:44 AM »

I think it could be easily argued that on the end of somebody's very first playthrough of Mass Effect, the credits music effectively made the playthrough what it was.

Can't really describe it. But beating mass effect for the first time, watching those final minutes play out, and then having the game end, and open up with that soundtrack was just....fucking surreal.

The Flood / Re: Mods in a motherfucking nutshell I swear...
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:52:56 AM »

What most mods probably fantasize about regarding excessive rule breakers.

In a nutshell.

The Flood / Re: what?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:48:22 PM »
Don't talk. Simple as that. Show up when you feel like talking or have something to say. Keep an eye out for threads that have some sort of discussion value to you and then show up for the party.

Or, just make threads if you feel like you have anything to discuss. That's it.

I feel like I haven't seen you post in a while friend

It's called a decrease in resolve. And an increase in anti-social tendencies. Call it stubborn withdrawl.


What's wrong brother?

5-6 month's worth of depression eating away at things. Some fuck left meat doused in anti-freeze outside and one of my cats ate it. Died on the way to the vet in the morning when I pinned down the symptoms and left to try and help.

The Flood / Re: what?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:42:37 PM »
Don't talk. Simple as that. Show up when you feel like talking or have something to say. Keep an eye out for threads that have some sort of discussion value to you and then show up for the party.

Or, just make threads if you feel like you have anything to discuss. That's it.

I feel like I haven't seen you post in a while friend

It's called a decrease in resolve. And an increase in anti-social tendencies. Call it stubborn withdrawl.

The Flood / Re: what?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:38:07 PM »
Don't talk. Simple as that. Show up when you feel like talking or have something to say. Keep an eye out for threads that have some sort of discussion value to you and then show up for the party.

Or, just make threads if you feel like you have anything to discuss. That's it.

Gaming / Re: How Would You Lable Your Playstyle?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:23:52 PM »
Hmm. I dunno. It depends on the categories frankly.

In any form of an FPS with multiplayer, I'm the middleman. Generally I can be whatever's needed, or neglected. In halo I was the middle man concerning vehicles. The dedicated driver of a warthog whose gunner got 20 something kills. That asshole in the wraith who was capable of using it as artillery and cross mapping people, or better yet, keeping aircraft in the skies down. The suicidal guy in the ghost who takes on tanks to distract them for teammates.

I don't play much games anymore so I can say that my playstyle's diminished. But what I do have left I do well in. With Dark Souls I'd call myself a relaxed tryhard. I'm really, to be fair, not bad at the pvp. Enough that you could say I'm above average but I really haven't had to put my tryhard tighties on. Give me a weapon and I'll kill people with it.

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:28:21 PM »
What could have been awkward as fuck?
Something I did today, regarding a girl I liked.

Yeah. Fuck it Lemon. I'm just going to assume it's somebody you like but haven't necessarily told. Otherwise, why would something be awkward? Rarely, do things ever get awkward or have the chance to do so between to people who are acquainted decently with one another.

So, what the fuck. Take a chance.

I dare you to go up to her and tell her that you like her and why you like her(if they aren't offensive reasons like "you've got big tits lol") if you already haven't.

Make your fucking day and see where it gets you. Just for fun.
Yeah, nah.
She's seeing someone, so fuck it. No biggie.

That's an excuse not to do it. Know why? A lot of "someone's" are temporary.

I talked to a friend of mine a while back when she was visiting here. I was aware that she already was with "somebody." But I made my opinion of her known.

And we're still friends. Maybe, things won't work out with her partner. Hopefully they do, but if they don't, the fact that I stated my opinion but still remain a good friend might make all the difference one day.

And if it doesn't, fuck, a friend never hurt either.

Take a chance. Even if it doesn't pay off immidiately.

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:21:22 PM »
What could have been awkward as fuck?
Something I did today, regarding a girl I liked.

Yeah. Fuck it Lemon. I'm just going to assume it's somebody you like but haven't necessarily told. Otherwise, why would something be awkward? Rarely, do things ever get awkward or have the chance to do so between to people who are acquainted decently with one another.

So, what the fuck. Take a chance.

I dare you to go up to her and tell her that you like her and why you like her(if they aren't offensive reasons like "you've got big tits lol") if you already haven't.

Make your fucking day and see where it gets you. Just for fun.

Edit: Damn I was one step ahead of you here.

I'll pose you a question.

What if that person liked you back? What if they're just waiting for that confirmation? Would it be worth taking that risk?

Because if she doesn't. Then life goes on and you can still admire them from afar.

But if you don't, she'll never know. And more importantly you won't either.

Life's too short to chain yourself up in worry and hesitation.

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:13:08 PM »
What could have been awkward as fuck?
Something I did today, regarding a girl I liked.

How upstandingly original. Tell you what. Make things interesting and tell her you like her if you haven't.

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:10:19 PM »
Cold day. Grey skies. More feeling like shit. Hauled some shit. Essentially a check mark on the list of days, was today.

What could have been awkward as fuck?

The Flood / Re: how do you choose between "lol", "lmao", and "rofl"
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:02:09 PM »
Think the only one I've ever used is lol. Can't be arsed to use the others.

Lol to me is just the clearest epression of wanting to say, "that made me chuckle."

The Flood / Re: What would you do if you woke up AS the opposite sex?
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:56:40 PM »
Right so how specific are we talking here? Boom you're a pretty girl or boy now? Or do your physical attributes get carried over?

Weight, height, physical strength and so on?

Because for any women on this forum, they'd probably switch over to an underweight dude with little muscle mass and a skinny frame.

For most of the guys here, they'd all be fat chicks. I'd be a six foot three woman, clocking in at 180 pounds. Seems heavy for a lady.

At least, I could go all hulkomania fat chick on things if my respective strength carried over to even some degree.

The Flood / Re: What kind of parent do you think you'd be?
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:49:11 PM »
For starters, being a parent would generally mean that I got with somebody. And in all likelyhood it'd be somebody worth staying with. So that right there would essentially boost me. Around people I care about I do my absolute best. To the extent that one could say it has a tendency to be somewhat harmful on me.

But a kid. All my focus, all my attention, would be on them. I already know about the do's and don't's of parenting. I've lived a shit enough childhood to understand that. I know all the pitfalls of being different in society, and thinking differently than others around myself.

Being honest and not self hating here. I think I might be decent. In fact I'd wager I'd probably be a stellar dad compared to most younger people these days.

But it would take a toll on me. I would probably give up everything in regards to myself just to make things work for them. Maybe even, push myself too hard, like I always seem to do.

But do I neccessarily want kids right now? No. Far from it.

Gaming / I really hope bloodborne gets a PC port
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:23:57 PM »

Because holy fuck that boss music. I've kept myself spoiler free here but jesus fuck the music alone makes me want the damn game so bad.

This should have been dark souls II dammit.

The Flood / Re: You know, I just realized something.
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:05:33 AM »
As a short term monitor, I can say that you're quite wrong on that. And I can also say that Kiyo wasn't power hungry.

1.Kiyo was a case of "abusing mod powers." Power hungry and abuse of powers are two different things.

2. If the rules for modding were "lax" of sorts, then modding would be easy. Picture a totalitarian mod setup. Somebody acts up like an asshole and it's the mod's judgement on how to old yeller them or no with no strings attached.

But you can't do that, oh no. Mod bias. And the small population of this site. You could go on and ban 100 people in a day and by the end of the day there'll be 200 to replace them. This site doesn't have that.

So you've got to walk around issues a bit.

The Flood / Re: Thomas the Tank Engine
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:55:12 AM »
I don't know about anyone else, but I always though desperately trying to make what is obviously a fucking children oriented show into some dark and dingy conspiracy dystopia was really stupid.

They're fucking trains. With faces on them. That should alone, eliminate any sort of logic you're trying to find in this.

Well, you know, except that by nature the stuff they posted there was actually from the show/books. I mean you wouldn't think chopping up a train with a face on it would be a little dark?

The only conspiracy dystopia thing going on is at the end of the post and even then it's just conjecture.

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:08:12 AM »
At least we can all agree Dark Souls 2 "hard for the sake of hard" is a fact. Those stupid add on's for bosses and what not are just retarded, and all they do is the same 3 swings.

1. Left

2. Right

3. Thrust/sweep
oh you hated fighting 2 gargoyles at once? Here, fight 6.

That was the stupidest thing ever. I was only able to complete it once. I didn't even think it was possible when I first started trying to beat them.
with 40 faith they get like two shotted by great lightning spear >.> that's the only way I ever killed them

The gaygoyles in II were a lot like the four kings. The faster you killed them, the less of a problem their numbers become. The longer you wait, and the more you wittle each gargoyle down instead of focusing all power on one at a time, the more showed up.

They activate based on the total boss health bar.

New game +3 with a greathammer, the slowest weapons in the game and they still haven't given me much trouble. Those midgets on the other hand....
Those gnomes are fucking xxx faze clan drangleic division quickscopers with their bows I swear

It's their double shots right? You roll the first but they can shoot two arrows at once.

Fuck I wish that bow did that normally when I used it.

World's not right if Verb is doing shit/meme/troll posting people.

We gotta organize a search for the real Verb.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen you do something of this sort.

What kind of fucked up, upside down world did I wake up to today?

The Flood / Re: why do so many people have problems with trannies
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:43:22 PM »
Usually, transmissions are a fucking pain in the ass to work on when they break. Especially in newer vehicles since the engines are bogged down with more computers and electronics than actual engine.

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:40:35 PM »
At least we can all agree Dark Souls 2 "hard for the sake of hard" is a fact. Those stupid add on's for bosses and what not are just retarded, and all they do is the same 3 swings.

1. Left

2. Right

3. Thrust/sweep
oh you hated fighting 2 gargoyles at once? Here, fight 6.

That was the stupidest thing ever. I was only able to complete it once. I didn't even think it was possible when I first started trying to beat them.
with 40 faith they get like two shotted by great lightning spear >.> that's the only way I ever killed them

The gaygoyles in II were a lot like the four kings. The faster you killed them, the less of a problem their numbers become. The longer you wait, and the more you wittle each gargoyle down instead of focusing all power on one at a time, the more showed up.

They activate based on the total boss health bar.

New game +3 with a greathammer, the slowest weapons in the game and they still haven't given me much trouble. Those midgets on the other hand....

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:08:33 PM »
I heard it sucks as hard as DS2
Besides it getting praised by pretty much everyone?
-No shields
-Aggressively hard

Guys were le good becuz we make game real dificil
So you don't have any actual reasons as to why it's bad?
Its not bad I just don't like the idea of making game for the purpose of being hard.
gimme a c

gimme an a

gimme an s

gimme a u

gimme another a

gimme an l

whats that spell?

C A S U A L!
Its okay for a game to be hard but at this point they avoid allowing people to have fun. They just throw stupid amounts of sword eating enemies at you. And now noshields5u so you must play like Wayne Gretzky

Funny you should mention shields.

I play dark souls II without one. They're actually just completely dead weight. I even got used to it in the first souls as well.

Here's the key thing with the souls series, or spiritual successor souls series as I should say.

Just because you aren't having fun doesn't mean the rest of the community aren't. The souls community, veteran players of demons souls, dark souls, and soon to be bloodborne, have gotten along just fine so far.

The games are founded on challenge. Not being hard for the sak of hard. Dark souls II is a good example of, "hard for the sake of hard."

Previous installments provided challenges. But they also provided the player the means of which to beat them. Environmental awareness. Planning. Tactics. Enemies with learnable tricks and patterns. Windows of opportunity.

You got mobbed? Maybe you could have sniped some beforehand. Maybe you could have retreated. Maybe you had an item on you that could tip the scales. Maybe you could have even snuck by.

The spirtual successor souls series was never for everybody. And by now most veteran players expect these kinds of things. They wouldn't be playing the games otherwise.

Gaming / Re: F2P Halo game announced (but for Russia only) Suka!
« on: March 25, 2015, 06:48:41 PM »
Come to think of it, it's actually a good idea. Russians have a tendancy to be fond of f2p games. I mean who passes up a free game?

Now then, most f2p games these days have an in game economy. And, naturally, a host of various items, whether they be cosmetic or unlockable, which can be earned legitimately, or traded, or, key point here.

Bought. Buying, is arguably the shortest path to what you want to obtain in a f2p game.

F2p games make an immense amount of money off their in-game economies. And you can see that because Valve are masters of in-game economies.

Russia is essentially the wild west frontier when it comes to gaming markets.

I think somebody's trying to set up stakes and claims.

Gaming / Re: F2P Halo game announced (but for Russia only) Suka!
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:26:23 PM »
It's an attempt to open russia up to the gaming market. Apparently there's a lot of piracy there so making a pay game won't work out too well.

Look at Dota 2. It's free to play and the russian community loves it. The more you open up to them, the more chance you have of getting their population as paying consumers in the future.

Simple as that.

The Flood / Re: I feel really shitty
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:45:39 AM »
Can't be of much help here. I'll just say that when you hit a low point, far enough down, not even things you enjoyed keep you up anymore. You go to do something and you just......can't. As I've described it before. Imagine pulling the ripcord of a chainsaw over and over and it just won't start.

So. Here. Have some random shit. People don't have permanent "I'm happy all the time" switches. Take smiles wherever you can find them. In this case. Random shit. Maybe I'm just a simpleton but the gmod community and their retarded faces always help.




It's like saturday morning cartoons, or some shit.

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:50:12 PM »

You can't look this damn suave in dark souls.

The Flood / Re: do you talk differently in person compared to on here?
« on: March 24, 2015, 11:42:49 PM »
Same words and all. Just less long winded and quiet. Rule of thumb. The more people there are the less likely I am to talk. Only the most talkative in one on ones.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 04:13:03 PM »
I'm sorry Sandtrap :/
I know this cat meant a lot to you...

All of them do. But this one in particular because I knew her for 17 years.

This is a cat, I met, all the way over in british columbia. When I walked to school in the morning, I'd bring cheese to her. She was a stray, abandoned by some people who lived at some old house. The house was surrounded by cats but she was the only one that wasn't spooked.

This was a cat who survived pnemonia when we took her in, traveled with us across the entirety of canada in a car, and survived going from cold rain and damp weather all her life to -30 winters for 6 months of the year.

And she was intelligent. Talkative. You'd talk to her and she'd talk back. She had specific sounds for everything you said to her or did. We put a bell on her one time because she was catching too many birds and she still caught birds and mice anyway.

The kind of cat that has a strong presence and a strong nature. You come into the room in the morning and she makes a sound. Just one. It was like saying good morning or hello.

I woke up this morning and was not wanting a last hello.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 04:00:06 PM »
Read my edit made 4 seconds before your post.

Not sure what you're arguing about. Activated charcoal is supposed to be given when the cat is done vomiting, and the cat didn't ingest any acid or alkali.

If you have no idea what you are talking about, then I am going to correct you. You obviously do not know much about either activated charcoal or antifreeze. Antifreeze is not some universal chemical, there are different kinds, which can be acidic, alkaline, or neither. Sandtrap said antifreeze, he did not say what kind, whether it was pure or diluted, whether it had been in a vehicle, because he has no way of knowing those things, and all of those would factor into whether activated charcoal is the right drug to give. Before you give any drug, you have to do investigative work to find out whether it is the right thing to give or not.
I told him to go to the vet and if necessary get activated charcoal. Calm your nonexistent tits.

Hey. It don't matter now. Sent the cat out last night. She came back in at midnight. I went to sleep, woke up at 6. Noticed she was unresponsive. Went down to work, checked back up on her every hour when I could trying to pin down what it was.

Anyway. I tried driving off to the vets. Cat died on the way there.

I appreciate the attempted help though.

Thanks folks.
I'm really sorry man, that is horrible. I'm a huge animal lover as well as a lover of cats. I can't imagine what sort of depraved sack of shit would poison a cat.

I don't think they target anything in particular. People've lost cats, dogs. There's been dead coyotes, fuck even one time a wolf. Some fuck just leaves meat hanging around with anti-freeze doused all over it.

Animals like anti-freeze because it apparently smells and tastes good to them.

The Flood / Re: Is mad max reddit in human form?
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:31:51 PM »

If reddit were a person. It wouldn't be that guy.

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