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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 239240241 242243 ... 390
The Flood / Re: pronouncing lmao makes you sound like a french cat
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:51:29 AM »
micro ondies

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:38:55 AM »
Size is (to me at least) a tertiary consideration at best.   I'd even put it lower than third tier.

The two main interests/attributes that I care about are;

1) Are they sensitive and a source of physical pleasure for her?
2) Is she comfortable, pleased and even proud of them?

After that, I then focus on what "I like/prefer".   Why?   Because if she has no sensitivity, gets no pleasure from, considers them to be non-erotic, or is displeased or uncomfortable with them, then my interest/attraction to them is just mine and not mutual.   Then they are visual and physical things that while they appeal to me, they do nothing for her and she is then just humoring or tolerating my attention, focus, touching or play.   Where's the fun in that?

To put it into male perspective, imagine having a "dick that people dream of", but you can't feel a thing.  It might as well be a strap on.   People will gawk at it, compliment you on it, and drool all over it or ride it for an entire weekend, but you feel.....  nothing.   They're focused on your dick, but not you, they don't seem to care whether or not you feel anything, you're just attached to the thing that they're interested in.   Not my idea of a good situation.

But, if the person with the boobs finds them a source of enjoyment and they are pleased/proud of them?   Then I put my priorities in the following order once sensitivity is established.

1)  Overall Shape
2)  Nipples appropriate for size/shape
3)  Overall Breast Size

But that's just me.   Some people don't care and will focus on size (large or small) over everything else, or shape, or nipples, or firmness/softness, natural/enhanced, etc.   It's their thing and I don't begrudge them having their own preferences.   But unless the boobs are attached to someone who finds them a source of pleasure?   Then they are just there and I am looking for where their sensitivities, hot buttons, and special spots are hidden.

For shame Ele.

The post is organized. And it's not long. This isn't even a tenth of a misorganized wall that I can write on average.

The Flood / Re: I need a mod
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:14:18 AM »
Here. It should work now. Copy this URL or save it to your computer and upload it to your avatar.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:12:26 AM »
Just...pitching something out here. Just for the sake of talking I guess. Any of you have a place you can go where everything is just, gone? Nothing in your way?

Are you tired of it?

Anybody scummy enough to warrent anything physical are long gone now.

I've got nothing. Either that or there's still people here but I just can't pin them down. Doesn't matter anyway.

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:48:35 PM »
generally speaking, all breasts are nice as long as they are real

implants are intolerable

Since when were you a fan of mammaries?

In any way?

From a joking standpoint I could even say that by rights you'd be opposed to breasts since their function is to raise children.

Serious / Re: Good cops vs bad cops
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:46:26 PM »
If my cousins were to actually point out the corruption going on, I can assure you they'd be canned, or worse faster than anyone could hear about the corruption. for the cops, there is an unwritten code where you don't talk about your co workers, or your own job and what you deal with until a long ass time after it happened. and even then, sometimes you don't even WANT to talk about the fucked up things in the job until decades after.

It's like, for one brief moment, you and me were exactly the fucking same.

Serious / Re: Good cops vs bad cops
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:15:47 PM »
You know officers have a code of sorts right? They stick together. And, not only that, but It's probably easy to assume that the obvious corruption in said organizations outnumbers the decent individuals.

If a decent individual stuck his/her neck out just to make a point about an asshat.

They'd probably be canned, I wouldn't be surprised if they got paid a "visit" to by more defensive members of the force, and so on.

They're doing what every single decent person in our history has ever done. Keep their head down because they don't any trouble, and they can't make a difference.

It's like the argument for just rolling over the east with endless carpet bombs. You're going to hit people who aren't causing trouble. And you can't see them, because they keep their heads down and out of the way.

It's ingrained into our species to focus on the threat. Not the thing minding its own business.

The Flood / Re: Happy 6,000th post to me!
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:08:58 PM »
Did you blow out all 6000 candles?

The Flood / Re: Date or LAN party?
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:01:28 PM »
Ask yourself a question.

How much do you enjoy being alone?

Now make a wager. A LAN party, that certainly, probably doesn't happen that often, even if it is with friends.

Versus a living human being whose attention is focused solely on you. They are interested in who and what you are. And for all you know, there could be potential there. Good potential.

Make your wager and jump.

The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:06:52 PM »
It'll all be fuckin' sag in about 60 years time anyway.

Take your pick between heavy hangers down to the knees or small floppy pancakes.

The Flood / Re: I FUCKIN' LOL
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:47:44 AM »
hardcore, very intelligent crime.
Saying he wants to test drive a vehicle before buying it, or saying that he'll pay for it, and then driving away with it and never coming back.

Can you not hear the very sarcasm of which I wrote those words. I have to admit that I'm laughing at this. My town is actually the real world location and equivilent to a toilet and the only thing that ever seems to come out of it is shit.

It's hilarious to me, frankly.

The Flood / I FUCKIN' LOL
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:39:57 AM »
Word and gossip around the main coffee table this morning was about an old classmate of mine. Apparently, he's taken to a life of hardcore, very intelligent crime.

Saying he wants to test drive a vehicle before buying it, or saying that he'll pay for it, and then driving away with it and never coming back.

Some pissed off farmer posted that he got his truck stolen that way by him which sparked a bunch of other people to post as well.

And apparently, the police found the stolen truck with a note left in it after he ditched it because he suddenly got a reputation.

My town folks. MY. FUCKING. TOWN.

Do any of you have people or classmates like this?

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:20:43 AM »
Yeah. You lost me.
I will offer one last hint, and it is my appreciation towards certain images you have created. My name should not be released publicly.

I could, think of one person in regards to images. But frankly.

No. I'm out of my league here. Totally fucking lsto me here. This. This doesn't make any sense to me.
The numbers add up, Sandy.

Yeah. Calling it a night. You're barking up the wrong tree here if you're expecting me to remember much here. The fact that you're pink, with a title of that nature, and a name of that nature.

I'm too addled to make sense of it. So I'm going to sleep now.

Goodnight. I mean no offense, if any.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:16:11 AM »
Yeah. You lost me.
I will offer one last hint, and it is my appreciation towards certain images you have created. My name should not be released publicly.

I could, think of one person in regards to images. But frankly.

No. I'm out of my league here. Totally fucking lsto me here. This. This doesn't make any sense to me.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:08:32 AM »
What the hell is this

I agree. I feel as if I've just walked into something waaaaaaay over my head.

The fact that you made a short response to Septy frightens me to a degree.

Well. You're obviously not new here if you know my apparent reputation for walls.

You're The Dude.

Yeah. You lost me.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:07:35 AM »
What the hell is this

I agree. I feel as if I've just walked into something waaaaaaay over my head.

Explain your Sep7 avatar.

It looks fucknig cool

Secrets hold much alure. The only answer I'll give you is the obvious.

It's a robot.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:05:44 AM »
What the hell is this

I agree. I feel as if I've just walked into something waaaaaaay over my head.

The fact that you made a short response to Septy frightens me to a degree.

Well. You'r obviously not new here if you know my apparent reputation for walls.

The Flood / Re: Admin Beta Thread.
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:01:07 AM »
What the hell is this

I agree. I feel as if I've just walked into something waaaaaaay over my head.

The Flood / Re: Anyone reading the Darth Vader comics?
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:39:48 AM »
I liked this issue much better than the last, but nonetheless, I do have some complaints.

What I liked:   
Aphra acknowledging Vader is a bad motherfucker who could, and would, kill her whenever he wanted to.
Now, on to my complaints.
The Geonosian Queen's droids, specifically them being emerging from eggs. It doesn't make sense. I don't get it. I don't mind the idea of the Queen seeing the droids as her children, having a sort of motherly instinct that has to be fulfilled by any means necessary. I don't mind the idea of the droid design being modified to appear more Geonosian. But the droid emerging from eggs? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, it could use some clarification.

 Also, I'm not a fan of Vader jumping down onto the Geonosian queen's platform. This may seem like an odd complaint, but allow me to explain my reasoning.
 I've always seen Vader's cybernetic limbs as not particularly agile, explaining his slower movement and lack of agility in the OT. He compensates for this lack of agility by using his raw strength and height to make himself a defensive rock. This, in conjunction with his skill with the force, allows Vader to overcome his physical limitations.
Having Vader fall from a considerable height sort of undermines what makes Vader cool in my eyes. I don't like how the prequels and TCW basically make all force-users superpowered ninjas, and I don't want to see that happen to Vader. The EU made this mistake, having Vader do freaking flips, and jumping out of moving starships high above a planet's surface and landing on his feet. It doesn't fit Vader, and as previously stated, undermines what makes Vader cool. He doesn't need to perform feats of incredible agility. Now, Vader's jump in this issue isn't near as bad as the old EU examples I gave, but it is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. If the height from which he jumped was decreased that would've been fine, but I don't want to consistently see Vader jumping 50 feet or something similar.

Honestly I'd always have figured Vader's cybernetics would have made him incredibly dangerous and capable of agility.

Look at Grievous.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:32:01 AM »

Hype train reaching critical levels.

That's about it really.

Gaming / Re: But now I must save us from y-
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:25:16 AM »

Eggheads detected.

Yeah, until you run out of breath and they shoot you as you come up for air. Tis' just a waiting game.

That's why you always carry a snorkel.

The Flood / Re: Should I buy a used dirt bike?
« on: April 08, 2015, 04:53:56 PM »
Never drove a dirt bike/motorcycle. But the concept will generally be the same as a used vehicle.

When you buy a used vehicle, or want to, for starters, you need to test it out first. Very, very rarely does anybody ever sell something in perfect condition. And if it's on the verge of failing condition, they won't mention it.

I bought my truck used. I drove it around. Listened to the engine for any off sounds, got a feel for it. And it was a good deal save for the transmission. 5 months in the tranny blew on me. But the owner made me aware of all the other problems that could come up and I took the chance.

You're always taking a chance with a used vehicle. Always.

And just because you listen and test it out, doesn't mean it won't backfire on you still.

You have to compare the costs of new vs used + repairs.

Even with repairs a used vehicle will take time to amount to a full price new vehicle if you bought it for cheap.

But really, it all comes down to you.

This is your financial decision.

The question isn't, should you buy a used dirt bike.

It's can you afford the cost financially on whatever particular avenue you choose?

The Flood / Re: How does your train of thought function?
« on: April 08, 2015, 04:10:27 PM »
Right. So we're either all partially loopy or perfectly normal.


What happens when people are relatively content and secure? What happens when they've nothing too horrid to find some disliking of?

They go loopy. Complain about the small shit. People like to complain.

As a species we're actually quite terrible at finding any sort of lasting peace.
thats called the Hedonic Treadmill, and its the best argument against transhumanism

Easy counter argument.

People need to stop being fucking lazy and do shit. Occupy one's time with work of some kind and the problem resolves itself.

And not only that, but transhumanism is a form of forwards progressive evolution. In an altered, arguably higher state of inteligence than we are now, the hedonic treadmill argument could be thrown out the window because we've moved past baser instincts and old habits.

The Flood / Re: How does your train of thought function?
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:55:31 PM »
What on Earth is a pop.

Soda. Carbonated water and sugar essentially. You're supposedly british. So I assume soda to you is what we call pop.

The Flood / How does your train of thought function?
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:53:27 PM »
As in, how do you arrive at particular conclusions?

Somebody passed by in my kitchen muttering some rather grouchy words directed at somebody. My thoughts immidiately directed to a fellow who's generally regarded as a tool around town, and that he came in last night, acted unusual, bought a pop, and then left.

On remembering pop, I just remembered that three hours ago a big fellow came in, grabbed two pops out of the fridge, and that we have a deal with him where we just write it down on a tab.

As such I remembered that I didn't write down those two things on his tab.

And it just occured to me that I might function abnormally.

Which is why I'm asking all of you, how you in particular, arrive at your own conclusions.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a good time today?
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:23:08 PM »
This was a post on

It was? Huh... Well we have newbies to experience this.

Yes. Old post. In answer to your question. The article in particular doesn't make me feel particularily good. Instead because I've read it before and I associate it in connection to a post on Bungie.old which makes me nostalgiac.

Nostalgia always makes me sad.

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