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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Go outside and take a picture
« on: May 09, 2015, 06:59:33 PM »


Frontyard, from left to right:



What do you mean, "And?"

Supposedly, a big crash is on the way. And? That's my point. If it's going to fall over than it's going to fall over. Nothing lasts forever and a system like ours that's built and functions on tightrope walking won't stay afloat forever.

This report or article means absolutely nothing because people don't give a shit about anything until it rolls up in their face. There may or may not be a crash coming. Okay cool. Call me when it's over.

That's one of the most ignorant ways to look at things like this. With forewarning, you can mediate some of the damage and make personal preparations for yourself. Just sitting there like "PFFF LOL ITS GONNA HAPPEN HURRRR" and doing nothing is arrogant. If that's your attitude about any serious problems, you likely deserve all the terrible shit that happens. Passiveness is a disgusting character trait.

If you didn't ever notice, I've been living with a setup designed for this. Generators. Solar cells. Knowledge on how to hunt and knowledge of my surrounding area. Storage tanks for water and gas.

I already live in an environment that demands forethought. We have power outages for days, we have roads that can close up completely for days, and distance is a factor in anything. We have temperatures for over half of the year that can kill you in under 10 minutes.

So yes, having a big collapse doesn't mean shit to me because I already practically live like there is a state of collapse. In which case my only problem these days is money because costs are rising and they aren't stopping. If they keep going up, people around here are going to be in serious shit.

I'd actually prefer a crash honestly. No more money troubles. So yes. Your point is still moot. I'll be sitting up here in a lawn chair when, and if it ever happens, watching the fireworks go down.

My point is not moot because everyone is not you. If everyone was in a state like yours, then it would be moot.

In which case we circle around back to my point. People don't give a fuck. And they never will unless they're slapped upside the head.

Rainforests going down by hundreds of acres per second, destroying one of our best sources of natural antibiotics and treatments for diseases on the planet?

Nobody gives a fuck or does anything to stop the assholes ripping it down and planting shitty palm oil crop farms that have a maximum of 10 years of life to them.

Environment rapidly shifting and altering leading to more abnormal bouts of weather? Nobody gives a fuck.

Corporations being total slimeball nickle and dimers down to the last scrap of dust and dead land? Nobody gives a fuck.

So yes, your point is moot. Nobody ever cares about their toilet until it stops working. Nobody cares about their electricity, or their water, until they suddenly don't have it. People, most people, are short sighted. Only ever tending to think about the here and now over later. And that's not going to change anytime soon. Sooner or later, something will happen. And people will fall back to what they've always done. They'll either push through, or they won't.

You're a completely passive idiot. Nothing is moot about trying to warn people as long as someone may listen. Just because maybe most won't care doesn't mean ALL won't care. Get out of my face with this depressing passive bullshit attitude, it's making me gag.

Oh well then by all means, enlighten this community of roughly 100 people by posting this here.

Go on then. Enlighten them with a plan of action.

While you're at it, why not try posting this over on Bungie? How about on your facebook or twitter? Hell, why not bring it up to your family and friends?

I'll just wait here. Make sure you come back with staggering positive results!

The Flood / Re: Jesus Has Been Weeb'd
« on: May 09, 2015, 06:16:41 PM »


What do you mean, "And?"

Supposedly, a big crash is on the way. And? That's my point. If it's going to fall over than it's going to fall over. Nothing lasts forever and a system like ours that's built and functions on tightrope walking won't stay afloat forever.

This report or article means absolutely nothing because people don't give a shit about anything until it rolls up in their face. There may or may not be a crash coming. Okay cool. Call me when it's over.

That's one of the most ignorant ways to look at things like this. With forewarning, you can mediate some of the damage and make personal preparations for yourself. Just sitting there like "PFFF LOL ITS GONNA HAPPEN HURRRR" and doing nothing is arrogant. If that's your attitude about any serious problems, you likely deserve all the terrible shit that happens. Passiveness is a disgusting character trait.

If you didn't ever notice, I've been living with a setup designed for this. Generators. Solar cells. Knowledge on how to hunt and knowledge of my surrounding area. Storage tanks for water and gas.

I already live in an environment that demands forethought. We have power outages for days, we have roads that can close up completely for days, and distance is a factor in anything. We have temperatures for over half of the year that can kill you in under 10 minutes.

So yes, having a big collapse doesn't mean shit to me because I already practically live like there is a state of collapse. In which case my only problem these days is money because costs are rising and they aren't stopping. If they keep going up, people around here are going to be in serious shit.

I'd actually prefer a crash honestly. No more money troubles. So yes. Your point is still moot. I'll be sitting up here in a lawn chair when, and if it ever happens, watching the fireworks go down.

My point is not moot because everyone is not you. If everyone was in a state like yours, then it would be moot.

In which case we circle around back to my point. People don't give a fuck. And they never will unless they're slapped upside the head.

Rainforests going down by hundreds of acres per second, destroying one of our best sources of natural antibiotics and treatments for diseases on the planet?

Nobody gives a fuck or does anything to stop the assholes ripping it down and planting shitty palm oil crop farms that have a maximum of 10 years of life to them.

Environment rapidly shifting and altering leading to more abnormal bouts of weather? Nobody gives a fuck.

Corporations being total slimeball nickle and dimers down to the last scrap of dust and dead land? Nobody gives a fuck.

So yes, your point is moot. Nobody ever cares about their toilet until it stops working. Nobody cares about their electricity, or their water, until they suddenly don't have it. People, most people, are short sighted. Only ever tending to think about the here and now over later. And that's not going to change anytime soon. Sooner or later, something will happen. And people will fall back to what they've always done. They'll either push through, or they won't.


What do you mean, "And?"

Supposedly, a big crash is on the way. And? That's my point. If it's going to fall over than it's going to fall over. Nothing lasts forever and a system like ours that's built and functions on tightrope walking won't stay afloat forever.

This report or article means absolutely nothing because people don't give a shit about anything until it rolls up in their face. There may or may not be a crash coming. Okay cool. Call me when it's over.

That's one of the most ignorant ways to look at things like this. With forewarning, you can mediate some of the damage and make personal preparations for yourself. Just sitting there like "PFFF LOL ITS GONNA HAPPEN HURRRR" and doing nothing is arrogant. If that's your attitude about any serious problems, you likely deserve all the terrible shit that happens. Passiveness is a disgusting character trait.

If you didn't ever notice, I've been living with a setup designed for this. Generators. Solar cells. Knowledge on how to hunt and knowledge of my surrounding area. Storage tanks for water and gas.

I already live in an environment that demands forethought. We have power outages for days, we have roads that can close up completely for days, and distance is a factor in anything. We have temperatures for over half of the year that can kill you in under 10 minutes.

So yes, having a big collapse doesn't mean shit to me because I already practically live like there is a state of collapse. In which case my only problem these days is money because costs are rising and they aren't stopping. If they keep going up, people around here are going to be in serious shit.

I'd actually prefer a crash honestly. No more money troubles. So yes. Your point is still moot. I'll be sitting up here in a lawn chair when, and if it ever happens, watching the fireworks go down.


What do you mean, "And?"

Supposedly, a big crash is on the way. And? That's my point. If it's going to fall over than it's going to fall over. Nothing lasts forever and a system like ours that's built and functions on tightrope walking won't stay afloat forever.

This report or article means absolutely nothing because people don't give a shit about anything until it rolls up in their face. There may or may not be a crash coming. Okay cool. Call me when it's over.

My old ranger gets about 26 on the grid roads. 29 on the highways. Guess not.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars battlefront 2 £2.00
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:05:48 AM »
Haha! I still have my original copies of both battlefronts. Good games.

You can hardly even lose for 4 bucks.

Gaming / Re: So Splatoon is kinda bad
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:02:03 AM »
Cheat should realy start working on a mute button
You should probably stop being retarded
Being sick of Verb's constant shitposting makes me retaded?
He isn't even shitposting.
And no, you're just retarded in general.

You realise verb makes an effort to comment 'x' game sucks on just aboy every thread he enters. He derailed one of my latest threads before it even realy started, and then he derailed the thread about skyrim mods. what he does is shitposting

Na. There's a word out there called opinions.

Verb's got a lot of opinions you and most others don't agree with.

You have an opinion about this apparently shit game you played.

And I have the opinion that does any of it particularily matter? No. You played a shit game and just admitted that it was shit. So why would you start complaining about Verb saying it was shit?

My opinion says, drop your grudges and move on.

And don't fall for shit games too. That might help.

The Flood / Re: Fatzilla
« on: May 09, 2015, 12:54:21 AM »
so much discussion value

discuss fatzilla dang it >: (

He's fat.

Is he the americanized version of japanese godzilla?

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been in love?
« on: May 09, 2015, 12:50:44 AM »
Love always finds a way to stab you in the back eventually.

Not necessarily. You're just in league with the wrong folks.

Over 50% of registered marriages fail. Fact is, people jump too early. People get into things and before they know it, it turns into a mess. Look at couples these days. How fast they break apart, or how often they do.

The plain and simple fact is, finding somebody that's a good fit with you is hard. Extremely hard. It isn't so much that love is a backstabber, it's that people are subject to change. Change is a variable and a wrench in the gears of the best laid plans.

Love is not a backstabber. It's people. It always comes down to the people. It takes a long, long time for us to fully mature. To reach our true end state and adult life. Even in your 20's, you're still changing. Even as you grow older, you're changing. Your mind, your thoughts, your experiences.

The real challenge is finding somebody who has similar interests, a similar mind as yours, and one who can keep up with the changes over time, alongside you.

It's all trial and error and you've either got to push through until the dust finally settles or you take my route. Don't bother.

The Flood / Re: People should kill depression
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:45:45 PM »
Does this guy look depressed to you? xD

Actually funny enough now that you mention it. Some of those monks that set themselves on fire. They don't, or didn't, even flinch. No screaming no yelling no nothing. They just sit there and burn.

There's so much self control from them that a catholic priest would would probably explode at the thought of it.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been in love?
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:34:45 PM »
No. There was, perhaps one time. But it was just me getting all excited over nothing. Just a meager reaction to bumping into somebody vaguely similar to myself for one of the first times.

So, no. And, personally, I don't think I ever will. Not for a long time.

I'll just go with offhand memory about the most read shit.

4 Teens killed by drunk truck driver outside a small town
Funeral card
Mother and three kids dead in murder-suicide
Funeral Card
Shit happening with Alberta politics
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Police Officer caught possessing cp
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Murder Suicide in small town
Funeral Card
Neighbor has cancer
Funeral Card
Slightly farther neighbor has cancer
Funeral card

I ain't even exaggerating. Every week during the winter there's a funeral card.

The Flood / Re: Why do you people "favorite" female members?
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:35:51 AM »
I wasn't aware I did such. You're all equally kept at arms length.

Gaming / Re: Spicks have officialy KILLED For Glory
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:11:32 PM »
Welcome to my battlefield hell.

You'd think that the whole 'DICE EU SERVER 1234124' would give the hint for mexicanos to stay the fuck out, but noooooope.

 It's like they've natualy evolved  a habit of going exacly where they donn't belong, be that borders, or servers or my job
Yeehaw, but seriously I fucking hate it when EU servers become BRBRparty time and the whole Latino world is invited. I'd almost rather fight russkies and their unholy ping.

How about Austrailians?

Serious / Re: I'm really depressed again dammit
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:04:57 PM »
I can't say I know what you're feeling. But I have been through a similar instance. When I was three I was up front and center to watch my father get into a fight with my mother, at which point he punched her upside the head and broke her jaw.

I had nightmares for years afterwards, long, long after it happened. I don't remember my dreams and I don't even know if I have nightmares anymore. But I know that over time it became a less occuring thing and feeling.

As for being depressed? Like I said. The best tool you have is doing something. Occupying yourself. Seeing visible achievment or progress. Beating something in your way.

I don't know your life or how you live. But find something that you can focus on, something that will show you visible progress as you work. It'll give you a boost and a rise.

And if you don't want that, go somewhere new. Take a vacation or some time off. Get out somewhere and visit a new place you've never been to.

That's the best I can give.

Serious / Re: I'm really depressed again dammit
« on: May 07, 2015, 09:54:26 PM »
I don't really think these types of threads belong on the Serious board.
yeah because this totally isn't a serious discussion or anything

it would be a lot better to ask important life advice in the forum where the majority of responses would be regurgitated memes and 'kill yourself' comments
i think it's dumb too, but we've had threads in here about users' relatives dying and shit, and they were all moved to the flood

so i mean

Rules in a state of flux. Or thread derailment. One thing I think we can agree on here. Don't throw this out to the sharks. And maybe, the threads that did end up there, shouldn't have.

As I said. In a state of flux. Tinkering and fine tuning are required.

I'm fine with whatever somebody feels like placing their faith in.

But as soon as their attention shifts to me and they start making the moves on me, any suggestion to convert or such.

I grow displeased.

The Flood / Re: Why are short haired girls the best?
« on: May 07, 2015, 10:34:42 AM »
Big tits and nice ass > hairstyles

Boom roasted. All three.

The Flood / Re: I'd tell you a joke about my pussy
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:26:14 AM »

Wanna hear a good joke about procrastination?

Serious / Re: I'm really depressed again dammit
« on: May 07, 2015, 02:16:36 AM »
Trauma will never disappear, it has to be worked through or moved past. It seems like the former is unavailable to you, so just keep moving. Increasing your self-esteem is the single best way to get past depression. It sounds cliche, but it definitely worked for me. Join a gym, go out and make some real friends. Get through high school, get a job, go to college...keep yourself busy, and eventually you'll change without even knowing it.

If anybody's said that's truly doable here, it's you. I can vouch for this.

Occupy yourself. Do something, anything, no matter what it is. Even something as mundane as a simple accomplishment that's work related. Occupy your mind, occupy your time, and keep pushing.

Gaming / Agar, an addicting little game(Now with Teams)
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:53:26 PM »

Dudes. Try this shit out. It's a simple concept. You're a cell. You eat shit to grow. You're playing with other players and you compete with one another to be top of the food chain.

Plus, there's players who pick good names like Dank Memes, Hitler, and Vote UKIP.

Personally, hunting down hitler as a larger cell is priceless.

There's actually some strategy involved too. If you get cornered by bigger players sometimes it pays to shed your mass and gain speed to escape them. Splitting yourself is also good for catching other players who are just out of range.

Team mode added, Red vs Blue vs Green

Gaming / Re: Destiny Raids to cost extra
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:46:49 PM »
Are any of you a bit depressed by this? Like holy fuck. You know, with some game companies they degrade over time. They wear down with each new installment and they lose their magic touch. It's no fun to see it happen.

But from one single game, to the next, Bungie went from making games that were fun to play, had a decent community, and as a company, they interacted with fans and had a welcoming community site.

In one, single game, all of it was wiped and blown outta the water.

And now we're left with this. I mean fucking really?

If you were approached by somebody, not even say, five years ago, and were told that Bungie, and Bungie.Net would go to complete and utter shit as a community and a developer, would you believe them?

God dammit that shit sucks.

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:39:28 PM »
Basketball shorts and a T-shirt and my Nike's

Five miles on a straight road is a pretty easy jog

A little cold yeah but I could make it
-13 is more than a little cold..

Well yea but running I won't be so focused on the cold as I would be walking

Can you run for five miles straight without stopping? Because if you stop, you immidiately slow down. The sweat on your skin will freeze and as soon as you hit that low point from stopping, you lose ground and survival time.

The Flood / Re: Robotic Bear to aid in Assisted Suicide
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:24:04 PM »
I don't get why you'd pick one of the violent deaths.
Suicidal masochist?

Unless it was like a half assed type deal. Maybe as they're being strangled by a prototype bear terminator they'll suddenly reconsider the merits of staying alive.

The Flood / Re: Robotic Bear to aid in Assisted Suicide
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:19:00 PM »
Also, this could probably fit in serious.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight Floof
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:08:26 PM »
Bon voyage.

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:07:19 PM »
Walk, it's simple science. Running will decrease the temperature further and make you colder as well as run your energy out, leaving you more dangerously susceptible to becoming lethargic, tired, altered, and prone to falling asleep - which if you do while hypothermic or near hypothermia, is almost guaranteed to be your eternal sleep. Walking will keep your energy and will not drop your temperature, giving you more of a chance to make it back.

Thanks ya'll. Ruin the fun why don't you. I wanted to see how many dead and frozen Sep7agoners there'd be. Generally, yes, running will kill you faster as your sweat freezes to your skin and cools you.

The true ideal way to go would be to walk the majority, and run the closing distance.

In -25, five miles, the vast majority of the people here would be dead with what they're wearing. Even myself included, despite how resistant to cold I am, would likely be dead or in a near state of hypothermia.

I just wanted to see how many coffins we could fill with the runners.

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