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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 162163164 165166 ... 390
Like I've always said. Or, thought, maybe. Police work has to be one of the toughest you can ever go into. You can't win. People hate you because you enforce shit laws.

You see the worst that people have to offer on a daily basis in some parts of the world. And people don't think that negative influence changes a person?

You do your job and you get shit for it. No matter what you do you get shit for it these days because everybody is all caught up on the negative individuals in the police force.

Bad apple effect heyo.

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 04:44:06 PM »
I happened to run the concept by in my head. And this is only feedback I got.

Null. I don't even think I'd shrug if you said that. Dunno why.

But I got nothing.

The Flood / Re: What Was The First Forum You Participated In?
« on: August 15, 2015, 02:20:02 PM »
Yee old Bungie.Net

The Flood / Re: God Britain is disgusting.
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:43:04 PM »
Better than America

And it's a cultural wasteland here. The youth try to be Americans so hard.
>Implying America has culture
There's more culture in LA than all of the UK.

Be forwarned here Chally. You got me thinking.

How the fuck do even define culture anyway? How can you even really say, "X place has more culture than other X place."

It's not like you can just scoop up some culture outta the fuckin' air and measure it.

The Flood / Re: God Britain is disgusting.
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:38:51 PM »
Colonial reporting in.

Dunno where the hell that class fits in but there ya go.

The Flood / Re: Just saw Fan4stic
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:52:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: Just saw Fan4stic
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:50:51 PM »
Fantastic Flop.avi

pork doesn't count if they're force-fed. That would be retarded.
What if we shoot them with bullets soaked in pigs' blood?

Shoot SJW's and Feminazis at them. You've got pleny of those on hand don't you Meta?

The Flood / Re: I hate people who use huzzah
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:36:00 AM »
what kind of fucking weirdo says huzzah

be honest sandtrap ill forgive you

There's only one friend I use that term with. And maybe on a rare occasion I let it slip here or there.

as long as it's not in your normal vocabulary

I only ever tend to use it as a bored low tone response to something. Sort of, an unenthusiastic response.

so like where did you pick it up

did like family say it or something or did it start as a joke with a friend

because like i cant imagine someone actually using it in a serious way like they did in the (1600's?)

I couldn't tell you. My vocabulary just seems to come and go on its own.

The Flood / Re: I hate people who use huzzah
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:25:34 AM »
what kind of fucking weirdo says huzzah

be honest sandtrap ill forgive you

There's only one friend I use that term with. And maybe on a rare occasion I let it slip here or there.

as long as it's not in your normal vocabulary

I only ever tend to use it as a bored low tone response to something. Sort of, an unenthusiastic response.

Also, your profile picture has a vagina mouth by the way.

The Flood / Re: I hate people who use huzzah
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:21:15 AM »
what kind of fucking weirdo says huzzah

be honest sandtrap ill forgive you

There's only one friend I use that term with. And maybe on a rare occasion I let it slip here or there. I posted that mainly because I realized that I was a weirdo anyway.

Serious / Re: Britain's Bernie Sanders
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:18:50 AM »
It's almost like a moral obesity.
i bet you've just been waiting to say this
And I bet you've still got your bowlcut.
Come again?

Ignoring for the moment the fact that I've never had one.

What in the nine fucking hells from the deepest pits of satan's ass crack.


That looks like a smile.

You don't strike me as one who smiles. Stop it. You're just making yourself more huggable.

The Flood / Re: I hate people who use huzzah
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:11:32 AM »
what kind of fucking weirdo says huzzah

shut all fucking air traffic and travel down in that region, and essentially box the place closed shut.

And then the oil market crashes and we face a global depression.

Tough shit then. That's what we get for building an interlinked system compounded on failures. We get some neat upsides, but if one single domino completely flops then the whole thing starts to fold.

It's not about a single domino, it's about the stability of a whole region that that the world relies upon for oil. It's not something to be flippant about.

And how much longer is that handy little oil well going to last? 30-40 years? 100 years? Eventually, that well is going to stop. How much longer are we going squander time away on half assed dysfunctional systems? Are we gonna wait until the well runs dry and then start panicking, trying to make some sudden turnover at the last minute?

But I hear you. Oil is used for all sorts of things and in our current system, as shitty as it may be, oil is rather important for the means of mass production, or anything large scale.

But that region isn't going to be settled down anytime soon. Not with the measures being taken against it currently. And it's not gonna get any prettier either.

shut all fucking air traffic and travel down in that region, and essentially box the place closed shut.

And then the oil market crashes and we face a global depression.

Tough shit then. That's what we get for building an interlinked system compounded on failures. We get some neat upsides, but if one single domino completely flops then the whole thing starts to fold.

1.) Get 500k soldiers and send them to Iraq
2.) Wipe out ISIS in two weeks
3.) Go home

No need to "ensure stability" or "rebuild the region" or any of that. ISIS just needs to be eliminated.

Or alternatively, pull every soldier out of the region, shut all fucking air traffic and travel down in that region, and essentially box the place closed shut.

For starters, there's no conventional winning against guerilla warfare. It's a grueling affair that will last for months, if not years, and if there is even any trace of ISIS left, then they'll only start again. There's always holdouts somewhere.

Second, assuming that by some ungodly chance there's a "victory," what happens when all the soldiers are pulled out? The same shit.

The middle east is a region that's not going to be fixed with outside influence or even aid. It's proven that it just can't stand up on its own two feet yet. Shut down all fucking traffic to that region, enforce a border, and box everybody in there, and let them sort their own shit out.

You say 500,000 troops right?

Put those 500,000 troops on a border watch and redivert current military expendetures on enforcing that border, and shut everything down. Things will either sort themselves out with time, or, ISIS will grow ballsy and attack the border.

In which case that's when you drop the hammer.

The Flood / Re: ok fine
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:11:40 PM »
Hey hey, you're completely new to me. Maybe I knew you but your name sure as fuck doesn't ring any bells. Welcome back I guess.

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:22:38 PM »
In the end, it doesn't even matter.

I tried so hard.

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:13:29 PM »
Women are evil and just want to marry you so that they can take half your stuff.

I found a legal loophole around that in case that ever happens to me.

Get fucking shit on court systems.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder that Insurance Companies are Crooks
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:03:57 PM »
Get better insurance. There's no way your truck is only worth 700 if they want to total it.

Remember, some time waaaay back, how I stated that my province was controlled by basically one internet provider?

The same rule applies to insurance.

Get a better province.

Ya'll can't outrun the government yellow snake guy. I'd say switch countries. But frankly, most other countries around have their shit points too.

But I know how I can fuck them over.

If I keep my vehicle for, let's say another 10 years, maybe even 5, it'll be old enough to qualify as an antique.

Antique plates mother fucker.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder that Insurance Companies are Crooks
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:59:24 PM »
That's how it's always been m8. They don't care about you, just the green in your wallet.

Who's your insurer btw?

The one who's got a monopoly in my entire my entire province and is almost officially a branch of the government at this point.

But you know what really, really burns?

It's illegal to go without insurance. Now, I can understand costs being covered for people. That's like the only thing insurance is good for. But for everything else, it's total bullshit.

And fucking imagine that. It's illegal to drive around without insurance. You are actually forced, into shelling out that fucking money and for what?

700 fucking dollars?

I couldn't even buy a fucking high quality bicycle for that much.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder that Insurance Companies are Crooks
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:58:39 PM »
Get better insurance. There's no way your truck is only worth 700 if they want to total it.

Remember, some time waaaay back, how I stated that my province was controlled by basically one internet provider?

The same rule applies to insurance.

The Flood / Daily Reminder that Insurance Companies are Crooks
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:47:56 PM »

Right, so this happened. And I'm going over my options of how to fix it. I considered contacting the police to notify them of the driver who did a shit job at strapping their garbage down that flew into me. And then I realised that with no functioning lights and that broken windshield, my vehicle would be taken off the road.

I then considered contacting my insurance provider.

At which point, I did some pre-emptive investigating before I made my statement.

My vehicle, being somewhat older, and deemed too much of a hassle to find parts for, would be written off, and therefore taken off the road and destroyed.

And in compensation to find another vehicle for myself, I'd be paid 700$.

It's real comforting to know that I blow over a couple grand every year to literally be covered for almost jack shit.

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:30:55 PM »
I wouldn't mind being alone in the universe. More stuff for us to conquer. I'd imagine, if we we had enough time and didn't destroy ourselves first; that if we managed to spawn human colonies across the galaxy, that eventually, the colonies would lose contact with each other for a long period of time due to some sort of catastrophic events leading to the restart of civilization on the said colonies. Each colony would then forget the others existed and would build themselves back up to being spacefaring and would re-discover other humans across the galaxy that have adapted to different environments. We would then assume that they are aliens and that we had experienced first contact.

You read any sci-fi books Chalk? I'm reminded of an old Robert A Heinlen novel I read as a kid.

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:30:03 PM »
Oh ya Verb.

This thread went down south faster than a farmer at the end of harvest.

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:26:08 PM »
>anime will never be real


-Particles on paper and electrons in a computer
-Atomic structure
-Anime has atomic structure
-Anime is real.avi

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:22:10 PM »
Money is probably one of the shittiest things we've ever created, and at this point in time, it's now outdated and archaic.
*Tips Fedora*

*Tips Deez Nuts*

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:19:27 PM »
Money is probably one of the shittiest things we've ever created, and at this point in time, it's now outdated and archaic.


this really highlights just how objectively less attractive men are compared to women

Unless of course somebody is gay.

Then objectively gets defenstrated.

Gaming / Re: MLG Star Wars Battlefront
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:14:57 PM »
How anybody can even take legitimate gameplay montages seriously anymore is beyond me. That being said. I chuckled.

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