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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: To all of you here....
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:24:15 AM »

Good for you.

I likes driving fast purple things.

The Flood / To all of you here....
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:22:21 AM »

I've still got it!

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think the majority of us would be dead if things shut down. Lemme put things in perspective. Most people nowadays are dependant on the internet. They don't know what to do without it. With no power, this is cut off.

Any of you people that live in a city would be fracked immidiately because of your location. Cities function, and appear well on the surface so long as they function. But without people, New York's subway system would be flooded in only three days. Fires would break out from failing equipment, and nothing would be done to stop them, resulting in huge uncontrolled blazes. Most cities carry a stock of reserve food to last only three, to four days at maximum. They don't just pull shit out of thin air. They rely on supply and demand to keep the illusion of safety and comfort.

And the people. People would turn on each other so quick, that it would be a blood bath. Things would fall apart fast, and in all likelyhood, whoever was left standing would travel. To another city, another state, somewhere to find more food and keep going.

And up here, I'd be no better either. Our town would be out of food in a day. With no electricity, we'd have only a few hours of daylight to go buy, and no internet, leaving us disconnected. No heat for the winter. Nothing. So that would mean, right there, I'd have to turn to wood heat, whatever flashlights and candles we had, and find wood for fire.

Trees and forests are far apart up here because people turned this province into farmland. Any forests left would be set upon by people in a snap. You know how many cords of wood it takes to heat the average house during a winter here? 12 cords.

1 cord of wood, consisting of split logs, is roughly five feet high and six feet across. That's a lot of fracking wood. And I'd have to cut that with an axe since a chainsaw would go dead in only a day of use. And cutting wood up here with an axe in the summer? That's a no no. Wood is too wet up here to split with an axe in the summer. But you can't leave it uncut for the winter. Never leave it uncut for the winter.
Gas would be gone in a couple of days at most, meaning going on foot would be suicide. Any firewood would have to come from the area close by. Any food would have to come from hunted things in the area.

And this isn't even counting the fact that people would turn on each other. You'd have to fight to keep anything. In fact, if things fell apart, I'd probably be fracked faster than you guys due to the tightrope that supports everything up here.

The Flood / Re: So apparently I dress like "A Hick"
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:53:32 PM »
I know the way a hick dresses. Let me tell you, you're frackin' miles above that.
How do they dress?

Whatever they can get their hands on. Most of them have worn down, beaten up clothes. Dirty, a combination from not being washed, and their own crustyness.

Hand me down stuff that they don't take care of. A little bit like hobos, except most hobos around here dress in multiple layers to put themselves as far away from the cold as possible.

The Flood / Re: So apparently I dress like "A Hick"
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:45:13 PM »
I know the way a hick dresses. Let me tell you, you're fuckin' miles above that.

The Flood / Re: Users you downvote on a regular basis
« on: October 18, 2014, 07:06:19 PM »
Irrelevant. I didn't even know we had a like button until about a week ago.

Serious / Re: Your grandkids may consider gas-powered cars antiques
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:40:41 PM »
Watch as in the future electricity prices skyrocket. GG economics.

Pretty much this. There is no such thing as "cheap for the consumer" in a capitalist system.

frack me don't even get me started on the taxes.

Capitalism is all about making things cheapest for the consumer by allowing and encouraging competition, though.

Cheaply built for them. But ripoff prices. Maybe where you live, you get cheap shit for cheap. Up here, we get cheap shit for expensive.
That's more than likely due to taxes than it is actual cost.

Fuck me don't even get me started on the taxes.

No. Because I already live in a relative state of survival. If society kicked the bucket and fell apart, things up here would be that much worse. No gas, extreme distance between people that only vehicles would cover well, no electricity means no heat, 2-4 months of crop weather which may be bad, yielding shit crops for the year, and 8 months of winter, on average, -25 degrees, with the windchill, enough to freeze exposed skin in under five minutes, and no animal population.

The death counter up here would climb high, and as much as I hate to admit it, I wouldn't be prepared for it, not in the current state I live in.

I'd like to see society change and evolve, not crumble. Maybe get a little rough around the edges to wake people up first, but not total collapse.

The Flood / Re: Just found Predator on /fit/
« on: October 18, 2014, 04:29:27 PM »

Muscles also mean more flexibility,
Brah, swol ass dudebro's can't put their hands on the back of their necks.

"Ah god dammit! My muscles are in the way!"

The Flood / Re: Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:29:12 AM »
It's jus another flu. People always get worked up over them every year. Obviously there isn't a cute for it. You can't make a cure for viruses. You can only treat the symptoms and hope for the best. Obviously those with low immune systems or developing ones will be effected most. I.E the children and elderly. They are always most at risk. Honestly it's not a big deal IMO. Ebola on the other hand can kill you even if you are perfectly healthy. Not to mention the condition in which you die is pretty terrifying. I've seen some people laying in puddles in their own blood, covered in sores. Sorry OP but I'd take ev68 any day cause I'm pretty sure my body can fight it.

Keep an eye out for the other thing happening in Canada as well. 10 bucks says it'll show up in the states.  News is obscure about it, but it's riding alongside D68 as a different strain I believe. It has no visible symptoms, and attacks your spinal column and nervous system. It's got the docs stumped and it kills you like the snap of a finger. There's been 4 documented cases of people found dead in their sleep from it and a bunch of kids in the hospital with paralysis so far. That's the dangerous one.

The Flood / Re: Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:49:51 AM »
Seeing how there's less chance of dying from it, I'm more worried about Ebola. Not to mention I don't live in Canada, have family there, or ever plan on visiting.

Ebola spreads slower. The more people you have sick, even if they're not dead, the worse things become. In Ontario, one week ago, they had 30 people in the hospital with it. Now they have roughly 120. Currently, we're on the edge of it. It's the states that are having a real party with it.

And plus, it's a respitory infection. That shit isn't fun.
Ebola is far less fun and has a much higher mortality rate. You're equating a flu that causes respiratory problems to a disease that has a very real chance of killing.

Not equating. Just saying that the more people you have sick, the worse things get. More demand for medicine, less people to work, and panic when things become widespread. And, now that I think about it, don't a pretty big portion of americans have heart troubles? Heart disease and all that?

Ebola is more potent for lives taken yes, but a virus that spreads and hides like the common cold could cause a lot more trouble over time because of how fast and easy it travels. Ebola is the high priority on the radar because of it's potency, but what if D68 really grabs things by the balls while everybody's looking the other way? D68 is rare and composed of multiple different makeups, as such, there is no effective "cure" for it, other than to hospitalize those with it and care for them.

It's not a huge killer, but it shouldn't be taken lightly, considering how fast it's spreading.

The Flood / Re: I'm smarter than 99% of the people here
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:39:56 AM »
For a second there, I thought your avatar was a sexy robot lady. I am dissapoint. Why you do this to me?
It's a robot dude...

I nknow what it is. It's Legion from Mass Effect. But at first glance and because of that pose, it almost looked like a sexy posing robot lady or a sci-fi lady in a skin-tight suit.

Somebody say form fitting?

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Keen eyes Chalk. Keen eyes.

The Flood / Re: Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:34:35 AM »
Seeing how there's less chance of dying from it, I'm more worried about Ebola. Not to mention I don't live in Canada, have family there, or ever plan on visiting.

Ebola spreads slower. The more people you have sick, even if they're not dead, the worse things become. In Ontario, one week ago, they had 30 people in the hospital with it. Now they have roughly 120. Currently, we're on the edge of it. It's the states that are having a real party with it.

And plus, it's a respitory infection. That shit isn't fun.

The Flood / Re: Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:15:16 AM »
This has actually been in my local news more than Ebola.

Imagine if Ebola and D68 had a baby together?

The Flood / Enterovirus D68, The outbreak nobody gives a frack about
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:12:14 AM »
So you folks are worried about Ebola right? Let's talk about Enterovirus D68. A rare little respitory infection that's making its way across Canada and the states in droves. This virus spreads like the common cold, shows symptoms like the common cold until the advanced stages, and targets children more than adults.

In BC the virus claimed it's first adult victim today, a man with asthma.

Cases are also beginning to pop up in Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, and several potential cases have been noted in Quebec. In the states, there's a party as well. From mid-August to October 17, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 825 people in 46 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68.

Most of the victims are children, as the virus has a higher chance of infecting them, with roughly 15% of infected being put into intensive care. Kids and adults with respitory and heart problems have a higher chance of death and severe reactions to it.

So, basically, wash your god damn hands people. It's cold and flu season.

The Flood / Re: If you're 18 and haven't even had sex yet
« on: October 18, 2014, 08:22:58 AM »
Jokes on you. I'm 22. Don't make your number so specific next time. Try broadening that net and you'll catch more.

Serious / Re: Your grandkids may consider gas-powered cars antiques
« on: October 18, 2014, 08:20:34 AM »
Watch as in the future electricity prices skyrocket. GG economics.

Pretty much this. There is no such thing as "cheap for the consumer" in a capitalist system.

Capitalism is all about making things cheapest for the consumer by allowing and encouraging competition, though.

Cheaply built for them. But ripoff prices. Maybe where you live, you get cheap shit for cheap. Up here, we get cheap shit for expensive.

Serious / Re: Your grandkids may consider gas-powered cars antiques
« on: October 18, 2014, 05:00:00 AM »
Watch as in the future electricity prices skyrocket. GG economics.

Pretty much this. There is no such thing as "cheap for the consumer" in a capitalist system.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Gravemind
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:47:19 AM »
Got his size down right I guess.

The Flood / Re: What song is your go to at the moment?
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:43:00 AM »

If I'm what I'm listening to is an accurate reflection of what's up in my head, then I suppose this would cover it. Could be a lot better right now.

The Flood / Re: I'm smarter than 99% of the people here
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:23:58 AM »
For a second there, I thought your avatar was a sexy robot lady. I am dissapoint. Why you do this to me?
It's a robot dude...

I nknow what it is. It's Legion from Mass Effect. But at first glance and because of that pose, it almost looked like a sexy posing robot lady or a sci-fi lady in a skin-tight suit.

Somebody say form fitting?

The Flood / Re: I'm smarter than 99% of the people here
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:25:21 PM »
So who's the superior 1%?

The Flood / Re: We've come a long way.
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:09:55 PM »
It's been a good 11 years with the community. Funny. Turning 22 soon. I've known, or at the very least, watched this community for roughly half of my lifespan.

Oh yeah. I recall you were in the old Flood as well.

Na. I joined in 2004 and lurked until 07 or 08.

The Flood / Re: We've come a long way.
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:27:14 PM »
It's been a good 11 years with the community. Funny. Turning 22 soon. I've known, or at the very least, watched this community for roughly half of my lifespan.

I'm adding that onto the list alongside that thruster that produces thrust by bouncing microwaves around in a chamber and scientists don't know how the frack it functions considering it violates our currently known laws of physics.

It'll be a cold day in hell before either of these two things hit the market.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:19:50 PM »
If you go the donation route, I'd take 5 bucks off my earnings for the day. One week of 5 bucks from me would be a month for you.
That would be way more than I'd ever consider asking. I appreciate the gesture, but right now I'm seeing how well we can go with this ad service.

I will be sure to let everyone know if and when we start accepting donations. ;)

Can't stop me from implementing it. Starting now, I'll put five aside every day. If it hits the fan, it won't hit the fan for long.
But you have other financial things to worry about...

Five bucks ain't much. If I need money, I'll get it. We've established this.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:15:57 PM »
If you go the donation route, I'd take 5 bucks off my earnings for the day. One week of 5 bucks from me would be a month for you.
That would be way more than I'd ever consider asking. I appreciate the gesture, but right now I'm seeing how well we can go with this ad service.

I will be sure to let everyone know if and when we start accepting donations. ;)

Can't stop me from implementing it. Starting now, I'll put five aside every day. If it hits the fan, it won't hit the fan for long.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:05:37 PM »
If you go the donation route, I'd take 5 bucks off my earnings for the day. One week of 5 bucks from me would be a month for you.

The Flood / Re: Just found Predator on /fit/
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:59:57 PM »
Funny thing is that he can easily knock the shit out of you all. Bet you wouldn't be saying that shit to him IRL

Implying strength of muscle means you win fights.
Muscles also mean more flexibility, agility, speed, and control.

But they don't mean you know how the Human body works and breaks. They don't make you immune to a hit given to you by a person who knows what hurts and where to hit. They don't make you immune to the psychological aspect of fighting as well.

To give you an example, I've seen natives fight. They are, mean when they're drunk. Not all of them of course, but when you piss them off, you're in trouble. I watched a big guy, 6 foot something, a heavy set dude, easy to see that he was a strong guy, deck a native across the head with all his strength, and the guy didn't even react. It's like hitting a wall. And it damages you, when you hit someone, and they don't react, or even worse, they laugh.

Fighting isn't so much about raw strength. Raw strength gives you more hitting power. But to somebody with less strength and more knowlege, and experience, pure raw muscle means nothing other than making sure you avoid what's being thrown at you, and you hit your hardest were it counts. Getting hit in the plexes even lightly makes you want to curl up and die. A punch going at full power towards you can be deflected by your palm or wrist with no effort, leaving them open to having their arm broken.

A windup to a kick leaves you open and off blance to a quick shove. A guy who's never been in a fight and never had his nose broken is vulnerable to that pain. And, most of all, when most guys want to fight, they have a macho thing going on. As if fighting has rules to follow. It doesn't. If somebody's trying to harm you, then you do whatever it takes. Dirt in the eyes. Pulling on face hair. The dick.

I'm not one to fight, and at most, I've only been in a couple in my life before. Never instigated them. But I ended them as fast as I could with what I knew. I wasn't the strongest in the fight. In fact, compared to the average person around here, physically, I'm in poor shape. But I had no "honour rules" holding me back and I knew were to hit to make it count.

I didn't get off scott free with no bruises and fracked up body parts. But they never so much as looked at me again after what I did to them.

The Flood / Re: Just found Predator on /fit/
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:24:18 PM »
Funny thing is that he can easily knock the shit out of you all. Bet you wouldn't be saying that shit to him IRL

Implying strength of muscle means you win fights.

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