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Messages - PQ9

Pages: 12 34 ... 7
I don't recognize you. But you probably don't recognize me so that's fair

The Flood / Re: Need Help Choosing a Car for a Teenager
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:16:19 PM »
A bicycle!

The Flood / Re: Fuck you mother nature
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:52:24 PM »
Do you want to be a big ball of meat?

I wonder if anyone will get that reference...

The Flood / Re: I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:41:54 PM »
Just graduated last night

Feeling pretty good
from highschool or university? congrats either way!

High school. Thank you
Off to college then? Where at and whatchu studying?

Yep. Right now I plan to go to Camden county college for a year than go to a better college. I want to study criminal justice so I can get into a federa law enforcement agency.

I signed up for a summer class that starts tomorrow so my graduation is kind of bittersweet.
Sounds like fun, good luck with that. Do you know which agency in particular you'd like to join?

FBI or US marshals. My brother just got into homeland security so I'm thinking about that as well.
Ah nice, I actually thought about both of those myself when I was in high school. Decided to stick with plain old Anthropology instead though.

The Flood / Re: Ah, the nostalgia....
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:38:56 PM »
Yeah he linked it

The Flood / Re: Have you heard of this?
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:00:44 PM »
Works rather well with most songs by Pogo

The Flood / Re: Have you heard of this?
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:53:00 PM »
Damn I  went in thinking of Intro by The xx and it was already in their top tracks
Surprise surprise, I'm not original

The Flood / Re: oh
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:51:37 PM »
I...uh...well then

The Flood / Re: Book thread #44,200,362
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:33:02 PM »
Currently reading If On a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino.

After that, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

I'd like to read more Dickens as well.
I love me some Italo Calvino

Gaming / Re: Free Halo 3 Wallpaper for you guys.
« on: June 24, 2015, 07:45:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: I think I need to replace my drummer...
« on: June 24, 2015, 07:45:03 PM »
Cut his life into pieces

Gaming / Re: New Fire Emblem Has Same Sex Marriage
« on: June 24, 2015, 07:40:15 PM »
I'm not against homosexuality, but this ruins the fairytale vibe for me. Thoughts?
Plenty of fairytales are gay, I should know I accidentally bought a few thinking they were normal ones
Not so bad actually.

Gaming / Re: Favourite fantasy game?
« on: June 24, 2015, 07:32:19 PM »
I'm honestly not sure which is my favorite.

I really like Fire Emblem and Tales of Symphonia though.
Fire Emblem is fun, though I am ashamed to say I got into the series due to Awakening. I went back and played most of the older ones after though.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Jurassic World.
« on: June 24, 2015, 06:38:27 PM »
Mad Max was like 10/10
Jurassic World maybe 7 or 8/10
Yeah, Fury Road was amazing.
Redefines the genre imo. Best god damn action movie ever.

The Flood / Re: Just Saw Jurassic World.
« on: June 24, 2015, 06:35:24 PM »
Mad Max was like 10/10
Jurassic World maybe 7 or 8/10

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 06:31:55 PM »
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.

But there's always that one girl who decides to bring it to the party anyway.
You guys sound like non-lifting beta faggots who don't even chew Big Red.
Cinnamon is fine, I love cinnamon.
Fireball taste nothing like cinnamon, it's some horrid liquid waste that I'm convinced only people with brain damage can enjoy

Gaming / Re: Favourite fantasy game?
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:34:05 PM »
That's very broad.

I would say Super Metroid, but given the general theme of the responses, I guess I'd say Wind Waker.
I think the general understanding is that Fantasy is swords and magic shit while Science Fiction is the guns and space junk.

Gaming / Re: Favourite fantasy game?
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:31:07 PM »
I'm enjoying Pillars of Eternity at the moment
But overall Icewind Dale

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:30:24 PM »
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.

But there's always that one girl who decides to bring it to the party anyway.
Its a guy for me, he fucking loves the shit and won't stop bringing it. I have to chase it with orange juice after a couple of shots.

Would he happen to be homosexual?
We wonder this from time to time, he's got a girlfriend but he always says the weirdest things about guys...My money is on him being at least bi

He's totes homo. The "girlfriend" is just a tool for him to deflect accusations of being gay and any hazing that might occur because of it. Once he's done with school he's going to skip town and go gay bar surfing in search of his true soul mate.
Alas, poor Franco!

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:25:17 PM »
I'm in sixth form (I don't know what age 17 is in murica) but i have never drunk and never plan to. Alcohol is disgusting.

Only time I have ever had an alcoholic drink was when I went camping last summer and it took me a day to drink a can of beer because it was awful.
Alcohol IS disgusting! At first anyway
Then its tolerable
Anyway the effect is the fun bit, especially with friends and while playing games.
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.
Also you'd be like a Junior or Senior in highschool here.

I don't see the appeal of drinking a disgusting drink to purposefully lose your sense of judgement, before making yourself ill the next morning.

I'll stick to water.
See you don't actually get sick all the time, just drink water or something while you throw back some beers and you'll wake up fine. Never had a hangover, not even the night I blacked out.

Either way, it still seems like a watse of time when I could be at home playing on my Xbox or writing or something.
Grab a couple of good friends, get some beer and go play a video game together. Lots of fun, guaranteed. Especially if said game is Gang Beasts
Or don't I mean it really doesn't matter, just stick to what makes you comfortable. No one should think less of you for doing either.

Well, the 11 drunk guys play slender videos were pretty fucking funny, now I think about it...
Honestly all alcohol does is loosen you up a little in these situations, makes it a bit easier to have fun with certain shit and laugh at your stupidity. Its not necessary for anything though.

The way I see it, if you need alcohol to have fun, you're an incredibly boring person anyway.
Honestly if you need alcohol to have fun you've got a serious problem and should get help. Having fun with alcohol is different though.

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:19:08 PM »
I'm in sixth form (I don't know what age 17 is in murica) but i have never drunk and never plan to. Alcohol is disgusting.

Only time I have ever had an alcoholic drink was when I went camping last summer and it took me a day to drink a can of beer because it was awful.
Alcohol IS disgusting! At first anyway
Then its tolerable
Anyway the effect is the fun bit, especially with friends and while playing games.
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.
Also you'd be like a Junior or Senior in highschool here.

I don't see the appeal of drinking a disgusting drink to purposefully lose your sense of judgement, before making yourself ill the next morning.

I'll stick to water.
See you don't actually get sick all the time, just drink water or something while you throw back some beers and you'll wake up fine. Never had a hangover, not even the night I blacked out.

Either way, it still seems like a watse of time when I could be at home playing on my Xbox or writing or something.
Grab a couple of good friends, get some beer and go play a video game together. Lots of fun, guaranteed. Especially if said game is Gang Beasts
Or don't I mean it really doesn't matter, just stick to what makes you comfortable. No one should think less of you for doing either.

Well, the 11 drunk guys play slender videos were pretty fucking funny, now I think about it...
Honestly all alcohol does is loosen you up a little in these situations, makes it a bit easier to have fun with certain shit and laugh at your stupidity. Its not necessary for anything though.

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:13:07 PM »
I'm in sixth form (I don't know what age 17 is in murica) but i have never drunk and never plan to. Alcohol is disgusting.

Only time I have ever had an alcoholic drink was when I went camping last summer and it took me a day to drink a can of beer because it was awful.
Alcohol IS disgusting! At first anyway
Then its tolerable
Anyway the effect is the fun bit, especially with friends and while playing games.
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.
Also you'd be like a Junior or Senior in highschool here.

I don't see the appeal of drinking a disgusting drink to purposefully lose your sense of judgement, before making yourself ill the next morning.

I'll stick to water.
See you don't actually get sick all the time, just drink water or something while you throw back some beers and you'll wake up fine. Never had a hangover, not even the night I blacked out.

Either way, it still seems like a watse of time when I could be at home playing on my Xbox or writing or something.
Grab a couple of good friends, get some beer and go play a video game together. Lots of fun, guaranteed. Especially if said game is Gang Beasts
Or don't I mean it really doesn't matter, just stick to what makes you comfortable. No one should think less of you for doing either.

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:09:17 PM »
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.

But there's always that one girl who decides to bring it to the party anyway.
Its a guy for me, he fucking loves the shit and won't stop bringing it. I have to chase it with orange juice after a couple of shots.

Would he happen to be homosexual?
We wonder this from time to time, he's got a girlfriend but he always says the weirdest things about guys...My money is on him being at least bi

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:07:26 PM »
I'm in sixth form (I don't know what age 17 is in murica) but i have never drunk and never plan to. Alcohol is disgusting.

Only time I have ever had an alcoholic drink was when I went camping last summer and it took me a day to drink a can of beer because it was awful.
Alcohol IS disgusting! At first anyway
Then its tolerable
Anyway the effect is the fun bit, especially with friends and while playing games.
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.
Also you'd be like a Junior or Senior in highschool here.

I don't see the appeal of drinking a disgusting drink to purposefully lose your sense of judgement, before making yourself ill the next morning.

I'll stick to water.
See you don't actually get sick all the time, just drink water or something while you throw back some beers and you'll wake up fine. Never had a hangover, not even the night I blacked out.

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:06:33 PM »
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.

But there's always that one girl who decides to bring it to the party anyway.
Its a guy for me, he fucking loves the shit and won't stop bringing it. I have to chase it with orange juice after a couple of shots.

The Flood / Re: Where did you drink in high school
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:01:26 PM »
I'm in sixth form (I don't know what age 17 is in murica) but i have never drunk and never plan to. Alcohol is disgusting.

Only time I have ever had an alcoholic drink was when I went camping last summer and it took me a day to drink a can of beer because it was awful.
Alcohol IS disgusting! At first anyway
Then its tolerable
Anyway the effect is the fun bit, especially with friends and while playing games.
Just don't touch fireball that shit is nasty and will never become tolerable.
Also you'd be like a Junior or Senior in highschool here.

We drive on the right side of the road.

Which just so happens to be the left.

It makes no sense. Why do it backwards? You might as well as start driving in reverse while you're at it.
Its not really backwards, its just a different system

Well I'm a stupid American with my thumb up my ass then. Because I think it's weird.
The wheel is on the other side of the car and they drive on the other side of the road. Fairly simple. Hell technically right hand side is the weird and new way to do it considering left hand traffic was the original

We drive on the right side of the road.

Which just so happens to be the left.

It makes no sense. Why do it backwards? You might as well as start driving in reverse while you're at it.
Its not really backwards, its just a different system

The Flood / Re: The struggle is real
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:41:01 PM »
corn bread

i hate corn bread

watermelon is bad too
You're like the most horrid human being ever conceived.
Cornbread is perfect

nah bro cornbread is disgusting
Damn OK you win

lol but seriously ive never really liked cornbread... although to be fair i havent had it in years

i have only really eaten cornbread at school
The cafeteria at my school makes like the best god damn cornbread in the world. Its the ONLY thing they can actually make competently though, everything else tastes like shit.

The Flood / Re: The struggle is real
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:37:53 PM »
corn bread

i hate corn bread

watermelon is bad too
You're like the most horrid human being ever conceived.
Cornbread is perfect

nah bro cornbread is disgusting
Damn OK you win

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