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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: Yo, do you like Freeze Pops
« on: November 24, 2015, 04:54:49 PM »
Oh, you mean Swipper? Top notch

The Flood / Re: I feel like the quality of this site has peaked recently
« on: November 24, 2015, 04:49:23 PM »
One thing that I find a bit unnerving is having deja vu when I meet new people.

I noticed it particularly when I was at the work experience, it felt like all of the psychologists I met there - I had met years before.

Quite strange.
It'd be really strange if the brain implants a memory of what's going on as it unfolds, but it'd explain the phenomena, and makes more experience than all humans being psychic.

but I mean, don't commit suicide, y'know.

Someone that rose to power could maybe get somewhere.

But the vast majority of people wouldn't be down with driving the human race to extinction.
the vast majority of people are religious, and there was a time when the vast majority of people might have thought something like "slaves are a necessary part of culture, and society will collapse if we don't have them"

That's different, you see, there's the problem of survival instinct. The only apparent purpose of organisms is to further propagate themselves.

Does it really matter anyway? Eventually humans (as they are now) will disappear one way or another, as will all species currently existing.
Yeah, well mother nature had to build in pleasure so that we would eat and have sex. I'd say it's our choice if we want to reproduce or not with all the knowledge that we possess.

It's not actually our choice. We effectively have two brains, an advanced brain seen in no other organism capable of thinking this and an animal brain that goes off instinct. That is why human behavior is so contradictory -- overeating on a diet, wanting to commit suicide but can't, etc. etc.
It is our choice. People do commit suicide.

Yes, we often have to battle our urges, but the fact that we can battle means that we can win, and if we win it's a choice.

The Flood / Re: I feel like the quality of this site has peaked recently
« on: November 24, 2015, 04:41:53 PM »
fuark 7 hours until I wake up so about 6.5 hours of sleep

The Flood / Re: I feel like the quality of this site has peaked recently
« on: November 24, 2015, 04:40:24 PM »
It peaked in 08
My graph doesn't have data from that period, and I believe that this site- wait, do you mean August? 08/11-15?

Someone that rose to power could maybe get somewhere.

But the vast majority of people wouldn't be down with driving the human race to extinction.
the vast majority of people are religious, and there was a time when the vast majority of people might have thought something like "slaves are a necessary part of culture, and society will collapse if we don't have them"

That's different, you see, there's the problem of survival instinct. The only apparent purpose of organisms is to further propagate themselves.

Does it really matter anyway? Eventually humans (as they are now) will disappear one way or another, as will all species currently existing.
Yeah, well mother nature had to build in pleasure so that we would eat and have sex. I'd say it's our choice if we want to reproduce or not with all the knowledge that we possess.

The Flood / I feel like the quality of this site has peaked recently
« on: November 24, 2015, 04:35:32 PM »
whoa just experienced a déjá vu.

Thoughts on my déjá vu and not the title?

Also, that is absolutely fucking retarded. People like you are why the human race is going to go extinct.
actually, it's people like me

You're wrong. People like you are so few and far between that it just isn't feasible.
I don't know, Verbatim's logic converted me into his way of thinking.

We don't need a lot of Verbatims, we only need one that inspires us all.

Someone that rose to power could maybe get somewhere.

But the vast majority of people wouldn't be down with driving the human race to extinction.
They don't have to.

The old people adopt the orphans as nobody reproduces anymore, and then the orphans will be the last of their kind. We humans would go out quietly.

yeah man poor Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam. They were just misunderstood and couldn't control themselves.
We don't hate them because of their ethnicity, gender, orientation, nationality, or kinks. We hate them because of their actions.

But what they did was a result of their kinks - no normal person would do what they did.
Don't underestimate the lengths that normal people would go to disappoint the human race. Normal people can be cancer in many circumstances. It's up to you to rise above and get smarter.

Also, that is absolutely fucking retarded. People like you are why the human race is going to go extinct.
actually, it's people like me

You're wrong. People like you are so few and far between that it just isn't feasible.
I don't know, Verbatim's logic converted me into his way of thinking.

We don't need a lot of Verbatims, we only need one that inspires us all.

But ambition isn't a social or conditioned thing. It's inherent in the psychology of humans.
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to answer that since I'm not familiar with having a true ambition. I don't have ambitions, I have goals that pass time until I die.

Accept, accept, accept without question is all that our society preaches. How much accepting is too much? Where do we draw the line?
We draw the line when we know that we're capable argumentors with substantial logic and research behind our claim.

If the person likes one Pop artist, we don't have to accept that. We can ask if we're allowed to educate them on how many good artists there are out there, but we do have to accept the person's choice of only wanting to be familiar with one pop artist.

If the person blasts their music out loud, we aren't allowed to tell them to mute it, but we're allowed to blast our own music.

Use word perfect or some shit you mong, dont post about it.
You're back.

No thanks, I'd rather share it and hear what people have to say that can expand my thoughts.

What about human ambition
The desire for material growth is pretty much nonexistent since there's no need for it, and you can pretty much have whatever you want, so the only "ambition" is to enjoy life, and not interfere with other peoples' lives without their consent of some form. You must think of all scenarios before acting.

Someone's alone. Do I sit next to them? Maybe they like being alone. Maybe they want someone to talk to them. If I ask "Can I sit here?" will it be too imposing and forcing since the only real answer regardless of what the person truly wants to answer will be "yes"?

The thinking would be like that until a good answer is reached.

yeah I got that now, but the title was obviously an exaggeration, people here get way too caught up in semantics
well semantics are kind of important in this case if you're challenging us to prove a proposition wrong

hating people for unmitigable things is wrong, yes

ultimate evil?

protip: say what you mean
Holy shit your reply's adorable/cute.

It's the
"protip: say what you mean"
that really makes it.

I'm glad you exist.

tomorrow, so I'll just type it out now. To make this clear, I don't create things for your pleasure, so if you don't like it I don't care. I think the concept is interesting.

The year is irrelevant

Mankind doesn't buy items any more, because the shipping of products is a waste of time. Instead, resources from one of the resource planets are transported to a manufacturing planet where everything needed for a life is made, and then put into a combination of other things. It's cheaper to buy things in bulk, and we buy everything in one bulk each 14 days. There's a seemingly endless variety of bulks.

People don't rush to get on the bus, because they're all aware of the fact that the bus won't leave until everyone gets on it. Everyone quietly yet quickly get on the bus which fills up the seats exactly thanks to administration that takes into account the needs and such of people. In the next bus a woman with a pram/trolley (baby carriage) is scheduled to get on the bus by the administrating program that received the information from her special bus card which she received when the baby was born. Unless she asks for assistance to get the pram onboard, nobody offers to help.

If a punk is making a scene on the subway, everyone tells the person to stop in unison somehow, and the punk stops due to the overwhelming group pressure. Nobody feels bad, or like a hero afterwards, because it was a group effort to correct a small mistake in this perfect utopia.

Leave a comment in the description, and like and favourite if you enjoyed this video. That's it andhaveagoodone! Cue credit music

The Flood / Re: >he watches horror movies to be scared
« on: November 24, 2015, 03:03:49 PM »
"pain = fun" is logically unacceptable, yes
What about people who like BDSM/spanking/etc. though?
I was gonna link this article and take out a piece of text, but they said that BDSM is an acronym, so what's the point?

The Flood / Re: >he watches horror movies to be scared
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:59:11 PM »
The way I see it the only way a movie can make me scared, and I don't mean scared for a moment because the monster pops up, is if the movie makes me paranoid with good reason.

The Flood / Re: I like pop music now
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:49:29 PM »
someone update the wiki with this new, exciting information.
This is a rant. Not sure what you expected to hear with the title being "I like pop music now".

The Flood / I like pop music now [short rant if title wasn't clear enough]
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:43:18 PM »

This song about drug usage that repeats itself over and over again is 100x better than
"How deep is your love?
when at the gym.

God damn, last year was the worst with songs like All about that Base, Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande playing all the time.


I don't like what these songs are for, or the lyrics, but you learn to like stuff when shit's being pressed into your ears.

The Flood / Re: according to /fit Guts is off the boat
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:17:14 PM »
According to Reddit it's been 9 years.

The Flood / according to /fit Guts is off the boat
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:42:36 PM »

People, it's been 6 years since he got on the boat.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:21:56 PM »
I disagree. For example, no one has ever given Psy any real shit because we all really like him, aside from the Elegiac escapade. Your right in saying its about your reaction, but if someone likes you, they don't really have any reason to start shit. And I'm not counting just general fucking around with eachother, I'm referring to real shit stirring and shit flinging.

Religion is something you'll get shit for anywhere on the Internet. And much like people mess with you about the whole mod thing. But it's just messing around. No one has really gone after you and launched a shit storm (as far as I've seen).

Obviously if your not liked, your at the mercy of everyone
Um. Literally anyone who is of any notice gets shat on. Psy gets called a cripple but he dabbles in a bit of occasional banter himself. It all depends on how well you take things and if you let things bother you.

Does he? See, this is where me not being in the loop cripples what I say.

I take back my comment
Indeed I do, it's one of those running jokes that I either have no legs/can't walk/have no lower body/made out of glass/break if I fall over etc etc

Because a couple of years ago, I was pretty buggered physically. I couldn't do shit without buckets of painkillers, I could barely walk up the stairs and I wasn't able to do half of the things I wanted to - like playing PC games - because of the pain in my arms.

So the joke came along that psy was a cripple, even now the jokes still fly at me despite the fact that I'm no longer made of glass. I got my shit fixed in spring 2014, mostly anyway >_>

But yeah the point I'm rambling towards making is that nobody on sep7 is immune to banter, the only difference is how you handle it. If someone takes the piss out of me for being a cripple, so what? I'm not and it's kinda funny.

As I've told many people before when this sort of shit happened, you can't stop the playground banter but you can learn to laugh with it.

Screaming and throwing your toys out of the pram because someone called you a faggot/jew/furry/cripple/psycho/tranny/weeaboo/____ fucker/autist/gook etc etc is going to do one thing and one thing only - embed that joke into the psyche of the flood.

Learn to laugh at yourself, or the world is just going to laugh at you.
It's pretty fucking pathetic to laugh at your flaws when people aren't having a giggle, but straight out insults you with the intent of bringing you down. I'd say that 90% of people enjoy banter, but there's a difference between banter insults, and insults.

I personally wouldn't mind if people called me a cripple for not being "strong" enough to walk up stairs or w/e your condition was, because I don't see any sort of ill intent with it. Calling someone a furry does however carry som ill intent with it even if it's banter.
The point of the phrase is to say that if you take your weaknesses and learn to accept them, nobody can use them against you. Being secure in your own mind should be something everyone strives for.

Take 'Weeb' for example then, if someone calls you a filthy weeb (parallel with: a filthy furry) then both can either be in jest or with ill intent.

To continue the example, say you no longer watch chinese cartoons, divorce your waifu and burn your mangos. Are you a weeb? Not by definition at that point. So why does it matter if someone calls you a weeb at that same point? You aren't, so don't get butthurt over some random faggot on the internet calling you one.

It's playground tier stuff.
I don't think it's about what you're called, but rather why people are calling you that. If someone spams "FURRY" on one of your threads for no reason, then it's just obnoxious, and you'd get angry, but you know that responding won't prompt an answer, and thus it gets pent up.

The Flood / Re: Tom Bombadil is LITERALLY more OP than God.
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:14:09 PM »
Probably because he's Eru Illuvitar
What makes you think that? Profile wise that claim doesn't make sense. Eru made rules like "Humans can't go here" whereas Tom doesn't care.

The Flood / Re: Shame on you, Septagon!
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:11:05 PM »
Also, let's be real here, how many people here were even around long enough to be considered part of the old flood?  Most people here were probably only around for a year before the whole update came around.  It's funny how people claim they are real flood when they barely were flood to begin with, lol.  Also, I've been around since 2008, so I can say I was part of the old flood to some degree.
What was the flood like anyway?

The Flood / Re: Tom Bombadil is LITERALLY more OP than God.
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:06:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ahmed Mohamed: 'Clock boy' seeks $15m from city and school
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:56:44 PM »

YFW You gettin' dem 15 mil nigga!
Do you have a clouded judgement? That pic doesn't convey any emotions of getting 15 mil, and is therefore a bad meme.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:51:34 PM »
I disagree. For example, no one has ever given Psy any real shit because we all really like him, aside from the Elegiac escapade. Your right in saying its about your reaction, but if someone likes you, they don't really have any reason to start shit. And I'm not counting just general fucking around with eachother, I'm referring to real shit stirring and shit flinging.

Religion is something you'll get shit for anywhere on the Internet. And much like people mess with you about the whole mod thing. But it's just messing around. No one has really gone after you and launched a shit storm (as far as I've seen).

Obviously if your not liked, your at the mercy of everyone
Um. Literally anyone who is of any notice gets shat on. Psy gets called a cripple but he dabbles in a bit of occasional banter himself. It all depends on how well you take things and if you let things bother you.

Does he? See, this is where me not being in the loop cripples what I say.

I take back my comment
Indeed I do, it's one of those running jokes that I either have no legs/can't walk/have no lower body/made out of glass/break if I fall over etc etc

Because a couple of years ago, I was pretty buggered physically. I couldn't do shit without buckets of painkillers, I could barely walk up the stairs and I wasn't able to do half of the things I wanted to - like playing PC games - because of the pain in my arms.

So the joke came along that psy was a cripple, even now the jokes still fly at me despite the fact that I'm no longer made of glass. I got my shit fixed in spring 2014, mostly anyway >_>

But yeah the point I'm rambling towards making is that nobody on sep7 is immune to banter, the only difference is how you handle it. If someone takes the piss out of me for being a cripple, so what? I'm not and it's kinda funny.

As I've told many people before when this sort of shit happened, you can't stop the playground banter but you can learn to laugh with it.

Screaming and throwing your toys out of the pram because someone called you a faggot/jew/furry/cripple/psycho/tranny/weeaboo/____ fucker/autist/gook etc etc is going to do one thing and one thing only - embed that joke into the psyche of the flood.

Learn to laugh at yourself, or the world is just going to laugh at you.
It's pretty fucking pathetic to laugh at your flaws when people aren't having a giggle, but straight out insults you with the intent of bringing you down. I'd say that 90% of people enjoy banter, but there's a difference between banter insults, and insults.

I personally wouldn't mind if people called me a cripple for not being "strong" enough to walk up stairs or w/e your condition was, because I don't see any sort of ill intent with it. Calling someone a furry does however carry som ill intent with it even if it's banter.

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