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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:54:43 PM »
What are you gonna do? Ask them to kindly give you their arm and then hold still while you do aikido on them?

I used to have to squabble for real everyday and I was lucky if it was one on one shut the fuck up with your European Swedish ass.
What do you even mean to say in your post? That you're hardcore for having street fights? Why should I shut up? Have I hit an emotional spot? Are you trying to make me feel awkward or guilty? I don't understand your post.

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:52:19 PM »
People who need to prove shit are the worst
Yeah, I agree, now please leave my thread

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:47:59 PM »
What are you gonna do? Ask them to kindly give you their arm and then hold still while you do aikido on them?

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:46:03 PM »
You're having a day/week where you're anxious, is all. Don't be a troglodyte child and play into it.
I don't know how to deal with anxiety of any kind. It usually isn't as high as about an hour ago today, so I can just wait for it to pass, but when it's really high like today I can barely talk to people without sounding annoyed or mad.

See, waiting works, right now I don't feel like beating up anyone, but the anxiety was high for about 40 minutes once it began.

The Flood / Blog
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:35:55 PM »
If a guy bumps into me, or I bump into someone else - almost did it on purpose to someone who stood still in the stairs  today - then he says something like "watch it" or anything like that I'd definitely respond in a hostile way and try to cause a fight to happen.

What about you? I need to keep in touch with other people and their views on stuff like this.

Sandtrap hit the nail on its head, or whatever the saying is. He got me; I was just feeling a lot of anxiety.

The Flood / Re: If you agree with Cap you hate America.
« on: March 30, 2016, 08:33:39 AM »
Avengers is for kids, or people who find lame things cool.

The Flood / Re: If you agree with Cap you hate America.
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:28:39 AM »

You're all mindless communists

The Flood / Re: HOLY SHIT
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:13:23 AM »
Bas Rutten is fucking awesome

The Flood / Re: HOLY SHIT
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:10:16 AM »
I lied, I stopped laughing pretty soon

The Flood / HOLY SHIT
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:09:56 AM »

I can't stop laughing

The Flood / tfw watching a 144p video showing another 144p video
« on: March 30, 2016, 05:29:34 AM »
At this point it's just comical

The Flood / Re: I'm finally caught up on Red vs Blue
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:37:42 AM »
I stopped after the first season of the one where they started using Halo 4.

The Flood / Re: What should my walkout music be in MMA?
« on: March 29, 2016, 03:40:13 PM »
Bork Laser's theme song
I'd get sued for millions if not billions of dollars

The Flood / Re: What should my walkout music be in MMA?
« on: March 29, 2016, 03:37:34 PM »
Oh and

The Flood / What should my walkout music be in MMA?
« on: March 29, 2016, 03:36:16 PM »
Since I'm pretty sure you get to change it, I'm open to many suggestions.
I'm thinking:
Why can't we be friends - WAR

The Flood / Post chill music for physically tired people
« on: March 29, 2016, 03:14:22 PM »

Sorry if I'm not that receptive, I'm pretty tired physically, and I just ate a big meal. My body is in rest mode.

Brah, the army taught me that pushups solve all of your problems.

regarding your gun and knife stuff, I don't really care about that. If a person has a gun pointed at you, they're in control until you're within range, and once you are you do what you saw in that video, but if it fails and the person pulls back their arm you pull it out by the gun while using your legs to either kick, or to jump up and do a flying armbar. That's how I see it.

Desty probably joined a karate class a week ago and fought two sparring matches
Yeah, my sensei taught me how to kill a man without touching him physically. You have to channel your ki through the person's eyes and into their brain to fuck their shit up.

Did he also teach you the Black Knight Fleshwound trick? Really helpful for being immune to pain, that is.
No, my sensei tells us that pain is what makes us humble. I do 1000 pushups everyday to become stronger because I saw a guy do it in an anime, and he got stronger so it should work for me.

Aikido doesn't work.
In what scenario does it work?


I don't watch Turkroach videos.
Aikido is a meme, it doesn't work against people who aren't clueless in certain aspects. A boxer wouldn't know what to do on the ground for instance, and thus a grappler would win on the ground 99% of the time.

Now I've got to go practice MMA
>he fell for the MMA meme
Seriously though, dude, give up on Aikido. I'm pretty sure I could beat up an aikido master.

Desty probably joined a karate class a week ago and fought two sparring matches
Yeah, my sensei taught me how to kill a man without touching him physically. You have to channel your ki through the person's eyes and into their brain to fuck their shit up.

It's not that the martial arts are fake, it's that people mistake them for what they are.

They're called martial arts for a very specific reason. However, some of what they teach does have practical applications that you can use in regular dusty old day to day fighting.

So. Here's a question off the top of my head.

You ever been hit in the plexes?
The balls? At full force with no protection? No, but I have taken enough damage to have to take a break for a short while a few times when having a jock strap on.

No, the plexus. Lumbar plexus are the nerves on the side of your body above your hip bones. They're a nasty place to get hit in. I mean the balls sucks too, obviously. That's usually an instant KO for just about any guy.

But the lumbar area fucking hurts if somebody knows where to hit.
Oh yeah, I think I know the pain you're talking about. I haven't been hit there, but it's common that someone steps on that area with their knee in grappling, and when they do it usually hurts a lot.

Fav methods for preventing takedowns besides sprawling... Any easy to learn/useful wrestling techniques you recommend?

I've been boxing for about a year now and wanna focus more on wrestling to develop a practical base for defense/mma
A knee to the face could work quite well, but if you don't sprawl, if you don't lower yourself and put up an extended arm that prevents the other guy from coming close to you, or if you don't get one arm through the other person's armpit and the other guy has your leg and knows what he's doing, you're fucked if you're a newbie.

Something you could try to do if the person is charging straight at you, and you want it to be a friendly fight is to get into sprawl mode (you still want to be a bit above him), but get your left arm through the person's right armpit, then  hug him with both your arms and rotate your body to the left while taking a step back with your left leg (if you're borth orthodox) to try to use the person's forward force against them. If you do it correctly the guy will fall down, and you will be on top.

Oh, but if you don't know any grappling, but you're on top pounding the guy's face with your fists, I'm pretty sure you'll be the one with their back on the floor quite fast. A boxer shouldn't be on the ground. I would even advise against sprawling, 'cause if you're just on top of him he'll probably try to get around, and if he does you're screwed. So if you want to sprawl, get out of there fast afterwards.

Have you done a DDT on anyone yet

A dramatic dream team? Lol, sounds like fun tbh

It's not that the martial arts are fake, it's that people mistake them for what they are.

They're called martial arts for a very specific reason. However, some of what they teach does have practical applications that you can use in regular dusty old day to day fighting.

So. Here's a question off the top of my head.

You ever been hit in the plexes?
The balls? At full force with no protection? No, but I have taken enough damage to have to take a break for a short while a few times when having a jock strap on.

Aikido doesn't work.
In what scenario does it work?


I don't watch Turkroach videos.
Aikido is a meme, it doesn't work against people who aren't clueless in certain aspects. A boxer wouldn't know what to do on the ground for instance, and thus a grappler would win on the ground 99% of the time.

Now I've got to go practice MMA

Das is right, slapping without dealing real damage is a move for weak people. So is pinching, 'cause you might fuck up that person's flesh, but the wound you've created isn't gonna cause any serious damage to the attacker, so if the person can take your pinching/slapping then it isn't gonna do anything. You could however throw a backhand slap at the person's jaw so that their face turns to the side, and then throw a punch with the same hand. This would mean more damage from that punch since their face is turned towards your punch.

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