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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 211212213 214215 ... 353
The Flood / Re: who is this mehtta loser
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:45:03 AM »
I know that that was kinda strange, but I'm essentially saying that I'm not gonna come with anymore claims, or that I'll ask any more questions, and so I'm done with this topic.

The Flood / Re: who is this mehtta loser
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:41:32 AM »
I'm out of here. Don't include me in this thread.

The Flood / Re: who is this mehtta loser
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:15:02 AM »
Mehtta is either fat, anorexic or a guy.

The Flood / Re: I've decided
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:08:37 AM »
no one cares.
lol are you trying to tell me that you care? Y'KNOW, 'CAUSE OF THE DATE?

The Flood / I've decided
« on: April 01, 2016, 06:38:26 AM »
I'm gonna quit the MMA and start doing traditional eastern martial arts like Wing Tsun, or Aikido

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:41:07 AM »
1) I don't know man. There isn't really a user I think is cool at all times. I guess the top position shifts
2) challengerX
3) Fedorekd
4) Jocephalopod
5) PrimeX
6) Ember
7) Simseoh
8) Gatsby (remember that it's a "cool" list)
9) Sandtrap
16) Decimator Omega

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Gatsby got a good number

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:32:49 AM »
And i'm not offended for not being there, i'm pretty forgettable.
No, you're not forgettable. If there was a dork list, or a lame user list, most people would include you in their lists.

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:31:16 AM »
1) Me
2) Chally
12) Torso
72) Gatsby
Chally loves me more than he loves you

The Flood / Going to sleep now floof, sleep tight
« on: March 31, 2016, 06:23:09 PM »
MY ASS! I've been laying awake for an hour not being able to put my tired body to rest. Fuck this man, fuck sleep time to read some manga

The Flood / Re: Im trademarking a new word
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:40:45 PM »
It's, uh- meh? That's a word that doesn't need a trademark since it'll rarely be used.

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:25:02 PM »
nah man it's cool

Y'all look like shit
I think that they both grew up pretty well

(Challenger to the left, and Fedorekd to the right on the set of a movie

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:21:18 PM »
can I be cool?
If you have to ask, you probably can't.

I'm sorry I failed you.
Play this song; chances are you'll take on a cool persona

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:20:10 PM »
This is why one should be hesitant to make popularity polls. It's not that you're thought of any less, it's that those five are just slightly more personal (getting more personal the higher they are).

Although #1 doesn't really talk to me as much as before, I just hope it's from their workload this term. Still, if my head was a committee they would be the subject of a lot of debate.

Dude, where am I, or why am I number 1?
I'm not even gonna read most of that

shut the fuck up dude

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:09:45 PM »
Thanks fam, here's the full popularity list in case anyone was wondering where Das was in it now.

1. Crush-Senpai
2. Zen
3. Solonoid
4. Sean
5. Chally

Everyone else isn't really rated as I enjoy everyone's company even if I get pissed off at them on occasion.

Users on indefinite ignored:

Dude, where am I, or why am I number 1?

What is this, a Sum 41 tribute band?
Challenger wanted us all to do a Guy Fieri look with our hair, but Fedorekd fucked up on the length, and I ignored it. As you can see by my calm demeanor I was quite cool among the students and teachers.

The Flood / Picture of ChallengerX, Fedorekd, and me in High School
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:53:19 PM »

(me to the left, Challenger in the middle, and Fedorekd on the right

Yeah I definitely need a source for the 2nd pic of Lisa and her friends. More pics/video ect
Google didn't yield any results, only the pic posted in different websites. I got the pic from here
I've seen it twice now in different threads with the same "topic"

what exactly have you done during your 3 months of mma training?
Pretty much everything.

Mondays: MMA overall mostly standing

Tuesdays: Sansho which is kinda like kickboxing where we train against other lightweight hit-and-sweep-moves like taekwando or kickboxing, and Greco-Romano style grappling or w/e it's called (double sessions)

Wednesday: MMA overall mostly on the ground

Thursday: Sansho, and normal grappling like jiu jitsu but normal workout clothing and no clothe grabbing (double sessions)
Saturday: Stand-up striking where the focus is hitting (kicks and punches) and leg work, but also quick takedowns occasionally

I started with Saturdays near the end of the second month because I didn't know I had a bus card that worked on weekends as well as past 7pm on normal days

Desty you're becoming really autistic again.
I know that nobody cares about the second part, but I needed to get it off my chest. I felt like a scam artist.
uh I don't think anybody cared

that much
I wouldn't know that, and even then, I probably wouldn't be 100% convinced; there'd still be the feeling.
You're obsessing.
Alright, but the second part isn't the focus of the thread nor the reason I made it. The reason I made this is because the threads-on-/fit/-one raised my desire to be aesthetic.

Desty you're becoming really autistic again.
I know that nobody cares about the second part, but I needed to get it off my chest. I felt like a scam artist.
uh I don't think anybody cared

that much
I wouldn't know that, and even then, I probably wouldn't be 100% convinced; there'd still be the feeling.

Desty you're becoming really autistic again.
I know that nobody cares about the second part, but I needed to get it off my chest. I felt like a scam artist.

For me it's the
-Baki universe
-Atmosphere and feeling you get at the gym when it's a good day
-Desire to be physically capable of anything I want to do
-Threads on /fit/ like this:
They're supposed to be funny, because most people who workout do it for a big upper body, and so they bulk and add fat that covers their abs, but I get motivated
>Ah, anon, can you show me your abs? I heard you workout hard.

>"Okay Anon, Lisa got naked for you just like we promised now will you PLEASE show us your abs?"
-Bas Rutten and other fighters who are cool
-Acquiring new skills

I made an AMA thread before about what works in fighting, and some asked me about my expertise on moves and such. I've only been doing MMA for 3 months, but I've watched enough videos and I've sparred with people who do Aikido, boxing, or were streetfighters from a somewhat poor country, to know the limitations of different martial arts, and that certain things work, and others don't. Me myself, I'm not an experienced fighter who has taken, or given a knockout punch, 'cause I've never fought a real match. So when Joceph, for example, asked me what to do against a takedown, I was limited in my advice because I haven't learned all that there is. What I did do correclt however is I told him that a boxer needs to stay away from grappling. If you want to attack someone who goes for your leg, then an uppercut is your only option as a boxer, but if you want to learn different things, like kicking and grappling, then you get more options.

The Flood / Re: Flood help
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:40:25 AM »
Holy shit nobody cares

The Flood / Re: List of Cool People
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:43:41 AM »
I was gonna continue the list, but the list is awful. If I were to put people I think are cool, or even myself on the list that'd lower my level. I am out of here.

Gaming / Re: (official) TOWN OF SALEEEM
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:41:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:41:37 PM »
What are you gonna do? Ask them to kindly give you their arm and then hold still while you do aikido on them?

I used to have to squabble for real everyday and I was lucky if it was one on one shut the fuck up with your European Swedish ass.
What do you even mean to say in your post? That you're hardcore for having street fights? Why should I shut up? Have I hit an emotional spot? Are you trying to make me feel awkward or guilty? I don't understand your post.
As in, I've actually been in fights, and you play pretend and watch videos on YouTube and now you're talking about wanting to beat up random people. Calm down.
How do I play pretend?

I only made this thread about wanting to beat up people because I felt like taking out my issues that way. I'm not some crazy edgy guy who constantly wants to harm people for fun. 

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:07:30 PM »
People who need to prove shit are the worst
Yeah, I agree, now please leave my thread

Are you going to kick my ass if I don't
Don't worry I'll wait for you to put your gloves on
Yeah dude, I intend to kick your ass through the internet. Are you really so buttmad intimidated that you have to respond so stupidly?

Did your high school sweetheart start dating someone or something
You've been really mad lately
You're talking out of your ass, name one other time this week that I've been mad. I'm not even mad right now, nor when I wrote the thread. I was anxious and disgusted by the world's people and my own imperfectness, not mad at them.

The Flood / Re: Blog: I'd jump at the chance to spark a fight
« on: March 30, 2016, 01:59:52 PM »
People who need to prove shit are the worst
Yeah, I agree, now please leave my thread

Are you going to kick my ass if I don't
Don't worry I'll wait for you to put your gloves on
Yeah dude, I intend to kick your ass through the internet. Are you really so buttmad intimidated that you have to respond so stupidly?

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