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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 181182183 184185 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Can I ask you guys something?
« on: June 11, 2016, 06:16:12 PM »
You think that we can all get along as long as we all act like you want us to act, but see, that's not reality.

If someone doesn't act up there's no problem, but when they do you have to confront it. To put it into perspective, what would you do if someone threw a tomato at your face then laughed? Would you go on about your day since that's what's gonna bring the most peace, or do you deal with it?

The Flood / Re: Only idiots go to Game Awards, right?
« on: June 11, 2016, 06:10:11 PM »
What even was Her Story?  I never heard anything about it.
It's supposed to be a dual-dimension to History

Uhh, what implied that I wasn't referring to your referral of my original post? You went full retard as they say on the interwebs.
Oh, it can be a pain in the ass when your arguments harp on nothing and are drawn out of your asshole.  My bad.

No, I'm not trying to sound smart, I'm trying to make you sound dumb. Some would call it bullying of the weak, but I call it self-proclaimed justice.
You're trying way too hard.
What the fuck? You call that an answer?
Uhh, what implied that I wasn't referring to your referral of my original post?
Oh, it can be a pain in the ass when your arguments harp on nothing and are drawn out of your asshole.  My bad.
See how strange it is? get your shit together. It's embarrassing.

What am I trying too hard for?

Also, what the fuck is your problem? Stop talking to me, you're annoying

You're god damn right it's a good post. It is the best post in this thread. The worst one must be yours that basically jerks the OP off by clearly saying what the OP was implying. Also, start being more original, and maybe less braindead, Jerkoff.
lol le babby's first day of 4Chan edgy racial slur.  Gleaming with thought.
Wait, you're an oldfag? I'm so sorry sir, I overstepped my boundaries. Please forgive me!

Is that how you pictured my response to your reply? Yeah, unlikely, buddy, unlikely. Wait a minute, no, you didn't expect me to respond that way, you're not that stupid. You probably didn't expect anything, no, in fact, you probably just wanted to feel as though you had a spine. That must excuse the pathetic garbage of a thing you'd call a reply that appears ahead of us all. Holy shit that's pathetic. You've reached a lower point, cuckoo

I was referring to your original post, retard.
My god, your arguments consist of deconstructing and overanalyzing the most irrelevant aspects of whatever's thrown at you, filling in random gaps with your own mindless bullshit, and hoping that maybe you'll sound like you have more than 2 brain cells.  You're trying too hard.
Uhh, what implied that I wasn't referring to your referral of my original post? You went full retard as they say on the interwebs.

No, I'm not trying to sound smart, I'm trying to make you sound dumb. Some would call it bullying of the weak, but I call it self-proclaimed justice.

The Flood / Only idiots go to Game Awards, right?
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:12:18 PM »

This guy is great at editing youtube videos to really capture the essence

You're god damn right it's a good post. It is the best post in this thread. The worst one must be yours that basically jerks the OP off by clearly saying what the OP was implying. Also, start being more original, and maybe less braindead, Jerkoff.
lol le babby's first day of 4Chan edgy racial slur.  Gleaming with thought.
Wait, you're an oldfag? I'm so sorry sir, I overstepped my boundaries. Please forgive me!

Is that how you pictured my response to your reply? Yeah, unlikely, buddy, unlikely. Wait a minute, no, you didn't expect me to respond that way, you're not that stupid. You probably didn't expect anything, no, in fact, you probably just wanted to feel as though you had a spine. That must excuse the pathetic garbage of a thing you'd call a reply that appears ahead of us all. Holy shit that's pathetic. You've reached a lower point, cuckoo

The Flood / Re: Click on this title and you waste time
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:48:58 PM »
You could always read a quote if there is one

No, I don't watch anime, you fucking gook
Top-notch post there, bridge builder.
You're god damn right it's a good post. It is the best post in this thread. The worst one must be yours that basically jerks the OP off by clearly saying what the OP was implying. Also, start being more original, and maybe less braindead, Jerkoff.

You think that's why their eyes are so squinty?

Nukes are pretty damn bright.
Uhh, that's not how it works. You'd think that africans have squinty eyes since it's always bright with that logic, but the truth is that squinting doesn't help keep away the sunlight well, since y'know, a magical UV shield doesn't pop up out of nowhere. No, the reason why asians have squinted eyes is because Asia used to be a very cold place, and so during snow storms those who had the least eye surface that could be damaged by the cutting blizzards were the most fortunate ones.

The Flood / Re: Click on this title and you waste time
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:41:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: I got bored. Tell me what you think?
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:03:31 PM »
That's pretty cool, Kits.
Giving her compliments is not gonna make her sleep with you, Strand

Zesty pls
What? You want me to sleep with you now? Is that it?

Go and stay go.
I will gladly stay away from you.
Me too, thanks.
You wanna stay away from yourself? Although I want to say that that doesn't make any sense, I kinda understand.

The Flood / Re: I got bored. Tell me what you think?
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:01:11 PM »
That's pretty cool, Kits.
Giving her compliments is not gonna make her sleep with you, Strand

Zesty pls
What? You want me to sleep with you now? Is that it?

Go and stay go.
I will gladly stay away from you.

The Flood / Re: I got bored. Tell me what you think?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:51:17 PM »
That's pretty cool, Kits.
Giving her compliments is not gonna make her sleep with you, Strand

Zesty pls
What? You want me to sleep with you now? Is that it?

No, I don't watch anime, you fucking gook

The Flood / Re: I got bored. Tell me what you think?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:27:16 PM »
That's pretty cool, Kits.
Giving her compliments is not gonna make her sleep with you, Strand

i routinely harass people I don't like via PM, so I certainly feel responsible.
does this mean you like me
you are without a doubt our best member.
thanks cunt
who is thanking a cunt?

The Flood / Re: Any good very short mangas?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:07:11 PM »
You guys fail.

What part of less than 20 volumes do you not understand? It's really not that difficult.

What part of you are being a brat don't you understand?
I think I've got all of the parts covered actually.

The Flood / Re: Any good very short mangas?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:01:51 PM »
You guys fail.

What part of less than 20 volumes do you not understand? It's really not that difficult.

The Flood / Any good very short mangas?
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:48:35 PM »
I'm talking less than 20 volumes short

Garouden Boy: 8/10

What are yours?

The Flood / Re: Pinterest is cancer
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:19:08 PM »

Jesus fucking Christ that is terrifying

The Flood / Click on this title and you waste time
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:11:07 PM »
lol nvm it was just my computer

The Flood / Pinterest is cancer
« on: June 11, 2016, 12:27:40 PM »
Holy shit it needs to die off right now

Name one person who uses the website... That's right, nobody uses it, 'cause it's such a stupid idea that whoever buys into it becomes stupid by default.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk about the real issues here.
« on: June 11, 2016, 12:21:19 PM »
Pepsi, movies, beach, neither, sun, cats, inside, running, Dan Hazel, Hazel, upper half

The Flood / Re: Has anyone seen this woman
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:28:59 AM »
fit girls have me weak
I know what you mean

The Flood / Re: Has anyone seen this woman
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:21:29 AM »
Me and my soggy knee-stick ways

The Flood / Re: What is your dream job?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:26:39 AM »
My dream job is being one of the richest person in the world. My "job" would then become my work, and people working under me would have jobs. I want to change the whole of mankind; to push it forward a great deal. I want to become the next Einstein, but if Einstein were like Thomas Edison, and then go on to make something like the Stark tower, as well as an Iron Man suit for PR.


Weeeell at the very least I'm not lazy

The Flood / Re: What is your dream job?
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:18:56 AM »
My dream job is being one of the richest person in the world. My "job" would then become my work, and people working under me would have jobs. I want to change the whole of mankind; to push it forward a great deal. I want to become the next Einstein, but if Einstein were like Thomas Edison, and then go on to make something like the Stark tower, as well as an Iron Man suit for PR.

Edit: If I ever succeed I'll be sure to help some of you guys out with your dreams.

Have some self control? If they're not going after you, than don't go after them. Of course, I make an exception to assholes who try to treat everyone like shit.
That's actually good advice.

I tip my fedora to you, good sir

Considering what's posted here on a daily basis, and your post history, I think I'll be just fine.  I don't need to prove myself, because this isn't the place for "esteemed bridge-builders".  This argument would have been even slightly appropriate had it been in literally any other thread: instead, it's in one that barely stands on its own.

And it's really cute that you think that your lack of respect is what I should consider a consequence.  I can't tell, are you just trying to establish a pecking order on some barely-involved member so that you look slightly less retarded to everyone else?
If you don't have to prove or explain yourself, why did you just explain yourself? What's the point of typing any of that? Your words are empty to me.

Let me guess, the title triggered you, so you just had to reply without reading anything. Either that or you did read everything but you thought that this reply would get you likes so it'd be worth it.

I wrote that I'm talking about people who don't use logic, so it'd be safe to assume that I'm talking about internet. If you were unable to make that conclusion, then reading a reply I wrote previously would clearly state that I was talking about online encounters.

If you're not gonna bother being a part of the thread, then why bother? You strike me as the type of user who never gets into anything. All he does is come into a thread, make a remark, then bail.

You're looking way too far into it.  Calm down, kid.
I didn't think I had to scan my way through each thread to gather as much info as I can before making my scholarly contribution to the Sep7agon archive.  Especially when it comes to your asinine issues.

And now looking at every other response in this thread, why am I being held to some completely different standard of seriousness?
Really? You can't see why you shouldn't act like a clown on your own? Look, I get it, some of us like to be silly, others serious - and some a mix - but what you can't do is post the other to the extreme. You can be a bit silly, but you can't be a clown without any consequences.

Ever heard of the old story about the guy who built 100 bridges but sucked one cock and was known as a cock sucker? That's what happen if you act childish. Nobody will take you seriously in the future without having been convinced after multiple shows of seriousness. That bridge builder would have to build 100 more bridges for people to start considering calling him a bridge builder.

But if you're fine with being seen as a cock sucker then you've done nothing wrong in disregarding what has been written and just gone off to type whatever you want. Nothing wrong at all, cock sucker.

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