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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:52:41 PM »
Stuck in my one bedroom apartment for another year and paying $1,000 a month for it now ::crying::
OT: moved out since I turned 18.
Why? and where did you go?
Kinda had a tough time with my parents and decided that I would be better off on my own.
I also got some help from the government since they were giving me some money because I was a uni student. So I scraped by during first year, then got a summer job and managed to save up some money and that helped me a lot. Made a lot of good connections and my second year was easier. Life went uphill from there.
I managed to get the family situation back together - but I still preferred my own living space. Trust me man, its really great - as long as you are not under constant financial pressure.
I'm curious as to what happened, but you don't have to tell me if you think it's too personal.
Long story short - I did not like the way they were off-loading my little brother on me all the time. Sure I was 14 and was at home all the time - good luck finding anything to do in that butt-end of the country, so I was stuck with him all the time and sometimes I would half-ass baby sitting and generally not giving a shit because I was tired of it. So eventually it just got to the point where I would not leave my room because I knew that as soon as I would be noticed, I would be forced to babysit.
So one day I spoke to them and it got pretty bad and I literally got kicked out - I was delighted tbh, but yeah... That's pretty much it. Honestly, I am very happy that it happened (maybe not the way it did, but the fact that I had to just survive by myself with my own wits about me). Now I am fully independent.
Not much of a family person, eh? How's it like having a smaller sibling?
Ah hes pretty cool now. Was SO annoying when he was younger though.
Right now, he is that typical ten year old who unironically wears an OBEY cap (I am dead fucking serious, he wears it) and watches cancer on YT (I probably am at fault here after showing him HowToBasic and some TF2 cringe). He is the cringiest entity in the house - but hes my brother. I actually have two more younger siblings (5 and 3 years old) - I am this fucking "Uncle Nikolai" to them. xD
You could've guided him.

I was my brother's shadow. He and his friends disliked me following him around everywhere, but I think that because I was mostly an observer they let it pass.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:46:23 PM »
I would know what living on your own is like, because my parents go on vacation every summer and leave me and my brother behind.

Home alone as a kid is nothing like living by yourself as an adult.
Yeah, feels like being an adult gives you more freedom and also a bit more responsibility.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:45:21 PM »
Stuck in my one bedroom apartment for another year and paying $1,000 a month for it now ::crying::
OT: moved out since I turned 18.
Why? and where did you go?
Kinda had a tough time with my parents and decided that I would be better off on my own.
I also got some help from the government since they were giving me some money because I was a uni student. So I scraped by during first year, then got a summer job and managed to save up some money and that helped me a lot. Made a lot of good connections and my second year was easier. Life went uphill from there.
I managed to get the family situation back together - but I still preferred my own living space. Trust me man, its really great - as long as you are not under constant financial pressure.
I'm curious as to what happened, but you don't have to tell me if you think it's too personal.
Long story short - I did not like the way they were off-loading my little brother on me all the time. Sure I was 14 and was at home all the time - good luck finding anything to do in that butt-end of the country, so I was stuck with him all the time and sometimes I would half-ass baby sitting and generally not giving a shit because I was tired of it. So eventually it just got to the point where I would not leave my room because I knew that as soon as I would be noticed, I would be forced to babysit.
So one day I spoke to them and it got pretty bad and I literally got kicked out - I was delighted tbh, but yeah... That's pretty much it. Honestly, I am very happy that it happened (maybe not the way it did, but the fact that I had to just survive by myself with my own wits about me). Now I am fully independent.
Not much of a family person, eh? How's it like having a smaller sibling?

The Flood / Re: A PSA: Half of all role models are full of shit
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:39:54 PM »
A role model is someone you want to be like because they live a right life

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:36:02 PM »
That's why most people go out and make friends. Cabin Fever fucking sucks, and even if you have no friends to go out with, still go do the things you enjoy outside, beats staying at home going through the motions like a machine.

Yeah, living alone is pretty neat... y'know, until week 2 of not going outside and you start turning a little crazy from the isolation.

I would know what living on your own is like, because my parents go on vacation every summer and leave me and my brother behind. I was like 13 or so the first time, and with a brother that always works you're pretty much on your own.
Actually, the job at 7/11 ain't too bad. I get to communicate with a lot of people. Some faces stick with you, and others are so bizarre that you want to remember. There's also some kind of relationship where they put trust in you and talk with you as if they're giving you trust and consent. It's kinda difficult to explain it since it's a weird feel, but it's a pleasant feel.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:31:38 PM »
Stuck in my one bedroom apartment for another year and paying $1,000 a month for it now ::crying::
OT: moved out since I turned 18.
Why? and where did you go?
Kinda had a tough time with my parents and decided that I would be better off on my own.
I also got some help from the government since they were giving me some money because I was a uni student. So I scraped by during first year, then got a summer job and managed to save up some money and that helped me a lot. Made a lot of good connections and my second year was easier. Life went uphill from there.
I managed to get the family situation back together - but I still preferred my own living space. Trust me man, its really great - as long as you are not under constant financial pressure.
I'm curious as to what happened, but you don't have to tell me if you think it's too personal.

The Flood / Re: I did it! A pistol squat, then two more
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:29:40 PM »
I still can't do one with my left leg, but I've improved

The Flood / I did it! A pistol squat, then two more
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:28:45 PM »

Post great songs that go well with athleticism

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:23:37 PM »
Stuck in my one bedroom apartment for another year and paying $1,000 a month for it now ::crying::
OT: moved out since I turned 18.
Why? and where did you go?

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:22:31 PM »
I hate my current living situation but it will be a cold day in Hell before I ever move back in with my mom.

All my childhood adults tried to instill this fear in me that living on your own is this incredibly tough experience and that I will be miserable because that's "A part of growing up". Imagine my surprise when I found out (like most of the lies adults gave me) that was all a crock of total bullshit and that living on my own had awarded me freedom and happiness I never knew existed.

Moving out sucks. Everything is so much easier when living with parents.
Yeah, living alone is pretty neat... y'know, until week 2 of not going outside and you start turning a little crazy from the isolation.

I would know what living on your own is like, because my parents go on vacation every summer and leave me and my brother behind. I was like 13 or so the first time, and with a brother that always works you're pretty much on your own.

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:16:46 PM »
I don't remember where you live but if it's up north then there is a chance that if your lottery goes out you will be calling me lol
Why's that?

I live in Sweden

.O. I did not realize 7/11 was an international company lmao

Also because that's my job. I help fix lottery machines over the phone, and if I can't fix it then I send a technician, and every once in a while I get calls from 7/11's.
Wait, what the heck are lottery machines? We just have clips of these
they're the most famous brand

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:11:18 PM »
I don't remember where you live but if it's up north then there is a chance that if your lottery goes out you will be calling me lol
Why's that?

I live in Sweden

The Flood / Re: Is your personal passion intrinsic or extrinsic?
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:39:47 PM »
My motivation is the goal.

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:34:10 PM »
I work at a drug test lab. I get a pretty decent pay.
Yeah but doesn't it suck that you're ingesting unknown substances?
No, we collect DNA/Urine/Blood/Hair/Nail samples for testing and whatnot. After certification and training, I will start out with about $14-15 an hour.
Oh, cool.

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:19:33 PM »
I work at a drug test lab. I get a pretty decent pay.
Yeah but doesn't it suck that you're ingesting unknown substances?

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:18:32 PM »
Free Slurpees must be pretty boss right about now with it being summer and all.
Not sure if Sweden has that, but I did just eat two large ice creams because the ice cream machine broke. You can also get free stuff that expires, or goes bad, or leftover buns that didn't get bought.

The Flood / Re: Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:02:47 PM »
or uh, I'm gonna start working for money soon

The Flood / Working at the 7/11 ain't so bad
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:02:13 PM »
I'm soon gonna get paid as well

The Flood / Re: I can become anything I want
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:47:31 PM »
Tyger is in every fucking thread typing out the most stupid shit.

I fucking hate the fact that he's managed to cast a shadow over all of the threads
Name one good thread on the front page he hasn't posted in yet

You know he's gonna post in this thread, and all of the threads to come.
Holy shit, that's actually some decent pasta

The Flood / Re: Youtube notifications are retarded
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:46:34 PM »
Usually it has your name tagged in the beginning of their comment, or it's right below your comment.
I know that that is what it used to be like. It ain't like that anymore in my experience

also you're back

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:44:49 PM »
Get out of my sight
My mother is the worst kind of person imaginable.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:43:53 PM »
Moving out sucks. Everything is so much easier when living with parents.
Easier, but not nicer. My parents suck

:C are they kicking you out?

Any idea where you're moving to yet? I hope it's in a safe area.
No, my parents are very... "surfacey". They uphold traditions and such. My father's alright when it comes to those things, but he has no chill as a person. My mother is the opposite. She is a religious nut that can't logic but she has too much chill.

My mother cooks, cleans, complains, and my father works and doesn't talk to anyone. Whenever those two do communicate it's often trouble. You see, my father has a default scolding voice, and my mother has a default victim mode. She always tells me to get out of her sight when I'm questioning her or wanting to talk (about when she's next gonna clean the clothes, or when we'll leave the house to go somewhere) because she doesn't have the patience.

They're the worst combination to have as parents. One expects me to have good grades, but doesn't express anything, and the other only expresses without actually helping me.

Oh, and I'm 17. As soon as I get accepted into a university I'll try to move as close to that area as possible.
Lmao and you wrote that big speech about how you're such a mature adult

Your own parents don't even like you
My dad likes me a lot, and my mother dislikes me a lot.

That should tell you how mature I am. Also, when did I say that I was mature? Which "speech" are you referring to?

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:42:07 PM »
I didn't even know what kind of a person my dad was until I was like 15

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:36:30 PM »
Moving out sucks. Everything is so much easier when living with parents.
Easier, but not nicer. My parents suck

:C are they kicking you out?

Any idea where you're moving to yet? I hope it's in a safe area.
No, my parents are very... "surfacey". They uphold traditions and such. My father's alright when it comes to those things, but he has no chill as a person. My mother is the opposite. She is a religious nut that can't logic but she has too much chill.

My mother cooks, cleans, complains, and my father works and doesn't talk to anyone. Whenever those two do communicate it's often trouble. You see, my father has a default scolding voice, and my mother has a default victim mode. She always tells me to get out of her sight when I'm questioning her or wanting to talk (about when she's next gonna clean the clothes, or when we'll leave the house to go somewhere) because she doesn't have the patience.

They're the worst combination to have as parents. One expects me to have good grades, but doesn't express anything, and the other only expresses without actually helping me.

Oh, and I'm 17. As soon as I get accepted into a university I'll try to move as close to that area as possible.

The Flood / Re: I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:24:14 PM »
Moving out sucks. Everything is so much easier when living with parents.
Easier, but not nicer. My parents suck

The Flood / I can become anything I want
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:08:24 PM »

There are apparently shitty universities that have educations with attainable goals.

I can become a doctor, a lawyer, a psychologist, anything. I'm not sure what to become though. Being a doctor would be boring as fuck, so I'd rather not do that. Due to there being many psychologists I'll probably become a lawyer

The Flood / I'm moving out ASAP
« on: June 30, 2016, 01:02:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: Girlfriend or Career ?
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:59:35 PM »
OT: I'd go for a year or so to get the experience, then move back and get jobs more easily

The Flood / Re: Girlfriend or Career ?
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:58:22 PM »
But you also like your gf very much too because she is good at cooking and many other things.

The Flood / Re: "i could care less"
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:56:23 PM »
ughh, guys, I feel nauseous

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