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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:45:53 PM »
Animals are resources.
Come at me, faggots.
resources have rights
Rights don't exist
if you're retarded
I was making a point, smartass.

Humans can also be resources if rights don't exist. Anything that can happen can happen. Rights restrict this. If you're able to get over the restrictions then rights truly don't exist.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:42:25 PM »
Animals are resources.
Come at me, faggots.
resources have rights
Rights don't exist

I asked a question to start a debate and discussion about the Jupiter probe and learn in the process. Not discuss my age.

fuck off, you asked a question because you're an ignoramus with popped corn for brains.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:32:50 PM »
So it really comes down to you liking the idea of a perfect being. Well, Fuck Jesus. You don't care about him. You just care about the idea of a perfect being.

Every human being is self-serving. Jesus knows this. I want to transcend nature and be like Jesus because that's the right thing to do, and loving Jesus is the only way to do that. That's the entire point of Christianity, to show us a better way. God doesn't care for what reasons you follow his commands.

What is the perfect being?

A being who has transcended their earthly sinful nature.

Again, not interested in having this conversation.
You're not interested in having the conversation because to you this is the ultimate and only truth.

I don't get that stuff about loving Jesus being the only way to live the perfect life, but I'll tell you that we have the same ideal. I don't stop there though, I go forward and have more truths. Truths that put gods out of their power, however omnipotent they may be. I pity you who is a slave for a way of life that's not yours. Your ultimate truth is but a step in my ultimate truth. My ultimate truth goes beyond humans, animals, and gods. Beyond right and wrong.

So you can understand that I see your ideal of the perfect being as childish. You're too narrow-minded in focusing on humans.

It helps us in the future for space travel, even if it's not going to benefit us right now. In the meantime, we get to learn more about the solar system we live in, understand technology working under extreme radiation, learn about Jupiter, and basically better humanity from being ignorant. I mean, it's a big feat considering the planning and time those scientists spent in this mission alone, you're young, you don't really have a grasp yet on how space exploration can help humans at this point. But in all, knowledge.
Are you implying that he's too young to understand that if we learn about the universe we can avoid dangers? Because if it's about space exploration for the sake of adventure and humanity living on other planets then I have to remind you that kids love that idea. Kids can also understand that Earth is gonna be full and unsustainable, and that populating other planets will help. No, what the hell are you talking about? What is he too young to understand?

Why aren't we investing in exploring even more of outer-space, why aren't we putting the bulk of our resources into the advancement of science in general for the benefit of our species, knowledge-wise and technology-wise instead of pouring most of them into war, mindless entertainment, and the perpetuation of superficial material oriented lifestyles?
Motherfucker I already wrote that.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:52:01 AM »
So it really comes down to you liking the idea of a perfect being. Well, Fuck Jesus. You don't care about him. You just care about the idea of a perfect being.

What is the perfect being? Is it a he or a she? Is that person introverted or extroverted? Is it a person who would spend time on other people instead of doing what they care about, or do they not care about anything? Is it a sentimental person, or a cold person? I believe that Jesus was a sentimental dreamer who was introverted. That doesn't strike me as the perfect being.

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:42:08 AM »
If you can study the composition of a gas giant, you might learn something about what could be on it or around it.  We study one of Saturn's moons so closely solely because it has water, which leads scientists to believe that there's life.  It's not about traveling there, it's about attempting to further or solidify our understanding of the universe.

Oh, I'm sorry for asking such a stupid question world leader, please forgive me. Everything you say is truth, even if it were not so before you said it. Thank you for existing and making such wise decisions and judgement on behalf of all humanity. Truly, we would be lost without your expertise.

Completely unwarranted levels of aggression from you ITT.  Tone it down, champ.
No, it was pointing out how he's arbitrarily choosing what's important and what isn't. He's a dumbass that thinks he's hot shit.

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!

^^ this is what I was looking for.

Thank you for explaining something that actually got the point I was looking for and countering my points.

But he didn't even answer your question?
Pip doesn't know what he's doing. He'll take anything at this point.

And the water was an example. Not a definite thing Desty.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. What do you mean when you say that it was an example? What would a definite thing be?

Actually, maybe humanity will gain a lot from what Pip says. Let's all be pragmatic and use our heads. If we removed all sports then the money can go into local economies, and the footballers would get jobs that will have to benefit humanity. The militaries would be removed since all countries on Earth would work towards being pragmatic, and that means peace on Earth. Places that aren't contributing much would get bombed, and developing countries would be taken over by people who know what they're doing. All kinds of entertainment would be removed because it isn't pragmatic, and doesn't directly help humans.

We will only focus on keeping a sustainable life on planet Earth, so we'll remove lawyers and just have like 10 rules. We will make sure everyone has food, and water, and then we'll remove cars, because trains and busses will now be the main mode of transportation since it's eco friendly. Factories that make candies and other such bad food will be shut down.

Then once we've achieved Utopia will we do space exploration because if we find other places we can live on we're being pragmatical. Yes, the only question is how the fuck is this gonna happen.

Desty, I was asking for someone to give me a good, practical reason and explanation for the money being put into Juno and Jupiter. Instead of other planets closer to us. What could humanity benefit from it?

You all didn't get the point of that. TBlocks was the only one(and Inglorious kinda) who got the idea. No i'm not the all knowing god of space, that was the point.

If you can't figure that out, then you're the one that has to "Get Educated".
I'm not even angry after reading this. It's like talking to a bot that can't accept logic. I mean, it's a fault that lies in you, and only damages you. To be mad is to care, and I honestly don't care about you. I get it though, you can't be helped, and you can't learn.

NASA's whole deal is literally "For the benefit of all" That's their motto.
A great deal of things you take for granted in your own home have come because of the advancements made by the people looking to make human life sustainable aboard tin cans in a place where there is literally nothing to breathe. So even if the mission does not directly make your life easier, it's a worthwhile thing to do.

And it isn't NASA's job to make your life easier either. That's just a caveat of their discoveries. Their job is to make humans better and help us survive in outer space. They're not some humanitarian organization.

When I meant benefit humanity. I meant possible resources we could get to or discoveries that could further our technology in many different ways.
So mining an asteroid for minerals or water? That sort of deal?

Discoveries are made sometimes by accident as well.

Yeah but like I said with Shelf, the chance of a discovery that could change a lot(like water on Jupiter) has a 1 out of 1 million chance of happening.
Of course, if something crazy like that happens. I will fully retract my statement and proceed to do an alien dance out in the street.
God fucking damn it, Pip! Did you bother reading what I said earlier? Don't talk like you know shit, and shut the fuck up.

I told you to use Google

The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!
holy shit a reasonable answer that didn't just say "op you're a retard we could learn about magnets and shit!!!!!!111!!1!1"
The reason we're doing it now is because some very smart people decided this would be a worthwhile expedition to make and would advance our knowledge of the universe.

Pip mentioned Venus or Mars, presumably because they're closer and we might be able to go to them at some point. The thing with that is Venus is nearly impossible to study due to the composition of the atmosphere. (We've only gotten a handful of pictures of the surface because of a Russian probe that landed and subsequently burned away in sulfuric rain. It only lasted 30 minutes or so). For Mars, we know plenty about it and as much as we learn about the planet it doesn't really advance our ability to travel there, nor does NASA have the money for such an undertaking. More work has to be done in order to make a Mars Human expedition a reality.

Also 1 billion isn't that much on the scale of space travel. Hell, every space shuttle launch costed around half of that amount and they did over 130 of those!

^^ this is what I was looking for.

Thank you for explaining something that actually got the point I was looking for and countering my points.
Either both of you are high, or you're a bunch of ignoramuses. Tblocks explained basic sense, and common knowledge. He didn't bring anything to the table, and yet you guys are acting like it's exciting news.

The reason why we all were so frustrated and called you two retards is because this shit that you two embraced so hard is shit everyone who remotely cares knows.

Venus has extreme temperatures. It's not habitable by our current technology. Mars can be habitable, but it requires a lot of time, and resources. It's also not worth it with the technology we have. Once we're able to transport lot of people we might consider it.

Did I miss anything? I mean come on, that's embarrassing. I assumed you knew the deal with Venus since you mentioned it, but this is just ridiculous. Use your heads

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:08:23 AM »
Do you believe in the Christian god, or are you Christian because of the beliefs?

The beliefs. I don't "believe" in a god but my creed mandates that I have faith in one.


It's a type more philosophical than spiritual, though I would still call myself a spiritual man.
I knew it.

Do you really think that you should follow stuff that you don't believe in because the god that you don't believe in says to do so? If you don't do stuff you don't believe in, then how can you call yourself a christian? A christian is a believer.

If you like the rituals; that still doesn't make you a christian. To be a true christian means to live your life in accordance to god. If you remove god from the equation there's no christianity. If you only like the morals and such then adopt them. It's like you want a glass of apple juice, so you buy a tree. Just buy the juice carton, there's no need to embrace every aspect.

Also, if you like the rituals like eating that white circular thing, drinking some wine, and then letting a priest kiss your head, then that's boogus. You aren't like that. You won't pursue such needless pleasures. You don't strike me as someone who wants to belong, so why are you a Christian? Why not just follow the ideas you believe in?

The Flood / Re: Let's not ban the word "cuck"
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:25:07 AM »

Look at his smug smile

It's like literally none of you can read. Pip never said we wouldn't learn anything from it

He simply asked why we're doing it now (he literally says atm in the title) when we couldn't feasibility go there for quite some time.
Are you saying that we can't think about the future? The reason why we all dismissed it is because it's weak logic.

It's like saying "Why should I get a  job? I need the money now. I'll just buy a lottery ticket, or rob someone."
clearly the  9th grade English class you just finished didn't do a good job teaching you reading comprehension because I'm not saying anything, I'm explaining pips question.

He didn't ask what can we learn from Jupiter he asked what can we learn from Jupiter that's useful to us now, and none of you have answered that question.
Go fuck yourself, dumbass

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:22:23 AM »
Just nutted
On second thought, I'd rather watch you go fuck yourself.

I built it up and it had to be used

The Flood / Let's not ban the word "cuck"
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:21:01 AM »

I value the word a lot higher after watching this

It's like literally none of you can read. Pip never said we wouldn't learn anything from it

He simply asked why we're doing it now (he literally says atm in the title) when we couldn't feasibility go there for quite some time.
Are you saying that we can't think about the future? The reason why we all dismissed it is because it's weak logic.

It's like saying "Why should I get a  job? I need the money now. I'll just buy a lottery ticket, or rob someone."

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:09:59 AM »
You can both watch me have sex with myself

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 10:09:31 AM »
Worst meme of 2015 that recently reappeared
Haha you got me
Guys just have sex (and let me watch)
I wouldn't even have sex with him ironically. The only type of smashing I'm willing to do is my fists against his face.

To assume we wouldn't learn anything from it just belies how you have no idea what you're talking about.

Trying to debate with Zesty is a waste of time.
you're a teenager who doesn't know anything about what humanity, science, or society needs. Don't speak as if you've got it all figured out, and don't openly voice your opinion.
isn't this literally you tho? Aren't you a high school student?
I don't have an opinion, I read off of Nasa's website. I'm stating facts, not trying to prove them wrong.

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:28:46 AM »
Au revoir, Soshanna!

The Flood / Re: I will be gone for 3 weeks
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:28:24 AM »
Worst meme of 2015 that recently reappeared

Trying to debate with Zesty is a waste of time.
Also, why the fuck are you calling me Zesty?

Trying to debate with Zesty is a waste of time.
No, it's the best way for you to spend your time. If you open up your heart you will understand why you're wrong in so many ways. Allow me to insult your weaknesses more. Don't be so stubborn and think that you're right, just accept that you're a teenager who doesn't know anything about what humanity, science, or society needs. Don't speak as if you've got it all figured out, and don't openly voice your opinion. The reason why people should lurk more is because that way they'll not only learn, but the ones who already know stuff won't have to hear their stupid questions. You could've googled this, but you didn't. You think you know what NASA should focus on, but you've got really stupid logic to back it up.

any normal person would stop and think, but here you are making a thread. Shame on you.

You don't get to argue with me, you get to shut up and look at the facts and accept superior logic.

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:48:36 AM »
Pip, this isn't Quora. If this were Quora I'd say google it.

Why can you understand if it were Mars or Venus, but not Jupiter? I swear, sometimes it feels like there's too little inside your head.

Nicked from Nasa:
Goal: Understand origin and evolution of Jupiter, look for solid planetary core, map magnetic field, measure water and ammonia in deep atmosphere, observe auroras.

Because Mars and Venus have the capabilities to be travelled to in this lifetime.
It took 5 years for one probe to get to Jupiter, why would we decide to pool the money together for something that can't benefit us right now?
Earth has enough money issues as it is. We don'r need to put money towards Jupiter.
Oh, I'm sorry for asking such a stupid question world leader, please forgive me. Everything you say is truth, even if it were not so before you said it. Thank you for existing and making such wise decisions and judgement on behalf of all humanity. Truly, we would be lost without your expertise.

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