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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 162163164 165166 ... 353
bro is that a S I M P S O N W A V E avatar

i fucking love you man
you're the first person to notice it, top lad 👌

The Flood / Let's have sex on the beach
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:52:06 PM »
layin in the sand
just you and me

come on


Stand and deliver!

The Flood / Re: Are the Niggers still chimping?
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:19:07 AM »
As much as I hate to generalize, black people are fucking ridiculous when it comes to overreacting and acting like they're all victims.  Obviously, not all of them, but holy shit if I were black I'd be embarrassed.
Have the websites Tumblr and Reddit gone completely under your radar? White people are just as bitchy, hush up.

Sure, but those are fat neckbeards and teenage girls on their computers.  They don't really do anything in real life.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 08, 2016, 08:34:09 AM »
Alright, then - I suppose I'm psychotic.

But meat tastes good, provides healthy vitamins and supplements, and comes from objectively lesser beings.
yes, this is psychotic logic, and you're basically the worst kind of human being

glad you've come to terms with it
lmao aren't you guys friends
maybe on b.old we were
hahaha damn that's cold
See, Verb used to be a radical

Now he's just a cunt

He once told me that he hoped I would overdose and die because I'd done dabs.

Real friendly sort of fellow, he is.
I'd tell you to kill yourself if you did this too

Man, Chally, you don't know what you're talking about




That sounds too good to be true

Probably hot action going on between men with big tits. That'd explain why your friends would leave you.

Well no thank you then

The Flood / Re: Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:24:48 PM »
I'm buying a watch before sunglasses.

I'll buy shoes before sunglasses

I'll buy ice cream before sunglasses

The Flood / Re: Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:19:44 PM »
Also, what's with arabs and bucket hats?

The Flood / Re: Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:18:21 PM »
If you want to help preserve your vision it's only logical and healthy to wear sunglasses whenever you go outside.

That being said, I don't because they get in the way of my glasses.
I mean, if you stare at the sun it'd be a good idea for sunglasses, but someone like me doesn't really look up when going outside unless I want to look at the beautifully fluffy clouds that paint the clear blue sky.

The Flood / Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:13:17 PM »

They seem rather redundant to me. Unless your job or daily life involves having to stare in the direction of the sun you don't really need them.

The Flood / mods of
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:11:11 PM »
get in here

Meta went afk and is playing non suitable music

The Flood / Techno wubb wubbs going on at Plug
« on: July 07, 2016, 01:49:21 PM »

I'm not alone

The Flood / Re: oi, cm'here and play some bangers m80s
« on: July 07, 2016, 12:29:13 PM »
He's there!

The Flood / Re: So I Made A Small Comic
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:10:22 AM »

"Hmmm.  There's some serious accusations of me being a hypocrite. Better call them autistic."

Your open-mindedness is overwhelming, bridge-builder.
"Oh no, he called me an autist! No matter what he wrote, I'll only focus on this. That'll show everyone how I'm the victim, and he's the bully!"

fuck off

Don't bother replying to me anymore ITT, I won't read a single word.

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:06:51 PM »
Stopped reading after the first quote in the second paragraph.

As expected.  Classic Desty.
You are seriously this site's most ironic user.  My god.  Keep your "heart open", you.
Please stop displaying so much autism around me.

There lies more beyond the words spoken. Sometimes answers aren't the right or true answers. Why should I read what you have to say if you're going off on a tangent? If we're gonna be pragmatic, then let's ignore the small details and try to fully understand each other. Of course if I wanted to understand you I'd have read it, but let's be real, you're the one who has a problem with me, so you're the only one caring. I'm kind enough to respond, but I'm not gonna get inside your head, because frankly I don't respect you, and doing so would be a bit discomforting. It'd be like going inside a slob's room.

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:55:00 PM »
No, it was pointing out how he's arbitrarily choosing what's important and what isn't. He's a dumbass that thinks he's hot shit.

>Calmly expresses opinion and understanding of the matter
>ASKS for explanation and another perspective

Yeah, what an asshole.
Being calm doesn't really mean anything, does it? If he's asking us for an explanation then of course he's not gonna be aggressive about it.

but I'm not referring to the OP. I'm referring to him saying that there's no point in sending Juno.

If I calmly say that niggers are a waste of air, do you think that that somehow makes it okay in the eyes of everyone? You think that people are gonna think "Oh yeah, but he said it calmly so it's okay"? Fuck your "calmly".

While I don't agree with it, his OP represents a pretty valid point of view, when it comes to resource allocation.  It's fair that people don't appreciate space-exploration.  But your initial response is to attack his intelligence.  He then backs his PoV up (once again, simply asking a question (NOT stubbornly asserting his beliefs on anyone) that welcomes debate), and you respond with a defensive and condescending "who do you think you are?" post.

So an appropriate analogy would be responding to conservatives with "who the fuck do you think you are?  The president?" in threads covering politics and economics, as if their perspectives and belief systems are 100% invalidated by yours.

But then you decide to preach about the importance of open-mindedness through observing other perspectives?  Yeahok.  I can't tell if you're just being ironic.  His posts made zero judgement, and simply asked for other points of view to challenge his own, and your response is to keep quiet to listen to people "who've got their hearts open"?  How open-minded of you.
Stopped reading after the first quote in the second paragraph.

You clearly don't understand the situation. I'm beginning to think that you have mild autism by how little you understand humans, but that could also be because of a lack of being around normal people.

If I ask the following question, would you consider it a legitimate question? "Why haven't we exterminated all jews yet?"

If you're sane you'll say no, and that's what I was able to "read". If you aren't autistic you'd also be able to get the same vibe. The question clearly has more going on in the background than what would appear if you were a robot.

The Flood / Re: post your favourite "mainstream" music
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:26:57 PM »


The Flood / #Squadgoals
« on: July 05, 2016, 02:58:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: So....what does Juno orbiting Jupiter help us atm?
« on: July 05, 2016, 02:44:10 PM »
No, it was pointing out how he's arbitrarily choosing what's important and what isn't. He's a dumbass that thinks he's hot shit.

>Calmly expresses opinion and understanding of the matter
>ASKS for explanation and another perspective

Yeah, what an asshole.
Being calm doesn't really mean anything, does it? If he's asking us for an explanation then of course he's not gonna be aggressive about it.

but I'm not referring to the OP. I'm referring to him saying that there's no point in sending Juno.

If I calmly say that niggers are a waste of air, do you think that that somehow makes it okay in the eyes of everyone? You think that people are gonna think "Oh yeah, but he said it calmly so it's okay"? Fuck your "calmly".

If you're supposed to be the next generation Desty.
What does this mean?

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:32:50 PM »
Happiness is overrated.
It's also undervalued.

When you said that happiness is overrated you were thinking about a certain kind of people, or a group. Happiness is valuable. Some take it too far, and others don't. You should be happy when in social situations. It's an important part of social etiquette.

Don't be mean
Have you played LA Noire? Pip is Phelps during the war. A stubborn and narrow-minded fool who doesn't choose to do what's reasonable, but instead what he believes in. Instead of adapting he clings onto how he thinks things should be done, and they're bad. The ability to improve is something most beings have. What makes humans so great is our higher capacity, and if you're not gonna use it you're nothing but an animal. Only, animals don't have a choice. Pip is deliberately retarding his capacity to be smart. I have nothing but contempt for people like this.
You're being irrational. An educator is not supposed to tear down a student's knowledge and disregarding some actual answers most of your posts are just condescending.
I'm not gonna act like I'm above him. I'm just ahead of him. We're about the same age him and I, and to act like I'm a teacher who cares about his well being isn't how I do things. To me, that'd be a type of arrogance that I can't get behind. It'd be a hidden arrogance. I'd rather have open arrogance because then people can prove me wrong.

The Flood / Re: i really want to buy the halo 3 legendary edition
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:01:34 PM »
What would you get?
the halo 3 legendary edition

and years of childhood yearning would come to a close in one final explosion of juvenile joy
forget about the past, how do you feel now? Do you yearn for it?
yea bro i have the mind of a 12 year old
If you truly want it, then why not get it? Is there doubt on your mind?

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:00:03 PM »
You're not interested in having the conversation because to you this is the ultimate and only truth.

Correct. I also don't necessarily care what's true, I care about what works.

But yeah, I know most won't agree with how I see things, like yourself, and I don't mind.
I don't agree because it's lame.

You saying this makes me think that you're the type of guy that wouldn't go vegetarian because he likes meat. It seems like you ignore the harsh truth and instead care about what works and what's in your comfort zone. That's lame.

The Flood / Re: i really want to buy the halo 3 legendary edition
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:53:58 PM »
What would you get?
the halo 3 legendary edition

and years of childhood yearning would come to a close in one final explosion of juvenile joy
forget about the past, how do you feel now? Do you yearn for it?

Don't be mean
Have you played LA Noire? Pip is Phelps during the war. A stubborn and narrow-minded fool who doesn't choose to do what's reasonable, but instead what he believes in. Instead of adapting he clings onto how he thinks things should be done, and they're bad. The ability to improve is something most beings have. What makes humans so great is our higher capacity, and if you're not gonna use it you're nothing but an animal. Only, animals don't have a choice. Pip is deliberately retarding his capacity to be smart. I have nothing but contempt for people like this.

The Flood / Re: i really want to buy the halo 3 legendary edition
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:49:15 PM »
What would you get?

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:46:37 PM »
Like Prehistoric you're too narrow-minded as well.

Why would common sense be the norm? Why would widely held beliefs be expected to be held? Maybe out on the streets, but on the internet? Come now. You're left with abstract concepts and you cling onto what you see in society.

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