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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 127128129 130131 ... 353
The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 09:23:23 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.
Calling you out as a douche doesn't make someone a white knight, and he certainly wasn't defending me.

The fact is you're a tiny autistic manchild who's too full of himself and everyone here knows.
You're deluding yourself if you think basically stealing your brother's computer was cool, and you're even more jaded if you think anybody calling you out on the way you handle yourself is part of some white knight attention whoring.

Batch and I pretty much hate each other, so if he's calling you a lifeless virgin wannabe chad then it's not for my benefit.

How about instead of claiming that everyone else is the problem you take a look at yourself and stop being such a poser asswipe.
How about next time you leave out your "power trip" where you bend the facts to suit your theories?

You're wrong, and it doesn't matter how many times you say otherwise, Batch did defend you. The question is did he do it because he wanted to protect you, or because he felt intimidated by me? When I say intimidated I don't mean scared shitless, I mean you get a feeling of danger. When someone tells you that he's gonna beat you 'til your death, even though you surpass that person in every possible way, you might get intimidated; not by his threat, but by his spirit. The thought of being defeated by this person doesn't cross your mind, but for some reason there is a small hint of intimidation invoked in you. It's a sort of restlessness.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 09:12:10 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virign
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
No, I'm just offended by how much cuck emits from your being.
I thought I told you to fuck off or grow up.

Here, let me type out your next replies for you.

You're such a beta faggot
Holy shit what a manchild you are
Cuck cuck cuck you are a cuck
You're such a SJW. No dignity
There, now kindly, fuck off out of my thread.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 07:02:06 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.
Maybe because I wasn't just pulling punches and you really ARE a douchebag and I'm not the only person on the site calling you out for it?
Nah, he ain't a whiteknight. If he was gonna stand up to me in this situation because I'm treating you badly, that'd be him defending you.

Either I was right, or you are and he's a whiteknight. Both are plausible.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:57:35 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virgin
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.
How would he feel threatened by a douchebag wannabe who lives in a different hemisphere flaccidly issuing threats that aren't even directed at him.
Then why did he speak up against me just saying I'd kick your ass back? It didn't warrant a response, yet he responded. The response probably made his heart rate go up and thus he felt compelled to type out some generic reply about me trying to be some chad, then telling me to kill myself.

I've spent 50% of potential time on you. I could go all the way and type out why he'd feel threatened, but I'm not gonna.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:36:41 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.
>current year
>tries to be a chad on backwater forum

Literally kill yourself virign
Oh I'm sorry, did I intimidate you with a textual reply? Did I threaten your feelings of safety? Grow the fuck up, and shut the fuck up.

Serious / Re: Sweden plz
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:34:55 AM »
En flagga oavsett nation kan inte utgöra underlag för hets mot folkgrupp, det handlar istället om hur man använder den. Risken med att använda flaggan tillsammans med vapen och musik som påminner om stormaktstiden i bakgrunden kan uppfattas som stötande. Man ska ha varit på plats hos oss den dagen för att förstå varför vi från början tog fram reglerna, säger Hans Åkerlund.

En elev på Söndrums skolan ville under skolans maskeradtävling klä på sig en uniform som bar på den svenska flaggan, han ville också bära en kopia på vapen och samtidigt göra det då musik som påminner om stormaktstid och frihetskamp skulle höras i bakgrunden.

Skolan uppmanade eleven att inte göra det för att man ansåg att det var ett respektlöst sätt att hantera den svenska flaggan på. Eleven vägrade ge med sig men fick trots att man införde reglerna till slut genomföra maskeraden precis så som han ville.

Reglerna har uppmärksammats av högerextrem media som tolkat det som att skolan förbjöd den svenska flaggan. Reglerna som skolan tog fram förklarade att flaggan bara får användas i samband med flaggdagar eller internationellt utbyte, all annan användning är inte tillåten.

På grund av att reglerna kan tolkas fel, har man nu tagit bort dem.

– När man läser reglerna i efterhand förstår jag att det kan bli missförstånd.

Det kan lätt tolkas som att ni förbjuder den svenska flaggan, gör ni det?

– Vi förbjuder ingen användning av flaggan, det är inte vad vi vill åt. Vi ska precis om andra skolor använda flaggan enligt almanackan. Vi gör inga nya regler, de som vi tagit fram tar vi bort. Vi upplever att våra elever vet hur användandet av flaggor ska ske och det ska inte behövas några skrivna regler för det, säger Hans Åkerlund.
A flag regardless of the nation can not be the basis for hate speech, it is instead about how to use it. The risk of using the flag along with weapons and music reminiscent of the Golden Age in the background may be offensive. You should have been here with us that day to understand why we initially came up with the rules, says Hans Åkerlund.

A student at Söndrums school wanted the school's costume contest dressed a uniform that carried the Swedish flag, he would also wear a replica of the weapon while making it as music that is reminiscent of a great power and the struggle for freedom could be heard in the background.

The school urged students not to do it because you felt that it was a disrespectful way to deal with the Swedish flag on. The student refused to give in but was despite the introduction of rules to implement the final masquerade exactly as he wanted.

The rules have attracted the attention of the right-wing media interprets that the school banned the Swedish flag. The rules that the school took out explained that the flag may only be used in conjunction with flag days or international exchange, any other use is not permitted.

Because the rules can be interpreted wrong, they have now removed them.

- When reading the rules in hindsight, I understand that there may be misunderstandings.

It can easily be interpreted to mean that you forbid the Swedish flag, do you?

- We prohibit no use of the flag, it's not what we want. We're just like other schools using the flag according to the calender. We do not make new rules, the ones that we have developed, we'll remove. We feel that our students know how the use of flags will take place and it should not require any written rules for it, says Hans Åkerlund.
This is why I hate people committed to both sides. Instead of reading up on what happened they choose to go to one source that just wants people to read their article. The result is an article that will make people angry and share the article to other people. You're all fucking brainwashed, yet you claim to be "redpilled". Get real, both sides will feed you propaganda, you fucking sheeple.
kheili khoobi destyjoon
Pedar y madar e Ian sagh as

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:45:58 AM »
it's because i'm not posting as often

when i'm not around no one else wants to be here
This is true.

The Flood / Re: >brother brings home PC
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:44:57 AM »
He sounds retarded.
I would kick your ass then boot from external disk to do a drive format.

Fuck you for fucking with other people's shit.
I mean, you could probably kick my ass when I'm turned around, but if you go through with it I'd beat your face bloody.

Serious / Re: Sweden plz
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:37:34 AM »
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race. Sweden's current diabolical situation started in the 70's and can be attributed to a man named David Schwarz.

Want to know something funny? In 1963, before the immigrants came, Sweden, with a population of 7 million -- had a grand total 8 murders that year. Now? Hundreds. And over 80% of murders are caused by immigrants.

It's heartbreaking, to see a society once called "the most successful the world has ever known", be both metaphorically and literally raped to a shell of its former self.

Sweden is beyond the point of no return, and it's sickening that there are people who will defend the travesties that are currently occurring against the native Swedes.
Oh shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

At least use a valid point that can't be refuted easily like the number of rape incidents.

Serious / Re: Sweden plz
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:29:50 AM »
En flagga oavsett nation kan inte utgöra underlag för hets mot folkgrupp, det handlar istället om hur man använder den. Risken med att använda flaggan tillsammans med vapen och musik som påminner om stormaktstiden i bakgrunden kan uppfattas som stötande. Man ska ha varit på plats hos oss den dagen för att förstå varför vi från början tog fram reglerna, säger Hans Åkerlund.

En elev på Söndrums skolan ville under skolans maskeradtävling klä på sig en uniform som bar på den svenska flaggan, han ville också bära en kopia på vapen och samtidigt göra det då musik som påminner om stormaktstid och frihetskamp skulle höras i bakgrunden.

Skolan uppmanade eleven att inte göra det för att man ansåg att det var ett respektlöst sätt att hantera den svenska flaggan på. Eleven vägrade ge med sig men fick trots att man införde reglerna till slut genomföra maskeraden precis så som han ville.

Reglerna har uppmärksammats av högerextrem media som tolkat det som att skolan förbjöd den svenska flaggan. Reglerna som skolan tog fram förklarade att flaggan bara får användas i samband med flaggdagar eller internationellt utbyte, all annan användning är inte tillåten.

På grund av att reglerna kan tolkas fel, har man nu tagit bort dem.

– När man läser reglerna i efterhand förstår jag att det kan bli missförstånd.

Det kan lätt tolkas som att ni förbjuder den svenska flaggan, gör ni det?

– Vi förbjuder ingen användning av flaggan, det är inte vad vi vill åt. Vi ska precis om andra skolor använda flaggan enligt almanackan. Vi gör inga nya regler, de som vi tagit fram tar vi bort. Vi upplever att våra elever vet hur användandet av flaggor ska ske och det ska inte behövas några skrivna regler för det, säger Hans Åkerlund.
A flag regardless of the nation can not be the basis for hate speech, it is instead about how to use it. The risk of using the flag along with weapons and music reminiscent of the Golden Age in the background may be offensive. You should have been here with us that day to understand why we initially came up with the rules, says Hans Åkerlund.

A student at Söndrums school wanted the school's costume contest dressed a uniform that carried the Swedish flag, he would also wear a replica of the weapon while making it as music that is reminiscent of a great power and the struggle for freedom could be heard in the background.

The school urged students not to do it because you felt that it was a disrespectful way to deal with the Swedish flag on. The student refused to give in but was despite the introduction of rules to implement the final masquerade exactly as he wanted.

The rules have attracted the attention of the right-wing media interprets that the school banned the Swedish flag. The rules that the school took out explained that the flag may only be used in conjunction with flag days or international exchange, any other use is not permitted.

Because the rules can be interpreted wrong, they have now removed them.

- When reading the rules in hindsight, I understand that there may be misunderstandings.

It can easily be interpreted to mean that you forbid the Swedish flag, do you?

- We prohibit no use of the flag, it's not what we want. We're just like other schools using the flag according to the calender. We do not make new rules, the ones that we have developed, we'll remove. We feel that our students know how the use of flags will take place and it should not require any written rules for it, says Hans Åkerlund.
This is why I hate people committed to both sides. Instead of reading up on what happened they choose to go to one source that just wants people to read their article. The result is an article that will make people angry and share the article to other people. You're all fucking brainwashed, yet you claim to be "redpilled". Get real, both sides will feed you propaganda, you fucking sheeple.

The Flood / Ok the reason why acitivty has been dropping is because
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:41:08 PM »
you guys are pricks

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:22:37 PM »
Post the lurkers not the posters
Hahaha what

haha, hold up a second, let's not go so far.
Sep7agon is gonna be gone in a few days anyways
Why? I swear to god I'll rain down on your ass if this is your idea of a joke.
WTF you'll rain down on my ass?! What the fuck is wrong with you that's so gay like not just gay but super gay ya know?
I'll split your ass like Moses split the red sea

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:15:30 PM »
Post the lurkers not the posters
Hahaha what

haha, hold up a second, let's not go so far.
Sep7agon is gonna be gone in a few days anyways
Why? I swear to god I'll rain down on your ass if this is your idea of a joke.

The Flood / >brother brings home PC
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:14:18 PM »
>has to leave for work
>I set everything up then claim my free game from AMD
>Sonic Allstar Racing is my jam
>Can't be assed to give him means to access his computer since I made the account and set the pass
>Username: JCD
>Password: Bionicman
>Hint: Deus Ex
I then come home today
>mom tells me that he's mad at me

I could either say sorry, or tell him that he needs to pay me the money he owes before I give him the password. What can he do? Decisions decisions

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:08:15 PM »
Post the lurkers not the posters
Hahaha what

haha, hold up a second, let's not go so far.

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 19, 2016, 02:02:37 PM »
I don't know, it's weird. People have just stopped posting pretty much.
Hey, man, fuck you

The Flood / Re: What's your workout music?
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:34:00 PM »
Eh, who cares? Rammstein sounds like shit anyway

The Flood / Re: What's your workout music?
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:30:28 PM »

The Flood / What's your workout music?
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:25:17 PM »
BeatGodStacy - Linward
One way Mirror - Face to Face

Zawer - Into

« on: October 18, 2016, 11:59:58 AM »



« on: October 18, 2016, 11:59:22 AM »

Discuss survival games with kids killing you 20/7


Gaming / Re: Play a turn-based game with me
« on: October 18, 2016, 11:55:39 AM »
I wouldn't even play rock paper scissors with you let alone a turn based rpg
Who the fuck are you

The Flood / Re: Become a nigro
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:50:11 PM »
Quinferkwon Harris

The Flood / Re: Recommend a good movie to watch
« on: October 17, 2016, 12:51:24 PM »
If you wanna watch another movie about some genius kid, watch Little Man Tate.

Looking for a movie to watch can be really annoying tho. Seems like you've seen all the good ones, so you have to choose between lesser ones.

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:42:27 AM »
I just always saw exercising and fighting as a game. The exercising would be the grinding, and the fighting would be the actual gameplay. It was fun for years, but I've just grown tired of the game. It's no longer fun enough for me to subscribe.

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:08:20 AM »
Do you feel like a sluggish fatass whenever the slightest hint of activity happens now?

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:08:01 AM »
But why?
There's just no pull. No reason is good enough for me. I just suddenly stopped.

The Flood / Re: my life consists of only 2 things
« on: October 16, 2016, 04:12:15 PM »
>Part 1 Dio everywhere ITT

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 16, 2016, 04:07:02 PM »
haha fatass
I'm actually the best I've looked. There's room for improvement, but I still look fit.

But I don't think it's worth it. Putting all those hours into exercising for a better ability to kick ass, and to look good. There's no longer a strong pull towards it.

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