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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: My Statistics Professor Was Arrested...
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:13:10 AM »
Your statistics professor was arrested?

What are the odds of that?

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:49:44 AM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:05:31 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 02:56:48 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 10:29:34 AM »
I want my baby back baby back etc

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 10:20:22 AM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

The Flood / Re: dang I used to be cringy
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:03:52 PM »
Fuck, I thought you were gonna address your posts.

I just skimmed the English source, and I was right in assuming that they'd paint Sweden in black colour. I mean, honestly, what do you think they'd do? Include the whole truth and make people less angry? Hell no, that makes no sense. If they choose bits to make people the most angriest, and then leave out everything else, then of course people are gonna get angry and share it etc. Anger is the biggest contributor for news sharing.

I would like a good, credible source on this, please.

I didn't include a source because it's not the focus of the thread, and I think that the Swedish sources are the most credible ones, but not many speak that language here.

except not.
Say that when she takes your house and pets and alimony

One look at Brendan "everyone's hero" Fraser and you'll see what I mean

The Flood / Re: Real Talk: Why is everything so fucked?
« on: December 04, 2016, 06:16:36 AM »
The way I see it you only have three choices, and if you don't pick one you'll be stuck in limbo.

You either commit to your previous attempt and do like everyone else; you either try to save everyone and everything, or you leave it all behind you, disconnecting from your previous self.

Whatever your choice, don't do it halfassed. The reason why you're feeling anxious is because you need a path.

The Flood / Getting married is like tattooing a partner's name on your body
« on: December 04, 2016, 06:07:52 AM »
What a sham

Are there conservatives in Sweden?
Yeah but they mostly keep to themselves

This is about a year or two old, but doesn't it just make your blood boil? We've become so sensitive that we're disregarding reason and common sense for being PC... of course that is what my first thoughts were, but upon reading what the police chief had to say I changed my mind. Everything made a lot more sense to me, and I found myself agreeing with the decision.

The reason why they don't give out descriptions in petty crimes or daily crimes is because witness reports almost never aid the investigation. It can happen that police are allowed to give out descriptions, but this privilege is exclusive to field cops. So basically we don't get descriptions because there's no reason for it. When you read about a certain kind of people doing bad things you think "We need to punish them" and you start to dislike that kind just a bit more. Sweden isn't going to deport all immigrant because the people are angry, so really, what they're doing is minimizing the hate at the cost of less than 5% aid.

I not only wanna discuss this situation and your opinion on it, but I'd also like to take time to address how easily our opinions are formed when it comes to hate topics.

and if you wanna hate on immigrants for doing bad things, would you beat up one that does something bad? Are you willing to beat up an innocent one on the train or wherever? You have to answer yes to both of these questions if you wanna hate on a certain kind of people.

The Flood / Re: Life hacks
« on: December 03, 2016, 04:05:22 PM »
Life hack: food is for the weak.
Nope, it's the opposite. Twinks don't eat food, and they are weak. Strong people eat lots of food, and they have bigger muscles.

The Flood / Re: Life hacks
« on: December 03, 2016, 03:43:21 PM »
Life hack: Always assume Charlie will say something stupid to save your anger

The Flood / Re: Life hacks
« on: December 03, 2016, 03:42:24 PM »
Life Hack: Drink bleach to escape this cruel and tormenting world
but then I can't be cruel and torment people

Guess lifehacks ain't for everybody ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Flood / Re: Life hacks
« on: December 03, 2016, 03:40:59 PM »
life hack: you can save a lot of time by not clicking on charlie threads


is it really the person's fault or society's fault for giving feminine guys shit
That's like asking who's fault it is if people in a gym laugh at someone doing an exercise incorrectly.

For optimum results the person in wrong will change, but at the same time there's no clear-cut rule that says you have to use the dumbbell in a certain way.
I mean, nobody should laugh at someone in the gym who's doing an exercise wrong, they should just tell them "Hey man, you might injure yourself if you keep jumping whenever you reach the top of your squat," so... Yeah, you can certainly do an exercise improperly. I understand what you're saying, but if you say "I'm gonna go do bench press," then use your feet, you're uh, not doing bench press.

The main point being you shouldn't laugh at someone for being ignorant. You should help them.
You can't force someone to use their arms for the bench press. They might want to use the bench press area for whatever exercise they're doing, and if you try to correct them they might become angry at you for butting in where you don't belong.
If someone's safety is at risk because they're doing an exercise improperly, I don't really care if that person interprets what I'm doing as rude. Realistically, there's nothing wrong with observing someone is about to blow their lower back out, and saying "Dude, your form needs some work."
If they don't harm themselves the day you told them to not do what they were doing, the situation will look like this:
-They will be angry at you
-You will feel flustered over them not following your advice that could save them
-They will still do the thing they were doing before

I get what you mean when you wanna help- the concept isn't foreign to me- but you can't tell people not to hurt themselves and have them follow it just because. People will harm themselves, and there's nothing you're allowed to do about it. You can talk to them, you can scream at them, but you can't physically prevent them from doing the exercise because that's illegal. Even if you could, they'd do the same thing again tomorrow.

Even if you wanna help, and you say "Telling them is enough for me" that doesn't really mean anything if it changes nothing.

is it really the person's fault or society's fault for giving feminine guys shit
That's like asking who's fault it is if people in a gym laugh at someone doing an exercise incorrectly.

For optimum results the person in wrong will change, but at the same time there's no clear-cut rule that says you have to use the dumbbell in a certain way.
im sorry i don't work out i don't understand your gym analogies
Oh wtf don't ever talk to me again, loser

is it really the person's fault or society's fault for giving feminine guys shit
That's like asking who's fault it is if people in a gym laugh at someone doing an exercise incorrectly.

For optimum results the person in wrong will change, but at the same time there's no clear-cut rule that says you have to use the dumbbell in a certain way.
I mean, nobody should laugh at someone in the gym who's doing an exercise wrong, they should just tell them "Hey man, you might injure yourself if you keep jumping whenever you reach the top of your squat," so... Yeah, you can certainly do an exercise improperly. I understand what you're saying, but if you say "I'm gonna go do bench press," then use your feet, you're uh, not doing bench press.

The main point being you shouldn't laugh at someone for being ignorant. You should help them.
You can't force someone to use their arms for the bench press. They might want to use the bench press area for whatever exercise they're doing, and if you try to correct them they might become angry at you for butting in where you don't belong.

is it really the person's fault or society's fault for giving feminine guys shit
That's like asking who's fault it is if people in a gym laugh at someone doing an exercise incorrectly.

For optimum results the person in wrong will change, but at the same time there's no clear-cut rule that says you have to use the dumbbell in a certain way.

It's not about equality, it's about aesthetics. I don't wanna look at an ugly guy. Guys tend to be uglier when wearing girly clothes
That's not even true, there's plenty of guys that look really hot in girls clothes.
That guy looks bad. At first glance he looks alright, but then you picture him walking around and it's unaesthetic. Also, no, most men do NOT look good in women clothing. I'm all for guys with feminine appearance, but I will under no circumstances accept someone who lacks that but still acts it.
"that guy" that's fuckin' david bowie you cave troll.
Who the fuck cares?

It's not about equality, it's about aesthetics. I don't wanna look at an ugly guy. Guys tend to be uglier when wearing girly clothes
That's not even true, there's plenty of guys that look really hot in girls clothes.
That guy looks bad. At first glance he looks alright, but then you picture him walking around and it's unaesthetic. Also, no, most men do NOT look good in women clothing. I'm all for guys with feminine appearance, but I will under no circumstances accept someone who lacks that but still acts it.

It's not about equality, it's about aesthetics. I don't wanna look at an ugly guy. Guys tend to be uglier when wearing girly clothes

The Flood / Re: Think fast: The boys are at Ex Mrs Charlie's...
« on: December 03, 2016, 08:25:07 AM »
It's a Dietrich is gonna come up a dead man tomorrow episode

The Flood / Re: Think fast: The boys are at Ex Mrs Charlie's...
« on: December 03, 2016, 04:52:01 AM »
>it's a "Let's use Desty's "it's a ___ episode"" episode

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:54:19 PM »
So I'm gonna break it to you, this thread was to show you that there's no difference in believing in god than denying the holocaust, or global warming, or the moon landing. They're all ridiculous beliefs that people hold that they simply because they choose to.

Must feel bad knowing everyone thinks you're not above holding such shit opinions.
More like it makes me feel bad for you.
Why would I feel bad that people think you're retarded?
I don't know, why would you?

Loaf said that he feels bad for those who didn't understand the OP, because that means they're retards. He didn't say the latter part; I think so.

People didn't second guess that he actually holds these beliefs, because he's a huge faggot.

That was my point.
Well that's honestly their faults. I also think that he's a faggot, but I don't think he's stupid because of it.

Gaming / Re: Battlefield 1
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:47:54 AM »
Don't get me wrong, I like Battlefield 1 and it's really fun for what it is. However, it does not feel like a BATTLEFIELD game.

I hope this is just leftover residue from Battlefront, since they didn't tweak much between the engines, and not the future formula of the Battlefield series.

EDIT: Fuck all of the medics who don't revive or heal and fuck all of you faggots who quick respawn and don't let me revive you.
Try beating 27 revives and like 30000 points just as the medic

The Flood / Re: I'm too toxic online for normal people
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:17:15 AM »
You should join discord so we can play BF1.
I actually found my Xbone mic

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