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Messages - Desty

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What a sham Sep7agon turned out to be

The Flood / Re: Eating at a buffet when bulking
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:34:07 PM »
Please don't let know that I'm stealing their bandwidth

The Flood / Eating at a buffet when bulking
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:32:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: question about anime
« on: December 08, 2016, 02:35:13 AM »
I mean, where else are you gonna get a mangaka that gets it?

The Flood / Re: question about anime
« on: December 08, 2016, 02:12:44 AM »
so does all/most of anime produced today have sexual content involved

i'm talking about stuff that's a little less martial artsy or whatever. not like dragon ball or any of that shit.

i'm only thinking cuz i'm subiscribed to funimation on youtube and they're always posting these super sexualised video clips of the shows they produce and if you look up some of them they all have sexual scenes and shit. bikini warriors, in particular. i mean, the scenes they show are sexual, but only suggestive, really. but you can look up the uncenssored shit and its basiaclly porn. is this just common place in anime or what?

my exposure to anime is basically only naruto and dbz so this is really where my conceptions come from
There's a reason why I'm only keeping up with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, HxH, and Baki. Baki is a guilty pleasure thing, whereas Jojo and Hunter x Hunter are high quality mangas. The mainstream animes however, are bad when it comes to matters about sex and fanservice. No dignity.

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 08, 2016, 02:00:46 AM »
Age 15, no gains
Age 19, some gains
Killer Queen has already touched those gains

So you're only 19, huh? Thought you were more like 22 or something.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:58:07 AM »
Fuck man, why is everyone so fucking horny these days?
The only thing I'm horny for is puns
I'm a little horny, like an infant rhino.
That's not a pun, it's just ambiguous. You're not really implying anything since infant rhinos aren't horny for sex.
It's called a play on words and it's in the same comic family as puns.

Ya dip.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:27:00 PM »
Fuck man, why is everyone so fucking horny these days?
The only thing I'm horny for is puns
I'm a little horny, like an infant rhino.
That's not a pun, it's just ambiguous. You're not really implying anything since infant rhinos aren't horny for sex.

The Flood / Re: My Statistics Professor Was Arrested...
« on: December 07, 2016, 12:55:44 PM »
Fuck man, why is everyone so fucking horny these days?
The only thing I'm horny for is puns

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 07, 2016, 12:53:13 PM »
I work out never.
Um, excuse me, this is the Fitness thread.

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave

Never gonna argue with a guy I know is a clown
This is what's known as an ad hominem fallacy. Instead of addressing my argument on it's own merits, you attack the arguer instead.
Saying something stupid and being stupid are two different things. You may say stupid things, but I won't ignore you, because you're susceptible to reason. A clown can be the smartest person in the room, but I'll ignore stupid things they've said because no matter how much right I bring up, they're gonna clown around.

Saw that the other day, he simply is incapable of making an unfunny video.
You're absolutely wrong.

Never gonna argue with a guy I know is a clown

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 07, 2016, 10:05:39 AM »
"I would normally laugh at you for having a high level of physical fitness"
The fuck are you on about OP?
Ohh? High level? Didn't know you were an athlete that did extreme workouts.

"conditioning" is a smarter word than "programming" for this subject
But it's two different things.

A creator would have programmed us. We could still be conditioned, though.
well, there is no creator--unless that's what desty is arguing, i haven't even read any of his posts LOL

the takeaway/overall point of this thread is that, if you're not a hard determinist, you're wrong
You shouldn't have been so persistent on being right if you had no idea what you were talking about, fucking clown.

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:58:05 PM »
I personally use darebee For all my workout routines, there is a lot you can do with bodyweight exercises and stretching. I've made fantastic progress on just about every muscle group with minimal effort and no gym membership. I'd also recommend their recent posture program Since it's incredibly easy and also relevant to what you're doing.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a strong good looking body, impressing the thots is just a nice bonus. and abs/core muscles are needed for pretty much any physical activity since their purpose is to help transfer force between your lower and upper body, try digging/shoveling a bunch of dirt and notice how much you use your abs (you'll feel it)
I would normally laugh at you, but I won't because everyone's gotta start somewhere. That doesn't mean you're currently on the right path. When the right path is close enough, jump on board ASAP

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:54:56 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans
I get where you're coming from but I believe that human brains are far more capable than you think. Even if we have programmed responses due to how we grow and the chemicals processes in our brains, we have the ability to learn.

Choice is ultimately what matters here. Ingrained and learned processes can be ignored.
"We're different because we can learn"
"Learned processes can be ignored"
-same guy

Choice is the result of ingrained and learned processed, so no, they shouldn't be ignored.

Ok Desty. We are the same as npcs.
Current NPCs? No. They're not as complex and long lasting as humans.

"conditioning" is a smarter word than "programming" for this subject
No it isn't.

it is
I wonder just how dense you are
You're still wrong

"programming" is probably the dumbest fucking word you could use
Wanna know why I know that's bullshit?

It's thanks to your attempt at using a better word.

I wonder what sex between Verbatim and Desty would look like

I don't care for that man

"conditioning" is a smarter word than "programming" for this subject
No it isn't.

it is
I wonder just how dense you are

"conditioning" is a smarter word than "programming" for this subject
No it isn't.

Desty right now if I wanted to I could kilo myself for no reason.

Programmed beings can't do that.
For no reason? The only reason why you brought it up is because of this thread. Because of the thread, and the replies. That's a reason. To kill yourself randomly for the sake of disproving something is a reason.
I'm talking about not being programmed. What are you talking about?

And when did I say it was because of this thread? I said for no reason, as in I'll just walk outside and jump off a cliff if I want to.
You don't "just" do things. There are reasons behind why you do them,
and the meaning you find in these reasons
can be what drives you to take action.
The way one finds meaning is via ones programming.

Desty right now if I wanted to I could kilo myself for no reason.

Programmed beings can't do that.
For no reason? The only reason why you brought it up is because of this thread. Because of the thread, and the replies. That's a reason. To kill yourself randomly for the sake of disproving something is a reason.

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:12:50 PM »
I got abs, now what?
Ever since I was fourteen I wanted to have abs by the age of 18, but I don't feel like I've accomplished anything because there's very little chance I'll be going to the beach to impress ladies. I also learned that knowing how to talk is more important than having abs.
Teenage girls are so shallow, if they see you have a 6 pack you'll probably start getting a lot more attention from them.
Oh I see, so this is why I didn't see an answer. Having a 6 pack is a way for normies to get attention from girls. That explains why I wanted to have a six pack back when I was 14, and not now.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:55:46 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans
I get where you're coming from but I believe that human brains are far more capable than you think. Even if we have programmed responses due to how we grow and the chemicals processes in our brains, we have the ability to learn.

Choice is ultimately what matters here. Ingrained and learned processes can be ignored.
"We're different because we can learn"
"Learned processes can be ignored"
-same guy

Choice is the result of ingrained and learned processed, so no, they shouldn't be ignored.

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:34:03 PM »
i am a marshmellow
Yeah, I'm planning on participating in a fighting tournament, so I'm currently training my legs for the most part, but I box once a week. I would box more if it were lacking, but at the level I am I'm better than most nonboxers out there who do Muay thai and such.

The Flood / Fitness thread?
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:26:01 PM »
Are you still doing your squats, Prime?

glutes for the slutes
an apple a day is extra sugar for no reason
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
I got abs, now what?
Ever since I was fourteen I wanted to have abs by the age of 18, but I don't feel like I've accomplished anything because there's very little chance I'll be going to the beach to impress ladies. I also learned that knowing how to talk is more important than having abs.

The Flood / Re: Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:37:07 AM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans


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