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Messages - Desty

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The Flood / Re: None of you on this website are funny
« on: January 05, 2017, 11:19:05 AM »
Shut up faggot

who the fuck are you again
That's no way to ask a question, rudeboy. But because I wanna be mean, I'll answer it my way.

Who do you think likes moms the most on this site? Yeah, next time don't post, just try to think with what little brain matter you have.
Do you just jump into other people's conversations because you need attention?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that was your intro into a conversation you wanted to have.

The Flood / Re: None of you on this website are funny
« on: January 05, 2017, 11:01:38 AM »
Shut up faggot

who the fuck are you again
That's no way to ask a question, rudeboy. But because I wanna be mean, I'll answer it my way.

Who do you think likes moms the most on this site? Yeah, next time don't post, just try to think with what little brain matter you have.

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:57:21 AM »
Back when I was a Halo 3 freak and played it every single day, someone could ask me a question like "How many frag grenades are on The Pit?" and I could walk around the map in my head and count them.

But I mean, I don't really see anything of value in that.
In the skill or the map? Either way you don't get to decide, because environmental memory, or any memory for that matter, works like a camera that's recording. You can't stop it, but you can control what it's filming. We have the easiest time memorizing areas, which the Hippocampus is responsible for, and that's a very good skill.

Serious / Re: Fuck yeah, we (UK) are getting laser guns
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:35:44 AM »
"Oi m8, we're fucking irrelevant on the world stage"

"Wot do bruv?"

"Let's build a bloody laser"
Haha that's so funny and makes me like you more. Good thinking posting that.

Gaming / Re: nVidia just announced something you all should listen to
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:33:21 AM »
I swear, you guys have no business sense.
Because I'm not looking at this as an investor, um looking at it as a consumer (which I am). There are consumers who would buy this, but have too poor of an Internet connection to do so; then there are others like me, who have no interest in the concept itself, where ownership is still an important issue. Digital games push that boundary a bit, but a streaming service where you are merely renting the product is over that line.

I could see this being more profitable stateside once optic fiber connections become more common, but right now most of the continent is stuck with dial up or seventy year old copper lines that cable companies are milking.
I want to dream about the possibilities, I want it to be a realized product that will change the future for all of mankind, because let's face it, virtual reality is up there with hovering cars. Used to be back in the days we imagined 2020 to be full of teleporters, space colonisation, and a pill that gave you all of the nutrition you needed. That vision changed throughout the years, and we became more cynical when we thought we were nowhere close to achieving such concepts, but with a plan and a vision, I see 2020 as a year of human advancement.

You can't recruit the mountain people if you don't shoot for the stars, so if you have a willing mind you oughta make the best of it. Using the momentum you can recruit people who will take care of other aspects like a space suit, or food for when you're outside of Earth. Why? Because they also want to see space, and there's profit in it for them.

The Flood / Conor McGregor's plans for 2017
« on: January 05, 2017, 07:19:31 AM »

The Flood / Dana White wants a fight
« on: January 05, 2017, 05:00:08 AM »

Anyone else watching Dana White: Looking for a fight? The announcer made me crack up.

Gaming / Re: nVidia just announced something you all should listen to
« on: January 05, 2017, 04:00:11 AM »
I swear, you guys have no business sense.

Gaming / Re: nVidia just announced something you all should listen to
« on: January 05, 2017, 03:59:54 AM »
With the right marketing this could be big, but they probably don't understand the importance of what they're doing. If they lowered their price to 10-15 dollars, and gave out a presentation like Steve Jobs did and hyped the possibilities up like Todd Howard did, then yeah, I think people would make posts about this on 9gag, people on 4chan would shitposts about this, and reddit would give out links to VR services.
a cool concept, but unlikely on second thought
This is amazing- not the service, but the concept. VR could become much more mainstream with this, because not everyone wants to pay 7000 sek for an Oculus Rift, but I once saw VR goggles for 300 sek in some random shop magazine. This means that you buy those goggles, buy the service, and then start up some VR wherever you are.

Now I imagine it won't have the turning function occur when you turn your head, but that should easily be made available if unknown companies like those get rich quick because of how many buy VR goggles. All they'd have to do is add some accelerometers to the goggles, and you'd be able to turn around by turning your head.

The second problem would be the low amount of VR services out there that allow turning- but that again would change if we saw the mainstream pick up cheap VR. There already is VR porn, and that alone makes me wanna buy those goggles; add more services and you have me sold.
edit: Putting some accelerometers in the headset probably wouldn't help. Having four, or 8 buttons that make you turn in all directions would probably be the way to go.

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:43:55 AM »
What're you fuckihg rain man
You're kidding, right? You mean to tell me you can't visualize whatever you want?

The only problem I have is physics. I can imagine a bus driving on a road, but the speed may alter, and it won't really have much weight. Unless the directions are very clear, like "I want this bus to drive this road", it's gonna be all wobbly

I never said I couldn't
Whatever, man, I don't care about this thread anymore

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:33:00 AM »
I can essentially "draw" things with my mind. I can also imagine a chair leg breaking, and because of the bad balance it falls over.

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:31:06 AM »
What? How is this a practicable skill? There are people who cant think in pictures?
I was able to do augmented reality.

One time I formed lines that connected lights, and another time I shot arrows around in the room.

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:29:12 AM »
What're you fuckihg rain man
You're kidding, right? You mean to tell me you can't visualize whatever you want?

The only problem I have is physics. I can imagine a bus driving on a road, but the speed may alter, and it won't really have much weight. Unless the directions are very clear, like "I want this bus to drive this road", it's gonna be all wobbly

It's just the Bee movie script

Dapper Droid, this meme is old and dead. Let it rest in peace

The Flood / Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:20:17 AM »
Unbelievable, I came across lots of posts saying they can't imagine, say, a ball, or a triangle with colours.

Thinking back, I did do some practice visualization back in first grade, or "10th" grade, so I probably couldn't do it before, but because 2 years have passed it just feels so normal because I used to imagine grappling moves on the train ride home 5 days a week last year for 5 months.

The Flood / Re: challengerX is fat
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:08:05 AM »
Whoa what the fuck

Don't say that, he'll throw a tantrum if you make him mad

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:39:56 AM »
That profile picture is too white, it needs more black to not offend people.

Please read the title, and notice how much emphasis I put on the word "you". The reason for this was so that nobody would be stupid enough to say what others might dislike about me, or what others might like- and yet here you are, doing just that.

I'll rephrase,

The white triggers me.  ;D
I don't care about you disliking a certain colour.
Yet that contradicts the purpose of this thread, does it not? Or are you only selective in the specific discomforts people may have with you?

This was used to make a point, by the way. I could care less about your profile picture, but in order to be seen as a reasonable individual you need to be open to all aspects of the spectrum. That is something you need to work on.
Good to know that you could care less about something, but it just tells me that your care>0. Doesn't tell me if it's 10, 100, or 1000. If you couldn't care less, that'd tell me that you don't care.

Do you really think I'm so insecure that I'll change things I like because other people "don't like it"? I will like what I like, and that's my business, but the way I act changes constantly, and I'd like to behave better. Don't act like the arbiter of my thread's purpose, that's just dumb, but hey, if you're the way you want me to be, that's good news that you told me, because now I can tell you that you need to go see a psychologist on your low self esteem and severe conformity.

The Flood / Fight through the pain!
« on: January 03, 2017, 04:20:29 PM »
Post songs to listen to when sickness is killing you

I can't tell if I'm getting better or not, but fuck if I act like a bitch

The Flood / Re: Guys, I think I fucked up
« on: January 03, 2017, 04:19:12 PM »
Was it really for naught? You've shown dedication and willingness. Go for it, Gaara444!

The Flood / Re: Guys, I think I fucked up
« on: January 03, 2017, 03:16:21 PM »
What would I even say at that point?

"Hey, I drove all the way back just to bother you while you're working and I have no interest in buying anything cause I clearly did that an hour and a half ago."

Too long. "Next time"

You're just pussying out because it makes you uncomfortable and you KNOW IT BOI
Yeah, something like that... only change it so it's more like
"Hey, I drove all the way back here because I realized that there's some sort of connection between us. I could be wrong, but I think I should take the chance. Can I get your number so that we can talk again?"

That's a response if you like her and what you had with her was more than it actually was, but I reread the OP, and my plan would honestly be to go back and buy something small, go to a register near her, then when passing by smile and say "Oh hi again", then take maybe two steps while slowing down, and then turn around and say something like "Hey, can I get your number? I was thinking back to the time when I played "Okami?" and I remembered how fun it was. Y'know, there aren't that many people who are into those sort of things, so finding you was a chance encounter. I think you're an interesting person, and I'd like to know a little more about you."

This should work if she enjoyed your company, because she seemed to have opened up when you talked about the Kitsune thing, so she clearly has a need to talk about herself.

also don't take my advice, my behaviour is autistic, and I can't feel embarrassment, stress, or anxiety.

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:15:53 PM »
i think youre a smart dude with a good head on your shoulders, but the language barrier hampers your interactions with most of us.
Screw that, I'm just making things more complicated than they have to be. I said it once before, and I'll say it again; I'm gonna be more direct.

The Flood / Re: Post hard music
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:11:29 PM »
Haha that dance is so russian

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:09:21 PM »
yeah, youre a bit condescending and pedantic. thats it tho.
Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the input.
Your condescending nature is annoying for me to read.
Both of you, thank you.

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:07:28 PM »
Alright, I'll start being more direct with people

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:04:22 PM »
That profile picture is too white, it needs more black to not offend people.

Please read the title, and notice how much emphasis I put on the word "you". The reason for this was so that nobody would be stupid enough to say what others might dislike about me, or what others might like- and yet here you are, doing just that.

I'll rephrase,

The white triggers me.  ;D
I don't care about you disliking a certain colour.

The Flood / Post hard music
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:54:42 PM »
The first 20 or so seconds of this


The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:49:02 PM »
maybe I should do something about the no chill attitude

The Flood / Re: What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:48:14 PM »
That profile picture is too white, it needs more black to not offend people.

Please read the title, and notice how much emphasis I put on the word "you". The reason for this was so that nobody would be stupid enough to say what others might dislike about me, or what others might like- and yet here you are, doing just that.

The Flood / Re: FUCK LC
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:45:33 PM »
This is all irrelevant.
Like humanity.
Which is why we glassed them.


The Flood / What about me do YOU dislike
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:44:17 PM »
smh can't do this in the title

Oh and for more contex, I'm trying to change

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