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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Jedis are cowards
« on: June 21, 2019, 06:14:54 PM »
Jedis don't want to understand themselves. IF they did, and they still want to remain neutral, then of course there'd be absolutely no reason at all to have a lightsaber or anything like that. The desire to protect and interfere is a desire which can corrupt. They have these desires but they ignore them.

The Flood / Jedis are cowards
« on: June 21, 2019, 06:13:16 PM »
The only reason people turn to the dark side is because of corruptions in desire, and because of this jedis limit themselves to not feel at all so that they can never fall to desire. They'd rather avoid facing things head-on because they're cowards. I'm not saying Sith are the bees knees, they're slaves to their desire, but still. 

Gaming / Re: KOTOR vs KOTOR II
« on: June 21, 2019, 06:06:19 PM »
Kotor II feels like it was written by a teenage girl at times

Serious / Re: On the comparison between Eros and Agape
« on: June 21, 2019, 06:04:05 PM »
Let's face it, god is not merciful in any religion. All religions are based on fear and eros, not love and happiness, and those who are happily religious are truly fools with delusions or Stockholm syndrome. A true religious person is not supposed to be happy, he's supposed to be in fear of god at all times... but yeah I see that there are a lot of inconsistencies in the messages in the bible. On the one hand god punished good people because of tests, and on the other Jesus exists and is supposed to be a conduit for god's good will. It just doesn't make sense to me that one person wrote god, it's clear that there are different versions of god in the bible.

Serious / On the comparison between Eros and Agape
« on: June 21, 2019, 05:55:04 PM »
Nygren argues that eros is an egocentric and acquisitive kind of love, needs-based and desire-based. When we love out of eros - whether we love a god or another human being -, we love out of self-interest and in order to acquire and possess the object of our love. This form of love received its classic expression in the philosophy of Plato, particularly in his dialogue The Symposium.
This is the common definition of Eros, and even Aristotles said that god himself is Eros, and that everyone point their love to the heavens because they desire.

Agape, by contrast, is a self-giving and self-sacrificial kind of love. It is based on God's unconditional love for all creatures. When we love out of agape we reject all self-gain and interest, and surrender ourselves to the other and love them purely for themselves.
God let Jesus die to a bunch of sinners due to his unconditional love (agape). God's supposed to be seen as a figure which we cannot understand because we could never go into a bandit's lair and watch all of them kill a good person and still love everyone equally, but god could. People think this is what unconditional love is in its highest form, and it's true, it totally is. By this definition dead people are closer to true love than us who merely have biases (eros) to people or things we love for personal reasons.

The problem is, this definition of agape is not at all for humans, or any sentient being to have. It entails a philosophy where you don't invest yourself personally into anything, but rather everything on an impersonal level. This is agape; this is the sort of unconditional love that allows you to forgive the person that's raped the people you care about, or the people who constantly do evil in this world.

When I show you the clear evilness in the perceived meaning of agape and really the whole pillar of Christianity (love and forgiveness), it's easy to think that agape is a bad thing used by depressed people detached from their humanity, or some jedi or monk, but I'm just pointing out the flaw of this type of love. Does that mean Eros is the right type of love for us lowly beings?

Eros which is desire, corrupts us. We change who we are to get people we like to want us all while denying our true selves. Eros is why people do stupid things like gamble, rape, immoral actions for the sake of an outcome etc. It's easy to see why people turn to agape when Eros exists. Agape is too far away for them to grasp, and eros is too prevalent in the evil corners of history starting from when Eve took a bite of the apple.

Eros is indeed a bad thing that needs to be controlled, but without it there is no passion or driving factor. It is said that eros is what motivates us. Agape should only be given to the things we come to love naturally for moral reasons. If we have a bias to certain people that isn't corrupting us then surely they deserve this agape.

Gaming / Re: What fighting games have you played?
« on: June 15, 2019, 11:58:54 AM »
I've clocked in like two weeks on For Honor.
For Honor? Nigga are you serious? Go back to playing Quake or fucking Mario bros 2

The Flood / Re: hilda hilda hilda haha hilda children's cartoon
« on: June 13, 2019, 10:17:01 AM »
>obsessed with children's cartoons
that's gonna be a yikes from me
A) who let you in here

B) this thread is a reference to this post, genius
stop trying to be smart, it comes off as stupid

Gaming / Re: What fighting games have you played?
« on: June 13, 2019, 10:13:44 AM »
Mordhau. I've only got a few hours in it, but I'm pretty good bro. Not as good as my nephew, but still decent enough

aw no the pedo's back

Gaming / Re: KOTOR vs KOTOR II
« on: June 10, 2019, 08:17:17 AM »
You gave Darth Nihilus a 4/10? He's such an interesting concept yet you gave him a 4/10? Madness
tbf his boss fight kinda sucks
Yeah but I'm talking about the concept behind a wound in the force essentially becoming a black hole for force energy or whatever

Gaming / Re: KOTOR vs KOTOR II
« on: June 10, 2019, 07:42:12 AM »
You gave Darth Nihilus a 4/10? He's such an interesting concept yet you gave him a 4/10? Madness

I thought you were trans, not a man
I'm not a man, I choose to have man
oh so you're a homo gaysexual

I thought you were trans, not a man

The Flood / Re: That's subjective
« on: May 30, 2019, 08:08:31 AM »
A weird nonbinary faggot told me to give it the source for a picture I posted, and I was like the artist tag is there, and it said "I mean... It's in chinese", and I said "I believe in you!" and he just kept going on and on about it. I asked him why he cares, and he says it's the rules, I said no it's not, then he says because of copyright, and I ask him "Do you really think I'm gonna get a copyright strike on me because of this?" and he @mods and says "can we get an adult in here?"

Like fuck you homo, if you can't argue against me you should just be quiet instead of getting mods to help you. Later on when things had cooled down I say that I hate people like that and everyone's like OMG WTF IS HITLER DOING HERE, meanwhile I'm saying let's talk about this, I want to tell you what my problem is with you. You're passive aggressive but I want to know why etc, and I get banned. This was a server run by paradox interactive, and they had banned usage of pepe the frog and the phrase "deus vult". Being in that server was like being in the muslim server; one wrong step and you know you're in trouble.

The Flood / Re: That's subjective
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:59:34 AM »
you know i see your point OP but maybe the problem is with you

i agree that subjectivity is implied, because having to say "IMO" every time is obnoxious and you shouldn't have to do it, but at the same time, you don't have to express these opinions with such aggression and hostility
this is sooo fucking relatable, this whole fucking thread is exactly what happened when I got banned from an official game's discord server

The Flood / Re: That's subjective
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:57:47 AM »
that's just your opinion

you shouldn't state your opinions as if they're facts, you know
what if i told you that subjectivity is implied, and that you shouldn't need me to spoonfeed you like that
well no you see, you're being aggressive with your opinions, and that's wrong because it hurts my feelings

i should be able to use the internet without having my feelings hurt by someone who has a different opinion than me
i should be able to have a conversation with somebody who understands that there's simply no such thing as "stating an opinion as a fact," and you're merely projecting your own lack of intolerance onto me to feign a sense of maturity

even if i literally said "my opinion is a fact" you should be smart enough to figure out that i'm just fucking with you because you're an idiot who deserves to be fucked with
based, fuck people like this. I went on sep7agon today to specifically throw shade at you and say this is you, verb, but your reply is too relatable

WTF is garrett dillahunt doing in this shitty thread

Respect this man!
fuck off and take your crazy pills


Happaaaa rarirappa paaaa
happaaaa rariraaaa
Happaaaa rarirappa paaaa
happaaaa rariraaaa
Happaaaa rarirappa paaaa
happaaaa rariraaaa

Happaaaa(HEY) raaariir(HEY)appa paa(HEY)aa
happa(HEY)aaa (HEY)rariraa(HEY)aa

is about to go off

The Flood / My discord server nearly got deleted!!!!!
« on: May 27, 2019, 05:33:24 AM »
So I accidentally gave admin to this one guy and I was able to take it back with my charisma dude my discord server is so good and important to me. God I love discord, it's all I ever talk about; y'know, aside from childrens' shows, tranny shit, and... no that's about it right?

The Flood / Hey guys have you heard about my discord server?
« on: May 27, 2019, 05:30:22 AM »
omg look at my discord server, it's so good and fuck solonoid he sucks and hey look one of the users in my discord server made a joke and it made me laugh haha anyway my discord server is having a movie night, a game night, and it's so amazing look at my discord server

The Flood / Re: I used to find black girls unattractive
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:29:11 PM »
shit all of her songs are good

The Flood / Re: I used to find black girls unattractive
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:22:58 PM »
Good music:


hot shit:

I kinda have a crush on her

The Flood / I used to find black girls unattractive
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:19:12 PM »

but uh, then I found a webm and it triggered something in me and now they're just as hot as any other race.
Azealia Banks thread

The Flood / Re: Selling Computer Parts
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:18:01 PM »
This guy's a clown

The Flood / Re: Selling Computer Parts
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:15:40 PM »
fucking redneck, learn how to barter

The Flood / Re: Selling Computer Parts
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:15:10 PM »
SIX dollars for the cpu
fuck off bro, you just increased the value for no reason

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones Finale
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:11:13 PM »
Okay, a petition is turbo autism but to suggest that fan criticism and disappointment equates to disrespect is a tad melodramatic.
Nah, just stupidity/being naive
 “So Daenerys becoming something of the Mad Queen – it shouldn’t be such a negative thing for fans. It’s a shock for sure, but I think it’s just because it hasn’t gone their way.”
She doesn't know what she's talking about. She's either playing stupid or saying stupid shit so she doesn't have to deal with shit from dumb and dumber.

The Flood / Re: Selling Computer Parts
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:07:05 PM »
Do you ship to Sweden? I'll buy the CPU for 5 dollars

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