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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Not Everyone Deserves To Live
« on: September 02, 2019, 06:28:17 AM »
You should of ran down your fat momma's leg, you fucking cunt.
Should HAVE, you uneducated swine.

The Flood / Re: Attention British people
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:41:39 PM »
hey if you see Todd, tell him that if he fucks up Skyrim 2 I give up on Bethesda

The Flood / Re: As I get older and grow wiser
« on: August 22, 2019, 06:42:22 PM »
i appreciate that

sometimes i think it's a shame that i kinda stayed angry and never became more personable when it comes to defending my beliefs, because i've long been told that that's how you get through to people, and that there's no other way

and maybe that's true to an extent, but i don't think being angry is without its benefits—for one thing, it has a way of breathing life into what i'm saying, in the sense that people don't usually forget what i say to them, because i try to physically throw them off the beaten path into newer territory, which gets people thinking in alternative ways

where, on the other hand, if i were nicer, i'd become a pushover/NPC/doormat, because most people probably wouldn't think twice about their own beliefs if i said shit like "uh, i'm a vegan, but don't worry, i'm not one of THOSE vegans, haha"

at the heart of it, i express myself with anger because these things are important to me, and i've always seen more value in getting my beliefs out there than maintaining some kind of good boy reputation on the internet, where i never try to challenge people, or dare to piss anyone off—so i like to think that my attitude comes from a very genuine place

i'm just happy that some people can see where that place is, even if they'd never visit
I never really thought about it too much, but you've greatly impacted my life. Thank you for that, you truly are a special person. As for squat advice, don't use a bar, and just go down into a squat slowly while having something you can grab unto for support, and when your back starts bending go back to where you can maintain balance and a straight back and just hold it. This will greatly improve your form after a few days I reckon. The point is to basically not use the support at all

The Flood / Verbatim's come a long way
« on: August 12, 2019, 06:07:50 PM »

The Flood / Fedorekd's really come a long way
« on: August 06, 2019, 09:14:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: How’s it going?
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:26:54 AM »

wait, it's 2019? Wow, I need to get an alarm clock!

The Flood / Re: guys
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:26:01 AM »
fucking roastie whore fuck off with your "k" bullshit, punkass bitch nigga cunt muncher
You know what? Fuck you, you piece of shit. There are so many flaws with this shitty comment of yours. I am not crazy, delusional, or anything you’ve said you pathetic cunt. I don’t give a shit if the “atrocities” the SU fandom committed where on Twitter or YouTube or Tumblr or anything else. Those are things that actually happened. r/stevenuniverse is getting banned and you won’t stop me. And it will happen, and not because of some stupid made up time gap like a million years or a billion years or any shit that you make up. You’re wrong. You’re so wrong. The people who actually have brains think you’re wrong. You are a wrong, delusional, idiotic asshole. I have changed but you brought out my anger, so that’s why I’m insulting you. Your comment is 100% wrong on so many levels. You are wrong on so many levels. You have no right to be this rude to me, so fuck off. The admins actually listen to me. Why would anyone in the whole world listen to an insufferable user like you? Now piss off, bloody piker.
Yeeeuup. That's what they all say

Yeah that's me. Move to Asheville and call me, I'll hook you up lol
Tell me about the job. I actually thought about you when I made this thread thinking "hey doesn't Class work as one?"

The Flood / Re: guys
« on: July 26, 2019, 11:57:32 PM »
fucking roastie whore fuck off with your "k" bullshit, punkass bitch nigga cunt muncher

could be fun

The Flood / Re: Pics of me (plus my new voice) please rate both
« on: July 22, 2019, 05:11:22 PM »
I immagine one day when 100% of men are feminized, their gonads are gone and semen is disappeared in the whole " transgender country " .Within 40 years they will become old trans still addicted to their immaginative icons with a face not so nice like before. I love to be a man, to be heterosexual and monogamous. I am not an hater , I express myself without any conditioning , be free , peace. Desty

The Flood / Re: das is not good
« on: July 22, 2019, 05:09:22 PM »

The Flood / guys
« on: July 22, 2019, 05:08:28 PM »
I am a 27 year old man, but from the age of 15-16 I really have the strong desire to become a woman. I am really frustrated and irritated by This boring male life, I want to become a beautiful woman, and wish  to become a mother of Two girl children.i want to live life as a woman. Women are superior than men. I want to be female forever.

The first one was at my boxing gym years ago when I saw these two dudes sparring at full speed with like 100% power but each and every one of their hits were dodged by the other, and the second one was the replay of the top ranked player in Devil Daggers. I don't know what to say, honestly. I'm speechless to what I saw, my eyes hurt from visual overload, and I don't know.

I watched this ingame after having played the game a bunch. I think you appreciate the clip more if you get the authentic experience

The Flood / Re: I'm legitimately surprised this place still exists
« on: July 07, 2019, 12:17:13 PM »
if we do get a new user they usually get scared off or, like you said, get bored of the same 3 users
Markhan is a clear contradiction. Came from the void, and became a real man!

The Flood / Re: My account is 2 y.o now
« on: July 06, 2019, 10:19:27 AM »
now you are a real man!

so the options are between autists and one ok guy? You know, for my money's worth, I gotta go with the mega autist fedora kid
im the ok guy right

please say right i need this
fuck of class

sorry deci

 so the options are between autists and one ok guy? You know, for my money's worth, I gotta go with the mega autist fedora kid

Gaming / Re: Summer Steam Sale
« on: July 05, 2019, 12:33:33 PM »

Gaming / Re: Summer Steam Sale
« on: July 01, 2019, 11:32:26 AM »


Gaming / Re: Summer Steam Sale
« on: June 30, 2019, 08:00:29 AM »
I've only bought Fallout 4, but I refunded that shit after an hour since it wasn't really fun.

edit: aw man I got pig
Pigs are on third place today, so it still better than Corgi, for today at least. Chances are miniscule anyway
dude I gave all my points to corgi

Gaming / Re: Summer Steam Sale
« on: June 30, 2019, 07:36:16 AM »
I've only bought Fallout 4, but I refunded that shit after an hour since it wasn't really fun.

edit: aw man I got pig

Gaming / Re: Summer Steam Sale
« on: June 30, 2019, 07:33:59 AM »
Bought both System Shock games, Wolfenstein II, and Mankind Divided so far.

Also who /cockatiel/ here
I think Banjo is. I chose corgi 'cause redditors do all the work but I didn't consider that my odds of winning a free game would be higher in the other top 3 teams since there are fewer users there

The Flood / Re: Jedis are cowards
« on: June 27, 2019, 09:16:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: Old Topics now locked?
« on: June 25, 2019, 10:28:33 AM »
hey isn't that my thread?

The Flood / Re: post really "well recorded" music here
« on: June 22, 2019, 04:37:33 PM »



The Flood / Re: Jedis are cowards
« on: June 21, 2019, 08:33:15 PM »
It's Jedi, plural
You wouldn't say Chineses
yeah you'd know, Chang

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