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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 606162 6364 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Dear Lionhead,
« on: March 25, 2018, 03:37:28 AM »
How is a defunct company going to do anything?
damn it, stop making me think you're banjo.

The plan is for a rich millionaire to see this thread and revive Lionhead momentarily so they may create the fabled Fable II. Why would they do that? Because they'd make back all the money invested, plus a bit extra.

The Flood / Not that I care much, but Howtobasic reveals his face
« on: March 25, 2018, 03:26:57 AM »

Gaming / Re: Dear Lionhead,
« on: March 24, 2018, 12:18:45 PM »

Better yet,

Black and White 3.
or better yet shut the fuck up

Fable 2 or nothing

Gaming / Dear Lionhead,
« on: March 24, 2018, 10:54:32 AM »

or an anniversary edition

The Flood / Re: Bring back Kinder
« on: March 24, 2018, 06:14:19 AM »
Shove that please up your ass

People have a right to be assholes, it's their right.
God damn it this is america, we have our rights and freedom! God bless this nation
it's not america though

it's scotland
Every country is america
Only America puts tariffs on China and EU.
Hey that's a pretty good point

People have a right to be assholes, it's their right.
God damn it this is america, we have our rights and freedom! God bless this nation
it's not america though

it's scotland
Every country is america

like, would you like to know if she was into you
i mean, i'm pretty much past it by now, but i'll humor you
I think she enjoyed your company, but her not showing many expressions and asking you good questions all points to her being courteous. She strikes me as the type of girl who projects her own world onto the real one, and whenever something happens that could drastically change the world, she feels an unease. You didn't fit into her world, you were just a guy who she would practice talking to and learn more about. To her humans are characters in this world of hers.

Her finding a husband means two things probably. The husband is either strongly defined, which makes it easy for her to fit him into her world, or the husband is someone who views her world alongside her.

All of this is why she seemed so distant. She herself was never a character you could define

like, would you like to know if she was into you

Can you give her my number?
idk, even mine is larger, i'm not sure if she'd be impressed with yours
Jokes aside, I feel like I understand her

If there's anything you're wondering about, ask, I might be able to provide an answer.

What's she doing now?
something to do with oil fields in north dakota

not exactly the career path i expected her to take, but she was quite adamant about it

something about not having to get a degree, even though she had the chops to do whatever she wanted
Can you give her my number?

i never learned how to drive in high school, but my house was within a 10-minute walking distance anyway, so it wasn't really a big deal at the time—michigan weather wasn't always kind to me, though, so if i wasn't trudging through 10 inches of snow, i was probably freezing to death from the wind chill (and i was too cool to wear boots, snowpants, or a decent jacket)

i was also hyper introverted during my freshman and sophomore years, and the only friends i had were the friends i've always had since elementary school

i started coming out of my shell a little during junior year, though, and by senior year, it felt like i had made friends, or at least acquaintances, with almost everyone in my class, which was great (then that all came crashing down as soon as i graduated but hey, whatever, senior year is the happiest i remember being in the past four years)

that said, i was never great with girls, but only because i never really tried—so by the time i finally decided to ask someone out during senior year, i wasn't well-practiced at all and i still cringe about it to this day

i had a crush on this girl who i met in middle school—she was very quiet and to herself (like me), was a really good student (unlike me), and very pretty in a demure debutante kind of way (a rarity for girls of her disposition), and though she wasn't quite the salutatorian, she was definitely in the discussion

she was really really sweet, too—just the nicest girl you'd ever meet—but she also had this reputation of rejecting every guy who's ever asked her out, and anyone who ever ever tried was lambasted by everyone else for even thinking to corrupt such a pure, pristine, innocent girl

i never ever spoke to her in middle school, we only became somewhat acquainted in high school—we had a couple classes where we sat near each other, exchanging thoughts here and there, that type of thing, never a lengthy conversation

at some point during senior year, though, she got her license—and she would occasionally spot me on my way home from class, and for whatever reason, she just started offering me rides home

i would always accept, obviously, even though it made me incredibly anxious—this is a girl i've been crushing on for years, after all—but it would be very silly for me not to take her up

she would do this rather frequently, and sometimes she'd even drive me to school—i would never ask her, but she would always offer—and we'd always have a pretty good conversation on the way home, where i discovered that, while we may not be interested in a lot of the same things, she seemed genuinely interested in what i had to say, which i can tell, because she asked a lot of good questions

even though i liked and appreciated it, it still fucked with my head, because i couldn't tell if she was just doing it out of the kindness of her heart, or because was she into me, and this was her way of letting me know about it (because she never rode with anyone else)

eventually, i guess the hormonal horndog within me decided it very well may have been the latter—so, after taking me home one night for what must have been the fifth or sixth time, i made a snap decision to ask her out right then and there—but i've never asked anyone out before, and my anxiety through the roof, so i wound up fumbling the execution pretty badly

the way it played out was, she stopped at my door, we said our goodbyes, and i stepped out of the car—but then suddenly, i turned back around before closing the door, poked my head back in for a second, and i either said "uh, hey" or "uh, wait"

she looked at me again, and then i asked her something like, "do you think we could go out some time"

i didn't stutter, i said it confidently, but i instantly felt an explosion of regret well up inside my stomach as i braced myself for her response

the expression on her face was hard to read—she wasn't a very expressive person in general, so i honestly couldn't get a read on her reaction at all—but either way, she gave me a "hmm... maybe!" and drove off

i think "hmm, maybe, we'll see" was her exact response

which of course means "no"
which means she really was just trying to be nice the whole time

so that might be the cringiest thing i've ever done, because it was such a pitiful attempt, but i'm able to defend it because i GENUINELY felt that she was into me, because she was giving me every single indication

she was the only girl who ever shown me any interest whatsoever, and out of them all, she was my crush—so i felt like i had to seize the opportunity

so yeah, cringe—but no ragrats at the same time

another thing—we invited each other to our graduation parties that year, and i went to hers, but she didn't show up to mine—but the very next day, i receive a LONG facebook message from her, apologizing for not being there, and that she just couldn't make it, but she's so sorry, and all this stuff

so i dunno man, maybe she did like me after all, but was just as awkward as me about it, who knows

not that any of it matters now, she moved to the south and got married there last year
What's she doing now?

People have a right to be assholes, it's their right.
God damn it this is america, we have our rights and freedom! God bless this nation

Serious / Re: School shooting stopped almost immediately
« on: March 23, 2018, 12:26:06 PM »
Nobody is in critical condition

Gaming / Re: I think Bungie is trying to kill itself at this point
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:52:44 AM »
LOL so you think those people were doing all this out of the goodness of their heart? of course they were trying to make money. youtube channels and twitch channels.

we both can agree that the destiny 2 is a flop but to think that the game is made for casuals is a farce. it is lacking on what made destiny great because the people who had the vision to make destiny are gone. it wasn't made for casuals. it wasn't made for anybody, but bungie trying to fulfill their end of a contract. What makes a game for casuals is the community that builds the following that gets the attention of the people you would consider casuals. people that came in year 2, people that came in year 3. Being addicted to A game makes you a casual. Playing only ONE game makes you a casual. I am a gamer bro, a hard core gamer. How much time i put in destiny doesn't make me a core or hard core gamer but how much gaming i do all together. And believe it or not doing the same thing over and over and again is part of being a gamer.

Gaming / Re: I think Bungie is trying to kill itself at this point
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:45:24 AM »
they werent the only people to do those things and they wont be the last. they were just another group of people trying to make money off of other people's work. and about the fan boys, you will all be back one day. not cause the game is great but because it has the CASUAL following again. hard core means hard core. keep moving on to games like fortnite and see how much depth you can find doing the same thing over and over, dying again and again, having to collect the same loot over and over again...wait that is destiny...but with no lore.

Serious / Re: School shooting stopped almost immediately
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:41:05 AM »
The other 2 people might still die since they're in critical condition, but you know....

At least its not 17 people.
One is in critical condition

Who hasn't been banned from 4chan?

Is it a common thing? I've only ever gotten temporary bans.
temporary bans are bans you schmuck

Of course. it sounded like you meant a permanent one. Apologies.
I forgive you.

Who hasn't been banned from 4chan?

Is it a common thing? I've only ever gotten temporary bans.
temporary bans are bans you schmuck

how tf you get banned from 4chins?
I told mook his mom was gay and he should seppuku

okay what the fuck

Post this link in

please, these are prime hours
all you have to do is create the thread, if you give me the link I can get people to bump it

velox just come to the dextroverse we have a great community
I shudder to think what nightmares roam free in that realm
yeah a chat where everyone supports each other w/o judgment while also caring about their health and safety

terrible place
"The IRC is harm reduction community first and foremost, there have been a lot of deaths over the nearly two decades it has existed and every rule is with safety in mind."

why is this funny

No one dies from DXM, they die from the fillers they add to cough pills that also contain DXM

That's why it's harm reduction, they shit all over you if you're using cccs or mucinex
that's why it's funny

he just casually brings it up like it's nothing, as he enables it all the while

these people are so blissfully unaware of how fucking depraved they are
what are you guys talking about? A group that tells you how to use drugs safely?
a subreddit for DXM tweakers

This is proper fun guys

I come here, make a few threads, and invite a couple people that seem cool to Sapphire, and everyone freaks out lol
Despite my original post itt, I honestly don't have a problem with your forum or you trying to recruit people from here. I just don't think younger, more impressionable users should be going over there.
Yea that makes sense, sep7agon is definitely more appropriate for young people, because we all know that unmoderated racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, and constant arguing set a great example
I think our Serious board can pretty much speak for itself in disproving your post.

And for the record, I voiced similar concerns when Ender was hanging out with Slash and posting like a /pol/ack.
and now she's dating a pedophile who's fucked in the head. Way to go Ender

HAHAHA Ember btfo'd

Damn Velox, you looking fine with your ugly face and your mascara
keep it up

The Flood / Re: today is my b day :D
« on: March 19, 2018, 02:51:29 PM »
happy birthday, to you, man

Gaming / Re: ................
« on: March 19, 2018, 03:15:05 AM »
Oh my god it's drumpf!

The Flood / Re: Damn, another girl blew me off
« on: March 19, 2018, 03:11:52 AM »
Wait did you steal my drawings to impress this girl? LOL

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