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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 353
That is definitely not the narrative I'm hearing from news/media outlets; instead I'm being told that he died as a result of suffocation from Chauvin having his knee pressed down on his head. I completely agree that Chauvin's treatment of George only worsened the situation, but when reading the actual transcripts the situation was completely fine before he entered the picture. The initial cop handling Flyd was being polite and respectful when interacting with Floyd (Floyd repeatedly asking to open up a window because he was claustrophobic in a car and the cop repeatedly saying he'd not only do that but also keep the AC in the car on for him). The only issue was the cop was asking politely for Floyd to cooperate with him, but he wasn't being aggressive about it.

I see other reports that Chauvin knew Floyd previously. However that appears to have disappeared almost completely by now. Why do you think that is? Maybe because it would paint a different narrative that Chauvin was acting alone in abusing Floyd out of personal reasons and therefore they can't paint a racist picture against every cop on the scene (which is already incredibly dubious with these transcripts)?

What do you mean? I keep hearing he died of a heart attack or something unrelated to the knee on his neck. That doesn't really make things more easy-going or anything. The cops were in the wrong, and as a result of their rough treatment George's condition probably worsened and because the cops didn't pay him any attention he died. I don't get what you want to talk about, if you have something to say just say it, nobody's gonna talk for you, talk for yourself.
Ok so your issue is with those medias painting the wrong picture. You're letting it affect you for no reason in other regards. You're bringing that shit into this discussion on sep7agon. You have to be more self-contained and pragmatic. If your issue is with media outlets giving false information or there being a general misconceptions of something, then go ahead and spread awareness if it affects you so much, just don't expect the hate to subside over details. You gain absolutely nothing by bitching about it. Present the facts, then be done with it. You come across as someone who's on the cops' side right now, and that's not a good thing since that'd mean you're missing the bigger picture.

Even if he didn't die, the way those cops treated him was god-awful and not justifiable in any way. They had him in cuffs and on his back yet felt the need to push down on his neck


So can we talk about how he asked to lay on the ground and repeatedly says he can't breathe long before a knee was on his neck? Not saying Chauvin isn't guilty, but it's awfully convenient how no one is mentioning these facts.
What do you mean? I keep hearing he died of a heart attack or something unrelated to the knee on his neck. That doesn't really make things more easy-going or anything. The cops were in the wrong, and as a result of their rough treatment George's condition probably worsened and because the cops didn't pay him any attention he died. I don't get what you want to talk about, if you have something to say just say it, nobody's gonna talk for you, talk for yourself.

If you have wings that are colorful enough and you know how to fly, then it's worth a few hard times to get the most out of that.
nice post class

The Flood / Re: nobody caares
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:42:27 AM »
I can one up you and say that anybody who doesn't post a picture of themselves is also insecure. What are you gonna do then?
More like one down. Posting a picture of yourself is an action that's done in order to get compliments, or appreciation for your looks. If you don't want to post a picture of yourself because you find yourself to be ugly then you're not insecure, you're secure in the fact that you are ugly.

Eh. Not really. It goes case by case. I can still challenge you to the fact that not posting a picture can potentially be interpreted as insecurity. The insecurity stems from the potential to be ridiculed. You're not secure in the fact that you're ugly, you're afraid of losing face in front of people who can potentially try to put you down for it. A person who was secure in their ugliness? They'd post and not give a care to the reaction. Really, it can go both ways. You can be an insecure attention whore or somebody who simply posts a picture because they were asked. You can be ugly and insecure enough to not post a picture, or secure enough to say fuck it I don't really care what happens. It just depends on the person and circumstance.
you're not making sense. If an ugly person knows they're ugly, and they choose to post a picture, that's an action. All actions have a purpose. Not doing anything is the neutral state. The ugly person posting a picture while saying "fuck it I don't care" is deluding themselves. If somebody asks the ugly person to post a pic and gives a normally convincing reason as to why they want to see the ugly person, then the ugly person that's not insecure will post their selfie because they're not looking for validation, nor are they trying to shield themselves from harm by not posting.

Also, the ugly person going into a thread asking for the faces of Sep7agon (example) would post their face because it has nothing to do with validation.

The Flood / Re: nobody caares
« on: July 04, 2020, 03:51:05 AM »
I can one up you and say that anybody who doesn't post a picture of themselves is also insecure. What are you gonna do then?
More like one down. Posting a picture of yourself is an action that's done in order to get compliments, or appreciation for your looks. If you don't want to post a picture of yourself because you find yourself to be ugly then you're not insecure, you're secure in the fact that you are ugly.

The Flood / nobody caares
« on: June 20, 2020, 03:50:00 PM »
seriously, stop posting your ugly selves you pieces of shits, that's just your insecurities

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 13, 2020, 04:18:06 AM »
you're right on cue

it never ever fails
you better read what I listed
what's the shortest one
Trail of blood has 75 chapters out. I guess Ajin is second since it has 77 chapters out
oh, so they're ongoing? i usually prefer to wait until shit gets finished, because even if i do enjoy it, there's always a chance that it'll just go to shit like game of thrones did or something

but if you insist
You done reading?

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 09, 2020, 01:47:08 PM »
I've met fucked up homeless people with less salt than the lol community. Which is honestly rather depressing to think about.
How is that depressing?

That some bum on the streets in probably the worst condition they'll be is less salty than a screaming manchild ignorant to their luck of condition in life.
god you're fucking dumb. You have zero grasp of how humans work. Are you autistic or on the spectrum? I'll excuse your ignorance then, but if not, jesus christ you talk like a boomer. "Video games are a waste of time stop getting mad when playing them go outside. Oh you're depressed? Think of all the starving children in africa who die"
I certainly didn't state anywhere that video games were a waste of time.
you did tho. You said people aren't allowed to get invested in a game, or a match and rage when they lose because they want to win so bad. Salt doesn't come from life sucking, it comes from not being able to get what you want. A homeless man most likely didn't try hard to succeed and then failed so miserably he lost everything and can't come back. Homeless people most likely feel powerless, or feel that the system ain't worth living in. It has nothing to do with salt

Never said they weren't allowed.Putting implied meanings into my words again. People are allowed to do as they wish but it doesn't make it any more or less inane.

"Salt doesn't come from life sucking, it comes from not being able to get what you want."

Self defeating sentence.  Life sucking on occassion can be summed up as not getting what one wants. I knew many homeless who could be salty and bitter over that. But never to the extent I've seen some gamers rage in their own particular way. Keep in mind that I never said somebody can't get salty over what they want to have it denied. The psychology behind games creates an immense need and focus, so naturally if anger arises it will be as intense as the need. The key difference between a manchild and a rational human being is whether or not they choose to lose control of their emotional stability and rage. Which is why I find raging gamers to be a pathetic sight. I've walked alongside people who've had reason to rage as much as some gamers do, and yet they maintained a presence of decency and respect throughout their entire time with me.

So perhaps you can understand my thoughts now. Have you ever been sad in your life? Really sad, down and out to the point of tears? And have you ever bumped into someone who was also sad to the point of tears, but found out that their reason for being so upset wasn't really much of a valid reason? It works the same with anger.

Before you say that I said one can't be angry, I never advocate for that. People always get angry sometime, even me. The difference is how they choose to handle it. The very subject of this thread was the salty community of lol after all. Their bouts of saltiness are pathetic.
Your attitude is detrimental. You're saying people should stop taking things as seriously as they do and control themselves. Geniuses, athletes, pretty much anyone at the top will lose themselves to their job. They'll neglect the fact that they're crippling themselves, eating for days, or other shit because they're so invested. I don't know why you're comparing a gamer who is trying their best but failing, and a homeless person who doesn't have enough money to live comfortably. If we're going to the extremes and saying that the homeless person is trying reaaaally hard to get jobs to the point where they're obsessed, then it's on the same level of intensity that athletes, geniuses and other are feeling. Humans don't care about what's normal or accepted as good conduct when they get tunnel vision on what they want. They will sacrifice everything for it.

Never said anything about taking a situation more or less seriously. I just find people's lack of composure over what's arguably trivial in a lot of instances to be a display of something almost akin to that of a child, which in my shoes, I'd be embarrassed to fall victim to. Don't misunderstand me, I know how people act when they're invested. It doesn't make rage any less of a childish thing depending on the situation.
uch to rage and act retarded is an activity meant mainly for relaxation, even if they are invested in it.
I'm telling you dude, your idea of what's mature and what isn't is super detrimental. To become an adult you have to lose your ego and feel like a shell that's living life on autopilot. Never truly invested in anything. Take a gamer that rages a lot in videogames and put him in a real life crisis and he will act the way normal people would. There is the argument that if you try and fail you will feel worse than if you don't try and fail. That's true, if a gamer tries hard and fails he will either get mad or sad. That's reality for those who are invested. Do you think becoming sad is more mature than becoming mad?

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 09, 2020, 06:36:52 AM »
Verbatim is a miracle and I will not have you, of all people, disparage him
ok and? You've made your claim, now go ahead and do something about it. Let's see you manifest your will

The Flood / Re: this guy is an asshole
« on: June 09, 2020, 06:34:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: this guy is an asshole
« on: June 08, 2020, 02:11:49 PM »
So is this guy
too obvious, dude, too fucking obvious.

The Flood / this guy is an asshole
« on: June 08, 2020, 04:21:09 AM »

The Flood / Re: Is it furry July or furry June
« on: June 07, 2020, 06:34:59 PM »
bruh what the fuck

The Flood / The Joker is a mask for our inner mental illness
« on: June 07, 2020, 01:47:38 PM »
I think that's pretty amazing guys leave a like

The Flood / Re: A big ass moth descended
« on: June 07, 2020, 01:43:38 PM »
Imagine being a fly and being breathed in by a giant and then endlessly being tossed around a dark cavernous tomb until you get stuck on a wall of flesh and dissolved by acid

The Flood / A big ass moth descended
« on: June 07, 2020, 11:25:39 AM »
I vacuum it because I don't wanna crush it. A fast fly takes its place not 5 minutes later, and I fucking blow it out of the window. I'm the bug master

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 07, 2020, 07:02:24 AM »
I've met fucked up homeless people with less salt than the lol community. Which is honestly rather depressing to think about.
How is that depressing?

That some bum on the streets in probably the worst condition they'll be is less salty than a screaming manchild ignorant to their luck of condition in life.
god you're fucking dumb. You have zero grasp of how humans work. Are you autistic or on the spectrum? I'll excuse your ignorance then, but if not, jesus christ you talk like a boomer. "Video games are a waste of time stop getting mad when playing them go outside. Oh you're depressed? Think of all the starving children in africa who die"
I certainly didn't state anywhere that video games were a waste of time.
you did tho. You said people aren't allowed to get invested in a game, or a match and rage when they lose because they want to win so bad. Salt doesn't come from life sucking, it comes from not being able to get what you want. A homeless man most likely didn't try hard to succeed and then failed so miserably he lost everything and can't come back. Homeless people most likely feel powerless, or feel that the system ain't worth living in. It has nothing to do with salt

Never said they weren't allowed.Putting implied meanings into my words again. People are allowed to do as they wish but it doesn't make it any more or less inane.

"Salt doesn't come from life sucking, it comes from not being able to get what you want."

Self defeating sentence.  Life sucking on occassion can be summed up as not getting what one wants. I knew many homeless who could be salty and bitter over that. But never to the extent I've seen some gamers rage in their own particular way. Keep in mind that I never said somebody can't get salty over what they want to have it denied. The psychology behind games creates an immense need and focus, so naturally if anger arises it will be as intense as the need. The key difference between a manchild and a rational human being is whether or not they choose to lose control of their emotional stability and rage. Which is why I find raging gamers to be a pathetic sight. I've walked alongside people who've had reason to rage as much as some gamers do, and yet they maintained a presence of decency and respect throughout their entire time with me.

So perhaps you can understand my thoughts now. Have you ever been sad in your life? Really sad, down and out to the point of tears? And have you ever bumped into someone who was also sad to the point of tears, but found out that their reason for being so upset wasn't really much of a valid reason? It works the same with anger.

Before you say that I said one can't be angry, I never advocate for that. People always get angry sometime, even me. The difference is how they choose to handle it. The very subject of this thread was the salty community of lol after all. Their bouts of saltiness are pathetic.
Your attitude is detrimental. You're saying people should stop taking things as seriously as they do and control themselves. Geniuses, athletes, pretty much anyone at the top will lose themselves to their job. They'll neglect the fact that they're crippling themselves, eating for days, or other shit because they're so invested. I don't know why you're comparing a gamer who is trying their best but failing, and a homeless person who doesn't have enough money to live comfortably. If we're going to the extremes and saying that the homeless person is trying reaaaally hard to get jobs to the point where they're obsessed, then it's on the same level of intensity that athletes, geniuses and other are feeling. Humans don't care about what's normal or accepted as good conduct when they get tunnel vision on what they want. They will sacrifice everything for it.

The Flood / How the fuck do people have beards?
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:31:10 PM »
I fucking hate it, it's itchy as hell

Serious / Re: Rioters are literal terrorists
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:17:18 PM »
I hold prejudice against everybody because ninety five percent of them seem to be functionally retarded.
And you're not?

Never implied I wasn't subject to human bouts of retardation. But I am sapient enough to know that blowing shit up/looting makes nobody's day and constitutes a pointless act.
you're not sapient enough to anything. Blowing up rich peoples' money physically is the only way for poor people to say "fuck you rich banker who have rigged the system, I'm gonna put you down a peg". It's peaceful protests that don't accomplish anything aside from black people getting more care. Fuck black people, these riots shouldn't be about them, it should be about the rich who've rigged the system to oppress normal people for their gain.

Ok then Desty my man. Let's make a plan. Let's use walmart as a hypothetical target. Now, are we blowing up walmart stores? Because that's a pretty good way to target rich people's money right? Well, that gives us an easy target of 4,756 walmarts in the US to take down,  and 11,500 worldwide. I'm afraid I can't conjure up the math on the tnt explosive force needed to completely demolish a walmart, but I know it'd be quite a bit if we felt like taking out all the wally worlds in the US alone.

And we haven't taken into account a random factor yet either. Civilians as collateral. Blowing up a building of any kind usually comes with the risk of taking somebody out or injuring them. You have to ask the question of whether or not the life of a bystander is worth destroying when a large corporation like walmart can absorb the loss of a store very easily via insurance, rendering any random bystander's death as pointless.

We also have to take note that creating explosions and damage gives the media a tool to use against the group or people doing it. Your movement gains no positive traction that way. The way you win the war with the corporations is by winning the minds of the people who actively keep them functioning. The people who buy shit.

Paint me a picture here. What would happen to a walmart, or any big brand company out there if nobody bought anything from them for a month? Two months? Six months?
Oh yeah. That's pretty true. I never thought of it that way before.

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:15:30 PM »
I've met fucked up homeless people with less salt than the lol community. Which is honestly rather depressing to think about.
How is that depressing?

That some bum on the streets in probably the worst condition they'll be is less salty than a screaming manchild ignorant to their luck of condition in life.
god you're fucking dumb. You have zero grasp of how humans work. Are you autistic or on the spectrum? I'll excuse your ignorance then, but if not, jesus christ you talk like a boomer. "Video games are a waste of time stop getting mad when playing them go outside. Oh you're depressed? Think of all the starving children in africa who die"
I certainly didn't state anywhere that video games were a waste of time.
you did tho. You said people aren't allowed to get invested in a game, or a match and rage when they lose because they want to win so bad. Salt doesn't come from life sucking, it comes from not being able to get what you want. A homeless man most likely didn't try hard to succeed and then failed so miserably he lost everything and can't come back. Homeless people most likely feel powerless, or feel that the system ain't worth living in. It has nothing to do with salt

The Flood / Mordo calls Ian a bootlicker for siding with the cops...
« on: June 06, 2020, 03:11:48 PM »
Meanwhile people are literally licking black peoples' boots out there...
Kinda makes you think... (sarcasm)

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:34:45 PM »
you're right on cue

it never ever fails
you better read what I listed
what's the shortest one
Trail of blood has 75 chapters out. I guess Ajin is second since it has 77 chapters out
oh, so they're ongoing? i usually prefer to wait until shit gets finished, because even if i do enjoy it, there's always a chance that it'll just go to shit like game of thrones did or something

but if you insist
You will fucking regret it if you don't read them. I'm not gonna tell you what either of them are about or why they're great, but the two I recommended you read now are great in different ways. Ajin is great in what it does with its concept. It continually surprises you in pleasant ways.

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:30:21 PM »
I've met fucked up homeless people with less salt than the lol community. Which is honestly rather depressing to think about.
How is that depressing?

That some bum on the streets in probably the worst condition they'll be is less salty than a screaming manchild ignorant to their luck of condition in life.
god you're fucking dumb. You have zero grasp of how humans work. Are you autistic or on the spectrum? I'll excuse your ignorance then, but if not, jesus christ you talk like a boomer. "Video games are a waste of time stop getting mad when playing them go outside. Oh you're depressed? Think of all the starving children in africa who die"

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:27:40 PM »
you're right on cue

it never ever fails
you better read what I listed
what's the shortest one
Trail of blood has 75 chapters out. I guess Ajin is second since it has 77 chapters out

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:09:21 PM »
you're right on cue

it never ever fails
you better read what I listed

Hitler went to Argentina.
if so he's deaad from old age so who cares? He was a looney, just like your tunes  :P

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 05, 2020, 09:08:59 AM »

Serious / Re: Rioters are literal terrorists
« on: June 05, 2020, 09:07:38 AM »
those at the top get away with way too much shit, are we seriously going to stop at trying to fix only one of these broken systems? Are we all gonna go back to being taken advantage of when some politician manipulates people into thinking he or she will fix the police? We're heading down a shitty path, a worse path imo. The future we're heading into is SJW

Serious / Re: Rioters are literal terrorists
« on: June 05, 2020, 09:05:21 AM »
I hold prejudice against everybody because ninety five percent of them seem to be functionally retarded.
And you're not?

Never implied I wasn't subject to human bouts of retardation. But I am sapient enough to know that blowing shit up/looting makes nobody's day and constitutes a pointless act.
you're not sapient enough to anything. Blowing up rich peoples' money physically is the only way for poor people to say "fuck you rich banker who have rigged the system, I'm gonna put you down a peg". It's peaceful protests that don't accomplish anything aside from black people getting more care. Fuck black people, these riots shouldn't be about them, it should be about the rich who've rigged the system to oppress normal people for their gain.

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