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Messages - Kodyack

Pages: 123
My friend grew up in the northern Iron Ranges of Minnesota, which as places go can get rural as fuck if you're outside the mining towns that dot the counties. I'm talking maybe 100 people going to one school, so everyone was pretty tight knit and knew each other. What was there wasn't exactly Indian land ever, but when you really get into the Minnesota woods you don't need to be over some ancient burial ground for spooky scary skellingtons to be encountered. Simply being in the North Woods is enough.

Another thing to note is stuff over there is old. They may have had plumbing and electricity, but almost as a rule, they were certainly more additions to the places that were already there, rather than new construction. As such you had quirky style housings that only really made sense if they were built a little past the days when Minnesota was just coming out of its Territory days.

My friend (who from now on we'll just call David for simplicities sake) had been born and raised there. And he had few friends of his own up in the hills. One of Davids friends possessed one of those quirky housings from before. Where the main house was on top of a hill overlooking the area, and their basement (for lack of a better term) was completely separated from their house and instead dug into the bottom of the hill. It got pretty expansive and neither of us think Storage Space when we think of what that space was originally meant for. But for better or worse, that's what that space was used for.

David and his friend were visiting one day and his friend decided it would be fun to break out the old NES and play a few video games. Agreeing, David and his friend searched the house looking for the system. Unable to find it they asked his friend mother who said she had put it into storage since the thing barely got any use anyhow. Frustrated and defeated David and his friend moved outside and began the walk down the hill to the basement where their quarry lay. 

The sun shone down upon the two as they unlocked the door and opened it wide. The creek echoed through the dusty hole as the sun shown in, only barely enough to observe the single light in the basement, hanging from a chain swinging back and forth. At first they assumed it was just the fresh air that breathed life and motion to the bulb, and shrugged it off. The friend switching on the light and grabbing a nearby flashlight revealing piles upon piles of stuff, strewn about the deep cavernous basement. After instructing David to look around the area closest to the light, his friend ventured deeper into the unlit part of the basement, to find their NES.

It was a few minutes of boring searching, coming across all manner of trinkets and doo-dads, but not the NES of which they searched. David occasionally heard rustling in the piles of stuff, assuming it was his friend, he continued his search. Then a loud crash echoed from deeper in. David called to his friend, who responded with a scream as he ran past David, yelling for him to follow behind. David quickly followed, catching a glimpse of something orange chasing behind him. Quickly reaching the door, Davids friend waited for him, before slamming the door behind him and locking it. As David fell to the ground, turning around he saw the door bend and warp, from | to (, as if a large force demanded exit from the dark hole where it had been trapped.

Davids friend at first refused to talk about what he had seen, or that he had seen anything at all. But after a bit of coaxing a description was finally obtained. It was that of a humanoid female, human torso, legs, arms the hole shebang. But in place of a head their lay that of one of the large cats that roamed the woods. Growling and snarling, and perhaps looking for a snack, on its way out of its prison.

Needless to say, my friend did not play NES that day, or any day since.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:18:56 AM »
I've done something like it last year, moved out to new york, then colorado, now I'm on the move again. Its nice.

Few do, I have a few more tales from friends up in the Iron Ranges if anyone's interested in the tales.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:06:53 AM »
Just in one of those moods man...

What do you mean
Listening to the feels music, thinking.

Also I'm browsing through Earth Porn on reddit, the world is so beautiful. It makes me feel like I'm letting my life slip by instead of making use of every second I have on here ya know? That "make every moment count" thing has been a recurring theme in my thoughts for the last few weeks

A few days ago I was reading a thread on a different forum of a guy who saved 10 thousand dollars and just started backpacking around the world. He detailed his experience very thoroughly. The pictures he takes are so amazing, and he says it's the best thing he's ever done in his life. Makes me wonder
If backpacking is your game you don't need to wait for 10000 dollars, with proper planning and prep, you could go with what you're making now.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:00:32 AM »
Best taken candlelit
lol bro I'm not a faggot
Man don't knock the candle till you've tried the candle. Shits fucking amazing.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:59:02 AM »
Showers are overrated, Bath's are where its at. If you have the right atmosphere.
I usually take a shower/bath. Showers are better for washing your hair.
Aye, that's true, but if relaxations your aim, the bath is the one true game. Best taken candlelit with a relaxing movie. I suggest Music Man.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:55:37 AM »
Showers are overrated, Bath's are where its at. If you have the right atmosphere.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:53:49 AM »
I find the best way to solve those moods is popping on a good movie and playing a game.

The Flood / Re: It's 4:48 am, what's up?
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:49:01 AM »
I'm alright, bit peckish but surviving.

Gaming / Re: Minecraft Server, for the flood to build shit in.
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:04:12 AM »
In the server now, the railway to the colony has no rails, and the colony looks more like something I might explore in Tomb Raider, but otherwise nice place.

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:37:25 AM »
admin >.>

Gaming / Re: What games are we sitting around waiting for right now
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:36:02 AM »
No Man's Sky.
I want that game, now.

Gaming / Re: Is KOTOR better with keyboard and mouse or controller?
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:34:34 AM »
Kotors always been a gamepad game for me.

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:32:12 AM »
None of you remember me, I am dust in the wind.  :)

When I was growing up in Minnesota there was a forest behind my house. It was innocuous during the daytime and I enjoyed hiking through it a lot, but it all changed at night, when the shadows came down and it became black as pitch. You could chalk it up to general spooky forest at night paranoia, and I'd agree it was apart of it. But wasn't apart of it was the noises that came out of the forest when darkness fell. The groans of wood as the trees were pushed by the wind, the rolling creek in the distance, and the guttural growls that moved about the borders.

A little background on my backyard, it was larger than most, maybe a bit over half an acre, a few trees here to an extent that it was mostly in the shade in the summer time. The forest surrounded the back portion, and up along the side of the house, bordered by a strong fence, it had to be to keep the dogs inside. Around the center was a firepit, two guesses as to what was done there.

The night it all started the sun was just going down, we had constructed a fire and were doing basic shit around it, having drinks listening to music, pulling jackass stunts with a tireswing we put up a few days prior. The growling started in the distance, a loud bark was heard, growing closer and closer to our raucous party. We shrugged it off, it was probably a raccoon or some dog that got loose, but as it edged closer along side the fence, just beyond the light that emanated from our fire, we lost confidence in our theories. It circled our fence, as if it was searching for a way past and to us, letting out a weird hacking noise as it moved around.

One of our party tossed in a rock that lay by the fire, and as it clattered in the bush the creature seemed to bolt towards it, reaching it at unnatural speeds, and letting out a haunting hack as it reached it, as if it was angered it came across its unexpected quarry. Seeing this behavior, we tossed another object, this time on the other end of the yard. Within a second this creature had cleared the dense underbrush and fallen trees and reached the object, once more letting out a hack as it reached the object. It circled us once more, rushing away as we shined flashlights into the forest where we thought we might see it. Never wanting to be in the light.  When the sun rose I went out and looked for any signs of what was out there, couldn't find a thing.

From that point on, none of my friends came over, never wanting to be in my house. Anytime a rare event happened that they did, there was always the same complaint. Something in the forest, just beyond the line of sight, was watching them, waiting for them to venture where it waited.

The Flood / Re: What're you drinking?
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:55:50 AM »
Mix of Rum Chata and Root Beer.
Otherwise I have a Three Way

The Flood / Re: Should I Buy This?
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:10:14 PM »
Man if you dont buy it I will. My quake game is gonna be tops

Pages: 123