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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 282930 3132 ... 260
The Flood / Re: how can I do a good jim belushi impression
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:43:54 PM »
Ask your victim to guess what you are. Put two hard boiled eggs in your cheeks. One on each side. Slap both sides to expel the eggs on them. Tell them you are a zit. Proceed to laugh your ass off.

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:41:34 PM »
you got this woman a car and she aint even your wife.  I get that you love this woman, but dang dude. Dont you got bills to pay or something?

It cut our car payment from $1200 to $450. I could have kept it or let her have it. I let her have it.

ah alright that makes more sense. but you need to do more than a quickie tho.

That's what I said! Sure, we saved a LOT of money. But that should get me more points. Even her friends said it at least earned me anal. And that's HER friends saying it.

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:31:56 PM »
you got this woman a car and she aint even your wife.  I get that you love this woman, but dang dude. Dont you got bills to pay or something?

It cut our car payment from $1200 to $450. I could have kept it or let her have it. I let her have it.

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:51:05 PM »





MyNameIs "I'm raising my kids To be challenger X's bitches" Charlie

I'll bodyslam your kids and your wife I don't give a FUCK

And be shot for resisting arrest minutes later.

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 02:26:49 PM »
Sounds like it won't be long before you're sucking her dick.

That's so hot

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 02:26:20 PM »





MyNameIs "I'm raising my kids To be challenger X's boss" Charlie


Serious / Re: If Hillary had been elected instead of Trump
« on: July 25, 2017, 02:25:17 PM »
The only person who could have saved this board is our lord and savior, Bernie Sanders
If that faggot won we would've been overrun by BLM niggers a long time ago.

Not true. The police would have been prosecuted, hence BLM wouldn't have a reason to exist.

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:58:40 AM »






Serious / Re: If Hillary had been elected instead of Trump
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:57:21 AM »
The only person who could have saved this board is our lord and savior, Bernie Sanders

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:56:06 AM »
Foehammer, I think is what he used to call her.
son of a fucking bitch why would make me remember this?

Dude, you were one of the ones who started it.

Now get back in your cage, gimp

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:22:38 AM »
Did I miss something? When did I marry her? I mean, I know I drink too much, but even a black out couldn't cover being married again without knowledge of it.

Could it?

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:21:09 AM »
notice how youre the only one who needs a stupid designated nickname for their significant other

thats a sign you post too much about it
And why the name of the leader of ISIS?

I don't really care what name is used. I let the forum pick. The first chosen name was Foehammer. The the forces of autism struck and the current name was chosen

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 10:19:04 AM »
Sounds like your wife is the man of the house

Pretty much

real talk why are they russian bots specifically?
The cyber laws in Russia only pertain to Russian citizens. Russians can fuck with non-Russians all they want and suffer no penalties. That's why most of the malware and scam shit comes from Russia.

dude thats awesome. the US needs laws like that.

The NSA will hire you to troll Russia if you can read and write in Russian.

time to start learning Russian then

I just looked it up. You need to apply on the DIA site
Dentral Intelligence Agency?

Actually it's the Dick Ingesting Agency. The first trst is proving you don't have a gag reflex

The Flood / Re: Just ran into [username redacted] at the mall
« on: July 25, 2017, 01:08:23 AM »
If the users mom didn't "show her puppies" then you ain't got shit on bobcast

Wow spoilers much

Watch the fucking trailers already. They've been out for more than a day now. Might as well be a decade

They stated that there were no lanterns.

Why? That was Steppenwolf saying why Earth was an easy target. The bat sent an SOS. It was answered.

Charlie, you are ruining the movie I'm not going to bother to watch.

Oh shut up. We went from saying Megan Fox was a 2/10 to saying action blockbusters were a 2/10. Capeshit movies have their place. You buy a ticket a bucket of popcorn and suspend disbelief for 90 minutes. They don't have to be good, just entertaining.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them and I actually enjoy them, but price of ticket and popcorn is reserved for movies I'm actually excited about.

True. I go to the early shows with discounted tix

real talk why are they russian bots specifically?
The cyber laws in Russia only pertain to Russian citizens. Russians can fuck with non-Russians all they want and suffer no penalties. That's why most of the malware and scam shit comes from Russia.

dude thats awesome. the US needs laws like that.

The NSA will hire you to troll Russia if you can read and write in Russian.

time to start learning Russian then

I just looked it up. You need to apply on the DIA site

oh shit its actually a thing.

The Flood / How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 25, 2017, 01:05:47 AM »
I got her a Lexus IS F Sport.

I am not fucking around on that. Since my credit is shit I got my stepdad to lease it in his name with the title in mine. It's in my garage until insurance is worked out.

But I only got a quickie. That's it. No ball tickling or even a hummer. My birthday is Thursday. We didn't even get to walk around outside Comic Con.

Am I being selfish?

real talk why are they russian bots specifically?
The cyber laws in Russia only pertain to Russian citizens. Russians can fuck with non-Russians all they want and suffer no penalties. That's why most of the malware and scam shit comes from Russia.

dude thats awesome. the US needs laws like that.

The NSA will hire you to troll Russia if you can read and write in Russian.

time to start learning Russian then

I just looked it up. You need to apply on the DIA site

The Flood / Re: Ready Player One
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:59:36 AM »
I'm reading it now.  So far it's pretty good. Though I see why many of you would hate it. Basically it's "this is why 80's kids rule." I know that many of you want a participation medal and a safe zone to assure yourselves that your childhood was indeed the best and no one else was allowed a childhood unless it respected your participation award.

I group up in the 90s which were just 80s lite.

Shit was pretty lit fam.

I was 14 in 1990. It was alright. Not the 80's, but kids still played outside alone and had to wait till either 3pm or Saturday morning to see their cartoons.

TBPH, I am very seriously thinking about limiting my kids' cartoon intake to this schedule. Likewise allowing (ie telling them to) get their asses outside and play.

I honestly feel like you shouldn't be allowed to use the internet until you're 15 or 16. Kids need to be kids.

Agreed. Skinned knees, broken teeth and all.

And this helicopter parenting needs to stop

Quoted for truth. They're gonna get hurt. As long as they aren't in an ambulance, then it's learning.

Wow spoilers much

Watch the fucking trailers already. They've been out for more than a day now. Might as well be a decade

They stated that there were no lanterns.

Why? That was Steppenwolf saying why Earth was an easy target. The bat sent an SOS. It was answered.

Charlie, you are ruining the movie I'm not going to bother to watch.

Oh shut up. We went from saying Megan Fox was a 2/10 to saying action blockbusters were a 2/10. Capeshit movies have their place. You buy a ticket a bucket of popcorn and suspend disbelief for 90 minutes. They don't have to be good, just entertaining.

The Flood / Re: Ready Player One
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:54:49 AM »
I'm reading it now.  So far it's pretty good. Though I see why many of you would hate it. Basically it's "this is why 80's kids rule." I know that many of you want a participation medal and a safe zone to assure yourselves that your childhood was indeed the best and no one else was allowed a childhood unless it respected your participation award.

I group up in the 90s which were just 80s lite.

Shit was pretty lit fam.

I was 14 in 1990. It was alright. Not the 80's, but kids still played outside alone and had to wait till either 3pm or Saturday morning to see their cartoons.

TBPH, I am very seriously thinking about limiting my kids' cartoon intake to this schedule. Likewise allowing (ie telling them to) get their asses outside and play.

I honestly feel like you shouldn't be allowed to use the internet until you're 15 or 16. Kids need to be kids.

Agreed. Skinned knees, broken teeth and all.

Wow spoilers much

Watch the fucking trailers already. They've been out for more than a day now. Might as well be a decade

They stated that there were no lanterns.

Why? That was Steppenwolf saying why Earth was an easy target. The bat sent an SOS. It was answered.

real talk why are they russian bots specifically?
The cyber laws in Russia only pertain to Russian citizens. Russians can fuck with non-Russians all they want and suffer no penalties. That's why most of the malware and scam shit comes from Russia.

dude thats awesome. the US needs laws like that.

The NSA will hire you to troll Russia if you can read and write in Russian.

Wow spoilers much

Watch the fucking trailers already. They've been out for more than a day now. Might as well be a decade

The Flood / Re: Ready Player One
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:42:13 AM »
I'm reading it now.  So far it's pretty good. Though I see why many of you would hate it. Basically it's "this is why 80's kids rule." I know that many of you want a participation medal and a safe zone to assure yourselves that your childhood was indeed the best and no one else was allowed a childhood unless it respected your participation award.

I group up in the 90s which were just 80s lite.

Shit was pretty lit fam.

I was 14 in 1990. It was alright. Not the 80's, but kids still played outside alone and had to wait till either 3pm or Saturday morning to see their cartoons.

TBPH, I am very seriously thinking about limiting my kids' cartoon intake to this schedule. Likewise allowing (ie telling them to) get their asses outside and play.

You see supes costume with feminine curves and green reflected in Alfred's glasses.

Oh, in Thor: Ragnarok, the lightning covered Thor is the clone, Ragnarok.

The Flood / Re: Ready Player One
« on: July 24, 2017, 11:12:26 PM »
I'm reading it now.  So far it's pretty good. Though I see why many of you would hate it. Basically it's "this is why 80's kids rule." I know that many of you want a participation medal and a safe zone to assure yourselves that your childhood was indeed the best and no one else was allowed a childhood unless it respected your participation award.

The Flood / Why are police trained to have the warrior mentality?
« on: July 24, 2017, 05:10:15 PM »
All it leads to unnecessary shootings. Yet they're put in ACU type uniforms, outfitted with military weapons and encouraged to thinkin an us vs them mentality.

What is worse is that a large segment of the population defend their actions regardless of justification. They aren't acting as first responders. They're acting like an occupying force.

The Flood / Vegan porn
« on: July 23, 2017, 04:09:59 PM »

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