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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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Serious / Re: Women dressing like "Sluts"
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:38:23 PM »
It really depends on the place. Most places, it's up to the person. In a place such as a school, it distracts all the men and makes learning more difficult.

If a miniskirt and a tank top make you distracted, get more discipline.

The Flood / Re: Post the shittiest songs you can find
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:33:59 PM »

This is pretty bad

Serious / Re: Women dressing like "Sluts"
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:40:26 PM »
I've wonders this same thing. I should have the right to go places without a shirt.

It depends on the place. I think its sad that guys have no minimum bra-like equivalent. We start at shirt and go up from there. They start at bikini-top/tube-top/bra and go from that. We need to invent the minimum equivalent for guys.

The Flood / Re: What would you do for a CHIMICHANGA
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:38:09 PM »

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?????? will you do for THIS chimichanga?

The Flood / Re: What would you do for a CHIMICHANGA
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:32:12 PM »
I'll just go to Pepper's 15 minutes away, and buy a meal for $8.
You have nothing!

Oh yeah?

*dials health inspector*

I need to report a restaurant that was serving rotten food. Yes. Mhmm. That's right. Yes, I saw rat droppings by their kitchen door too. Yes. The name of the place is Peppers. Oh, you've heard of it? You'll be right there? OK, bye.

*hangs up phone*

You were saying?

The Flood / What would you do for a CHIMICHANGA
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:21:35 PM »
I have a hot, fresh chimichanga here. Ripe for the taking of who ever wants it most.

So, what would YOU do for a chimichanga?

Serious / Re: Women dressing like "Sluts"
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:46:04 AM »

I would think it really weird to take his picture at Wholefoods. I'll see if his tattoo studio has pictures of him. He's got some distinctive ink, so does she, and possibly they model their own work. Give me a bit to look.

Serious / Re: Women dressing like "Sluts"
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:40:04 AM »
What about the slutty males?

Oh, I am jelly as hell about her husband. With no gayness at all I can say he's a good looking guy.

Serious / Women dressing like "Sluts"
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:32:57 AM »
Why would ANYONE be against this.

Sorry for another of my Wholefoods lunch stories, but I go there every day it seems like, and there are some interesting goings on...

So, I was waiting in line to get my lunch when I heard a group of guys talking about a woman a little ahead of us. She was mid 20's and they were easily in their 50's. She was dressed in a wife beater, no bra, and a pair of Daisy Dukes. They were going on and on about her looking like that, if their daughter were dressed like that, bla bla bla she must be a slut...

I've been going there long enough that I've seen her before. She's married, and has a daughter. She's Brazilian, speaks Portuguese as her primary language. I've spoken with her husband while waiting for a sandwich, and he's a tattoo artist that gave me an estimate for some ink I am thinking about.

They are actually really nice people. Just very loose in how they dress. And you know what? She IS pretty hot. I don't mind in the slightest that she shows skin. If I looked like that I'd be in swim wear all day.

So, thoughts on women dressing "slutty" and if you think its anybody's business.

The Flood / Re: God's Not Dead (movie) has some truth behind it
« on: August 27, 2014, 09:30:18 AM »

When I was in Sapphire, Harlow used to talk about his philosophy class was God has no evidence.
I don't believe him. I've been through three university level Philosophy classes. Two at UCSD, one at a community college. In none of them did we have an open discussion about atheism.

The Flood / Re: God's Not Dead (movie) has some truth behind it
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:34:00 PM »
Literally no philosophy class I've ever taken actually discusses stuff. Invariably they only talk about The great philosophers, and the big concepts. Oddly, they do not encourage independent thought.

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:38:50 PM »
Mostly, yes.

Saying that Stalin wasn't defined by being tied to anti-worship isn't quite accurate, though, as he clearly was.

You could see it that way. Another is saying that he persecuted anyone who didn't worship him.

After all, he changed the name of a city to his own. He wanted to be a god, not interfere with those who worshiped a god.

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:26:35 PM »
Speaking as someone who has at least a vague idea of what he's talking about, let me give you the actual facts about Hitler & Stalin's supposed religious beliefs.

- Hitler's religious views aren't really clear, as even among close friends he tended to be tight-lipped on the subject. While he did at various points of his life criticize organized religion and traditional christian morality, he was wary to attack them in public, as a lot of German right-wingers were christian and pissing them off wasn't in his best interest. That being said, he did often express belief in an "almighty creator" while in public, and was willing to use religion to justify his actions, which might say something about religion as an institution.

tl;dr Hitler's religious beliefs were somewhat ambiguous, but claiming that he was an atheist is just as disingenuous as claiming that he was a christian (hint hint, kinder)

- Stalin, on the other hand, was very open about his atheism, and wasn't shy about persecuting religious people in Russia. This was largely an ideological move, as the official Marxist-Leninist party line was that religion was an opiate and needed to be eliminated in order to produce a truly socialist society. This was partially out of personal prejudice, but it's important to remember that the Russian Orthodox Church at the time had a bit of a bad rep among the general public for their support of the former Czarist regime (and as awful as the Soviet Union was, it's important to remember that Czarist Russia was just as bad), so there was a pragmatic element to the religious persecution, in addition to the ideological one.

If you want to learn more, Wikipedia has some pretty good articles on the subject:

So...basically what I said, but with more details?

The Flood / Ban EVERYONE
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:21:16 PM »
Since we want to call out members individually, I say fuck it.

I petition Cheat to ban everyone. Just start swinging that mighty ban hammer.

The Flood / Re: Someone just sent me the most disgusting porn
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:36:40 PM »
Where the fuck was the picture? I want pictures of that shit!
It was a video. Just google the term.

The Flood / Re: Someone just sent me the most disgusting porn
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:36:13 PM »
For reals?
Oh yeah.

I was still able to fap to it. But I threw up.

The Flood / Someone just sent me the most disgusting porn
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:28:55 PM »
Not from here.

I am literally trying not to vomit. OK, it was lesbian anal gape prolapse porn.

They fist until her butt was like 6 inches gaping, and then she bears down so her colon prolapses, and her lesbian partner licked it.
Don't click the next, very graphic
I warned you

OK, I really did just throw up.

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:02:51 PM »
Hitler and Stalin were Hitlerists and Stalinists. They weren't defined by being tied to any worship or anti-worship of anything but themselves.

You guys like to through them out as either why religion, or atheism is bad. In reality its neither. They wanted to be gods in their own time. They often used either religious or atheistic rhetoric to further their goal, but make no mistake, they punished any who didn't believe in them personally.

So, please, do us all a favor and stop erroneously using them in this argument.

The Flood / Why are we becoming more racist?
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:17:43 PM »
The threads, and posts have been concerning me.

Why are we turning into Stormfront?

Cheat, don't let this happen.

The Flood / Re: What REALLY Happened With Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:07:46 AM »

There's also a bunch of stuff about her taking down youtube videos that criticized her and her game, along with the fact that it's looking like she shut down the most expensive indie game jam in history so she could start her own, then there's the fact that those indie game jam donations aren't going into a seperate account but into her own pocket, then there's also the fact that she's gotten mods on places like 4chan and reddit to start deleting threads and posts that criticize her, AND THEN there's the fact that websites like Kotaku are violating their own code of ethics by donating money to her projects and then giving them good publicity while also having one of their contributors fuck her.

It's pretty much a good chance to take out a hefty chunk that cancerous nepotism tumor that's currently killing the gaming industry.

All allegedly. All of this supposedly comes from an ex-boyfriend. Someone with an axe to grind.

Serious / Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:13:09 AM »
Cheat, I get what you are saying. My anti-theism was so bad that I had right wing nut jobs threatening to rape my son so I would leave.

I've come to the realization that most Americans say they identify as Christians, but never go to church. They say they believe in god, but pray less than 5 minutes a year. I would wager that atheists spend more time talking about religion then they do.

The nutjobs act the way they do because they know this. But they are getting older and dying out. With the rare exceptions like Kirk Cameron, most of the fundies look lome Ken Ham. He'll be dead in a few years, and no one will replace him. In a single generation the WBC will be forgotten and gay rights will be law.

Really our fight is pointless.

The Flood / Re: What REALLY Happened With Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:26:43 PM »

Not reviews, just articles in support of her project, and articles defending her and accusing her critics of sexism when there was controversy about her "game" being added to steam, since it's really not a game at all.
but, it was added for free. From what I read, it is sorta a game. More a choose your own adventure. I'm still not seeing anything telling me that I should care.

The Flood / Are you a furry?
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:08:17 PM »
Di you yff?

Serious / Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:21:47 PM »
Best way to let religion die is to let the conversation die.

The Flood / Re: So when will the mute list start working?
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:17:10 PM »
Sentra, Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, mute me. MUTE ME!

The Flood / Re: What REALLY Happened With Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:00:48 PM »
Alright, so I looked at a few articles about this.

Now, can anyone find the reviews that she supposedly bought with the bed-tax? If she slept with the reviewers for a good product review, those reviews must be stellar.

That's the only thing I couldn't find. Reviews that said depression quest as a good game.

The Flood / Re: ITT: My honest opinion of you
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:55:09 PM »
I r'nt scurred.

So... Oracle...what is my fate?

The Flood / YFW this happens
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:53:06 PM »
Someone on here tells you that they banged your mom all day, and that you need to pick up some more OJ cause your out... and then your mom calls you to tell you to pick up OJ...

The Flood / Re: A new challenge
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:22:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: What REALLY Happened With Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:21:33 PM »

SJW who has slept with a number of gaming journalists to get good press.

Her shit has spilled and revealed the rampant corruption and cronyism in the indie side of game journalism.
why should I care?

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