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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Furry Balls plopped menacingly on the table, incorporated
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:08:58 AM »
That opening was funny as hell.

Boner balls. Boner field... Boner forest... A dense boner forest...

The Flood / Re: Furry Balls plopped menacingly on the table, incorporated
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:00:34 AM »
Who watched Southpark?

The Flood / Furry Balls plopped menacingly on the table, incorporated
« on: September 28, 2014, 10:58:22 AM »
Or we can call ourselves the Washington Redskins


Are there no adoption contracts that you sign to ensure that this doesn't happen? Something assuring you of the adoption and of set payments for certain things?

The adoptive parents don't have many rights. Though, in this case we might. She was stupid to make her threat explicit, and from her phone. If she had called us, and only done it by voice, we would have nothing.


Tell her that what she's doing is illegal and that it can (or will) result in criminal prosecution along with losing every shot of every giving up a child for adoption again if she keeps up with it.
This is step 2


9th fucking kid?

Jesus fuck

I know. Her vag must be so loose that the baby has to hold on to stay in.

It will if Mrs Charlie stops acting like a fucking idiot.

She went out and got a cell just for texting her. I told her not to. I told her, keep all communication through the attorney. That way she can't scam us. Was I listened to? Nope.


Wait it out.

You actually think she would go to Georgia? No chance. She just wants money.

This is what I told Mrs Charlie. The only thing I added was to have our adoption attorney email the GA bar association distribution list for adoption attorneys, and let them know she is doing this. Close that door in her face. Then tell her we did that so she knows she can't, even if she wants to.

The Flood / OK, Mrs Charlie didn't listen, and now it's come back to bite us
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:47:14 AM »
I don't know if I told you guys, but we are adopting another. Nicholas's birthmother contacted us about 6 months ago, she is pregnant AGAIN (her 9th) and if we wanted to adopt. We said yes and things moved along.

Mrs Charlie asked me if we should be more open with her.

I said no. She extorted money from us before, and she would likely do it again.

Mrs Charlie picked a fight, one that lasted until today, in fact. At first they seemed to bond, but the Birthmother started having crisis after crisis. Each one could only be solved by more and more money.

Last night she sent us a text:

Pay me money (over $10,000) or I will go to Georgia to adopt this child to someone else. Pay cash or you get nothing.

I'm at a loss. I came up with a plan of action,  and it would work, if Mrs Charlie didn't just give up. She just yells at me that we have no rights here, and we don't have the money she's asking for. Just give up, sell the nursery stuff and move on.

The birthmother is due in two weeks.

So, I am at a loss here. 

The Flood / Re: I have, some difficult news to tell
« on: September 27, 2014, 11:58:44 PM »
You will pull through. Keep that thought on top of all others. You will pull through.

The Flood / The man laying at your feet calls you a monster
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:09:07 PM »
Why are they calling you a monster?

No user above me, so the next post is the only semi-safe one.

The Flood / Break up with the user below you
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:30:52 PM »
I'm sorry, I wish I could say it's me, but it's you. Your feet stink and you eat too loudly. After that incident at Mary's house... We're over.

You get one first class ticket to dumpsville, population: You.

The Flood / Re: So if a dude sucks your dick
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:28:59 PM »
No, you are totally gay now. He changed your gay polarity

The Flood / Re: Post dat Hot Chocolate
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:12:02 PM »

The Flood / Post dat Hot Chocolate
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:08:37 PM »


The Flood / Re: Do you blame the blacks?
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:32:17 PM »
I blame sexy black women for giving me a boner.

The Flood / Re: >tfw your mother is a fucking idiot
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:06:01 PM »
Oh... I though you said your mother is fucking an idiot

The Flood / Re: Sex thread (SFW)
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:05:05 PM »

If you want to shoot jizz like a porn star, the secret is holding on right before you cum. When you feel right when you are about to, try to not cum. See if you can hold it for like 10 or 15 seconds. When you finally do let it go, you shoot it out and get distance. Its weird too, you start jizzing, but 5 seconds later you get an INTENSE orgasm. Its like cumming twice.

That's why edging can be bad.

Indeed. Holding it isn't smart. It has to go somewhere. Bottom line is if you need to cum, cum. If a girl gets mad at you for cumming so early, explain to her what Retrograde Ejaculation is and why it's bad.

That's why to shoot you don't hold long. A few seconds is all it takes.

The Flood / Re: Sex thread (SFW)
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:44:52 PM »

If you want to shoot jizz like a porn star, the secret is holding on right before you cum. When you feel right when you are about to, try to not cum. See if you can hold it for like 10 or 15 seconds. When you finally do let it go, you shoot it out and get distance. Its weird too, you start jizzing, but 5 seconds later you get an INTENSE orgasm. Its like cumming twice.

That's why edging can be bad.

The Flood / Re: Sex thread (SFW)
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:33:19 PM »
The best sex I ever had was in 1995. I was dating a girl from north carolina. We were doing it doggy style, and she asked me, in very explicit terms, cum in her ass. Her asking for it almost made me right there and then...

The Flood / Re: Sex thread (SFW)
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:15:39 PM »
If you want to shoot jizz like a porn star, the secret is holding on right before you cum. When you feel right when you are about to, try to not cum. See if you can hold it for like 10 or 15 seconds. When you finally do let it go, you shoot it out and get distance. Its weird too, you start jizzing, but 5 seconds later you get an INTENSE orgasm. Its like cumming twice.
isn't that like the same thing as "edging?"

If you do it over and over again, yeah. The problem with edging is you can fuck up how your balls work if you do it too often. I mean, its fine to do every now and again, but you can block your vas deferens.

The Flood / Re: Of these two, and only these two, which is worse?
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:11:19 PM »
I'm a metal head. I started listening when Iron Maiden and Judas Priest were the shit. I held on through the 80's and 90's, My favorites being Pantera and Sepultura. I listened to every Metallica album as they came out. But, when Death Metal came out, I drew the line. It just isn't music. Its noise.

The Flood / Re: Sex thread (SFW)
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:08:42 PM »
If you want to shoot jizz like a porn star, the secret is holding on right before you cum. When you feel right when you are about to, try to not cum. See if you can hold it for like 10 or 15 seconds. When you finally do let it go, you shoot it out and get distance. Its weird too, you start jizzing, but 5 seconds later you get an INTENSE orgasm. Its like cumming twice.

The Flood / Re: because I love you guys...
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:50:22 PM »
Because I'm Rick James, Bitch!

The Flood / because I love you guys...
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:31:22 PM »
Enjoy, laugh your ass off


The Flood / Re: Of these two, and only these two, which is worse?
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:40:47 AM »
Never listened to death metal, can you show me a sample?

You got YouTube? Go there and type in Norwegian Death Metal, choose the darkest sounding name. I won't subject myself to listening to that just because you are too lazy to look it up yourself.

The Flood / Re: What happened to Verbatim?
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:39:17 AM »
That's a bummer. Is unique brand of angst and hate was refreshing. He really was a full misanthrope. You meet people who say that they hate everyone, but usually they are just very, very racist and classist, and they really mean they hate everyone but their own tightly defined group. Verby really did hate everyone, himself included.

He was just a pair of sunglasses, rifle and a clock tower away from infamy.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:36:10 AM »
Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?

The Flood / Of these two, and only these two, which is worse?
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:33:29 AM »
So.... Of these two...noises... which is the worst. I am going with that type of Death Metal that comes from Northern Europe. To quote Ozzy Osborne, it sounds like a farting cow being fed to a woodchipper.

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