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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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Gaming / An awesome retarded idea!!!
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:58:25 PM »
First Person FIFA

The Flood / Re: So, is the KC v NE game considered
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:57:20 PM »
Brady gets intercepted to a touchdown?


The Flood / Re: So, is the KC v NE game considered
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:51:00 PM »
All I know is that I fucking haaaate New England.

Take it up your pooper tommy boy

The Flood / So, is the KC v NE game considered
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:47:47 PM »
A prison rape?

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:17:23 PM »

Not to be rude, but it seems like you were craving for some new women anyway with the way you go saying things around here on this forum.

Things have been going badly for a while.
Seems like.

In a perverse way, I felt relieved. At least now I know.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:10:41 PM »

Not to be rude, but it seems like you were craving for some new women anyway with the way you go saying things around here on this forum.

Things have been going badly for a while.

The Flood / Great. Now I have Hepatitis §ÿ^v
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:17:47 AM »
I have anxiety diarrhea and had to sit bare ass on a airport toilet.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:16:03 AM »

I don't know what to say man.

I guess good luck in whatever happens.

Would Mrs charlie even want full custody?

I don't know. We are in the truth and reconciliation phase. If she gets mad enough, anything is possible.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Meteors Always Land In Craters?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:55:01 AM »
Meters? Did the angles tell you? Angles from the futer?

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:53:49 AM »
This idiot cabby is pissing me off. Fucker speaks some Somali dialect first, and broken English second.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:52:28 AM »

Well shit, I hope you manage to sort that all out, at the very least give the kids a chance to live good lives. I know how it is to have your parents divorce at a young age, it wasn't the best time of my life.

While divorce is certainly on the table, it isn't a certainty. One thing is that Nicholas is younger than 2. He won't be forming actual memories for another year or two. For him and Alex, this will just be the shape of the world.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:00:28 AM »
Challenger, please, out of respect. Stop.

My mind is made. It won't change, and all you are doing is adding stress where no more can fit.

Out of respect, I will tell you this: Mrs Charlie and I both come from broken homes. I had brothers, she was an only child. My brothers and I were able to turn to one another for support, and at the end of the day we were better for it. She was alone, and to this day bears the scars of that loneliness.

For me the lesson is simple, if there is going to be pain, companionship eases it.

Now, I won't discuss this any further. Let it go.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:19:40 AM »
At least you have the children to draw some stability from. You seem to acknowledge that.

Apart from that... you have my anger on your behalf.
Unless they get divorced and his wife gets custody. Which will happen since this is the U.S.
Not always. I think Charlie should be able to present himself as the primary care giver quite easily from what I remember.
Charlie will still get some custody, like on weekends and stuff. But full custody is only given to men in very extreme cases, such as the woman being deemed mentally unfit.

That's not always true.

But, Mrs Charlie IS a family law attorney, and she does make 3X what I do.

If she decides to fuck me over, there is really very little I could do about it. Just to get a judge that isn't one of her friends means moving the case to LA.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:18:06 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?
It's never late. You're not forced to go get the baby. Nobody's holding you at gunpoint.

Your wife has broken her wedding vows and has been sneaky about it too. Is this really the type of person you want to raise kids with? Is she really the person who should mother these children, when she has already shown no interest in doing so? Let me tell you something, a lot of women adopt because they think they're supposed to have kids.

Please, don't do this. It's not right. It's not right for the kids to live like this, and it's not right for you to have to eventually take care of two kids on your own. Cut your losses and give this one kid the best you can.

I know your heart is in the right place, but stop. Just stop. If I go it alone, I am pushing through with this. My son will have a brother.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:56:43 AM »
I hate to say this, but I kind of saw this coming two years ago when you first started reporting that your wife was having a hard time accepting responsibility for your newborn adopted child.

I feel for you man, I can't really imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

And now I have to go and pick up the second child.

That's the worst part of it. Tonight was supposed to be a happy night. This was supposed to be good news.

Life has a way of biting you in the ass like that. I've had quite a few "happy nights" that were ruined by unpleasant news or the incredibly stupid actions of another.

I know it's not much of a silver lining, but at least you'll be able to throw yourself back out there if the two of you really end up getting a divorce.

 Also as long as the two of you are committed to raising the children they should turn out just fine, hell even if it ends up being just you they should too. I've got a couple friends who grew up in broken homes. One of which had both parents putting in effort into making sure he still turned out alright and the other who didn't grow up with a father in his life. They've both been pretty successful too, the first is going to be entering the CHP and the second is following his passion for teaching and music and is going to become a high school music teacher.
From what I've seem his wife doesn't even seem interested in  raising them. I was raised in a 'broken home' with plenty of abuse and I turned out fine. It all depends on how Charlie handles it.

I am committed to my children, and in being the best father I can be. Mine wasn't there most of the time, and when he was he was a drunken asshole.

So, I am determined to NOT be like that.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:55:04 AM »
I hate to say this, but I kind of saw this coming two years ago when you first started reporting that your wife was having a hard time accepting responsibility for your newborn adopted child.

I feel for you man, I can't really imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

And now I have to go and pick up the second child.

That's the worst part of it. Tonight was supposed to be a happy night. This was supposed to be good news.

Life has a way of biting you in the ass like that. I've had quite a few "happy nights" that were ruined by unpleasant news or the incredibly stupid actions of another.

I know it's not much of a silver lining, but at least you'll be able to throw yourself back out there if the two of you really end up getting a divorce.

 Also as long as the two of you are committed to raising the children they should turn out just fine, hell even if it ends up being just you they should too. I've got a couple friends who grew up in broken homes. One of which had both parents putting in effort into making sure he still turned out alright and the other who didn't grow up with a father in his life. They've both been pretty successful too, the first is going to be entering the CHP and the second is following his passion for teaching and music and is going to become a high school music teacher.

This is what I tell myself. I'm from a broken home, as is Mrs Charlie.

Though, I didn't end up an abusive alcoholic, so at least in my case the apple DID fall far from the tree.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:53:26 AM »
I knew it.

That sucks man. You shouldn't adopt another kid. I won't tell you to divorce or stay, that's up to you. But you shouldn't force another kid to have to deal with this.

Its a wee bit late to back out now. He is being born as we type this. I have a cab here in 3 hours and 9 minutes to take me to the airport for the flight to Jacksonville.

What a great night to break the news to me, eh?

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:46:55 AM »
There were some warning sign a few months ago...

I'm so sorry Charlie

I know. I've suspected something going on. In a sick way... It's a relief to just have it out.
Why would she want to adopt another child if she doesn't want to be with you?

I don't know. I really don't.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:44:31 AM »
I hate to say this, but I kind of saw this coming two years ago when you first started reporting that your wife was having a hard time accepting responsibility for your newborn adopted child.

I feel for you man, I can't really imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

And now I have to go and pick up the second child.

That's the worst part of it. Tonight was supposed to be a happy night. This was supposed to be good news.

The Flood / Re: What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:43:28 AM »
There were some warning sign a few months ago...

I'm so sorry Charlie

I know. I've suspected something going on. In a sick way... It's a relief to just have it out.

The Flood / What a night. I think I might snap.
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:39:09 AM »
Well, it started out OK. I got a shit load done today. I pick up Mrs Charlie at the airport, and things seemed OK.

Then we get a call, the birthmother is in premature labor, buy your plane tickets, reserve a hotel, Alex is being born. I do what I gotta, and when I get back, Mrs Charlie is sitting on the bed, quiet.

She tells me that she just has to get it out.

There is another man, and she has been seeing him for the last few months.

I am still in shock. I have more anger than I have ever felt in my life. And I don't know what to do.

We can't divorce immediately. We can't even act like we will. We have the adoption to think about. This baby is Nicholas's full sibling. Same birthparents. If he's going to have to grow up in a broken home, at least he won't be doing it alone.

So, my bags are packed, the taxi gets here in 3 and a half hours. I have a little baby to go and adopt. And a life that I either need to leave or put back together.

So, I got that going for me.

This is NOT a reference, nor is it a troll. I am being 100% for real here.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit, I LOVE it when rednecks keep it real
« on: September 28, 2014, 10:37:41 PM »

He was probably just drunk. You don't need to stereotype "rednecks" as racists.

The Flood / Holy shit, I LOVE it when rednecks keep it real
« on: September 28, 2014, 10:35:12 PM »
I was at Island's tonight. The Cowboys v Saints game was on.

During one of the plays, a redneck at the bar was shouting:


He was asked to leave, to which he had some more choice words about the asian manager, and liberals in general (my neighborhood is known for being the wealthy liberal one)

The Flood / Re: I am embarrassed to ask...
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:00:55 PM »

What happened to "Straight?"

We had to invent a new word just because?
Trans people can be straight.

No, they are trans.

The Flood / Re: I am embarrassed to ask...
« on: September 28, 2014, 08:57:52 PM »
What happened to "Straight?"

We had to invent a new word just because?

The Flood / I am embarrassed to ask...
« on: September 28, 2014, 08:40:18 PM »
But what does Cis mean?

The Flood / Re: A Suggestion for Moderation On This Forum
« on: September 28, 2014, 08:09:24 PM »
It could work for the master ninjas, but it wouldn't fit as well for LC and I.
Judge Mr Psychologist is a bit of a mouthful and Judge Lord Commissar would also be have the same problem of two prefixes/titles.

Both "Mr" and "Lord" would be dropped, of course.

The Flood / Re: Royal-blooded Floodians unite!
« on: September 28, 2014, 08:05:52 PM »
Technically I am descended from Chief Seattle. This isn't a special claim, the guy had, as they say "Commendable Vigor." Most Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest have him as an ancestor.

The Flood / A Suggestion for Moderation On This Forum
« on: September 28, 2014, 08:01:04 PM »
I suggest that all Mods add the prefix "Judge" before their username with one exception. Cheat change his to Dred.

The next suggestion is that when they are on, they only listen to this song:


Finally, when they ban a motherfucker, they post I AM THE LAW


What happened last time?
If she's done this before, how did she not get in serious trouble when she first did it?
she sorta backed down.

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