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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:25:58 PM »
Considering you live in a western nation, you will get highlights of European holidays. He never said it was the ONLY one worth celebrating, only that it contributed a huge amount on the world.

But there are ONLY European holidays being celebrated. That's what we are discussing here, repurposing one of them...
What is Cinco de Mayo

What is Christmas

What is Easter

What is the 4th of July

What is President's Day

What is MLK Day

What is César Chávez Day

What is San Jacinto Day

All but Cinco De Mayo (which isn't celebrated in Mexico) are all religious or don't mention the people who were already here.

There are no holidays celebrating those who were here.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:11:44 PM »
Yeah but they're not doing it in the name of their religion you dense fuck

Does it matter?

If EVERY Muslim acted out, fine. But it's the world's second largest religion. Most of the adherents are in the poorest regions of the planet.
And we're beginning to see an assimilation problem in the West with adherents outside the poorest regions too. Look up the the Rotherham and Rochdale cases in the UK. Hell, just take a look at the fucking statistics me and Meta posted literally two pages back.

They're they 1st generation of immigrants. Every group has assimilation problems when they come. Moroccans assimilated into the French culture just fine. It took a generation, but they did it. Arabs and the rest will assimilate as well.
What the fuck are you slavering now? Moroccans didn't emigrate to France. France colonised Morocco.

I'm talking about the Muslim immigrants in the UK that have failed to assimilate properly which has resulted in horrific ramifications for British, and it's being going on for longer than a generation.

Yes... But an immigrant is an immigrant. If anything, there should have been more problems.

And the reason the UK is having problems is that they aren't handling the influx correctly.
So you do agree there is a problem with Islamic values both in the West and in the Middle East then? It has really nothing to do with numbers. It's how they integrate our values when immigrating here.

There is a problem with what values are taught to whom. Much of Europe is letting in the very poor, which are the ones who have been taught it's God's will to hate. The wealthy families don't really blow shit up.

They should be admitting the upper middle class, and then using them as a bridge for every one else. Show the path to a better life, and then let them in.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:59:49 AM »
Considering you live in a western nation, you will get highlights of European holidays. He never said it was the ONLY one worth celebrating, only that it contributed a huge amount on the world.

But there are ONLY European holidays being celebrated. That's what we are discussing here, repurposing one of them...

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:58:27 AM »
Yeah but they're not doing it in the name of their religion you dense fuck

Does it matter?

If EVERY Muslim acted out, fine. But it's the world's second largest religion. Most of the adherents are in the poorest regions of the planet.
And we're beginning to see an assimilation problem in the West with adherents outside the poorest regions too. Look up the the Rotherham and Rochdale cases in the UK. Hell, just take a look at the fucking statistics me and Meta posted literally two pages back.

They're they 1st generation of immigrants. Every group has assimilation problems when they come. Moroccans assimilated into the French culture just fine. It took a generation, but they did it. Arabs and the rest will assimilate as well.
What the fuck are you slavering now? Moroccans didn't emigrate to France. France colonised Morocco.

I'm talking about the Muslim immigrants in the UK that have failed to assimilate properly which has resulted in horrific ramifications for British, and it's being going on for longer than a generation.

Yes... But an immigrant is an immigrant. If anything, there should have been more problems.

And the reason the UK is having problems is that they aren't handling the influx correctly.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:55:58 AM »
Personally, I'm for this. Europeans didn't discover the Americas. People were already here.

I figure the purpose of such a holiday as Columbus Day would be to celebrate the achievements of your ancestors, not to twist them into a means of white guilting everyone.

It's not about making you feel guilty. It's about stopping the whitewash of history that paints a monster as a great man. Columbus was as bad as Hitler or Stalin. Read up on what he did. He ordered the rape, murder and enslavement of an entire people. He committed genocide and got a national holiday out of it.
It's celebrated to commemorate the discovery of America in Western civilization. If it absolutely had to be change, "America Day" or "Discovery Day" would be much more accurate than "Indigenous People Day".

Again, America was already discovered by the people here. Indigenous People Day celebrates the ones who actually did it first
...and that's not the point of the holiday. Discovery by Western civilization. Columbus was a terrible man, but his discovery voyage is one of the two most important events of the era, and the most important for the state of the Americas themselves today. History would have played out much differently if it weren't for Columbus, and that's why it's celebrated: he's fundamentally the reason why we are here right now.

Why is Europe so special that it holds primacy over everyone else?
Probably because that, over the continent, Europe has collectively owned the entire world over the course of history. So yeah, Europe is pretty important historically. Which is the point of Columbus day, to commemorate a historically important event: Columbus' discovery of America.

So Europe is the ONLY region worthy of celebration?

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:54:22 AM »
Islam is the second largest religion. My issue with the anti-Islamic bent of many pundits is that they paint over a billion people with the same brush.

The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty. It's easy to hate a group when your life is shit, and the head religious person is telling you it's God telling them that the outsiders are the reason your kids are starving and armed men killed your friends. The Middle East needs to change. Easier said than done, but the powerful few in that area created a situation where they can live rich lives on the backs of others, and that God allows it because non Muslims are the enemy.

Fix the poverty in that area and the situation rights itself.
Yeah no, I'm not buying the poverty meme.

South America is one of the most poverty stricken continents on the whole planet, and while despicable shit does occur, there are currently no international wars occuring sans maybe the clamp down of the drug trade.

There are also no honour killings in South America, nor suicide bombers attempting to blow up religious institutions in the name of Pablo Escobar, nor rampant cases of FGM.

I agree that the situation in the Middle East is a melting pot of clusterfuck that can't just be pinned on an entire religion, but to simply say 'poverty' as if it absolves everyone else of responsibility is just an infantile way of looking at things.

Unm... Drug Cartels, mass beheadings, death squads... YES Central and South America has those problems too. So does most of Africa. Every poverty stricken area is war torn. The only difference with the ME is we are the target.
Those can't be attributed to religion or perhaps even poverty though. The reason South America is in the mess it is in today is due to The War On Drugs and lack of emphasis on education.

But as I said, funny how you don't see FGM or suicide bombing in the name of Christianity over there.

As I told Splash, it's the world's second largest religion, with most of its adherents living in the poorest regions of the world.
You're attributing correlation with causation. Just because some Middle Eastern countries happen to be poor does not equate to a direct causation of its problems.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and Iran aren't even that poor anyway, so you kind of need to clarify on this one.

But not everyone in those countries are wealthy... Go there and see super wealthy families lording over people starving to death.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:53:00 AM »
Yeah but they're not doing it in the name of their religion you dense fuck

Does it matter?

If EVERY Muslim acted out, fine. But it's the world's second largest religion. Most of the adherents are in the poorest regions of the planet.
And we're beginning to see an assimilation problem in the West with adherents outside the poorest regions too. Look up the the Rotherham and Rochdale cases in the UK. Hell, just take a look at the fucking statistics me and Meta posted literally two pages back.

They're they 1st generation of immigrants. Every group has assimilation problems when they come. Moroccans assimilated into the French culture just fine. It took a generation, but they did it. Arabs and the rest will assimilate as well.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:49:09 AM »
Islam is the second largest religion. My issue with the anti-Islamic bent of many pundits is that they paint over a billion people with the same brush.

The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty. It's easy to hate a group when your life is shit, and the head religious person is telling you it's God telling them that the outsiders are the reason your kids are starving and armed men killed your friends. The Middle East needs to change. Easier said than done, but the powerful few in that area created a situation where they can live rich lives on the backs of others, and that God allows it because non Muslims are the enemy.

Fix the poverty in that area and the situation rights itself.
Yeah no, I'm not buying the poverty meme.

South America is one of the most poverty stricken continents on the whole planet, and while despicable shit does occur, there are currently no international wars occuring sans maybe the clamp down of the drug trade.

There are also no honour killings in South America, nor suicide bombers attempting to blow up religious institutions in the name of Pablo Escobar, nor rampant cases of FGM.

I agree that the situation in the Middle East is a melting pot of clusterfuck that can't just be pinned on an entire religion, but to simply say 'poverty' as if it absolves everyone else of responsibility is just an infantile way of looking at things.

Unm... Drug Cartels, mass beheadings, death squads... YES Central and South America has those problems too. So does most of Africa. Every poverty stricken area is war torn. The only difference with the ME is we are the target.
Those can't be attributed to religion or perhaps even poverty though. The reason South America is in the mess it is in today is due to The War On Drugs and lack of emphasis on education.

But as I said, funny how you don't see FGM or suicide bombing in the name of Christianity over there.

As I told Splash, it's the world's second largest religion, with most of its adherents living in the poorest regions of the world.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:47:05 AM »
Yeah but they're not doing it in the name of their religion you dense fuck

Does it matter?

If EVERY Muslim acted out, fine. But it's the world's second largest religion. Most of the adherents are in the poorest regions of the planet. 

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:44:11 AM »
Personally, I'm for this. Europeans didn't discover the Americas. People were already here.

I figure the purpose of such a holiday as Columbus Day would be to celebrate the achievements of your ancestors, not to twist them into a means of white guilting everyone.

It's not about making you feel guilty. It's about stopping the whitewash of history that paints a monster as a great man. Columbus was as bad as Hitler or Stalin. Read up on what he did. He ordered the rape, murder and enslavement of an entire people. He committed genocide and got a national holiday out of it.
It's celebrated to commemorate the discovery of America in Western civilization. If it absolutely had to be change, "America Day" or "Discovery Day" would be much more accurate than "Indigenous People Day".

Again, America was already discovered by the people here. Indigenous People Day celebrates the ones who actually did it first
...and that's not the point of the holiday. Discovery by Western civilization. Columbus was a terrible man, but his discovery voyage is one of the two most important events of the era, and the most important for the state of the Americas themselves today. History would have played out much differently if it weren't for Columbus, and that's why it's celebrated: he's fundamentally the reason why we are here right now.

Why is Europe so special that it holds primacy over everyone else?

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:41:57 AM »
Islam is the second largest religion. My issue with the anti-Islamic bent of many pundits is that they paint over a billion people with the same brush.

The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty. It's easy to hate a group when your life is shit, and the head religious person is telling you it's God telling them that the outsiders are the reason your kids are starving and armed men killed your friends. The Middle East needs to change. Easier said than done, but the powerful few in that area created a situation where they can live rich lives on the backs of others, and that God allows it because non Muslims are the enemy.

Fix the poverty in that area and the situation rights itself.
Yeah no, I'm not buying the poverty meme.

South America is one of the most poverty stricken continents on the whole planet, and while despicable shit does occur, there are currently no international wars occuring sans maybe the clamp down of the drug trade.

There are also no honour killings in South America, nor suicide bombers attempting to blow up religious institutions in the name of Pablo Escobar, nor rampant cases of FGM.

I agree that the situation in the Middle East is a melting pot of clusterfuck that can't just be pinned on an entire religion, but to simply say 'poverty' as if it absolves everyone else of responsibility is just an infantile way of looking at things.

Unm... Drug Cartels, mass beheadings, death squads... YES Central and South America has those problems too. So does most of Africa. Every poverty stricken area is war torn. The only difference with the ME is we are the target.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:35:38 AM »
Personally, I'm for this. Europeans didn't discover the Americas. People were already here.

I figure the purpose of such a holiday as Columbus Day would be to celebrate the achievements of your ancestors, not to twist them into a means of white guilting everyone.

It's not about making you feel guilty. It's about stopping the whitewash of history that paints a monster as a great man. Columbus was as bad as Hitler or Stalin. Read up on what he did. He ordered the rape, murder and enslavement of an entire people. He committed genocide and got a national holiday out of it.
It's celebrated to commemorate the discovery of America in Western civilization. If it absolutely had to be change, "America Day" or "Discovery Day" would be much more accurate than "Indigenous People Day".

Again, America was already discovered by the people here. Indigenous People Day celebrates the ones who actually did it first

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:34:25 AM »
Islam is the second largest religion. My issue with the anti-Islamic bent of many pundits is that they paint over a billion people with the same brush.

The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty. It's easy to hate a group when your life is shit, and the head religious person is telling you it's God telling them that the outsiders are the reason your kids are starving and armed men killed your friends. The Middle East needs to change. Easier said than done, but the powerful few in that area created a situation where they can live rich lives on the backs of others, and that God allows it because non Muslims are the enemy.

Fix the poverty in that area and the situation rights itself.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:25:08 AM »
Personally, I'm for this. Europeans didn't discover the Americas. People were already here.

I figure the purpose of such a holiday as Columbus Day would be to celebrate the achievements of your ancestors, not to twist them into a means of white guilting everyone.

It's not about making you feel guilty. It's about stopping the whitewash of history that paints a monster as a great man. Columbus was as bad as Hitler or Stalin. Read up on what he did. He ordered the rape, murder and enslavement of an entire people. He committed genocide and got a national holiday out of it.

The Flood / Re: If you're reading this
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:51:07 PM »
What? Oh shi-

Serious / Re: So, what has your local police department bought lately?
« on: October 11, 2015, 07:17:55 PM »
What is zyclon b? And why did my county buy 40 tons of it, and enough bricks to make a city

The Flood / Re: Banter Disclaimer
« on: October 11, 2015, 07:02:28 PM »
So... When we say that a user gets face raped by their drunken and abusive aggressively gay uncle...

What are we saying then?

Serious / Re: When you say politicians are racist, or racebait
« on: October 11, 2015, 05:09:47 PM »

Remember that time when a red state required ID to vote, and promptly shut down a bunch of DMVs in black areas? What a crazy time that was in our country.

...oh, that was this month.

To be fair, there is still a location in every country for people to get a voter ID.

It's not like they'll have to travel to other cities to get one.
Because having fewer DMVs to serve the same number of people won't make it difficult for people to get an ID, right?

It's not just DMV's that are issuing the ID's - I believe government offices are as well.

This is just a nonissue.

It's huge issue. The very poor (typically black) are having a roadblock put in their way to keep any policies that would help them from passing.

Serious / Re: When you say politicians are racist, or racebait
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:27:01 PM »

Remember that time when a red state required ID to vote, and promptly shut down a bunch of DMVs in black areas? What a crazy time that was in our country.

...oh, that was this month.
Where was this?

Alabama. There are some communities that have to drive 20 miles to their nearest DMV
I see. I can't say I'm surprised it's coming from bama. That's messed up. They can still vote at schools and courts right?

They aren't allowed to vote at all without a state issued ID

The Flood / Re: i need help interpreting this picture
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:26:09 PM »
Those two gentlemen are about to duel to the death. They may have been best friends, brothers, or even closer, but they still must choose their weapon with which to murder the other with.

Let this be a message that no matter how strong your love is, it will inevitably die in the end.

So it's best to fuck our enemies to death?

Serious / Re: When you say politicians are racist, or racebait
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:22:40 PM »

Remember that time when a red state required ID to vote, and promptly shut down a bunch of DMVs in black areas? What a crazy time that was in our country.

...oh, that was this month.
Where was this?

Alabama. There are some communities that have to drive 20 miles to their nearest DMV

The Flood / Re: i need help interpreting this picture
« on: October 11, 2015, 02:14:47 PM »
Make butt love, not war

Serious / RoundUp = the new Vaccine scare?
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:54:41 PM »
I've started seeing more and more articles like the one below, where the author claims that a toxic build up from Monsanto's RoundUp is the culprit behind gluten sensitivity and autism.

The Flood / Re: At what age does it become autistic to do these things?
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:38:44 PM »
Go on trips with your parents?

That's always socially acceptable.

As for the scooter... I don't know

The Flood / Re: Best scene in movie history
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:32:49 PM »
There was a porn called Edward Penishands

A guy blew a load on a glass table and 5 minutes later a chick walks by the table and says mmmm cum and licks it up.


The Flood / Re: there's a big problem with ugly people on okcupid
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:01:04 PM »
I think you're more of a Grindr user anyways...

Serious / When you say politicians are racist, or racebait
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:11:52 PM »
Here is your daily reminder that this isn't new.

The Flood / What would you do with a prehensile penis?
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:30:26 AM »
You wake up able to move your penis like an elephant moves its trunk.

How does this change your life?

The Flood / English language skills test
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:01:06 AM »
Find the word for the definition:

1) Fictional tiger that was friends with Pooh

2) Opposite of smaller.

3) The part of a gun squeezed to discharge a bullet

4) Someone who rigs things can be called this.

5) Someone who digs holes

6) Someone who annoys you.

The Flood / Re: Scary movies?
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:11:36 AM »
It really depends on the movie. Some are god tier. Others....not so much.

It all depends on the writing

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