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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: If you had to pick a user to fuck your mom?
« on: October 14, 2015, 03:56:30 PM »
I'd pick you to be the one to stop making threads

Ahhh... Sweet delicious butthurt. Please, cry some more

Serious / Re: Freddie Gray autopsy leaked
« on: October 14, 2015, 03:55:16 PM »
Police are police, not babysitters. If the guy couldn't sit still then it's his own fault.

Umm... They intentionally bounced him around in the back. Sure, they didn't mean to kill him, but they definitely wanted to harm him
Well, I wasn't there, so I can't say whether they intentionally meant to our not.

It's a fairly common occurrence. Most times the people are only slightly injured. What happened in this case, he was basically hog tied and put on his belly. When they short-stopped, he slid headfirst into the front wall.

Serious / Re: Freddie Gray autopsy leaked
« on: October 14, 2015, 03:36:43 PM »
Police are police, not babysitters. If the guy couldn't sit still then it's his own fault.

Umm... They intentionally bounced him around in the back. Sure, they didn't mean to kill him, but they definitely wanted to harm him

The Flood / NSFW If you had to pick a user to fuck your mom?
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:58:08 PM »
Here's a popularity contest you could get behind... Or rather to get behind your mom.

Someone's gotta knock the dust of that pussy.

The Flood / Re: Typical everyday average British morning
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:43:05 PM »
Right now ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
I am an anti-Christ
I am an anarchist,
Don't know what I want
But I know how to get it
I want to destroy the passerby
'Cause I want to be anarchy,
No dogs body
Anarchy for the U.K.
It's coming sometime and maybe
I give a wrong time, stop a traffic line.
Your future dream is a shopping scheme
'Cause I want to be anarchy,
In the city
How many ways to get what you want
I use the best, I use the rest
I use the enemy.
I use anarchy
'Cause I want to be anarchy,
Its the only way to be
Is this the MPLA
Or is this the UDA
Or is this the IRA
I thought it was the U.K.
Or just another country
Another council tenancy.
I want to be anarchy
And I want to be anarchy
(Oh what a name)
And I want to be an anarchist
(I get pissed, destroy!)

The Flood / Re: Wake up people!
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:33:10 PM »
Engra, I've always wanted to ask. When you fuck horses, is it the studs or mares that you go to?

The Flood / Re: The Prince of Egypt
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:31:30 PM »
I rooted for the Pharaoh

The Flood / The date went bad, what do you do?
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:30:48 PM »
Yes! You are on an actual date, with an actual girl! (Or guy if that's the way you lean)

Half way through dinner, you come to the realization that you hate this bitch and you are reasonably sure she hates you as well.

You got nothing to lose now. What will you do?

Serious / Re: UN to investigate Murrica on Native Americans
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:25:12 PM »
Today's problems that tribes face are brought about solely by themselves, and not some grand government plot.

It's the repercussions of previous plots and the unwillingness of anyone to make any of it right.
So what exactly can be done, short of throwing them a fresh batch of gibsmedats?

There are lots of problems and not many solutions.

That's the point of the investigation.

The only form of consent I can think of is if the animal starts the interaction first

But even then
They have no way of telling us if they change their mind or not
This is the line of thinking that has engrapa talking above about sex with toddlers being okay if they start it.

We're talking about consent
Not whether it's right or wrong

Besides sex with animals is wrong
That's a given

Sex with animals is natural, healthy, food fo the soul, legal in many places, and completely right.

Engra is the guy in the middle

« on: October 14, 2015, 02:20:54 PM »
Wait? You fucked your dog and it got taken away?

Why would you fuck your dog? That's messed up man

The Flood / Re: Atheism for Off Topic
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:15:32 PM »
What the fuck is worng with you guys?

The court appointed psychiatrist said I was fit to stand trial. So, there.

What's wrong with you? Hmm?

The Flood / Re: We users aren't the Flood
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:14:12 PM »
I bet you told Micheal J. Fox the same thing you insensitive cunt.
Is that the name of the actor that plays the guy in that city show and Back to the Future?

Yes, and he has Parkinson's, so he shakes. 

The Flood / Re: Atheism for Off Topic
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:11:40 PM »
Of what?

You misheard him. He said HE'S LIGHTING, as in lighting up the kush

The Flood / Atheism for Off Topic
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:08:22 PM »


What? That doesn't make any sense...
What doesn't make sense is his idea of a joke.

You guys never have seen Black Science Guy before?

Serious / Re: Freddie Gray autopsy leaked
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:22:35 PM »
There really needs to be more thorough screenings to keep these psychos out of the police.

Serious / Re: Army: Women will have to register for the draft
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:18:43 PM »
Women should not be in infantry positions.

I don't care what bullshit equality argument you throw at me. Safety comes before any kind of tenuous quota someone has to fulfill.
If a woman is qualified to hold an infantry position, why shouldn't she be allowed to do it?
Detriment to unit cohesion and operational efficiency.

The Secretary of the Army disagrees with you

Serious / Re: What kind of alimony you want fam?
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:17:42 PM »
I'm not taking it, but ex-Mrs Charlie owes me something like $4,000 a month
Um...can I borrow some money?


I disagree with the idea of spousal support when the person can work. I can and am working making a decent living, so I am declining it.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with straight edges?
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:05:21 PM »
I got it!

Start off with shots, then do cocaine, and end the night with heroin and anal sex

Serious / Re: What kind of alimony you want fam?
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:44:27 PM »
I'm not taking it, but ex-Mrs Charlie owes me something like $4,000 a month

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:42:26 PM »
I never said we should apologize, in fact I specifically said that in one post. I simply said we should remember it as it happened. Learn to understand the points I am making please.
Colombus himself didn't even kill anyone.
Maybe not directly, but he was responsible for a horrifying trail of blood.
More recent views of Columbus have tended to be much more critical.[104][105][106] The combined effects of Columbus' forced labor regime, war, and slaughter resulted in the near-total eradication of 98% of the native Taino of Hispaniola.[107] De las Casas records that when he first came to Hispaniola in 1508, "there were 60,000 people living on this island, including the Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines. Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it...."[107]

The native Taino people of the island were systematically enslaved via the encomienda system implemented by Columbus,[108] which resembled a feudal system in Medieval Europe.[109]

Disease played a significant role in the destruction of the natives; however there is no record of any massive smallpox epidemic in the Antilles until 25 years after the arrival of Columbus; rather the natives' numbers declined due to extreme overwork, other diseases, and a loss of will to live after the destruction of their culture by the invaders. When the first pandemic finally struck in 1519 it wiped out much of the remaining native population.[110][111] According to the historian Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes by 1548, 56 years after Columbus landed, fewer than five hundred Taino were left on the island.[112]

Columbus' treatment of the Hispaniola natives was even worse; his soldiers raped, killed, and enslaved with impunity at every landing. When Columbus fell ill in 1495, soldiers were reported to have gone on a rampage, slaughtering 50,000 natives. Upon his recovery, Columbus organized his troops' efforts, forming a squadron of several hundred heavily armed men and more than twenty attack dogs. The men tore across the land, killing thousands of sick and unarmed natives. Soldiers would use their captives for sword practice, attempting to decapitate them or cut them in half with a single blow.[113]

The historian Howard Zinn writes that Columbus spearheaded a massive slave trade; in 1495 his men captured in a single raid 1500 Arawak men, women, and children. When he shipped five hundred of the slaves to Spain, 40% died en route.[46] Historian James W. Loewen asserts that "Columbus not only sent the first slaves across the Atlantic, he probably sent more slaves – about five thousand – than any other individual... other nations rushed to emulate Columbus."[114]

When slaves held in captivity began to die at high rates, Columbus switched to a different system of forced labor: he ordered all natives over the age of thirteen to collect a specified amount (one hawk's bell full) of gold powder every three months. Natives who brought the amount were given a copper token to hang around their necks, and those found without tokens had their hands amputated and were left to bleed to death.[46][115]

The Arawaks attempted to fight back against Columbus's men but lacked their armor, guns, swords, and horses. When taken prisoner, they were hanged or burned to death. Desperation led to mass suicides and infanticide among the natives. In just two years under Columbus' governorship more than half of the 250,000 Arawaks in Haiti were dead.[46] The main cause for the depopulation was disease followed by other causes such as warfare and harsh enslavement. [116] [117] [118]

Samuel Eliot Morison, a Harvard historian and author of a multivolume biography on Columbus writes, "The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide."[119] Loewen laments that while "Haiti under the Spanish is one of the primary instances of genocide in all human history", only one major history text he reviewed mentions Columbus' role in it.[114]

There is evidence that the men of the first voyage also brought syphilis from the New World to Europe.[120] Many of the crew members who served on this voyage later joined the army of King Charles VIII in his invasion of Italy in 1495. After the victory, Charles' largely mercenary army returned to their respective homes, thereby spreading "the Great Pox" across Europe and triggering the deaths of more than five million people.[121]

So.... Fuck Columbus

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:55:11 PM »
No, you realize at my age that sex is just about all there is.
I'm sorry your life is just that pathetic.

Drinking beer and kinky sex. Yeah... Pathetic
well, beer is disgusting, and we all know the women you fuck are whores who move on after a good while, so lol...


What the fuck man?

All credibility lost
Yeah, my cred is lost. Okay.

Oldest man made drink in human history.
Yes. Lost

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:34:12 PM »
Personally, I'm for this. Europeans didn't discover the Americas. People were already here.

I figure the purpose of such a holiday as Columbus Day would be to celebrate the achievements of your ancestors, not to twist them into a means of white guilting everyone.

It's not about making you feel guilty. It's about stopping the whitewash of history that paints a monster as a great man. Columbus was as bad as Hitler or Stalin. Read up on what he did. He ordered the rape, murder and enslavement of an entire people. He committed genocide and got a national holiday out of it.
You go ahead and repeat that to every America you meet, every little kid and young impressionable person you meet, and you tell me how they respond to it. There's nothing wrong with coming to terms of your people's history, in fact I'd consider it the duty of every citizen to know their country's past, my country New Zealand has a similar story; But what your asking for is nothing short of self flagellation, and that is not going to achieve anything beneficial to anybody.

Several states already feel as I do
Even if everybody in the entire world missed the point, then the only thing that implies, is that everybody has missed the point. Do you honestly not understand the kind of message that you'd be conveying, that those states are conveying, by spreading this message?

Or just you missed the point
I was including myself when I said everyone: Even if I'm wrong with everyone else, then the only thing that implies is that we are all wrong together. Please try not to avoid the discussion we're having.

It's not "everyone" else.

4 states have already made the switch. The rest need to follow suit
I think you misunderstand, that was a very general statement I made that could be applied to literally any proposition you could conceive of.

To clarify, consider a person who thinks that:
7*2 = -3246843
This is wrong and can be proven so. Now if instead of one person who wrongly believed in that, you had a thousand, a million, the entire world, or any arbitrary amount of people who believe in that, then it would still be false. A statement's truth does not depend in any way shape or from upon how many people believe in it.

The reason why I'm explaining this is because you seem to think that "multiple states have already replaced Columbus day" somehow implies "replacing Columbus day is a good thing" which is just as ludicrous as the equation above.
Now please just answer the question that you keep avoiding, Do you honestly not understand the kind of message that you'd be conveying, that those states are conveying, by spreading this message? Do you not see how you are simply trying to guilt trip people?

Your logic cuts both ways. As I see it, everyone has been wrong, and a few right are changing things.

Now, this isn't about making anyone feel guilty. It's about ending a holiday named for a man who was as bad as any monster you can name.
And what I am trying to say is that regardless of what you believe you're doing, regardless of what wrongs you're trying to right, the only thin you'll achieve by making this replacement is creating a white guilt day.

And while I'm at it, could you show me exactly what his crimes are? we don't get taught that kind of thing outside of America.

Look earlier in the thread. Someone already posted it.

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:33:15 PM »
Weak willed.

Why am I a poor loser who NEVER has a chance to have a woman touch my penis???

It's the Jews! They take your money and keep women from touching your penis

Oh! Yeah! Fuck the Jews!
You sound like a copycat of the garbage that I've seen peddled around on facebook by liberals.

I'm coming to take your guns, force you into a gay marriage and make you deny God.
Now you sound like a liberal attempting to parody conservative bs, but conservative bs isn't even like that. 0/10

First your gun, and then your anal virginity
Charles, pls

Oh no... You goan get fucked boy!

You're gonna be a black man's wife

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:31:46 PM »
No, you realize at my age that sex is just about all there is.
I'm sorry your life is just that pathetic.

Drinking beer and kinky sex. Yeah... Pathetic
well, beer is disgusting, and we all know the women you fuck are whores who move on after a good while, so lol...


What the fuck man?

All credibility lost

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:31:02 PM »
Weak willed.

Why am I a poor loser who NEVER has a chance to have a woman touch my penis???

It's the Jews! They take your money and keep women from touching your penis

Oh! Yeah! Fuck the Jews!
You sound like a copycat of the garbage that I've seen peddled around on facebook by liberals.

I'm coming to take your guns, force you into a gay marriage and make you deny God.
Now you sound like a liberal attempting to parody conservative bs, but conservative bs isn't even like that. 0/10

First your gun, and then your anal virginity

The Flood / Re: Why are people on this forum so anti-semitic?
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:27:11 PM »
No, you realize at my age that sex is just about all there is.
I'm sorry your life is just that pathetic.

Drinking beer and kinky sex. Yeah... Pathetic

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