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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 209210211 212213 ... 260
The Flood / Re: pink floyd is shit
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:47:55 PM »
I'm gonna disagree here. Drop some acid and groove on The Wall (movie), or a few bong loads and chill to The Dark Side of the Moon. Those are their two most over played albums, sure... But the experience is worth it.

Overall The Who is a better band from that period. But you called out PF.
So I have to get high to feel anything meaningful from their music?

Well...yeah. It is Pink Floyd we're discussing...

The Flood / An unoriginal but awesome idea for a costume
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:35:20 PM »
Dress as Nick Fury or Agent Coulson and walk around telling kids in Marvel costumes that you are recruiting them for the Avengers.

As a human, I really don't want Aliens to exist.
Fucking faggot.

why would you want aliens to exist other than to fulfill your disgusting fetishes.

It would fundamentally change how humans place themselves in the universe. It also broadens our horizons to accepting that we too can reach the stars. We've lost sight of that. We need frontiers. There aren't many left here.

The Flood / Re: pink floyd is shit
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:53:29 PM »
I'm gonna disagree here. Drop some acid and groove on The Wall (movie), or a few bong loads and chill to The Dark Side of the Moon. Those are their two most over played albums, sure... But the experience is worth it.

Overall The Who is a better band from that period. But you called out PF.
If you need drugs to enjoy music. It's shit.

That's like...your opinion man
That's an objective fact, actually.

If you say so. But then you also think I should rape myself to death with a rusty pipe.

The Flood / Re: Halloween plans
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:52:14 PM »
Probably give out candy and watch horror movies with Foehammer

The Flood / Re: pink floyd is shit
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:49:27 PM »
I'm gonna disagree here. Drop some acid and groove on The Wall (movie), or a few bong loads and chill to The Dark Side of the Moon. Those are their two most over played albums, sure... But the experience is worth it.

Overall The Who is a better band from that period. But you called out PF.
If you need drugs to enjoy music. It's shit.

That's like...your opinion man

The Flood / Re: pink floyd is shit
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:47:28 PM »
I'm gonna disagree here. Drop some acid and groove on The Wall (movie), or a few bong loads and chill to The Dark Side of the Moon. Those are their two most over played albums, sure... But the experience is worth it.

Overall The Who is a better band from that period. But you called out PF.

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:13:44 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.
Making alliances isn't part of planning? This is news to me.

While, yes, alliances are a part of planning, they are beyond what he had authority to do. They show he was committing the USA to an aggressive war well before he had the authority to do so. It's where it goes from drawing up the plans on paper to where war is an inevitability
Show me where making alliances is outside the authority of the president.

By your reasoning every wartime president would be guilty of treason.
Bush planned and started to prepare for war without approval
Once again this isn't illegal.

Except when it is
Charlie tell me, do you like FDR?

He did get a DoW. Bush did not
But are you aware of the things that he did prior to getting a DoW? Because by your logic he would be just as guilty if not more of the things you're accusing Bush of.

Also once again Bush did get a DoW when he actually went to war. Once again planning is not illegal, I don't see how you're failing to see this. You just need to admit you're making baseless accusations in the interest of attacking Bush because he's a Republican. You're making a fool of yourself.

Umm... Bush didn't get a DoW. He had congressional approval, but not a declaration of war.

It'll probably be some new kind of celestial body. Hope it's not, but that's what I would bet on

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:05:35 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.
Making alliances isn't part of planning? This is news to me.

While, yes, alliances are a part of planning, they are beyond what he had authority to do. They show he was committing the USA to an aggressive war well before he had the authority to do so. It's where it goes from drawing up the plans on paper to where war is an inevitability
Show me where making alliances is outside the authority of the president.

By your reasoning every wartime president would be guilty of treason.
Bush planned and started to prepare for war without approval
Once again this isn't illegal.

Except when it is
Charlie tell me, do you like FDR?

He did get a DoW. Bush did not

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:55:06 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.
Making alliances isn't part of planning? This is news to me.

While, yes, alliances are a part of planning, they are beyond what he had authority to do. They show he was committing the USA to an aggressive war well before he had the authority to do so. It's where it goes from drawing up the plans on paper to where war is an inevitability
Show me where making alliances is outside the authority of the president.

By your reasoning every wartime president would be guilty of treason.
Bush planned and started to prepare for war without approval
Once again this isn't illegal.

Except when it is

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:47:52 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.
Making alliances isn't part of planning? This is news to me.

While, yes, alliances are a part of planning, they are beyond what he had authority to do. They show he was committing the USA to an aggressive war well before he had the authority to do so. It's where it goes from drawing up the plans on paper to where war is an inevitability
Show me where making alliances is outside the authority of the president.

By your reasoning every wartime president would be guilty of treason.

The ones who waged war without the approval and declaration of war from congress should be. Anyone who yells "Shall Not Be Infringed" should be outraged because the absolutist view of the constitution should feel the same about the rest of the document. Bush planned and started to prepare for war without approval

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:36:53 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.
Making alliances isn't part of planning? This is news to me.

While, yes, alliances are a part of planning, they are beyond what he had authority to do. They show he was committing the USA to an aggressive war well before he had the authority to do so. It's where it goes from drawing up the plans on paper to where war is an inevitability

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:32:33 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Would you expect the president to ask for a declaration of war without having a plan to carry out that war?

This whole thing is nonsense.

He wasn't just making the plans, though. He was forming alliances when he was still making his case to congress.

Serious / Re: SQS: Once lost, can trust ever be fully regained?
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:31:08 PM »
As someone who has been truly betrayed, I say no. Once trust is lost you can never truly regain it. Not to what you had. Worse, it stays with you. You never fully trust anyone the same way again.

Much of the dialogue I'm reading in here seems to come from people who have only had to trust on a basic and superficial level. Once you trust someone on the deepest level and they betray that trust, you are changed. You can't really go back, either. I'm not calling anyone kid, or even immature. It just takes years to get to that level.

After you build that, it's difficult even imagining you could build that again.

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:24:42 PM »
You mean they planned a 2003 invasion in 2002? Oh the horror. This is unbelievable. We can't stand for this! BUSH MUST HANG!

It means he was planning on waging an aggressive war before he had approval to do so.

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:57:07 AM »
So umm

Do we have a more reliable source than the daily mail?

Google it

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:33:40 AM »
i wonder what will come of it

Probably nothing. The divided nature of our country means that while 30% will call for a trial, 30% will yell it's all lies, and 40% will be wondering out loud who should win Celebrity Cook Off: New Jersey Wives Edition

Serious / Re: Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:29:11 AM »
this is news?

True, everyone kinda knew it. But this is the first incontrovertible bit of evidence.

Serious / Hillary's emails reveal: Bush committed treason
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:26:59 AM »

He was working with Tony Blair a full year before the invasion planning everything out.

Sometimes you should be careful on what you ask for.

Serious / Re: Why do we allow a two party system in the US?
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:03:35 AM »
We could if we weren't so entrenched in our binary nature.

Face it, we live in Skyrim. Always two factions and we can't see there may be another option if we could do what we need to to break our own chains.

I feel like class based Affirmative Action would be much more helpful than race based Affirmative Action.

If properly administered, this would work

The Flood / Re: When did you watch your first porn?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:32:39 AM »
Porn? Probably 10 or 11. Magazine? About 7.

The Flood / Re: The celebrity you are ashamed you would bang
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:24:27 AM »
That girl from Pitch Perfect
Did the cup song and all of that

Why are you ashamed you'd bang her? Anna Kendrick is fine as hell. If you said whoever played Fat Amy, then it fits here.

He did receive a CIA brief a month prior titled: Osama Bin Laden determined to attack the USA with commercial aircraft.

The Flood / The celebrity you are ashamed you would bang
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:47:59 AM »
I would tear Lady Gaga up. Like, I'd train for 6 months and take PED's to get ready.

I know she's at best a 7/10. Dunno,

Serious / Re: I so want this to be real...
« on: October 19, 2015, 06:44:40 PM »
Impossible. The citadel was in a nebula

« on: October 19, 2015, 06:43:02 PM »
Good. I may see it just to piss a skin head off

Execution should be carried out in the quickest, most humane manner. Not torture, fire, drowning, explosion, etc.

The government is not in the business of retribution, just punishment.

Playing the devil's advocate here, but death by explosion would be pretty quick and painless. Just messy to clean up

Ok, for the purposes of this discussion let's set aside the accuracy of sentencing.

So 100% of those on Death Row are guilty of the crime.

Also, do not factor in race. Remove racial bias in sentencing.

Now that sentencing is isolated, do you take issue with the manner of death, no matter how it's administered, as cruel or unusual?

Where do you draw the line? Is there a line?

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