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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Have you traveled? If so, where?
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:37:58 PM »
Wait isn't it Thailand that executes drug offenders?

There are a few, but you are thinking of Singapore. Thailand throws you in a fucking horrible prison where you wish you ended up on a firing squad

The Flood / Re: Have you traveled? If so, where?
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:34:55 PM »
I have.

I have been to the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Scotland, Morocco, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China and Mexico.

How'd you feel about SE Asia?

Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam was pretty much a fucking dump amirite? Literally the Africans of Asia.

Nope. Thailand is literally the single most chill country in the world. The food was great, the women beautiful and full body massages cost $10 (happy ending optional and $10 extra)

Cambodia is the single most beautiful country in the world. Siam Reap (where Angkor Wat is) is mind blowing. Phnom Penh (the capital) is a shit hole, but no where near India in terms of poverty.

It's different. You gotta go to see how. Everything is cheap, true, sometimes even life, but thry have a different view on it and everything balances. I woud go again without a second thought

Serious / Re: Trump No Longer Leads in Iowa
« on: October 22, 2015, 04:20:38 PM »
Not like it matters. The Republicans have yet to put a polarizing figure up. To win the race to be POTUS, you need to energize voters in swing states, and get the middle 20% to vote your way. So far no one has been able to. The problem is with the Republicans themselves. Too far to the Right and the 20% won't vote for you. Too close to the middle and the Republican Party won't endorse you.

It's arguable if the US is right or left of center. The main point is that it's in the center. You can't dictate from the far right or left. You have to be in the middle. As much as I like Bernie, he's still too far left. He may not be in a winning position either.

Sadly, I miss Bill. Politically he was ever so slightly left of center.

And he liked blowjobs. Never trust a man who wouldn't accept head.
You have interesting opinions, so I'll ask this.

Given how the Republican party has been more or less "hijacked" by the more right winged people, do you think their party is in danger of tearing apart? Or ending entirely? I wouldn't be surprised to see a new political party spawn from the far right because of that, or the moderate Republicans making their own.

I think it has split. That's why Boehner stepped down as SotH. Will it end? Only if they fail to reinvent themselves.

The Flood / Re: I feel like an asshole
« on: October 22, 2015, 04:08:40 PM »
She's the clingy type, you took her virginity, she thinks you're her bf, you wanna let her down

that shit is going to be fucking hilarious
pls can i watch
I didn't fuck her, thank god.

Fuck her. Fuck her in her ass.

The Flood / Re: I feel like an asshole
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:49:07 PM »
I'm going to have to agree with Charlie. Keep pushing the limits until she decides to stop seeing you.
But that's the thing, I don't want to waste anymore time seeing her, after I've gotten blowjobs from two girls now, they're not that great. And also, this girl hasn't seen Star Wars. NOT EVEN THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY.

All the more reason to fuck her asshole senseless.

Oh! Try to get her friends involved. Tell her to prove the relationship is strong enough for a threesome.

The Flood / Re: Pooping on the beach in India
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:45:12 PM »
How can India into space when it can't even into indoor plumbing?

Shit Rockets.

The Flood / Re: I feel like an asshole
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:43:36 PM »
Don't stick your dick (or tongue or fingers) in crazy.

Solution: up the anty. Go for ass to mouth. Keep going to the limit. Eventually she'll walk because you are too freaky

Serious / Re: Clinton Testifies Before Benghazi Committee - 4 Hours In
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:10:29 PM »
I don't disagree with you that this committee has become a joke - the questioning right now is that one of the GOP member is claiming that Clinton claimed credit for the fall of Gadaffi in August 2011.

Remind me again how that relates to Benghazi?

Keep us up to date. I'm at work and can't watch. I trust you more than CNN

Serious / Re: Trump No Longer Leads in Iowa
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:08:43 PM »
Not like it matters. The Republicans have yet to put a polarizing figure up. To win the race to be POTUS, you need to energize voters in swing states, and get the middle 20% to vote your way. So far no one has been able to. The problem is with the Republicans themselves. Too far to the Right and the 20% won't vote for you. Too close to the middle and the Republican Party won't endorse you.

It's arguable if the US is right or left of center. The main point is that it's in the center. You can't dictate from the far right or left. You have to be in the middle. As much as I like Bernie, he's still too far left. He may not be in a winning position either.

Sadly, I miss Bill. Politically he was ever so slightly left of center.

And he liked blowjobs. Never trust a man who wouldn't accept head.

The Flood / Re: Pooping on the beach in India
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:50:03 PM »
Wow, they're a disgrace. They can't even take care of their beaches, look how filthy they are. I would be 100% okay if India was wiped off the face of the earth.

That's a bit far. But it is undeniable that there is a MASSIVE hygiene problem there. I don't know if they have the money to fix it.

Serious / Re: Clinton Testifies Before Benghazi Committee - 4 Hours In
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:46:49 PM »
When several staffers from that very committee have come out saying that they quit because it's a partisan political show, how can anyone take this seriously? It's nothing more than bread and circus.

To be fair, the staffer that you are referring to did not mention that until after McCarthy went public with his comments out of the ass.

There's been more than one.

I'm only aware of the one. Link?

I'll retract the multiple staffers comment. There have been others leave, but you are correct, he was the only official in the committee that quit.

My other statements stand

Serious / Re: Clinton Testifies Before Benghazi Committee - 4 Hours In
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:39:08 PM »
When several staffers from that very committee have come out saying that they quit because it's a partisan political show, how can anyone take this seriously? It's nothing more than bread and circus.

To be fair, the staffer that you are referring to did not mention that until after McCarthy went public with his comments out of the ass.

There's been more than one. This has also turned into the second longest running and most expensive congressional hearing in US history. Was she or her department incompetent? Who knows? There's been so much worse that's happened. At this point it's not about the lives lost, but dragging this into election year politics

Serious / Re: Clinton Testifies Before Benghazi Committee - 4 Hours In
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:33:54 PM »
When several staffers from that very committee have come out saying that they quit because it's a partisan political show, how can anyone take this seriously? It's nothing more than bread and circus.

Serious / Re: Should churches be non-profit (for tax purposes)
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:16:28 PM »
I feel like your post is aimed at Megachurches and I can understand the sentiment but let's say for a second that all churches were taxed. A lot of your small churches which make up the majority of them would be forced to pay taxes when they don't really pull in any kind of profit. A majority of the money they get ends up going back to the community in one form or another. Also there's the upkeep of the church, the pastor and his family have to eat, etc. None of that is free. Paying taxes could be pretty detrimental to those things.

Then put a size or revenue cap?

Serious / Re: Should churches be non-profit (for tax purposes)
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:02:41 PM »
Should they be taxed like any other organization?

Yes, and they are. They lose their tax exempt status if they fail to meet the criteria of a 501c3.

I'm asking if any of them should have it at all.

Serious / Should churches be non-profit (for tax purposes)
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:54:55 PM »
Churches don't pay taxes. Yet, several pull in billions of dollars in revenue. Should they be taxed like any other organization?

The Flood / Re: finally found a good reason to vote for bernie
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:17:26 PM »
B-b-but Bernie listens to Pantera
Glad I am not going to be voting for him then
His campaign song is Cowboys from Hell

The Flood / Re: finally found a good reason to vote for bernie
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:15:45 PM »
B-b-but Bernie listens to Pantera

The Flood / Most badass way to die?
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:53:13 PM »

You can choose reality or any fiction you want.

The Flood / Re: finally found a good reason to vote pedro
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:51:28 PM »
*runs off stage*

The Flood / Re: The meanest thing someone has said to you?
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:49:52 PM »
To kill myself :(

The Flood / Have you traveled? If so, where?
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:49:59 AM »
I have.

I have been to the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Scotland, Morocco, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China and Mexico.

The Flood / Re: I fucking LOVE this iPhone
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:45:34 AM »
Just wait until the first or second update, and then you will hate it. Lags for days.
i don't own phones for more than two years

Apple forces one every 9 months or so

« on: October 22, 2015, 11:41:04 AM »
About time

The Flood / Re: Claim Your Best Friend Megathread
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:38:44 AM »
Jim and Nexus, even if they hate me. Seriously, they are pretty funny on how they rip on me.

Serious / Re: What if Christianity hadn't risen to prominence?
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:36:21 AM »
Probably we'd be praying to the Roman pantheon. It was Constatine's conversion to Christianity that spread the religion, not anything inherent in Christianity. So, if he hadn't, then the original Roman religion would be the predominant one. The driving factor was Rome.
IIRC pagan Romans weren't into the whole forced conversion thing like Christians and Muslims.

Still, Constatine set Christianity as the state religion. The Roman Empire still exists, it's called the Catholic Church now. Rome, even in the decline, was still emulated in the higher classes. Even if it was just lip service, they still worshipped the pantheon. The exceptions were, of course the Jews and Arabs.

Serious / Re: What if Christianity hadn't risen to prominence?
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:42:34 AM »
Probably we'd be praying to the Roman pantheon. It was Constatine's conversion to Christianity that spread the religion, not anything inherent in Christianity. So, if he hadn't, then the original Roman religion would be the predominant one. The driving factor was Rome.

The Flood / Re: Pooping on the beach in India
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:32:22 AM »
When I went to India, I saw this in the streets. I remember being on a train and seeing a guy sitting on a bridge with his ass over the side, shitting on someone's roof.

The Flood / Where de white women at?
« on: October 22, 2015, 08:23:01 AM »
Discuss the genius of Mel Brooks and his movie Blazing Saddles

The Flood / Re: Does Kanye West make good music
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:15:42 PM »
I wouldn't know. Nearly everything he has is autotuned and over produced. Clearly he has a good production team. But couldn't anyone with enough money seem as talented if they had that?
And yet another shitty post from Charlie, the king of the "I'm old and stupid but pretend that I know what I'm talking about" posting style.

You want to ride Kanye's dick? Be my guest.
He's talented. His music doesn't appeal to me but he's talented. Autotune is not a bad thing and over produced is subjective.

Do you face him when riding him, or do you prefer reverse cowboy? Something tells me you like to look in his eyes when he blows a load in your ass... But I've been wrong before
I'm just in it for the money

Fair enough

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